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Voice of Assenna: Panel Discussion on the Eritrean Constitution, Thurs, Feb 12 , 2015 (Part 3 & Final)

Review overview
  • rezen February 14, 2015

    Para 2, first line: Please delete the words “to be”. Sorry for that and for a couple of punctuations.

  • WediHagher February 14, 2015

    ” .. we might as well ‘forget’ about that arbitrarily forged land and named “Eritrea” to rest in peace and let external forces take their shares of ጉዚ as proposed over seventy years ago.”


    Eritreans are divided on some post dictatorship transitional issues, but I have never come across people who want it partitioned as you are suggesting here.
    We all love our country and that will eventually unite us. With the exception of a few, the overwhelming majority of Eritreans have properly identified the main problem in the country: a cruel dictatorship. It’s not about tribes fighting each other, it’s not about religious wars, it’s not about civil war among regions …etc. it’s about dictatorship. Eritrean are more united in this last decade more that ever in their recent history. There is a general consensus among people that we need to remove the dictator and his regime and move to a better system.
    So Rezen, don’t worry … the country you prefer to call the “forged land” have learned to survive no matter what …

  • Teclay February 15, 2015


    we are confused of this miracle terminology.This fortunate or unfortunate word is the most frequent used word among Eritrean diaspora.What about inside Bahre Negash ? For sure they hardly remember or know this terminology.
    What is the priority if your house is burning to ash? for the average man ,i think,first to save your love-once and your self all the rest is secondary .In our case it looks as if we are arguing about the color of the wall and where to put the table until we burn ourselves.
    What does it mean constitution in Africa and in the Arab world ? it is nothing absolutely nothing.Any one can throw it at any time.Ex Had /have the following countries a constitution or not Syria,Libya,Somalia,Nigeria,Yemen etc ?
    In my opinion these tree good DRs ,as all of them are working in the universities,they could help a lot of young Eritreans in their field of study and how to integrate in the host countries.Ex the Persians(Iranians),look how they are successful in diaspora.
    We have to be realistic,in my opinion this self created(Ghedli created ) exodus doesn’t seem to end soon even after the despot,So the bad choice will be a choice to adapt in our host countries.
    we can try also ,only trial to minimize the exodus.All the rest is practically nothing….that is only my opinion.

    • AHMED SALEH !!! February 15, 2015

      Are you saying forget about our country , just concentrate
      on our well being in diaspora ?
      Well , it is expected comment from you not to get surprised
      because I wasn’t comfortable with your presence in this
      forum from day one and I also suspect the intentions .

    • WediHagher February 15, 2015

      “In my opinion these tree good DRs ,as all of them are working in the universities,they could help a lot of young Eritreans in their field of study and how to integrate in the host countries.Ex the Persians(Iranians),look how they are successful in diaspora.
      We have to be realistic,in my opinion this self created(Ghedli created ) exodus doesn’t seem to end soon even after the despot,So the bad choice will be a choice to adapt in our host countries.”


      Your are advising our young to forget about Constitution, adapt in their host countries and the the stealth message “forget about Eritrea”.
      This is exactly what Higdef is doing. You must be one of them.
      Twinkle twinkle little spy !!

  • AHMED SALEH !!! February 15, 2015

    The discussion with these educated Eritreans is about the
    continuation of Eritrean crisis . Some commentators seem
    go blue in their face over issue of national constitution.
    It is same reminder how they shield for oppression while
    vast majority ordinary citizens want to play fair and
    advocate for fairness , in contrary there are who simply
    want the price whether earned fairly or not .
    It is clear to recognize our worst human made catastrophe
    at this moment had been a result from deliberately broken
    rule of law which screwed the entire nation .

    • AHMED SALEH !!! February 15, 2015

      After listening ASSENNA RADIO CHANNEL inside the country ,
      I am wondering how people will react to the secret bank
      accounts worth close $ 700,000,000.00 dollars including
      those who serve in military under financial hardship .

  • Mike February 15, 2015

    Marta Afwerki – You are so good. Stick to your principles and that is good. I am sticking to my views until I see otherwise. The two people that you seem to point that they hold the same views as I are people I have never met. I don’t even now any of you for that matter. Just care a “lil”. Regardless, I repeat again that the nut head in Asmara did his part – like it or not. “Ignored the drafted constitution and proposed a new one that is coming up soon – let us call it perhaps – “Revised and drafted”. That new draft will have to appeal to all Eritreans and not just get implemented. And some more things to validate its true validity…..on and on and on… So do you think there will be “a new constitution coming up then”…. Issayas did his part- made the group that he fears the most that is the Eritrean people bark in the wrong tree while he is working in a new game.

    My point is – What have you and myself have come up besides beating on a dead horse? The only way you could win is by demolishing the current state of Eritrea and building from scratch. Only then that the so called drafted constituting would be put in the hand of all Eritreans and see what we all say. Until then, beating the same drum over and over again is only serving as a temporary relief for our daily consumption. Smart idea would be focus on what to do to push forward.

    Last with all do respect to all this educated Eritrean but the fact is, I repeat the fact is, Even the man who was part of the framers Dr. Bereket stated clearly that it was drafted under the shadows of the man in power in Eritrea. This is Dr. Bereket’s word. Do we just ignore that and let the drafted one stand then? We could use it as a starting point but…… Even these three educated Eritreans, if you listen between the lines they are actually questioning the drafted one…… well, maybe I am just an outlier…. then just ignore my thoughts….

    Peace to all…

  • Truly Truly i say to you February 15, 2015

    The ESAT journalists asked Isyas (wolf with sheep skin) to tell them about his and family´s background. But as usual in his deceptive maneover to cover up his hidden mission, he replied as he is the product of the libation struggle. So the one who has no confidence to tell about his origin background, do you wonder if he tells you ” there is no existing constitution,” it is dead?”

    • Asmelash H February 16, 2015

      Ayte Truly Truly
      Please don’t be a naive semi-politician. Esaias is not going to say there is no existing constitution because the constitution is meant for one party that is his Higdef to rule Eritrea for ever without any other opposition parties. The constitution is just a cover up and also hand mind for one man rule and one party rule in Eritrea and is supported by all ELF & EPLF gedli generation as they all don’t want to see any change or multi parties opposition in Eritrea. They all just want continuity of gedli rule and destruction in Eritrea. However, the genuine people of Eritrea will have a constitution that represent them all that is including all the minorities and oppressed people of Eritrea. The rest of the so called constitution of the past that you have been talking about is just a toilet paper that doesn’t mean much to the real Eritreans.

      • Asmelash H February 16, 2015

        Correction – sorry and it should be read as hand made constitution for Isaias and his party so he is not going to say no the existing useless constitution.

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