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Voice of Assenna:Interview with Famous Artist Yohannes Tikabo (Wedi Tkabo) on Assenna

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  • senait October 28, 2013

    Dear, i am now in Asmara. Can i get in in mp3 or mp4?

    • Said October 28, 2013

      Hey sanait that was a good one, I have been been laughing since the tragedy in Italy, you made me laugh on that one, mp3 that’s very good.

  • selam October 28, 2013

    Well done wedi Tikabo, and Rahel why would you say he is immauture? Go back and listen to his interview sister. Remember we have to respect each other and unite.

  • senat October 28, 2013

    Y.T I am really happy what you said ,all Eritreans we should listen again and again what he said and act like human .

  • Tesfa October 28, 2013

    Wedi Tekabo, my advise it try to stay with your people like Yemane did, then you will stay in all eritreans heart! you choose the opposition you will fail, and you try again to be with the hgdf`s then you will fail too.Be yourself and be with your people, I really enjoyed your interview. I`m sure Amanuel may not be happy, because you didnt` call names…but am sure we all are happy! Good Luck!

  • seley October 28, 2013

    come on Eritreans. Wedi Tikabo is Tigraway and what did you expect? he is supporter of his uncle tigraway isayas afeworki. Wait, he defected isayas …then he is true and pure eritrean. good job assenna. this guy is talking about boarder. ask him about the bullet in his ass! hadami!

    • faith October 29, 2013

      selay, You said wedi tikabo is tigraway ?? I have one word for you, you r “punk” who r u to judge people like that?? check yourself first? and mind your goddamn business.

  • Said October 28, 2013

    Wedi tikabo welcome to the west, don’t worry you can always drive a taxi. good luck.

    • Haile2 October 28, 2013

      why should he? I am a beautiful,5’9,29yld,slim,girl with mechanical engineering career; I would love to marry him.


      • faith October 29, 2013

        Lol …girl u funny…

    • kokob October 28, 2013

      said ,
      you r a fool. Tikabo is talented and you dont have one. Stop being a hater its not gonna get yoy nowhere.

      • Said October 29, 2013

        Mr. kokob I never see him I never heard him before and this is the first time how would I hate this man, I’m just telling the truth. and one more reason,. that make me say I was at position we don’t play middle ground, either with us or against us. and that is time will tell, united against dictator.said

        • Said October 29, 2013

          correction as we are opposition, we don’t play middle ground, either u with us or against us.

  • seley October 28, 2013

    eway halewlewwwww. men mis men eyu kiTaOreQ? ataOaraQi diKa koyinka meXieka?

  • tz October 28, 2013

    Welcome you are free !!!!!!!
    Thank you
    your stand for your country and people!!!
    I ♡♡♡♥♡♡♡♡ Eritrea

  • Mesker October 28, 2013

    Wedi Tukabo is being sent as an Agent of Shaebia, He is sent to divide the people in the Camp of the Opposition. Shaebai was using the same tactics even during the Derg Era. Wedi Tukabo as an artist his vocal quality as a singer is very poor, but the text of his songs are very good. I don`t think that the mission of Wedi Tukabo will succeed, because they are suspicious of everything that comes from Shaebia.

    • kokob October 28, 2013

      all you got to do is shut your mounth. you r very annoying.

  • ኤፍሬም October 28, 2013

    ዩሐንስ እንኻዕ ብሰላም መፃኻ ። ግን መን እዩ ነዚ ውፅእ ሕዝብና ነፃ ዘውፅአ?
    እስካዕ መአዝ ኢና አፍና ተለጊሙ ዝነብር? አብ ዓዲ ዘለው ስድራና ከይእሰሩና እንደበልና ህጂውን አይንዛረብን ዘለና ግን እስካዕ መዓዝ? እዞም እህገዳፍውያን ነዚ ስለዝፈልጡ እዬም ንህብና ሃሚድ አፍንጭኡ ዘውፅእዎ ዘለው። እኚውን ኩላትና ዝተሰመዐና ንዛረብ ? ፍርሂ ካብ ሕሊናና ይውፃእ ሃባዒ ቁስሉስ ሃባዒ ፈውሱ ። ንዛረብ ንስመር ንቃለስ ።

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