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Voice of Assenna: PFDJ Diplomacy – from Alaskan Cold to Siberian Cold – Thursday, Feb 27, 2014

Review overview
  • Zufana February 27, 2014

    PFDJ Diplomacy is diplomacy of “dekihidirtina”
    It is like Hgdef’s ‘Kangaroo Kourt’, no real rule.

  • change February 27, 2014

    Fake diplomacy of PFDJ.

    • Zufana February 27, 2014

      Yes. PFDJ diplomacy fake, PFDJ Kangaroo Kourt(Court) fake.

      • Zufana March 2, 2014

        Yes. Jungle PFDJ diplomacy and Jungle PFDJ Kangaroo Kourt(Court).

  • senai February 28, 2014

    Who is singer any body told me his name
    The song at the end of interview.

  • Simerrr2012 February 28, 2014

    Whisky is expensive and can be in the list of the next sanction so Isayas has to find the cheap and sanction free Vodka from the land of mother of Alcohol mother Russia . Minister of Foreign Affairs is tasting which Vodka is good for the President…his favorite food is China and Vodka will be the best match .Chinese food with Russian Vodka.