This kind of open and informative discussions is important to educate listeners . We need people
with vision based in principle like we heard from
those speakers to look forward on achieving the
anticipated goal .
I applaud for brothers Amanuel , Abdu & Sullivan
for your efforts to shield our Youngs from negative influences .
And I also agree to the idea on bringing together
all interested nationalists at common background.
Eritrea at this moment face difficult challenge
and our people waited for so long to see rescue .
Anyway , thanks for ASSENNA for the opportunity
to share us about the debate .
Emma wants fundamental change. Meaning radical change.
Suleiman illuminated the objective and regional reality that might make fundamental change too risky of a strategy. He argued that Eritrea may fail as a state if we are too ambitious.
Abdu wants us to define the Eritrea we want to see after the fall of the dictatorship. Perhaps a national charter.
Interesting discussion. I look forward to the 2nd part before I put forth my two cents worth.
Thank you brothers for this constructive dialogue.
Eritrea at this time does not have political superstructure that are the cornerstones for democratic transformation. It has no constitution, no independent legal system, no free and fair elections, free and independent press, popular participation, good governance, etc. As such, there is nothing to reform. Fundamental or basic reform is indispensable.
However, the method to be used to bring a fundamental has to be determined by objective situations. If the desired change can be brought with out regime change the is preferable. However, the past experience and objective evidences tells us otherwise. Isayas and his cronies will not cede power by peaceful means.It might even be more risky to attempt basic change without regime change. Regime change coupled with rule of law and reconciliation, as much as practicable. The cycle of violence has to end, No more power through barrel of a gun. We should be able to change our war mentality and build a peaceful and democratic society.
Amaniel Eyasu advocates for revolutionary means to bring change in Eritrea but he does not state its relevance with persuasive argument, nor does he tell us of the existence of any genuine Eritrean revolutionaries worthy of the task and with proven track record to rally the people to its side and to conduct and lead the revolution and secure the intended product.
Others, such as Dr. Asefaw, are calling for Reform but again they do not explicitly tell us as what they intend to reform and what to retain, nor do they tell us why we should prefer them over the revolutionaries.
However, it seems to me that these two groups have ominous similarities : both of them are not willing to discuss openly the negative role woyane is currently playing in the worsening situation of our country by polarizing our people through exacerbating our ethnic, religious etc. differences, not to mention its illegal occupation of our land.
As I have been stating for a long time, woyane and isaias afeweerqi are two faces of the same coin. We might not have observed them collaborating their assaults on our people. But again, only the infinitely naïve person bases his/her judgment solely on crude manifestation of injustice. And if we use the metrics of the naïve, we will never catch the evil criminals because, by their very nature, they are charming, unscrupulous with taking extra precaution not to leave any traces of their crimes either in their lips or on their hands. It is the product of their invisible works that we must catch them with and the product is the deteriorating situation of our country and people.
Obviously, our two groups are opposed to isaias afeweerqi’s hijacking the helm of our country under the flimsy guise and false pretext of woyane invasion. Woyane too is blabbering its enmity on isaias and love of the Eritrean people. But as one cannot be a friend and foe at the same time, woyane, who desecrated the resting places of our Martyrs, deported 100,000 0f our law abiding people from every part of Ethiopia in the worst inhuman manner etc., cannot be an honest friend of our people but a con artist bent for extortion at opportune time.
Why then does woyane profess to be friend of Eritrean Sovereignty in spite of its declared Manifesto of laying claim on our country and manifest commitment of inhuman crime on our people?
The question should rather be framed in such away that as to why some Eritreans receive riffraff from woyane who left no stone unturned to undo Eritrean Sovereignty through committing the aforementioned crimes? ……
Every Eritrean must realize that isaias and woyane are mortal enemies of our country and people and that flocking behind either of them is folly. The soonest we come aboard this theme, the fastest our success is to happen. Mark My words!
And we do not need any of fits of convulsive and bloody revolution, an idea being espoused by woyane for obvious reasons, nor reform but simple overthrow of the impostor and implement the Constitution. This will come when we as people accept the theme that woyane and isaias are the same: our people and our EDFs are keenly awaiting for that!!
