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Voice of Assenna: 2nd Anniversary of the Lampedusa Tragedy, where 368 Eritreans Perished at Sea; Saturday, Oct 03, 2015

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  • Semhal October 3, 2015

    If the Lampedusa tragedy (357 souls of Eritrea’s sons and daughters) doesn’t create outrage and change
    in Eritrea, then nothing will bring change in Eritrea. And judging by the way things are going, the dictator Isaias is here to stay for very long time unfortunately.

  • k.tewolde October 4, 2015

    By forgetting politics for a moment, what kind of a human being set out to inflict so much pain and suffering to his brethren and rejoice doing it? Auschwitz of Africa. ‘In Him we find peace and comfort’,Amen.

  • ጀጋንው ይዘከርው። October 4, 2015

    ኩቡር ሃው መስፍን ኣጆካ ኩቡር ሃው።ንባት ምንሃዝ ተዘይኮይንው ንገብሮ ዘይብልና ህብረተሰብ ኢና ኮይና ዘለና ኣጆካ ኩቡር ሃው። ነዞም ውሳ ማት ኣብ ዝተፈላለየ ሃገር ዘለክውም ኩቡራት የህዋት ኣሃት ኣምላክ ሃይሊይ ይሃብክውም ሂወትክውም ክትገብርው። ካብዛ ኣለም ዝተፈለዮና የህዋትና ኣምላክ ተቀቢልዎም ኣሎ ንስድራቤት ስናት ይሃቦም 3 ትቅምቲይ ሰልማት ማልቲይ ኢያ።