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Voice of Assenna:Interview with Famous Artist Yohannes Tikabo (Wedi Tkabo) on Assenna

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  • Morroso October 29, 2013

    Hello,Wedi Tkabo
    I have heard your interview if you don’t condemn what HGDEF are doing to our ppl you are acting like Priest (Keshi) hadnet what is hadnet our ppl are imprisoned and killed by wedi medhn berad and telling us to unite do you real know what unity is?wake up wedi tkabo you are safe now say it like it’s iten kalat ziderbekayen ab Training ktgber koleka memorize zigeberkayen nssen tirah ika tezaribkayen we have expected you to tell the truth which we already know, I wish well stay in usa and side with your people and come out clean,by supporting the opposition (ay tequamay ay degafee) dibehal yelen black or white, assena thank you.

  • micheal embaye October 29, 2013

    ኣብ ሓደ ኣጋጣሚ ብዛዕባ ዓውዲ ስነ-ጥበብ ተላዒሉስ ንሓደ ካብ መናእሰያት ድምጻውያን ሃገርና እዚ ትርእይዎ ዘለኹም መንእሰይ ንፉዕ ስነ-ጥበባዊ ኢዩ ብምባል ምስ ሓደ ዓቢ ሃያሲ የላልይዎ፡፡ ስም እቶም ዓቢ ሃያሲ ሃገርና ክገልጾ ኣይደለኽን፡፡ ወዲ ትካቦ እቲ ዕላል ከም ትፈልጦ እውን ስለ ዝፈልጥ ንቐባራይ ምርዳእ ኢዩ፡፡ ሽዑ እቶም ዓቢ መምህር ስነ-ጥበብን ሃያስን ˝ እንታይ ዝኦሙ ስራሓት ንህዝቢ ኣብርኪቱ ̋ ክብሉ ሓተቱ፡፡ ኣርእስቲ ናይቲ ዝዘየሞ ደርፍታት ተነግሮም፡፡ ሞይተልኪ ጠሊምክኒ ጨካን ሃገረይ …….ወዘተ ፡፡ ሽዑ ስማዕ ዝወደይ ሰባት ከየጋግዩኻ ንስኻ ድምጻዊ ጥራይ ኢኻ፡፡ ስነ ጥበብ ኣዝዩ ከቢድ ዓውዲ ኢዩ፡፡ ንጥበብ ብስነ-ፍልጠት ቀሚርካ ንዘይረአ ከተርኢ ምኽኣል ኢዩ፡፡ እቶም ንዓኻ ዝሰርሑልካ ነቲ ንሕና ንርእዮን ንድህስሶን ዜማ ጥራይ ኢዮም ሓዊሶምሉ፡፡ ንስኻ ከኣ ብዝተዋህበካ ድመጺ ኣቃሊሕካዮ፡፡ ብዝኾነ ዘረባ ከየብዝሓልካ ካብዞም መናእሰያት ድምጻውያን ሃገርና ስነጥበባዊ ክንብሎ ንኽእል ንሓደ ወዲ ትካቦ ጥራይ ኢና፡፡ ፍርያቱ ጥበብን ሳይንስን ዘጣመረ ኢዩ፡፡ ብደርፍታቱ እቶም ክንርእዮም ዘይንኽእ ነገራት ኣርእዩና ኣሎ፡፡ ገለ ዝዓወሩን ዝጸመሙን ኣለዉ፡፡ ጽባሕ የዒንቶም ምስ ተኸፍተ ክርእይዎ ኢዮም ክብሉ ተዛሪቦም ነይሮም፡፡ ነዚ ሓሳብ ክሳብ ክንደይ ኣብ ስነ-ጥበብ ሃገርና ግደን እጃምን ነይሩካ መረጋገጺ ኢዩ፡፡
    ካብቶም ቀዲመ ነቲ ስርዓት ከም ዝራሕራሕካዮ ዝፈለጡን ሓበሬታ ዝረኸቡን እውን እየ፡፡ ክትገድፎ ምዃን ካብ ዝፈልጥ ዳርጋ ክልተ ወርሒ ኢዩ፡፡ ነቲ ምስጢር ብምዕቃብ ድማ ክሳበ ናይ መጠረሽታ ውሳነኻ ንሰምዕ ተጸቢና፡፡ ውሳነኻ ድማ ተበሲርና፡፡ ካብቶም በቀዳምነት ነማኑኤል ኢያሱ ወዲ ትካቦ ከምዚ ዝኣመሰለ ውሳነ ወሲዱ ኣሎ፡፡ ቅደሚ ብዜና ውዝርግሑ ግን ብወገንካ ኣጻርዮ ብምባል ብተሌፎን ተዘራሪበናሉ፡፡ እንቃዕ ካብዚ በላዕን ቀታልን ስርዓት ተገላገልካ፡፡ ዝዓበየ ናይ ሕልና ቅሳነት ከም ዝስማዓካ ርግጸኛ እየ፡፡ ስሚዒት ዘየምትን ተላሃይትን ተዋሳእትን ሃገርና ደፊረ እኳ እወ ክብል ቁሩብ ዝስከፍ እንተኾንኩ ነዚ ረጋጽን በላዕተኛን ስርዓት ህግደፍ ከምዝጸልእዎን ፍጊዕ ከም ዝበሎምን እርዳእ እየ፡፡
    ደጊመ ንዝወሰድካዮ ተባዕ ተበግሶ የድንቖን የኽብሮን
    ሚኪኤል እምባየ ኣራንቺ
    ቴለ- 0921924501
    ኣዲስ ኣበባ

