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Voice of Assenna: Intv with Mr Yemane T/Gergish, Fmr Member of EPLF’s Secret Party & Intelligence – Part 1

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  • Niguse July 24, 2014

    YG (Yosief Gebrehiwet) seems to have a point. Yemane asserts that, people would choose to expire early not so much for love the country but out of sheer hopelessness instead of living in a swath of a territory under a reign of terror. We should have known better!

    • selamawit2 July 25, 2014

      This comment on YG puts it a nutshell – (quotation):

      “Commentator Mohamed Edris · Sheridan College, Oakville:
      While the interview produced in plain language meant to inform the general public, the writer of the article tried to make his article an academic article( through his narrative and usage of terms, such Kafasque) , that fits, for social science periodicals. But we know such articles are written after collecting enough literature. YG based his arguments on one single interview and that is a big error not tolerated by critics. Dejen has not been exposed to several communicators who can interview him by presenting critical, timely and significant questions, both in content and style. It is after listening to these diverse interviews that we can come to a fair conclusion.
      Also, I find YG obsessed by Ethiopia. But, which Ethiopia: he doesn’t not state in his articles! I am sure that when he mentioned the recruitment of pilots by Ethiopia, in this article he meant Ethiopia of Emperor H. Selase but it is known that the Afar, Somalis, Guraghes, Wolayta, and Oromos were excluded from this prestigious field, let alone Eritreans with their diverse ethnicity. This was done through systematic discrimination that favored the Amahra of Shoa. Even the Derg, claimed, equality among all Ethiopians, but the realty was the same old, due to the fact that the same people were running the field.”
      Thank You Mohamed Edris!!!

  • ahmed saleh July 24, 2014

    Forget YG misleading findings .
    Listen to Yemane T/Gergish testimony about Gedli life and its unimaginable bitter and difficult reality and
    naturally not everyone can with hold to resist the test . Some they give up by committing suicide , fleeing
    and few surrender to enemy forces . They used to say ” GHEDLI MERIRN FETANEN IYU ” and it is very true .
    But as he said they confronted all difficulties against all kind of odds courageously because they
    recognized the price to pay to bring freedom .
    I agree we should know better before we surrendered our high priced freedom to certain individuals . If
    we as responsible people couldn’t share the blame we can’t learn from our mistakes .

  • Semhar July 25, 2014

    Thank you Assena for inviting former member of EPLF Secret party Mr. Yemane T/Gergish.
    Thank you Mr. Yamane for telling the true story of our straggle for to liberate our land and our people.
    Our martyrs fought two enemies
    1) Ethiopia military in the front
    2) The mad dog Isayas and his blind followers in the back.

  • Amerna July 25, 2014

    Thank you Amanuel for interviewing Yemane.
    I know Yemane personally at least a quarter century ago in Mogadishu and he was very well respected person.

    Thank you Yemane for sharing your experience, it is very refreshing and insight background about Gedli.

    Solomon Haile

  • Titi July 25, 2014

    Abyet drama nay assenna.hasot drar eletkum koynu beqa

  • Fact-is-Fact July 25, 2014

    Thank you Neguse for stating this:
    “YG (Yosief Gebrehiwet) seems to have a point. Yemane asserts that, people would choose to expire early not so much for love the country but out of sheer hopelessness instead of living in a swath of a territory under a reign of terror. We should have known better!”

    No Eritrean with a deeper understanding of an Eritrean him/herself denies the denial for the way YG is viciously warning & attacking the mindset of Eritreans (that includes his). Ato Yemane simply solidify it by saying “that era of Eritreans/Tegadeltis’ mindset & weakness of it, for resigning to martrydom out of sheer despair of the circumstance they were in. If they had known the way to escaping towards foreign land (not back home as even their mothers would not accept them b/c soceity will judge their family & label them as enda wedo geba.. and alll kind.) It is this fear that kept countless Tegadeltis in the cage of Gedli. Ato Yemane is telling us. so what better testimony than the horse’s mouth.

    Those who formed EPLF simply (the Isaias, The Solomon W.Mariam…) had total control of things as they from the get-go were well informed, prepared for their individual goal -to ultimately become absolutists, Hitlers of a nation). And that GOAL itself made them think outside the box to controlling the minds of ordinary, unassuming Tegadeltis who set out for a good cause. And it is like a slave-master mentality. A human being that resigns him/herself to becoming a slave simply NEVER want to free him/herself even if the opportunity is provided. if that wasn;’t the case, all our ordinary Tegadeltis (even as individuals carrying guns couldn’t act to committ the ultimate sacrifice to free the majority while they were prepared to die by an enemy bullet or even a friendly one. God knows how many.

