To All:- Eritreans, Hearers every where!
We know Now. Who was and who is our Enemy for the past Twenty Seven Years. What is our choices? With action comes Triumph. Lets bring back Our Ancestors Eritrean Pride. And keep the Promise and Dreams of Our Heroes Martyrs Alive. Free and Independent Eritrea for ever and ever. Well demarcated its Boundary according Algiers agreement. Peace to Eritrea and Ethiopia.
Abrehaley Asheber October 24, 2018
To All:- Eritreans, Hearers every where!
We know Now. Who was and who is our Enemy for the past Twenty Seven Years. What is our choices? With action comes Triumph. Lets bring back Our Ancestors Eritrean Pride. And keep the Promise and Dreams of Our Heroes Martyrs Alive. Free and Independent Eritrea for ever and ever. Well demarcated its Boundary according Algiers agreement. Peace to Eritrea and Ethiopia.
Genet-Original October 26, 2018