Most of the views of the Eritrean opposition in diaspora is well expired and outdated like an old powdered can of milk. The comments are a mere repetition of an old record cassette.
If you want to know and understand the new politics and its dynamics, listen the young Eritreans inside Eritrea and in its armed forces who are voting on both feet. Eritreans are sick and tired of resolving conflicts by war. They are realistic on what Eritrea can do and can not do at this time. They are watching and listening to young Ethiopians.
Just call your own brothers, sisters and cousins in Asmara: they need to live in peace with Ethiopia. They are sick and tired to sleep in the trenches of mereb-setit, humera, Tsorona and Assab.
What surprises me the most is that at this time Issaias looks more progressive and pragmatic than the stagnant and vision-less diaspora opposition.
The oppositions’ offer is only war, conflict and instability of the region while the dictator is talking about peace, progress and development riding on the coattails of PM Abiy Ahmad.
You lost me, after “issaias looks more progressive and pragmatic than….” After the drama of the century, there will be no Eritrea and Ethiopia, but Ethiopia.and the Ethiopian people. I don’t know how old you are, but the oppositions who spoke of peace and stability were called traitors and either are in underground prison or driven out of their country, I don’t know what you care about and you may be are part of the plan to destroy the Eritrean people from within, since the 1970s. No one can tell the Eritrean people young and old about who is progressive, pragmatic or visionary for the good of Eritreans and its people. Thanks to information technology, we know!. When did the Eritrean opposition offer only war? Who authorized the 1998 war and let young Eritreans in the thousands loose their lives? who held and still holding young Eritreans hostage in the name national service? I can go on. fyi I am young Eritrean.
Madam drama Queen, may we also ask to how old you are and if you’ve been sufficiently breast fed by the criminal butchers ELF monsters or the opportunist oppositions who “speak of peace and stability”!!!!!!! As the old adage has it, “You should know the truth and the truth will always hurt”.
You simply sound like Sophia T/mariam, that is, gual hidrtina/foreigner of Eritrean politics.
Brother Asmerom,
This wicked woman was probably breast fed bottles of blood of our innocent Eritreans by her blood sucking Jebha beasts. She seems she is bloody thirsty for more red wine/blood of our people. Look at her madness when she boasts of ‘I can go on’ – she bloody means she can go on bloodsucking Eritreans indefinitely. Wicked bitch..
I knew you will come back sister. Forget about the little hiccups we had before. We did not understand each other back then. Today is a different day and we are on the same line together. If we stay together and fight for justice there is no reason why we don not prevail. I trust you and I hope you do – together ( I mean as a justice seeker) not later but soon we will win. The momentum is on our side not with dia. For those folks who were lost following blindly the dia have an open door now to join the justice seekers.
Anyone who thinks what dia is doing is for the better of the country is DEAD Wrong.
Remember, remember the 1st September – we never fought for flowers gift or camels, horses, or for walking on red carpets,
our fight was for Independence, freedom democracy,
justice,peace and genuine hearts
ጸዋዒት ማንቲለ ንጎብየ ን(ኤሊት)
ጎብየ ፡ ጎበየ ፡ ኣይንዓካ እንዲየ!
ገዲፈዮ’የ ምስ መዘዝካ ንየ!
ንዓ!-ንዓ! ንዓ ምሳይ ጉየ!
ናይ ዓድና ጎብየ ለከ ዕንሹ
ኣብጽሑኒ ኢሉስ ክቀዳደም ገይሹ
Do I have to go back and reread “The Rabbit and Turtle” fable? What have changed since I read it last time?
Nice read. I heard you Tsilal-
Indeed, Nezi kitiTiHinas kindizi tiriHitsa. Give it a rest cowboy, you not fooling us with your clown acts. You are only supposed to practice and to show your clown acts in a circus shows.
Otherwise, why are you so desperate and so lousy with your outdated boring poems?