HELLO to all eritreans who are fighting the present mafia government in our Beloved ERITREA.What are we doing always talking and taking on ASENA, ERENA,ASSMARINO ,PALTALK SEMERRR THIS TYRANT DICTATOR IS SOFACATING OUR COUNTYR FOR 24 YEARS AND THE ONLY THING WE ARE DOING IS TALK ,OR DEMONTRATED IN WESTERN CITIES THIS WILL NOT bring ERITREA out of the hands of this devil .TO MUCH TALK AND TALK .WE NEED ACTION and is taking too long .stop talking and think how to take action to remove this devil.
THIS IS AVERY GOOD COMMENT but enough the preaching time for action OTHER WISE ERITREA WILL BECAME like CUBA and NORTH KOREA,back in the days they where doing what ERITREANS ARE DOING NOW DEMONTRATION on western countries and express their frustration on mass media,with no concret action look where they are now after 60 or more years ,this what is awaiting our BELOVED ERITREA unless we take some kind of cocreet action .enough is said about the EVIL DEEDS of this mafia group WHAT IS REMAINING IS ACTION.IT HAS TO START INSIDE THE COUNTRY .
We are on the same page. Armed struggle at this juncture will be the undoing of Eritrea as a state. Coup d’état is the answer. No one coming after Esaias can have the power he has. We need a low cost solution. The country cannot handle a civil war. Internal civil war is the desire of our neighbor to the south, so they can annex at least parts of our country. They are cornered in Ethiopia. They feel Eritrea is the only scapegoat they can use to regain some legitimacy in Ethiopia. Most Ethiopians are not buying this anymore. They hate them more than they hate us. It doesn’t mean they will stop trying. Fellow Eritreans, let us not fall prey to their evil designs. We should not be gullible. We have impeccable enemies south of our border.
I can only laugh…hahaha, kikikiki. Amanuel, your argument is precise and with clear objective. As to the other argument (reform), it is really a blather. What a nugatory and pointless argument! Sir, you did delivered nothing except repeating a boring word “dichotomy”. Do you know the whole world is listening to your stonewall talk, especially the experts in politics?. I think the subject is beyond your depth and your topic cannot address the objective reality. With regard to the third agenda, it does not even stand alone as topic and alternative approach to the prevailing situation. National Charter? .We are not short of charters. The EPLF had its own charter, even now the regime has he charter; the opposition groups have their own charters and programmes, the ratified Constitution etc; however, these documents cannot bring about any change unless they are implemented on the ground. The big problem is many individuals are captive by constant fear of the unknown. Such state of mind lends to lack of self confidence and suspicion towards others. If an egg is rotten how on earth can you make it good?. If it is unspoiled then it is possible for the hen to hatch a chick. There is fallacy in truth.
AHMED SALEH !!! December 9, 2014
This kind of open and informative discussions is important to educate listeners . We need people
with vision based in principle like we heard from
those speakers to look forward on achieving the
anticipated goal .
I applaud for brothers Amanuel , Abdu & Sullivan
for your efforts to shield our Youngs from negative influences .
And I also agree to the idea on bringing together
all interested nationalists at common background.
Eritrea at this moment face difficult challenge
and our people waited for so long to see rescue .
Anyway , thanks for ASSENNA for the opportunity
to share us about the debate .
AHMED SALEH !!! December 9, 2014
Sorry , please read as Suleiman not Sullivan .
delai fithi December 9, 2014
Emma wants fundamental change. Meaning radical change.
Suleiman illuminated the objective and regional reality that might make fundamental change too risky of a strategy. He argued that Eritrea may fail as a state if we are too ambitious.
Abdu wants us to define the Eritrea we want to see after the fall of the dictatorship. Perhaps a national charter.
Interesting discussion. I look forward to the 2nd part before I put forth my two cents worth.
Thank you brothers for this constructive dialogue.
yohannes December 10, 2014
Eritrea at this time does not have political superstructure that are the cornerstones for democratic transformation. It has no constitution, no independent legal system, no free and fair elections, free and independent press, popular participation, good governance, etc. As such, there is nothing to reform. Fundamental or basic reform is indispensable.
