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Voice of Assenna: Panel Discussion on EGS Symposium 2014 – Scenarios for Eritrean Transition to Democracy

Review overview
  • Ahmed March 15, 2014

    You see how hgdef is playing with our mind. This days hgdef playing opposition. We need to watch out from those who say they are opposition but they serve the dictator. Hgdef is not going to come face to face anymore because they know they can do more damage if they join us than face us. Hgdef is getting smart my brothers

  • Bloko March 16, 2014

    Thank God that annoying polling pop-up is gone.
    Aman, next time make it voluntary and not mandatory.
    Don’t play a little dictatorship on us. Thank you, Sir.

    • rezen March 16, 2014

      I also wish to join the “THANK YOU NOTE”.
      At the same time, Amanuel, the theory of statistics teach us that accuracy of statistical result is inversely proportional to a forced (dictatorial) and repeated demand! How is that! coming from a parrot-like mimicker like me.

  • Mike March 17, 2014

    I simply have a feeling that this team is also up to no good. All these groups popping up every corner, and to be honest here, this is no good. Even these two people who are being interviewed here do not sound serious. One of them appears to plead and beg to the mass not to call them names or ….Where have they been – this new team was sleeping on the wheel for a long time and just walking up now when the earth started to shake up. Be serious and get real – you really want to do something for Eritrea – find a way of uniting all opposition groups. Every opposition group is looking like chicks chirping around as if mother off doing her thin.

    1: If you mean well – unite opposition fronts. At least there is a common goal – for starters here is a hint – Gov. of Eritrea. Not just Issayas. Gov. of Eritrea.

    2: What is interesting to me is the fact that you all run in to Ethiopia for a meeting (not sure if this group has done it). If you always run to Ethiopia – it seems, may I say it here, this is like political science 101 – It will appear as if you do not care of the past events. The wounds are still fresh. Your Goal should be galvanizing the people inside Eritrea.

    4: Invite your brave sisters. Colorado, San Diego, Norway, London, to come and meet you up for a real conference. These sisters combined with Assenaa and other well wishers for Eritrea will bring peace to Eritrea but everyone needs to be in the same wagon.

    Please do not make Eritrea another Libya, Siria, Egypt, Yemen, Sudan, Ukrain… You will be held responsible if Eritrea joins one of these countries. Now – get united and get the foundation work start while moving for a complete change. Change is one thing but sustaining a whole country intact is another beast.

    God bless Eritrea

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