Excellent Interview. Specialy Dr. Bruke’s opinion and answer Clear and balanced for lasting peace solution. Being open mind and positive thinker is the one we all need. How ever the set mind of DIA is not positive thinker for the sake of the Eritreans people to give the freedom they deserve. He is only wants to stay in power with his close circle criminals for ever. I wonder how Dr. Aby missing these facts.and making deals that is not includes the Eritreans people..
” Even birds fly together with the same wings”. Specially geese switch turns on leading the group when they seasonal immigrates from one place to an other. Democracy is sharing and obeys rule of law.
The problem is the two facts are missing in Eritrea and that destroy the country. Like you said a country is not a country without it’s people participation. But thanks for your honest suggestion. Keep bringing the good positive ideas for the sake of lasting peaceful co-existance between the two nations..
Berhe Tensea October 27, 2018
Excellent program, thank you.
Teclay October 27, 2018
ደር ብሩኽ
ደር ብሩኽ,,,” ስም ይመራል ሻማ ያበራል”,,,,,”ስም ይመርኽ ጥውፍ የብርህ” የቐንየልና ። ምጽናትና ኣተሓሳሲብካ ።መንግስቱ ነጊሩና ነይሩ “ወንበዼዎች ናቸው “ኢሉና ኣይሰማዕናዮን ።ሕጂ ስሒናያ፣ ተረዲኡና ድማ ሕርሕራይ ገይሩ ፣ግን ከም ወዮ ጽዐዱ ዝብልዎ too late.
Meda October 29, 2018
It was a brilliant idea to translate and share this interview with us, Solomon Yohanes and assenna. Keep the good work, guys! We are proud of you
Solomon B. Sengal October 30, 2018
Excellent Interview. Specialy Dr. Bruke’s opinion and answer Clear and balanced for lasting peace solution. Being open mind and positive thinker is the one we all need. How ever the set mind of DIA is not positive thinker for the sake of the Eritreans people to give the freedom they deserve. He is only wants to stay in power with his close circle criminals for ever. I wonder how Dr. Aby missing these facts.and making deals that is not includes the Eritreans people..
” Even birds fly together with the same wings”. Specially geese switch turns on leading the group when they seasonal immigrates from one place to an other. Democracy is sharing and obeys rule of law.
The problem is the two facts are missing in Eritrea and that destroy the country. Like you said a country is not a country without it’s people participation. But thanks for your honest suggestion. Keep bringing the good positive ideas for the sake of lasting peaceful co-existance between the two nations..