The greatest wealth and strength of any nation is its young generation. As we know and observe the future of a nation lies in the hands of its posterity. And the quality of its youth determines the kind of future, the nation will have. Therefore, if we want to ensure a bright future for our country, we first need to strengthen and empower the young generation. The youth of any nation and society are the potential energy. They are the powerhouse and storehouse of infinite competence. They are the ones who are the pride of that nation.
It is obvious the young generation have vital activity roles in modern Eritrea rather than their parents. They have more influence because they have better education systems and thanks to increasing technology, they develop their knowledge. The youth are not only communicate with each other entire the world easily via the internet. But they also gather useful information by joining to science network and any subject that they want to get more power and influence
Thus, the future of the country rests on the shoulders of the young because they represent new values, new thinking and the new ways of life leadership, and possess knowledgeable energy. But this stamina and power to perform should be channelized in the right direction. Misguided youth may do greater harm to the society than even the worst enemy can do. So unless we harnessed and tapped them in the right way, this very energy of the youth can tip over the other side and become destructive and dangerous for the society
We experience political freedom gives duties as well as responsibilities. These are more important as the case of Eritrea because we want to be free from poverty, disease and all types of divisive forces. Thus our political freedom in the diaspora must create conditions not only for better life but also for peace for the rest of the region. Thus the young generation of Eritrea should be inspired with these ideas and make them as popular with the people as it is possible
In fact the older generation becomes hardened in their thinking. So it is difficult for them to adopt a new path. The faith of the young people is never so rigid. They can adopt, modify and change their ideas according to the demands of the circumstances. So the young generation of Eritea should take this responsibility on their shoulders
Stop “cutting and pasting” other people’s documents here. Kedahi! Kab hangolka tsehaf!!! Nay kaliE seb entekimka neNebebtlast habir!!! No one is ever impressed with your plagiarism, here!!! Stopped it!!!!
You are really COWARD, even you do have courage to disclose you given name, I am not terrify or scare the pants off by such a dastardly person like you. So you better keep your personality.
Cowards tend to be fearfull
very sensitive to criticism respectul
Always avoids risks
self – conscious, easily become bullies
Heroes afar lacks genuine motivation
pessimistic, fears persistently rejection.
Withdrawn – feel unsure about other people fact
therefore their/his/her relationships is as usual difficult
Another responsibility which Eritrean youth will have to take is to revive our culture in a progressive way. If we break with our culture, we misdirect the forces of change and as a result of it no progress is made by the society. Inattention to our culture in our youth specially in the diaspora is to no small extent responsible for the increasing unrest among. It is our culture that helped Eritrea to survive despite a number of destructive forces working against it. Thus the great ideas enshrined in our culture guide and set this energies of nation in the proper direction. However, if the young generation does not take up this challenge, they would be almost the enemies of the future.
The young generation of Eritrea should try to give a practical shape to the ideals of democracy which have kept before us. An ordinary person is not adventurous enough to take up the challenges to adopt certain ideals which may be good for the nation. Generally the action of the individuals are guided by the normal way of thinking and also by the normal conventions. It is only the young who can accept unconventional ideas with spirit and enthusiasm.
Various social movements which seem to be the basis of progress need the help of the young generations. For example, for the older generation idea might not be proper and at moments they might consider it a political move on the part of the party in power. It is so because their conventional thinking does not agree with the new set up of circumstances. But the young generation has vision of the future and is guided by that very vision. So “a nation is built in its educational institutions” through young generations
Young generation in Eritrea has always been depending upon the older generation. Our social set up did allow them to have independent thinking and independent way of life. But now young generation is to mould the thinking of the older generation. They will have to give proper shape and form to the policies which might have been out-dated and worn out.
Hence, society should mould itself according to the thinking of the young because it is difficult for the older generation to have new thinking. The young should always look with hope and confidence to the future. They must have the spirit to work among the masses and also give a sense of direction for the others to follow. So only the young in Eritrea can seize the opportunitiesl and give new enthusiasm and energy to carry forward the programme which has been chalked out for the country.
