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VOICE OF ASSENNA: Sactism – ብሃለፍታ ዝቐዝፋ … ሕጊ – ኣልቦ ትካላት ፍሊጶስ – ቤ/ማእሰርቲ ዓዲ ኣቤቶ ዝሰተረቶ ሚስጥራት – 3ይ ክፋል

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  • Berhe Tensea April 2, 2018

    It is sad that Eritrea has changed to a country where its citizens are tortured and jailed in hundreds of prisons scattered around the country.
    Adi Abeito prison is very crowded and a hell on earth near Asmara.
    The chief torturer Tigraway Philipos is living with bloody handwill one day be asked to account and pay. for his crimes against the Eritrean people.
    Death to the Sokotans, Tembenis in power

    • Nahon April 2, 2018

      “The chief torturer Tigraway Philipos is living with bloody handwill one day be asked to account and pay.”

      Berhe Tensea

      By the way, Philippos (Filippos) is not a Tigreyan, he is an indigenous Eritrean from Ztelot, a village near Asmara. Some people say, his family originates from Akeleguzai. Some people heard Filippos, jokingly saying “[Iseyas] his fathers were looking after our horses”.
      No doubt, Filippos is a notorious serial killer. His name was also mentioned in the killing of Ibrahim Afa. It seems he has been Iseyas’s hit-man all along.
      Let’s accept this sad fact, not all criminals of the regime are of Tigreyan orgin, we have enough of them.

  • Nahon April 2, 2018

    Sakitism whistle-blower has mentioned an important peace of information regarding the retired Eritrean policemen who were taken from Keren and made to disappear.
    Although they were serving as Police in Keren in sixties and seventies until they retired, they had helped a lot of people, taking orders from ELF throughout their years of service..
    They had gone to Asmara to collect the little money they get for retirement. That was their only crime. When their families asked they were told “we sent them back home”. Now we know that actually they were killed in Halewa Sewra. It’s a horrible crime. How can you kill 16 elderly people without any reason ?