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Voice of Assenna:Eritrean Refugees in Shagarab Cry for Help

Review overview
  • Kombishtato June 26, 2013

    On the issue of the Human Trafficking and slavery of Eritreans:
    There are many groups, Eritrean websites and organizations that are silent to the Human Trafficking and genocide against Eritreans in the Arab world that is taking place in Sudan, Yemen, Libya and Egypt as the Higdef regime does, even though there are few dedicated Eritreans and non-Eritreans who report the crimes to the best of their abilities.
    My question is that why are these heinous and evil crimes taking place against innocent Eritreans mainly in the Arab world but not in Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, South-Sudan or Israel?
    Why are these crimes taking place only in the Arab world in this large scale against Eritreans and other black Africans?

    ስለምንታይ እዩ እዚ ጭካነ ዝመልኦ ግፍዕታት ኣንጻር መሳኪን ኤርትራውያን ኣብ ሃገራት ዓረብ ማለት ኣብ ሱዳን የመን ሊብያ ግብጺ ብዜጋታት ዓርብ ናብ ኤርትራውያን ዝፍጸም ?
    ብተዛማዲ ኣብ ደቡብ ሱዳን ኡጋንዳ ኬንያ ኣንጎላ እስራኤል ኢትዮጵያ ዝርከቡ ኤርትራውያን ስደተኛታት ብሰላም ይነብሩ፤ ኣብ ሃገራት ዓረብ ግና ባሮት ኮይኖም ከም ጠሌ በጊዕ ይሽየጡ፣ ናውቲ ኣካላቶም ተጎዛዝዩ ይሽየጥ። እወ ኣብ ሃገራት ዓረብጥራይ። ስለመንታይ ?

  • Kombishtato June 26, 2013

    Amnesty International (June 21, 2013) – Kidane Isaac says he never thought he was going to see hell, but that was before he was arrested and incarcerated in some of Eritrea’s notorious detention centers.

    “Every night you hear shouts and cries of people being beaten. I remember I was beaten very terribly, with metal bars,” he told Amnesty International from his home in Israel where he now lives as an asylum-seeker.

    Kidane was 18 years old and had been working as a construction worker when he was detained as he attempted to flee the country to escape indefinite conscription to national service. For six months, Kidane was held in three different detention centres. He described terrible conditions in the prisons, where torture and other ill-treatment, including severe beatings, were common.

    “The second place I was imprisoned in [was] Mai Edaga. There are two holes, covered with a zinc cover, it was very crowded, we got two breads a day, there were flies all the time, it was very dirty. It is a very terrible place,” Kidane said.

    Continue reading at:

  • Pretty_RiRi_ June 28, 2013

    I admire Assenna’s GENUINE efforts to help the refugees in shagarab.Eritrea is proud of you.But wouldn’t it be better if you translate your interviews with the refugees in shagarab or kidnapped in Sinai,to English and Arabic?This way this issue will get more attention not just from eritreans but from foreigners and international refugees/anti-trafficking organisation.PLEASE PLEASE TRANSLATE THESE INTERVIEWS TO ENGLISH AND ARABIC TO GET A WIDER RANGE OF LISTENERS SO OUR BROTHERS IN SISTERS VOICE CAN BE HEARD WORLD WIDE!


    • Hazhaz June 28, 2013

      I can not speak on their behalf, however, I can clearly see how busy the Assenna people are. Your suggestion is very important, so instead, if you have the time and the skill, why don’t you help Assenna with the translation into English, Tigre orArabic since the audio is available for everyone.

      • pretty_riri_ June 28, 2013

        i wish i could help in translations but i dont have what it takes and the skills, thats why i am suggesting Asenna to do so because definetly they got the skills after all its the benefit of all eritreans.

  • dekibat June 28, 2013

    Emanuel I do not think it is from Geneva or higher office order, Because if it was then it should have been explained to the refugees properly why is relocation needed, We should ask and protest infront of UNHCR Geneva or New York , the Hague and other countries branch offices and demand that UNHCR sudan and UNHCR cairo should be investigated for their roll in human trafficking. The Syrian girl samar should be investigated by internal UNHCR and human rights organisations as well as the Sudanese officer who is on the pay roll of UNHCR. UNHCR vehicles are used to kidnap and trick refugees and to facilitate the slave trade to the rashaidas.

  • bereket gilay June 29, 2013

    ab kenya zerkeb kakumarefugeecamp enrikeb eritrawyan bimengisti eritrea zeweredena adera alem mulu endafeleto abti zelenayo camp buzu shiger yigetmena alo forexample A. kem kalot hagerat nay beynina community kelomena ygebeana representativ ab u.n.h.c.r zezarebelna yeblnan. kalot hagerat gen alewen.C.nay balena kommunity yegibana kensu minor ilom mis ehtiopiacommunity senbiromna.abzekone zegeber netfetat aynesatefen bicoz we marginalized by the ethopian community.shigrna ab alem enda tefelte kem kalot hagerat ristlement active aykonen.there is alotof thing i didnt explain so plz help as .we need u to anouse in the masmedia. we need focus of human rite wach.we are reily fasen discriminatoin plz help us plz plz plz. this massage need riplay.

    • ahmed saleh June 29, 2013

      Thank you much for your effort to submit your complaints in our forum about Eritreans refugees in
      Kenya to raise awareness . Just keep informing , you never know one day it make attract attention
      to some influential people .