    • zula October 30, 2013

      hatewtew abziHka aranchi mearey

  • sara October 29, 2013

    to be honest, I expect more from wdi tikabo. I hope he will come again to tell us what is in his heart and what is happening to our ppl and country.

  • samson October 29, 2013

    wdi tkabo, you better tell us the truth are you still in hgdef circle or not?

  • Genet October 29, 2013

    Wedi Tqabo said,
    “I am not going to be a ball” I am not opposition and I am not PFDJ” It seems this statement angered most of us. There is also a feeling of pressure on his part. From his interview, he sounds more angry and stressed out about the presumed expectation of oppositions. He come out making himself very important by the above statement. It is wrong for him to come out putting the opposition and the PFDJ equally not worthy of joining. Still I do feel, we all need to give him time and space. It is not easy to cross from dead brain to being alive. I am not calling him dead brain. But he has been like many Eritrean stuck in the PFDJ’s mud for a long time. So, Let us give hime time.

    There is nothing wrong for him to say, he is not going to be part of any opposition. Even though, it is odd for him to say ” I will be in the middle” What middle is that? He is calling for unity. The word “Unity” is being left open to interpretation. Again let us give him time and space; And we will ask him for more clarification.

    Personally I would love to hear him say, He will be working with all Eritreans for change, to breing justice for our people. He rejects any type of dictatorship. He will work hard to unite Eritreans, to work to save our people from dying to flee Eritrea. I would not want ever to hear him say, Eritrea needs a better and stronger border control. It sounds like he will be OK, if Eritreans die at our border than in the sea. I want more clarification. Again, he is human who has been serving a dicator by his will or against his will. Let us give him time and space. He has been part of the PFDJ’s propaganda machine. He needs time for reflection. I reject the notion that he is a spy for the dictator. He will be watched by every Eritrean. All I can say to you Wedi Tikabo is take good care of yourself; It is a very stressful time for you. Remember it is a blessing for Eritrean to look up to you for help. Don’t get angery. Take care.

  • samson October 29, 2013

    wdi tkabo, I have to give you cradit for what you mentioned, where are young eritrean women? I saw meny opposition party men runing around with ethiopian women in ethiopian partys…, how the hell are you guys going to bring change with out your sisters??
    I heard some of you even have agame and amhara babies. I think you are going to be one hell hgdef at the end of th day, just like yemane monky.

  • samson October 29, 2013

    change will come only when eritrean ppl organized, young and old, men and women.
    sorry opposition party, you will never bring any change untill you stop coporating with wyane and holding a meeting in ethiopian restoranst.
    eritrans ppl are tired to tell opposition party not coporate with wyana, we have already have woyane …isayas and his hgdf gang. …. o. party you let eritrean ppl down when ever you coporate with wyana….. eritrean ppl need peace with ethiopia nothing more.

  • zaki October 29, 2013

    you chose the wrong person for your interview. he even didn’t admit the ordeals that Eritreans have been experiencing. you wasted your precious time for nothing. Once a puppet, always a puppet.

  • Semere October 29, 2013

    Wedi Tukabo, we give you time to settle down and to reflect on your decision. I disagree with those who are hurling insults on you. That is very immature and I bet the majority are Hgdefists. I hope one day you will denounce categorically the oppressive regime of Isayas and say clearly what made you ask political asylum. Not to appease the opposition or to anger those in Diaspora who support the regime, but to influence the international community on the suffering of our people. Lampedusa opened their eyes; better late than never. The tragedy of Lampedusa was on front pages of the dailies all over the world. The world is asking now “what is wrong with Eritrea?” You are an artist and your defection has a lot of weight in the international arena.

  • Keren October 29, 2013

    Wedi Tukabo,

    welcome to real liberation. Staying away from the Hgdef regime is the best way to talk. You have talked louder by staying away from the Hgdef regime.
    Do not let any one use you as the Hgdefites had used you before. You only need to let your art talk liberation, justice, love, free press, sidet; the pain and suffering of Eritreans at sea, in Arab slavery and in Hgdef gulags … all the injustice in Eritrea and Africa.
    Take your time on how and what you want to say.

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