You are really COWARD, even you do have courage to disclose you given name, I am not terrify or scare the pants off by such a dastardly person like you. So you better keep your personality.
Cowards tend to be fearfull
very sensitive to criticism respectul
Always avoids risks
self – conscious, easily become bullies
Heroes afar lacks genuine motivation
pessimistic, fears persistently rejection.
Withdrawn – feel unsure about other people fact
therefore their/his/her relationships is as usual difficult
You are really COWARD, even you do have courage to disclose you given name, I am not terrify or scare the pants off by such a dastardly person like you. So you better keep your personality.
Cowards tend to be fearfull
very sensitive to criticism respectul
Always avoids risks
self – conscious, easily become bullies
Heroes afar lacks genuine motivation
pessimistic, fears persistently rejection.
Withdrawn – feel unsure about other people fact
therefore their/his/her relationships is as usual diff
Lets give some credit and complements to DIA for being a clever survival and charmer. His best opportunity or the blessing in disguise was when the late prime minister of Ethiopia the great man Meles Zenawi suddenly passing away. The sudden unexpected death of the intelligent man Meles was really a gift for this diablos man.
Border demarcation is a priority number one so that
a. all those who expect Eritrea to go back to Ethiopia will get a definite answer of ;;;NO, NO, NO.,,
b. all our sacrifices will come to a tangible end.
I would like to remind a saying of Mahber Andnet to those who sing,, Ethiopia, Ethiopia,, ……etopia, wey mot knbL, itiopian motn bHansab mexiEnana,,,,
Tesfai July 17, 2018
Most of the views of the Eritrean opposition in diaspora is well expired and outdated like an old powdered can of milk. The comments are a mere repetition of an old record cassette.
If you want to know and understand the new politics and its dynamics, listen the young Eritreans inside Eritrea and in its armed forces who are voting on both feet. Eritreans are sick and tired of resolving conflicts by war. They are realistic on what Eritrea can do and can not do at this time. They are watching and listening to young Ethiopians.
Just call your own brothers, sisters and cousins in Asmara: they need to live in peace with Ethiopia. They are sick and tired to sleep in the trenches of mereb-setit, humera, Tsorona and Assab.
What surprises me the most is that at this time Issaias looks more progressive and pragmatic than the stagnant and vision-less diaspora opposition.
The oppositions’ offer is only war, conflict and instability of the region while the dictator is talking about peace, progress and development riding on the coattails of PM Abiy Ahmad.
Love and Peace to Eritrea and Ethiopia
Genet-Original July 17, 2018
You lost me, after “issaias looks more progressive and pragmatic than….” After the drama of the century, there will be no Eritrea and Ethiopia, but Ethiopia.and the Ethiopian people. I don’t know how old you are, but the oppositions who spoke of peace and stability were called traitors and either are in underground prison or driven out of their country, I don’t know what you care about and you may be are part of the plan to destroy the Eritrean people from within, since the 1970s. No one can tell the Eritrean people young and old about who is progressive, pragmatic or visionary for the good of Eritreans and its people. Thanks to information technology, we know!. When did the Eritrean opposition offer only war? Who authorized the 1998 war and let young Eritreans in the thousands loose their lives? who held and still holding young Eritreans hostage in the name national service? I can go on. fyi I am young Eritrean.
Asmerom July 17, 2018
Madam drama Queen, may we also ask to how old you are and if you’ve been sufficiently breast fed by the criminal butchers ELF monsters or the opportunist oppositions who “speak of peace and stability”!!!!!!! As the old adage has it, “You should know the truth and the truth will always hurt”.
You simply sound like Sophia T/mariam, that is, gual hidrtina/foreigner of Eritrean politics.
