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Voice of Assenna – ERITREA: Nation mourns Lampedusa tragedy (intv with survivors) & Tewelde T/M (Wede Vacaro) calls for action

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  • Almaz Gaul Asmera October 8, 2013

    ዝኸበርካ እቶ ተወልደ ተ/ማርያም (ወዲ ቫካሮ)፣ ንዓኻን እቶም ብጾትካን ኣቦታት ዘቕረብክምዎ ታሪኻዊ ጻውዒት ካብ ልቢ የመስግነካ። እዛ ሃገር ካንዶ ለባም የብላን እዩ? ኢልና ዓበይትንናን ንኣሽቱናን ብላሽ ክንብል ጸኒሕና። ናትካ ድምጺ ምስ ሰማዕና ግን ተስፋና በሪሁ። ብቐደሙ ሕዝቢ እዩ ሓይሊ፥ ከምታ ጀሚርኩምዋ ዘሎኹም ብሕዝቢ ዝቖመ ስቓይ ሕዝቢ ከሐጽር ዝተበገሰ ማዕበል እዩ እቲ እንኮ መገዲ። ፖለቲከኛታት ሃገርና ብቒምን ሕልኽን ኣእምርኦም ማርሾ ኮይኑ እዩ። እቶም ልምዳውያን ተቓወምቲ ብቐምሽ ኣደይ ሓንኪሉኒ ዕድመ እዚ ገበል ከናውሑ እንተዘይኮይኖም ዳህሲስካ ዝጭበጥ ፍረ ከየምጽኡ ዝምሓሉ እዮም ዝመስሉ። እቲ ዓዲ ዘየእቱ ሕማሞም ነዞም መንእሰያት ዝጸለዉልና እዩ ዘሐመና። ሕጂ ድማ ጥዕዩ ሕሙሙ እቲ መድረኽ ባዕሉ ኪግልፎ እዩ ሕዝባዊ ማዕበል ነልዕል፣ ስቃይና ኪውዳእ።
    ኣምኑኤል ኢያሱ ወዲ ሕዝቢ መርሽ ዕድመን ጥዕናን ይሃብካ፥ ኣጆኻ። ኣምላኽ/ኣላህ ይኣክል ይበለና።

  • Semhar October 9, 2013

    We must get reed of these killers and liberate our land and our people!


    bret ab idka demegnaka Isayas wedi MEDHIN BERAD ab meretka!

  • jonas October 9, 2013

    A revolution needs a face, for instance like Mandela was to South Africa or Sam Su Kyee was to Burma. Eritrean opposition has non, there is no one person to rally behind for a revolution to be successful. The reason Isayas survives is not because he is a smart and cunning dictator but he has no real credible opposition . A coup or revolt in the army may remove him, and that is if it happens within his circles. But the biggest threat to the dictator is not the opposition but his health, his eyes are hazy often he looks tired and into some drugs. He would not last in the coming two years , after his death people will dance on his grave but that is when opposition comes in. Nothing could be bad than living under the dictator.

  • dekibat October 9, 2013

    The interview with the survivors confirm my previous suspicion that it was completely sabotage to kill innocent children But we have to leave no stone unturned to avenge our infants death.The people smugglers made sure no one would survive except themselves and the Italian coast guard have blood on their hand. The two mysterious Boats or ships might belong to the coastguard. We should demand an independent UN enquiry and a crime against humanity should be filed in the Hague against the Italian Government and other European countries Who new everything with their sophisticated satellite and radio surveillance.

    • sara October 13, 2013

      What r u talking about? … u expect Italian gov. Or ppl to care about yr ppl ? our gov. Is distroing us inside n out. Again u said what’s wrong w you?
      Blame er gov. Banch of twlij distroing our ppl.

  • dekibat October 9, 2013

    where the is eritrean orthodox patrirach why do not ask for a mass Hazen and SOLOT FITHAT in Eritrea why do not defy the dictator. You are complicit ABUNE.

    • Hafash October 9, 2013

      Dear dekibat,I agree with you on this 100%. However, it is not only the clergymen of the Orthodox church, but also all the spiritual leaders of the other religions also have the spiritual and moral duty to carry out memorial services for the victims, console the grieving families, and call up on the regime to declare national mourning days.

  • temie October 9, 2013

    Thanks wedi vacaro great speech.isseyas medef did u get the message leave us alone go to hell where u belong.

  • wedi assm October 9, 2013

    Thank you Vakaro. I didn’t expect a word like this from you. If you remember 14yers back in Asmera You were best friend of the dictator Isayas. What you did on us” Intercontinental staff” we can not forget. But now you become a symbol of freedom. I hope you will keep your words. Lets work together and save Eritrea.

  • temie October 9, 2013

    Thanks wedi vacaro great speech.isseyas eritrean ppl r spoken leave now!! go to hell where u belong

  • mulugetta October 9, 2013

    Tough, Wedi Vakaro, I really welcome your comments, that is very constructive. But your comment would be much more genuine if you start by apologizing to those you hurt during your time at Intercontinental; where in collaboration with the corrupt ‘gangsters’ in power in eritrea you have forced people to go to Sawa in an unbelievable manners. Thanks.

    • Werebela October 9, 2013

      You DFaggot Mulugeta,

      Shut the fuck up. I am personaly want to eliminate the dictator – This Tembien guy need to be hunged in center asmara city …. so that we will fill out dream. He is working to eliminate Eritreans from teh face of the eearth and substitute with Tigreans like Hagos Kisha.

  • mulugetta October 9, 2013

    which was one of the causes of Eritreans fleeing the country, and bravely facing such tragic atrocities. So as long as you, Wedi Vakaro & the likes of you, are still focusing on opportunistically praising yourselves, than genuinely sympathizing with the loss, your comments are difficult to take with any credit. thanks.

    • Tes October 9, 2013


      Please you have to be sensitive. This gentle man is feeling the pain and chooses now to speak. I don’t understand why you said that his comments are difficult to take, unless you are one of those criminals outside our country just doing what you masters told you to do. Smear with bad to anybody trying to throw a punch on HGDEF.

      • MightyEmbasoyra October 10, 2013

        I think you guys are in the same page. Mulugetta, what ever wedi Vakaro (if any) has done before, this is about the disaster we have at hand.
        All of you stay calm brothers – we have one and only one enemy – HGDF.

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