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Voice of Assenna: Our Lives – ህይወትና – ኣቦና ሃብተማርያም ኣብርሃ – Part 5 and FINAL

Review overview
  • Teclay February 24, 2017

    ሓቂ ! ኣየ ሓቂ !!
    ኣንታ እዛ ሓቂ ከምይ ዝበልት እያ?? ቐጣን ክንሳ, ኣብ ጉድጓድ ኣትሒቶም ይቐብርዋ –ፈንጢሳ ትወጽእ።
    እታ ጸላኢታ ሓሶት ከ?? ክክክክክክ ሓሶት ድኣ ዘይ ጸላም ተኸዲና ብለይቲ እያ ዳንኬራ ትሃርም ።ጽሓይ ክትበርቕ ከም ልኻይ ትመክኽ።

    • Tsehaye February 25, 2017

      Dear Teclay,

      ኣየወ ነዛ ሓቂ፥ ይደኽሙ ክቐብርዋ ከም ቁልዒ:: እንተኾነ ግና መራር’ያ ከም ትኪ: ቀጣን’ያ ከም ስልኪ: ከይተንከይዋ ዘይትትንኪ: ምስ ተንከይዋ ድማ ተወሊዓ ትባራዕ’ሞ ትልብልቦም ከም ሓዊ::

      Nothing is more bitter than the truth, and no one is more afraid of the truth than the romantics of the barbaric gedli.

  • Z. Hagos February 24, 2017

    Ato Habtemariam Abraha outspoken more than anyone openly, telling the truth. But, as an old schooler, Ato Habtemariam failed to see that there is a solution. Ato Habtemariam should be reminded that there are and were similar frictions, such as the ones that were in Ethiopia, Sudan, and Somalia. These three countries found federalism to be a good solution to frictions that occur among sections of a country’s people.
    As a solution, even Seraie and Akeleguzai may be calling for separate States under federalism. So also, Semhar, Sahel and Barka are considered separate States under the proposed Federalism. Don’t forget, Danakalia and Kunama already declared their separate States as a result of mistreatment and unfair policy of Isaias on their people, which Ato Habtemariam should have condemned rather than to condone it.
    What Ato Habtemariam should emphasize is “fair treatment” of sectors of people and not to apply different treatments based on religion. Too much religion inclination is killing the Kebesa people and too much tribalism is killing the Metahit people. Therefore, it will be wise of Ato Habtemariam if he calls for federalism in Eritrea, as a solution. The way Ato Habtemariam explained, there is no any glue left with the Kebesa people that enable them to work with Muslims of Eritrea. But the opposition are trying to strengthen the existing glue so that all sectors of the people could work together. As seen by lens of fair people, the opposition glue is more workable for Eritrea as a nation if it is to remain together.

    • Seaih February 25, 2017

      What were you thinking when you mentioned those nations as a role model of federalism. Ethiopian federalism is a time bomb that is due to explode because it is federalized based ethnic group. Ethiopian federalism is like sandwich, Ormo are the bottom bun, Tigray are the top bun, Amhara are in the middle as hamburger patty the rest ethnic groups are salt and pepper and the condiments. Somalia the only nation in the world which has one language and one religion but has no functioning government let alone Federal system. Sudan is under dictator. Federal system functions in melting pot society only. We are far from that, every ethnic group in Eritrea is crying mistreatment bedside the Kebesa( Christians), who are labeled as the oppressors. The fact is that we all are bleeding equally, no one is spared because he/she is Christian. It is time we defend Tigrigna with out hating other ethnic groups.

  • Harmaz February 24, 2017

    ነዚ ከምዚ ጽውጽዋይ ሽጣራ ምህዞን ሓሶትን ናይ ህግደፍን ናይዞም ተቓወምቲ ኢና ዝብሉ ሰሚዑ ዶ ይኸውን፤ እዚ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ መንእሰይ ይኹን ዓቢ ካብ ቦለቲካ ኤርትራን ካብ ኤርትራን ዝሃድም ዘሎ።
    ተካል ዘመን ኣርኪቡና ኩሉ ቆልዓ ኣረጊት ሓሳዊ ኾይኑ፤ ሰብ ድማ ንቕድሚኡ ይጸንት ኣሎ።

  • Eritreawit February 24, 2017

    Lol, Agazean, Aka Tigray Tigregni, . YIGERMNNA ALLO.