Tsehaye July 18, 2018
Brother Asmerom,
This wicked woman was probably breast fed bottles of blood of our innocent Eritreans by her blood sucking Jebha beasts. She seems she is bloody thirsty for more red wine/blood of our people. Look at her madness when she boasts of ‘I can go on’ – she bloody means she can go on bloodsucking Eritreans indefinitely. Wicked bitch..
meretse July 18, 2018
I knew you will come back sister. Forget about the little hiccups we had before. We did not understand each other back then. Today is a different day and we are on the same line together. If we stay together and fight for justice there is no reason why we don not prevail. I trust you and I hope you do – together ( I mean as a justice seeker) not later but soon we will win. The momentum is on our side not with dia. For those folks who were lost following blindly the dia have an open door now to join the justice seekers.
Anyone who thinks what dia is doing is for the better of the country is DEAD Wrong.
Remember, remember the 1st September – we never fought for flowers gift or camels, horses, or for walking on red carpets,
our fight was for Independence, freedom democracy,
justice,peace and genuine hearts
meretse July 18, 2018
ጸዋዒት ማንቲለ ንጎብየ ን(ኤሊት)
ጎብየ ፡ ጎበየ ፡ ኣይንዓካ እንዲየ!
ገዲፈዮ’የ ምስ መዘዝካ ንየ!
ንዓ!-ንዓ! ንዓ ምሳይ ጉየ!
ናይ ዓድና ጎብየ ለከ ዕንሹ
ኣብጽሑኒ ኢሉስ ክቀዳደም ገይሹ
Do I have to go back and reread “The Rabbit and Turtle” fable? What have changed since I read it last time?
Nice read. I heard you Tsilal-
Tsehaye July 18, 2018
Indeed, Nezi kitiTiHinas kindizi tiriHitsa. Give it a rest cowboy, you not fooling us with your clown acts. You are only supposed to practice and to show your clown acts in a circus shows.
Otherwise, why are you so desperate and so lousy with your outdated boring poems?
Are' Wedebo July 22, 2018
I think you have serious illness in your blood and therefore in.your brain. Go visit a specialist to find out more!!!
Gezae July 18, 2018
The greatest wealth and strength of any nation is its young generation. As we know and observe the future of a nation lies in the hands of its posterity. And the quality of its youth determines the kind of future, the nation will have. Therefore, if we want to ensure a bright future for our country, we first need to strengthen and empower the young generation. The youth of any nation and society are the potential energy. They are the powerhouse and storehouse of infinite competence. They are the ones who are the pride of that nation.
It is obvious the young generation have vital activity roles in modern Eritrea rather than their parents. They have more influence because they have better education systems and thanks to increasing technology, they develop their knowledge. The youth are not only communicate with each other entire the world easily via the internet. But they also gather useful information by joining to science network and any subject that they want to get more power and influence
Thus, the future of the country rests on the shoulders of the young because they represent new values, new thinking and the new ways of life leadership, and possess knowledgeable energy. But this stamina and power to perform should be channelized in the right direction. Misguided youth may do greater harm to the society than even the worst enemy can do. So unless we harnessed and tapped them in the right way, this very energy of the youth can tip over the other side and become destructive and dangerous for the society
We experience political freedom gives duties as well as responsibilities. These are more important as the case of Eritrea because we want to be free from poverty, disease and all types of divisive forces. Thus our political freedom in the diaspora must create conditions not only for better life but also for peace for the rest of the region. Thus the young generation of Eritrea should be inspired with these ideas and make them as popular with the people as it is possible
In fact the older generation becomes hardened in their thinking. So it is difficult for them to adopt a new path. The faith of the young people is never so rigid. They can adopt, modify and change their ideas according to the demands of the circumstances. So the young generation of Eritea should take this responsibility on their shoulders
Are' Wedebo July 22, 2018
Gezae zibyE,
Stop “cutting and pasting” other people’s documents here. Kedahi! Kab hangolka tsehaf!!! Nay kaliE seb entekimka neNebebtlast habir!!! No one is ever impressed with your plagiarism, here!!! Stopped it!!!!
Gezae July 22, 2018
You are really COWARD, even you do have courage to disclose you given name, I am not terrify or scare the pants off by such a dastardly person like you. So you better keep your personality.
