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Voice of Assenna:Interview with Famous Artist Yohannes Tikabo (Wedi Tkabo) on Assenna

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  • Semere October 28, 2013

    ንዓሻ ደርጉሓሉ ንለባም ኣምተሉ:: This is how I assess the words of Wedi Tubabo. He said everything, but at the same time he was very careful not to say openly the root cause of our suffering: Isayas and his cronies. I felt uncomfortable because he put too much blame on people’s divisions. To my opinion even the divisions are masterminded by the policy of the regime.
    In any case thank you Emma for the interview. His defection by itself is a grave blow to the regime. I hope others will follow suit. We shall see how Wedi Tukabo will animate the public with his artistic talents.

  • Saleh Idris October 28, 2013

    Yes our youth leave their country because of the dictatorship and the only countries that are safe for them are Norway, Sweden and Switzerland. Were they looking for freedom or social welfare?

  • simona October 28, 2013

    talented Wedy Tkabo. unity is the answer

  • meseai October 28, 2013

    Hnzi eti mendelai temen gena100%aywexelun alo gzie kedlyo eyu kemzgbe khawi.

  • meseai October 28, 2013

    Ewe kbur weddi tkabo eti zabeye srah gerkayo aloka eti zwhade terifuka alo ajoka ab godni wxue hzbka dew kemtbl zeteratr aykonen beti qedamai coment yqreta.God be with you!

  • mike October 28, 2013

    Welcome -Wedi Tukabo to the FREE world, now you are on the right truck !!

    You raised very important point. The Secret is on our UNITY as an Eritrean. If we are UNITED, I am sure Issays and his supporters will be defeated and will be wiped out from our beloved country.

    Let’s United and stand clearly against the dictatorial regime.

    Long Live Eritrean Unity !!

    Thank you Aman for your hard work !!

    • Zemen October 28, 2013

      Did you read what you wrote before spewing such nonsense? You talk of unity but then rant about wiping people out. What kind of unity is that? Do you want Eritrea to turn into Libya or Somalia? What kind of idiots do we have in the opposition?

  • Abdu October 28, 2013

    I was listening to Wedi Tekabo’s interview again; and the interview went good. But; there was some thing I still can’t and won’t be able to swallow; what was ahaaa…is when he said our border should be strictly watched ahaaaaaa our border it should be tight protected. So do you mean if our border tight and well secured our Yong Eritrean have to live with suffer? I have a question for for you; do you think they like to make a very dangerous choice to get Europe & N.America?

  • MightyEmbasoyra October 28, 2013

    Let’s stop sugar coating for that wedi tikuabo said (or not said). He was going around of every question without answering any of them. The only clear answers he had was the borders are loose and need to be tightened and he is neither “in opposition” nor in HGDF’s side . And you still think this guy left HGDF? I doubt it.
    Besides, what is the fuss about him? He is just a singer. A good singer but as singer. Period. Why are we expecting him to be like Yemane Barya? That’s very rare.

  • sam October 28, 2013

    He said we have to unit? Is it unit tothe government, or just unit for the sake of unit

    • Zebib October 28, 2013


      Your question reveals that you have missed the boat. Perhaps you should carefully listen to the interview again and again and again since you don’t seem to get it.

  • Zebib October 28, 2013

    Dear Amanuel Eyasu and Yohannes Tukabo,

    You both are what is best in us as a people! You are our wisdom, our humble trait, our ego-lessness, our beauty as a people. You are both in the same age group and both of you have selflessly served your country with the vision of achieving liberty and justice and although at different timings, you both gave up your dreams of achievement and left your beloved homeland and society to seek change. Amanuel Eyasu is the most tireless hero of our times. He is our point of reference and example to eumulate. Now, through this interview, we witness, with great pleasure, that Eritrea is on its way to heal. There is too much wisdom in the words of Yohannes Tukabo. ‘I am addressing both sides’ he most humbly says. This is what we need, to unite. We have all sorts of resources as a people and Wedi Tukabo says emphatically, all we need is to unite. This መቓልሕ of unity will reverberate in the heart of all Eritreans!!

    Thank you both, you are giants of our times for choosing freedom and justice!!!

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