However, the method to be used to bring a fundamental has to be determined by objective situations. If the desired change can be brought with out regime change the is preferable. However, the past experience and objective evidences tells us otherwise. Isayas and his cronies will not cede power by peaceful means.It might even be more risky to attempt basic change without regime change. Regime change coupled with rule of law and reconciliation, as much as practicable. The cycle of violence has to end, No more power through barrel of a gun. We should be able to change our war mentality and build a peaceful and democratic society.
Dawit Meconen December 10, 2014
Amaniel Eyasu advocates for revolutionary means to bring change in Eritrea but he does not state its relevance with persuasive argument, nor does he tell us of the existence of any genuine Eritrean revolutionaries worthy of the task and with proven track record to rally the people to its side and to conduct and lead the revolution and secure the intended product.
Others, such as Dr. Asefaw, are calling for Reform but again they do not explicitly tell us as what they intend to reform and what to retain, nor do they tell us why we should prefer them over the revolutionaries.
However, it seems to me that these two groups have ominous similarities : both of them are not willing to discuss openly the negative role woyane is currently playing in the worsening situation of our country by polarizing our people through exacerbating our ethnic, religious etc. differences, not to mention its illegal occupation of our land.
As I have been stating for a long time, woyane and isaias afeweerqi are two faces of the same coin. We might not have observed them collaborating their assaults on our people. But again, only the infinitely naïve person bases his/her judgment solely on crude manifestation of injustice. And if we use the metrics of the naïve, we will never catch the evil criminals because, by their very nature, they are charming, unscrupulous with taking extra precaution not to leave any traces of their crimes either in their lips or on their hands. It is the product of their invisible works that we must catch them with and the product is the deteriorating situation of our country and people.
Obviously, our two groups are opposed to isaias afeweerqi’s hijacking the helm of our country under the flimsy guise and false pretext of woyane invasion. Woyane too is blabbering its enmity on isaias and love of the Eritrean people. But as one cannot be a friend and foe at the same time, woyane, who desecrated the resting places of our Martyrs, deported 100,000 0f our law abiding people from every part of Ethiopia in the worst inhuman manner etc., cannot be an honest friend of our people but a con artist bent for extortion at opportune time.
Why then does woyane profess to be friend of Eritrean Sovereignty in spite of its declared Manifesto of laying claim on our country and manifest commitment of inhuman crime on our people?
The question should rather be framed in such away that as to why some Eritreans receive riffraff from woyane who left no stone unturned to undo Eritrean Sovereignty through committing the aforementioned crimes? ……
Every Eritrean must realize that isaias and woyane are mortal enemies of our country and people and that flocking behind either of them is folly. The soonest we come aboard this theme, the fastest our success is to happen. Mark My words!
And we do not need any of fits of convulsive and bloody revolution, an idea being espoused by woyane for obvious reasons, nor reform but simple overthrow of the impostor and implement the Constitution. This will come when we as people accept the theme that woyane and isaias are the same: our people and our EDFs are keenly awaiting for that!!
rahel December 10, 2014
HELLO to all eritreans who are fighting the present mafia government in our Beloved ERITREA.What are we doing always talking and taking on ASENA, ERENA,ASSMARINO ,PALTALK SEMERRR THIS TYRANT DICTATOR IS SOFACATING OUR COUNTYR FOR 24 YEARS AND THE ONLY THING WE ARE DOING IS TALK ,OR DEMONTRATED IN WESTERN CITIES THIS WILL NOT bring ERITREA out of the hands of this devil .TO MUCH TALK AND TALK .WE NEED ACTION and is taking too long .stop talking and think how to take action to remove this devil.