Cowards tend to be fearfull
very sensitive to criticism respectul
Always avoids risks
self – conscious, easily become bullies
Heroes afar lacks genuine motivation
pessimistic, fears persistently rejection.
Withdrawn – feel unsure about other people fact
therefore their/his/her relationships is as usual difficult
Gezae July 18, 2018
Another responsibility which Eritrean youth will have to take is to revive our culture in a progressive way. If we break with our culture, we misdirect the forces of change and as a result of it no progress is made by the society. Inattention to our culture in our youth specially in the diaspora is to no small extent responsible for the increasing unrest among. It is our culture that helped Eritrea to survive despite a number of destructive forces working against it. Thus the great ideas enshrined in our culture guide and set this energies of nation in the proper direction. However, if the young generation does not take up this challenge, they would be almost the enemies of the future.
The young generation of Eritrea should try to give a practical shape to the ideals of democracy which have kept before us. An ordinary person is not adventurous enough to take up the challenges to adopt certain ideals which may be good for the nation. Generally the action of the individuals are guided by the normal way of thinking and also by the normal conventions. It is only the young who can accept unconventional ideas with spirit and enthusiasm.
Various social movements which seem to be the basis of progress need the help of the young generations. For example, for the older generation idea might not be proper and at moments they might consider it a political move on the part of the party in power. It is so because their conventional thinking does not agree with the new set up of circumstances. But the young generation has vision of the future and is guided by that very vision. So “a nation is built in its educational institutions” through young generations
Young generation in Eritrea has always been depending upon the older generation. Our social set up did allow them to have independent thinking and independent way of life. But now young generation is to mould the thinking of the older generation. They will have to give proper shape and form to the policies which might have been out-dated and worn out.
Hence, society should mould itself according to the thinking of the young because it is difficult for the older generation to have new thinking. The young should always look with hope and confidence to the future. They must have the spirit to work among the masses and also give a sense of direction for the others to follow. So only the young in Eritrea can seize the opportunitiesl and give new enthusiasm and energy to carry forward the programme which has been chalked out for the country.
Are' Wedebo July 22, 2018
Another copycat!!! Where did you graduate from? University of Plagiarism!!!
Tesfazghi July 22, 2018
You are a pussycat asshole diKala scavenger, why are you fucking scavenging leftovers?
Gezae July 22, 2018
You are really COWARD, even you do have courage to disclose you given name, I am not terrify or scare the pants off by such a dastardly person like you. So you better keep your personality.
Cowards tend to be fearfull
very sensitive to criticism respectul
Always avoids risks
self – conscious, easily become bullies
Heroes afar lacks genuine motivation
pessimistic, fears persistently rejection.
Withdrawn – feel unsure about other people fact
therefore their/his/her relationships is as usual difficult
Gezae July 22, 2018
You are really COWARD, even you do have courage to disclose you given name, I am not terrify or scare the pants off by such a dastardly person like you. So you better keep your personality.
Cowards tend to be fearfull
very sensitive to criticism respectul
Always avoids risks
self – conscious, easily become bullies
Heroes afar lacks genuine motivation
pessimistic, fears persistently rejection.
Withdrawn – feel unsure about other people fact
therefore their/his/her relationships is as usual diff
Ghirmay July 18, 2018
Lets give some credit and complements to DIA for being a clever survival and charmer. His best opportunity or the blessing in disguise was when the late prime minister of Ethiopia the great man Meles Zenawi suddenly passing away. The sudden unexpected death of the intelligent man Meles was really a gift for this diablos man.
Ghebre Meskel July 19, 2018
Border demarcation is a priority number one so that
a. all those who expect Eritrea to go back to Ethiopia will get a definite answer of ;;;NO, NO, NO.,,
b. all our sacrifices will come to a tangible end.
I would like to remind a saying of Mahber Andnet to those who sing,, Ethiopia, Ethiopia,, ……etopia, wey mot knbL, itiopian motn bHansab mexiEnana,,,,