In order to cure the disease we have to know the cause or the offending organism,if it is bacteria antibiotics,virus anti viral,fungus anti fungal ..and so on,otherwise it is just palliative care,we just treating the symptoms and we have been doing this for a while and the disease persists.Folks lets get real,lets get down and dirty,by now we already know what the disease is,but we have been avoiding the medicine and its side effects.You want to be cancer free,prepare your hair to fall off temporarily,prepare to suffer from intractable nausea,vomiting and constant fatigue from the chemo,that is what it takes.If we want to keep the disease ab adi halo and treat the symptoms in Italy and elsewhere in the world,we are giving it more time to metastasize and consume us entirely.The cure is in our hands, nobody else’s!! if we really mean what we say,we can administer the right medicine and get rid of the diseases once for all.Like the good old American saying,’you can’t have your cake and eat it too.’
Hadas November 16, 2016
ዘገርም እዩ፤ ኩሉ ቆልዓ ሰበይቲ ከይተረፈ ነዛ ሓራ ኣውጺእናያ ናጽነት ኣውጅናላ ዝብልዋ ኤርትራ: ፈንፊኖማ ራሕሪሖማ፤ ካብ ኣዛብእ ዓረበ ራሻይዳን፣ ቶኻሉ ቦሊስ ሱዳን፣ ኣረሜን እስላማዊ ጂሃድ ኣይሰስን ሞሊቖም ባሕሪ ጥሒሶም ንኣውሮፓ ይሃድሙ ኣለዉ።
እቶም ምስሉያት: ንሃጸይ ሃይለስላሴ “ፊውዳል ኣድሓርሓሪ እዩ” ፤ ይብሉ ከምዘይነበሩ፤ ሎሚ ግና ባዕላቶም ስርዓት ባርያነት ዓቢድነት ልክዕ ከምቶም ናይቶም ዓእዕራብ ጎይቶቶም መስሪቶም እነሃለዉ።
k.tewolde November 16, 2016
In order to cure the disease we have to know the cause or the offending organism,if it is bacteria antibiotics,virus anti viral,fungus anti fungal ..and so on,otherwise it is just palliative care,we just treating the symptoms and we have been doing this for a while and the disease persists.Folks lets get real,lets get down and dirty,by now we already know what the disease is,but we have been avoiding the medicine and its side effects.You want to be cancer free,prepare your hair to fall off temporarily,prepare to suffer from intractable nausea,vomiting and constant fatigue from the chemo,that is what it takes.If we want to keep the disease ab adi halo and treat the symptoms in Italy and elsewhere in the world,we are giving it more time to metastasize and consume us entirely.The cure is in our hands, nobody else’s!! if we really mean what we say,we can administer the right medicine and get rid of the diseases once for all.Like the good old American saying,’you can’t have your cake and eat it too.’