amanbeshir December 11, 2014
እዚ ብክልተ ነገራት ክርአ ዘለዎ አዩ። እቲ ቀዳማይ ብ ብረታዊ ቃልሲ ምስ መሰረታዊ ልውጢ ይከይድ። ሰለማዊ ቃልሲ ምስ ጽገና ይከይድ። መሰረታዊ ለውጢ ከምጽእ አየ ትብል ተኮይንካ ከም ዝተጥቅሰ ብረታዊ ቃልሲ እቲ እንኮ ኣማራጺ እዩ። ነዚ ኪትገብር ግን ብጣዕሚ ዓቅሚ ሰብ፥ ፋይናንስን መስዋእትን ክሓትት እዩ። ኣብ መጻኢ ኤርትራ ከኣ ዓቢ ኣሉታዊ ጽልዋ ኣለዎ። ኩሉ ግዜ ብብረታዊ ቃልሲ ዝመጽእ ለውጢ ውሕስነት የብሉን።እቲ ካልኣይ ከኣ ሰለማዊ ቃልሲ አዩ። አዚ ከኣ ኣብ ሰለማዊ ቃልሲ ዘይትፈቂድ ሃገር ሰልማዊ ቃልሲ ክትገበር ዘይሕሰብዩ። አንተኮነ ግን ኣብ መጻኢ ኤርትራ ዓቢ ኣስትዋጽኦ ነይርዎ። ኣብ ምንጎ አዚ ክልት ምግጫው (contradiction) ተፈጢሩ ኣሎ። ነዚ contradiction ክፈትሖ ዝክእል ኣማራጺ ክኣ አዚ ዕልዋ መንግስቲ ዝበሃል አዩ። በቲ ኣብ ውሽጢ ዘሎ ውጹዕ ሓይሊ ገርካ ዲክታቶራዊ ስርዓት ምዕላው እዩ። እዚ ዚኮነሉ ኣብ ውሽጢ ሃገር ሓያል ዝኮነ ውደባ ምፍጣር እዩ። ብድሕርዚ ቅዋም ጌርካ ናብ መንግዲ ዲምክራሲ ምምራሽ እዩ። ተራ ናይ diaspora ከኣ ክከውን ዘለዎ ኣብዚ ኣብ ውሽጢ ሃገር ውደባ ምሕያልን ንዝግበር ውደባ ብፋይናንስ መሕያልን ይከውን ማለት አዩ።
Dawit December 11, 2014
Thanks I agree with your idea
rahel December 11, 2014
THIS IS AVERY GOOD COMMENT but enough the preaching time for action OTHER WISE ERITREA WILL BECAME like CUBA and NORTH KOREA,back in the days they where doing what ERITREANS ARE DOING NOW DEMONTRATION on western countries and express their frustration on mass media,with no concret action look where they are now after 60 or more years ,this what is awaiting our BELOVED ERITREA unless we take some kind of cocreet action .enough is said about the EVIL DEEDS of this mafia group WHAT IS REMAINING IS ACTION.IT HAS TO START INSIDE THE COUNTRY .
Delai Fithi December 11, 2014
We are on the same page. Armed struggle at this juncture will be the undoing of Eritrea as a state. Coup d’état is the answer. No one coming after Esaias can have the power he has. We need a low cost solution. The country cannot handle a civil war. Internal civil war is the desire of our neighbor to the south, so they can annex at least parts of our country. They are cornered in Ethiopia. They feel Eritrea is the only scapegoat they can use to regain some legitimacy in Ethiopia. Most Ethiopians are not buying this anymore. They hate them more than they hate us. It doesn’t mean they will stop trying. Fellow Eritreans, let us not fall prey to their evil designs. We should not be gullible. We have impeccable enemies south of our border.
oromay December 11, 2014
I can only laugh…hahaha, kikikiki. Amanuel, your argument is precise and with clear objective. As to the other argument (reform), it is really a blather. What a nugatory and pointless argument! Sir, you did delivered nothing except repeating a boring word “dichotomy”. Do you know the whole world is listening to your stonewall talk, especially the experts in politics?. I think the subject is beyond your depth and your topic cannot address the objective reality. With regard to the third agenda, it does not even stand alone as topic and alternative approach to the prevailing situation. National Charter? .We are not short of charters. The EPLF had its own charter, even now the regime has he charter; the opposition groups have their own charters and programmes, the ratified Constitution etc; however, these documents cannot bring about any change unless they are implemented on the ground. The big problem is many individuals are captive by constant fear of the unknown. Such state of mind lends to lack of self confidence and suspicion towards others. If an egg is rotten how on earth can you make it good?. If it is unspoiled then it is possible for the hen to hatch a chick. There is fallacy in truth.
