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Voice of Assenna: Panel Discussion with Members of ‘Eritreans for Facilitating National Dialogue’ Re the Upcoming DC Conference; Monday, Oct 13, 2014

Review overview
  • Mahta October 14, 2014

    Dear Doctors,

    Your effort to bring Eritrean political parties and civic organizations together is a noble act for which you should be commended.
    But there is one thing you probably did not even mention, although of paramount importance, and that is the need to have a committee of facilitators (your committee +) that reflects the Eritrean diversity. This is not to say you cannot do a good job the way you are now, far from it, but it helps to restore trust in works done by activists in our communities. If some of you still think the slogan “awet nixafash” has some value left in it, there are others who hate to hear it. As some of you said there is no much time left to do anything other than bringing all Eritreans together and save Eritrea. So, it’s better to do be inclusive right from the start.

  • Stefanos October 14, 2014

    Well done. This makes me proud to be Eritrean. Long over due but at least it looks a change is about to happen at last. I’m sure the evil administration will try to undermine this Eritrean forum, be vigilant and carry on I’m sure any Eritrean with a some brain cells left on them can see that this is not how you run a country, wake up wake up stand up for a change. No more excuses for this administration , no point in blaming others like ” the west'” for every thing that our government is failing us!, enough is enough we should do something about it before it is too late. Thank you very much. Victory to all Eritreans who really care for this country. Hawekom stefanos, London.

  • Mike October 14, 2014

    Good Job Assenna and Team!

    To the organizers:

    Good luck on your discovery road map. If you stay true to your plan and agenda the people will hear you out.

    1: Please please be clear and concise on your Agenda and plans. During the interview in Assenna -you sounded like you were all over the map when Emmanuel was asking repeated questions. Stay focus and be able to repeat your Agenda and message when asked over and over again. If you do not do this – your meeting will be a bit dramatic.

    2: Everyone is stranded from not having money. That should be a no brainier. Say it speak to it and no need to be ashamed. You are doing this from your own initiative.

    3: Control the audience. Be able to put structure and avoid several typical Eritrean meeting scenarios. Example: Additional points, amendments, and other comments from audience that is typical of some meetings with no agenda and focus.

    4: I am sure you have considered this – but just incase – to some who are willing to participate but short of $$$ – have you considered doing a conference call system that will not disrupt your process but give them some voice? short and brief early on your meeting? If they do not call at the time allocated – it is their fault and could get minutes from meetings. If you do have these conference calls during your meetings – Do not hold these remote participants throughout the meeting. It tends to be disruptive in most cases I have dealt with.

    Good luck and Go all the way.

  • Bethane G Hadgu October 15, 2014

    Assenna hezbe ckabr alowo cklay gezy masenet crèckb

  • Mesinas October 15, 2014

    ካብ ምሁራት እትጽበዮ እዋናዊ ተብግሶ’ዩ ክቡራት ኣሕዋት። ምሁር ዚብሃል ብዘይ ዚኾነ ይኹን ቅድመ ኩነት ወትሩ ምስ ውጹዕ ህዝቡ ዝውግን ኣካል’ዩ። በዚ ወሲድኩሞ ዘለኹም ተበግሶ ኸኣ ምስቶም ምስዚ ኣጽናቲ ስርዓት ዝደናገጹ ዘለዉ ምሁራት ብቐለም፣ መሃይም ብሕልና ዝኾኑ ሰባት ብምንጽጻር ብሓቂ ምሁራት ሙዃንኩም ኣረጋጊጽኩም ኣለኹም!በዚ ከኣ ብስመይን ብስም’ቲ ነዚ ዕድል’ዚ ክረክብ ዘይከኣለ ኤርትራዊ ዜጋ ኣመስግነኩም፣ የቐንየልና።

  • Tsige October 15, 2014

    Dear Ammanuel and esteemed panelists! please take note of the confusing notice posted. It states that the conference was to be held on October 13. Anyone who reads only the notice could wrongly assume that it has already passed. Only those who listen to the interview would know the conference is to be held from 10/23 to 10/25.
    I wish you success,

    Tsige A.

  • Mike October 15, 2014

    Tsige – Excellent observation. I think this meeting has started. Organizers (not assenna) – take a note of the wording.

    What does this mean: “Re the Upcoming DC Conference; Monday, Oct 13, 2014”

    Being picky picky….

  • Abraham October 16, 2014

    Dear Drs,
    It is now too late. DIA has destroyed everthing. He is still destructing the rest.What you are trying is good and well, but the intelligence of opposition parties and civil society is below average. The do not have any mental capacity to understand your advice.
    if they were smart they must understand this before they start their political organisation.

  • weygud October 16, 2014

    This is very good initiative and I wish you success in your deliberations, however, it seem hard to bring together opposition parties and their leaders with conflicting and competing interests and dreamy ambition for power cling. Forum team is preaching about the need for cosmetic reform in corrupt mind of PFDJ official in a round table discussion in order to “neuralize” the acidity of the dictator and go well forward.Any people donot buy this agenda, so to bridge the gap one had to devise a means to catalize the bitterness of the real change seekers’ stand. That is to compile a report of the International Crisis Group publications on the current state of affairs including some stories from the past, by cutting and pasting ,and called it a”Book” as “vital” reference for grand children to come. Well, for its advertisement, someboby who admires the skill of the author had to be a sales and distribution agent. Two personalities who seem externally diammetrically opposite in their agenda and program have actually a common binding membership stake in PFDJ, but if change is invitable,they have to prepare themselves to meet in Asmara and form a collusion party to realize their long term self actualization dreams. Gosh!

  • Truly Truly i say to you October 17, 2014

    I do not think it needs deep investigation to know the reason why is the so called Eritrean oppositions for one common goal have difficulty to stand and work together. In my view there is two fundamental by never means unreconcilable motive. These two motives are as follow. The one side in all oppositions group there are people who believes in Eritrean independence and in democratization Eritrea, but inside other all oppositions there people with unionist agenda who are against independence. So what ever effort will be done, i do not believe these two different groups will be reconcile and can walk together without agreeing on direction. If that was not be the fundamental problem, i do not think all oppositions will have difficulty to come to one mind and fight together the common enemy. So the only solution is everybody should to identify his enemy and even in a very limited personal would be, instead sitting together with enemy it is preferable with people for one common goal to work. I do not think for these three doctors with good enthusiasm will have difficulty to identify this fundamental problem i am trying describing, they know as all Mafia PFDJ leaders and their puppets, inside among all oppositions also as are people with non Eritrean agenda i mean people with unionist agenda. I do not know what will be their receipt to so solve this problem. but the word of God clearly approves, “without agreeing on direction first let alone parties, even two people as as can not walk together. ” (Amos 3;3) About this logic even the devil Isyas knows very well. This is why during interview about those when fleeing victimizing Eritreans asked , he cynically answered, ” such people if stay in country they will not let you work, so it is better for us if all abandon.”