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Voice of Assenna: COI Report in Tigrinya, Part 2 & PFDJ Diaspora Tax Collection Tactics, Sat, July 30, 2016

Review overview
  • Berhe Tensea July 31, 2016

    The exposing of PFDJ IS excellent, and the person behind it must be thanked. I am happy that people are starting to follow the example of justice seekers in Canada. and Nationalists such as Aron Berhane of Mefteh News paper who have done a lot in fighting the mafia regime’s tactics, and because of that PFDJ’s hands are paralyzed.
    PFDJ in Canada is almost dead. for good.
    The festival that is going on now is comparable to a family picnic as the public participation is in its lowest in years.
    The only participating are die hard old women, men, and children.and Ghunbot 7 supporters.
    In their old good days. they were renting Sheraton for the kole afflicted to exorcise their Satan, and few die hard supporters,,, now, however, they are renting a small hall that can hold about 150 people, and are bringing the most drunkard , confused, coward, and stupid singer, called Tefeno.
    Death to the worst enemy of the people ghnin Isyas and his hyenas..