oromay December 12, 2014
The last sentence should be read as …there is no fallacy in truth.
wedi rijo December 12, 2014
ohhhhhhhhh it is really interesting discussion, but we need a translation in tigrigna language b/c 90 percent followers of this web site are eritreans
Stefanos Temolso December 12, 2014
ኣቱም ሰባት! ብኽብረትኩም ሓንሳብ ጽን በሉ’ስኪ። ህዝብና እንታይ ከም ዝደልን ነቲ ጕዳይ ብኸመይ ክንፍጽሞ ከም ዘለናን ምፍላጥ ቀሊል’ዩ። ምፍላጡ ጠፊኡና ዘይኮነ፡ ገ እናበልኻዶ ትጋገ ከም ዝብሃል እናፈለጥና ኢና ንጋገ ዘለና። ቀዳማይ ነገር ነቲ ቃልሲ ከም ናይ ትርፊ ግዜ ስራሕ ኢና ንርእዮ ዘለና። ህግሓኤ እቲ ካልእ ጸይቅታቱ ገዲፍካ ዲሲፕሊን ነይሩዎ፡ ንዝመደቦ ድማ ብግቡእ ዝትግብር ዝነበረ ውድብዩ። እንኮ ጸገሙ እቲ ኹሉ ድኻም መፍቶ ሓደ ውልቀመላኺ ምኳኑ ጥራይ’ዩ። ስለዚ፡ ንሕና ንህዝብና ዓወት ክነምጽእ፡ ሃገርና ሰላም ክረክብ፡ ፍትሒ ክነግሶ እንተኾይኑ፡ ኣብ ክንዲ ኣብ ጓል መነገዲ ኣቲና ክንቋየቝን ብዛዕባ ሕጂ ዘየገድሱና ነገራት ኣብ ምክታዕ ንእእቱ፡ ኣብቲ ንኢሰያስ ምእላይ ዘድሊ ኣገባብ ቃልሲ ተዛቲና ናይ ሃባር ግንባር ክንፈጥር ኣለና።ል ነዚ ድማ ውፉያት ሰባት ረኺብና ዝሓበሩና ነገር እናገበርና ምሉእ ግዜኦም ኣብት ቃልሲ ዝሳተፉሉ መንገዲ ክንፈጥር ክንክእል ኣለና። ስለዚ፡ ኣብ ምሉእ ኦኣለም ዘለና ደለይቲ ፍትሒ ኣብቲ ዘሰማምዓና ነጥቢ ረጊጽና (ንኢሰያስ ምእላይ) ናይ ሃባር ቃልሲ ክነካይድ ኣለና። ካብኡ ተረፈ፡ ኣነ ማሕበር እከለ እየ፡ ኣነ ድማ ውድብ እከለ፡ ኣነ ከኣ ሲቪክየ ክንብል እንተ ዄንና፡ ዛግራ ናብዚ፡ መሸንጐጋ ድማ ናብቲ ክከውን’ዩ። ሽዑ ኢሰያስ፡ ከምዝቲ ቅድሚ ሕጂ ዝበሎ ደቂሕድርትና ክብለና እዩ። ካብዚ ዝኸፍእ ነገር የሎን። ትንዕቆ ሰብ ክወራዘየልካ ከሎ! ክቡራት ኣሕዋት፡ ንለባም ኣምተሉ እዩሞ፡ ሃየ በጃካትኩም ነቲ ስራሕ ንጀምሮ። ከይብሉና፡ ከይንፈሽል ወዘተ እናበልና ትም እንተ ኢልና ንዘልኣለም ኣብ ባርነት ክንነብር ኢና። ቃልሲ ብውሑዳት ስለ ዝጅምር ንጀምሮ ጥራይ፡ ምስ ተኦኣወትና ክስዕቡና እዮም።