  • Seaih February 24, 2017

    As we all know there is a regionalism problem from ever corner and every region, why did you blame only Akelguzia. I listned to you for 5 hours but i judged you when you said that Akle has to stop their regionalism. stand but when Assenna confronted you why only Akle you you tried to retract your statement,You are not man of your words you preaching the same allegation as the Eritrean Government does, Just blame it to one region{

  • meretse February 25, 2017

    ክቡራት በጻሕትንን ወሃብቲ ሪእቶን ኣሰና ፡
    ምስ ሰሓትካ ምክሪ ይርከብ፡ ምስ …… እግሪ ይእከብ
    ኣብ ዝሓለፈ ክልተ መዓልታት ዝሃብክዎ ኣውንታዊ ሪእቶ ኣብ ትረካ ኣቦይ ሃብተማርያም ዳግመ ሪእቶ ከግብረሉ ተገዲደ። 5ይን ናይ መጨረሻ ቃል -መጠይቅ ድሕሪ ምስ መዔይ ነብሰይ ምፍላጥ ስኢነ። እዚ ክብል እንከሎኹ– ብዛዕባ’ቲ ዘቅረብክዎ ምስክር ነበረ (ኔሩ) ኢለ ዘይኮነስ ፣ ብዛዕባ’ቲ ድሕሪ ዝበርሃለይ መርዛም መንጸፍ ዘይምርኣየይ ኢዩ። ንዖኦም ሪአዮም መንጸፎም ግን ኣይረኣክዎን። ኣነ ዓበይትን ወራዙን መጺኦም ናይ ቃልሲ ተሞክሮኦም ንከካፍሉና ንምትብባዕ ደኣ እምበር ኣብ መንጎ ሕብረተሰብ ኤርትራ ሓውን ሓሰርን ዘእቱ ኣይድግፍን። ኤረትራ ደኣ ሓለይቲ ኢያ ሲኢና እምበር ጎዛዘይትን ፈለይትን ደኣ መኣስ ዊሒዶማ? Well!
    Sorry guys! I should have known him better before writing any comments about him. intentionally or not his advice to the youth or public is toxic and dangerous. For the God’s sake, how different is your advice from the Agazians?

    • semere abrha February 27, 2017

      you are right my Brother i did’t expect shuch like this stupide speech from ato Habtemaryam

  • higis selchuina February 25, 2017

    ኣማኑኤል፥ ብጣዕሚ እዩ ዝገርም። ከምዚ ዝኣመሰለ ተመኽሮ መሃሪ እልካ ካብ ተቕርብ ንምንታይ ንስኻ ብቐሊሉ ን ተስፋጽዮን ኢንተርቪው ዘይተግብሮ፧ ሰብ ኣይፈልጠካን እዮ አምበር ንስኻ ብጀካ ናትካ ረብሓ ናይ ሃገር ደምብርጽ ከመዘይብለካ ፈሉጥ እዩ። ዘመነ ክርስትያን እዩ ዘምስል አልኩም ነቲ ሓውኹም ክትጠልሙ፣ ድሓን ጊዜ ኩሉ ክርኤና እዩ። ወዲ ዓሊኻ ድኣ ኣበይ ኣሎ? Do you think your idea can bring peace to Eritrea? Never for ever!!! UK is a Christian based country, but do you have eyes to look how many mosques are there? I am not saying islam is more than Christianity there, but they give the right to worship to whatever but one has to be obeyed by the rule of law. This what we are failing in our land? A law that will guide us . our problem is not a religion rather lack of law. under iseyas we don’t have any religious problems. But people like you who minds only for their wallet are dividing us . I hope next time you will come up with a map where Eritrean muslims shall move out and your tegaru shall move in. Tips ; let the muslims move to Ethiopia with Assab and you enjoy massawa with your tigaru brothers. we have to start talking with Amhara so that they can give us a place.

  • Memhir February 25, 2017

    Aman (Amanuel)

    You are not even good enough to clean Mr. Abraha’s shoes..Idiot!

  • Edrissay February 25, 2017

    Shame on you Assenna. You receive financial support from Eritrean Muslims and you host some one who says discriminatory words against Eritrean Muslims.

  • Tsehaye February 25, 2017


    Why are you blaming assenna? What Amaniel did was what the good journalists often do. Have you seen journalists interviewing the fanatical extremists in Iraq and Syria? Only dictators and their dumb supporters hate journalists. Amanuel lives in a democratic country and he has the right to interview anyone including you. If you have a problem with the interviewee, ask Amanuel to give you a chance to air your views.

    • Tsehaye February 25, 2017

      Sorry Amanuel. My comment was meant for Memhir.