    And no wonder Eritreans in a free world (Diaspora) still are oblivious of the circumstance their people are in. And you just have to admire the few with a deeper understanding who are way beyond their compatriots thought-process & understanding in the likes of YG, Amanuel Iyassu, Tes meHarena, Bisrat Solomn…

    if Eritreans were wise people,’s relentless coverage/cry of Adi Abeyto alone was just enough to make them grasp the reality. But, it is like the saying the leopard doesn’t/can’t change its spot. …

  • Geja July 25, 2014

    I have a great deal of tremendous respect to many former EPLF tegadelitis, such as Yemane Tekle Gergish, Amanuel Eyasu, wedi Temnewo … Most of these former EPLFs in the opposition are very courageous to expose the wrongs of the EPLF or the current Hgdefs.
    However, this is not true with former leaders and members of Jabha. They former Jabhas will do everything to whitewash the dark caves of crimes in Jabha while digging what they call the “crimes” of Shaebia.

    If Eritrea is to be a worthy and viable nation, Eritreans need to be bold and brave to speak up the truth like these former tegadeltis such as yemane, Amanuel Eyasu and many other brave Eritrean writers and activists.

  • ERITRAWIT July 25, 2014

    Thank you Assenna,
    Thank you Tegadalay Yemane more distress story will follow.

  • Selamawi' July 25, 2014

    እንቋዕ ብሰላም ተመስልስኩምና ኣቶ የማነ (ኣብ ራድዮ ወጋሕታ ሔጉስ ኣለ-መጠይቕ ጌርኩም ኔርኩም፥ ምስ ሸውሃትና ግን መሰናኽላት ግዲ ተረኺቡስ ጠፊእኩም ኔርኩም)

    እቲ ተጋዳላይ ወልደሚካኤል፥ ምሁራት ኣብ ከተማ ኢኩም እተድልዩ ዝበለኩምስ፥ ምናልባት ምሁራት ዝበልዕ እንስሳዊ ጠባያት ከምዘሎ ፈሊጡ፥ ካብ ሕማቕ ኬናግፈኩም ኢሎዶ ይኸውን፧

  • Messinas July 26, 2014

    ምስጋናን ምሕጽንታን ንሓው ኣማኑኤል እያሱ፡

    እዚ ናይ ቃለ መሕተት መደብ ኣዝዩ ኣገዳሲ ስለ ዚኾነ፡ ወትሩ ሓሙስ ናይ ዝተፈላለዩ ሰባት ቃለ መጠይቕ ንከተቕርበልና ብትሕትና እሓትት። ንሓርበኛ ኣቦና የማነ ተኽለጊዮርጊስ እውን ስለ’ቲ ታሪኽና፡ ታሪኽ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ንምዝንታው ዝወሰዶ ተባዕ ስጉምቲ ብልቢ አመስግኖ። “መሪሕነት ህባዊ ግንባር ካብ መፈጠርታኡ ጀሚሩ ክብሪ ህዝቢ ከምዘይነበሮን ሕጂውን ከምዘይብሉን ንኹሉ ልብን ኣእምሮን ዘሎዎ ሰብ ንጹር’ዩ። ኩሉ መደረኡን ዕላማኡንውን ከምቲ ባዕሉውን ዝብሎ ዝነበረ ‘በብቑሩብ መሬት ሓራ ምውጻእ’ ስለ ዚኾነ መሬት’ዩ ሓራ ኣውጺኡ’ምበር ህዝቢ ሓራ ኣየውጸአን! ንህዝቢ ሓርነት ከረክብ ኢሉውን ኣይተቓለሰን። ስለዚ፡ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ ክሳዕ ለይቲ ሎሚ ሓርነት ዘይምጉንጻፉ ዘገርም ኣይኮነን። ኢሳያስን ጉጅለኡን ብህይወት ኣብ ሃገርና ክሳዕ ዘለዉ ከኣ ኤርትራውያን ሓራ ወጺእና ማለት ኣበደን’ዩ።

    • Semhar July 26, 2014

      Yes Messinas,
      “ኢሳያስን ጉጅለኡን ብህይወት ኣብ ሃገርና ክሳዕ ዘለዉ ከኣ ኤርትራውያን ሓራ ወጺእና ማለት ኣበደን’ዩ።”

      “ኢሳያስን:ባንደራኡን፤ ዞባኡን ጉጅለኡን ብህይወት ኣብ ሃገርና ክሳዕ ዘለዉ ከኣ ኤርትራውያን ሓራ ወጺእና ማለት ኣበደን’ዩ።”

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