I just don’t get it. Who are the cabinets members, Are they Eritreans? are they alive and in their right mind? DO they have families of their own? I think it is time to profile them. I think we need to know what we are dealing with. How can they allow what is going on? Eritrea is being sold to anyone who wants a port and the so called cabinet members are actually having a meeting and playing part of
a “cabinet” I think it will be very educational to have those peoples name out in the open, If we don’t know them, how can we shame them. I think we need to isolate DIA from his yes men stooges. I don’t need to hear about books they wrote or they are writing, when our country is going to hell in a hand basket.
Patient and steady with all he bear
Ready to meet every challenge with care
Easy in manner, yet solid at steel,
String in his faith, refreshingly real,
Isn’t afraid to propose what is bold,
Doesn’t conform to the usual mould,
Eyes that have foresight, for hindsight won’t do
Never backs down when he sees what is true,
Tells it all straight and means it all too,
Going forward and knowing he’s right,
Even when doubted for why he would fight
Over and over he makes his case clear,
Reaching to touch the ones who won’t hear,
Growing in strength, he would not be unnerved,
Ever assuring he’ll stand by his word.
Wanting the world to join his firm stand,
Bracing for war, but praying for peace,
Using his power so eveil will cease :
So much a leader and worthy of trust,
A man who will do what he must.
Never any doubt when is time to decide…
Wearing highly strong gut feelings,
Born to protect, took care,work hard throughout the times.
A man of ambition, who never bragged.
Leader at heart, certain at marks and assured
I just wish that of his true essence
Great humble man.an admirable clear signature
Anyone who has a bit of salt in his gray matter knows that DIA is a rootless serial killer.
Eritrean will not allow any government to bury him on our land.
His remains should be dumped at sea beyond Nukhra.
The malignant dictator IA doesn’t belong to ANY land, people and religion. He is a socially sick individual who hates anything human and above all he hates most everything Eritrean.
I do not support radical change. I do not support the so know justice seeker what so ever revenge seeker group/groups. So in a crystal clear answer ‘no at all’
What I am recently hearing is that there are many colonels, generals, etc the dendenats of Alula Aba Nega who has resettled around Asmara (most of them in Emba Derho, Adi Nifas, Himbirti, etc).
There are also many Deqi-ArbeAa, all over the Kebessa Eritrea and a lot of them are high ranking HGDFites.
Isayas was studying these people since the 70s and he made sure to keep them alive for times, well like today.
Expecting DIA to change is like asking a leopard to shed it’s stripes. The cabinet meeting that he was trying to evade is taking place now as we speak. He will try to ride out this political storm by using two deceptive tactics. Don’t be fooled by that a) sweet-talk to identify with your concerns. b) Play blame game to create scapegoats to put you on the defensive. If you are truly patriotic yiu should introduce a united motion of no- confidence in the cabinet meeting to strip him of his power. If you don’t take this preemptive action now, you will end up having the same fate like your fellow veteran comrades. The patriotic high ranking military officers in the army should also use this golden opportunity to take over both the Headquarter of the security & ministry of the information while the meeting is in progress.
I have no doubt about PIA Eritrean ism. Action speaks than words. For your knowledge my parent house is 200 feet away from ENDA ABOY Afeweriki Abraha home when I was in Asmara. PIA is 8 years older than me, but his young brothers like Amanuel were my class mate and I believe we graduated 1971 from Haile sellassie Comprehensive Secondary School Asmara the same year.
Any way back to the main topic- Eritrean ism is not beautiful words, but rather action,deeds, determination and purpose for the entire people so to build a resplendent country to lead the region and beyond. Eritrean-ism is not steeling, looting your poor people money and properties OR selling information to the enemies for your personal and group for money. Sure Eritrean ism is to appreciate our freedom, rights, and justice for all, but also to live a life showing that you/we are willing to take action to support and show a deep understanding of what Eritrean ism means too.
With all due respect veteran,I don’t know how you ended up in ELF as you claim you were,then again your idol was part of that pioneer organizations leadership too,that said,if Eritreanism is defined by creepy characters as G.O. put it like you and the tyrant,I have nothing to do with it.My take is there are so many like you who identify with the tyrant because they can’t see the Eritrean experience without him,they live vicariously through him,in other words they failed personally to self actualize,it is sad someone in his 60’s will write a poem praising one of our modern era notorious dictators instead of reading bedtime stories to his grandchildren and tuck them in their bed with a heart full of joy,yeah! it is a bit creepy my dearest G.O. but that is the outcome of unstable society with years of pain and suffering,wars and displacement,broken families and lawlessness and our little nation epitomizes that.No sugar coating.It is what it is,one old man and his dwindling cabinet and fast emptying nation.
I praise Ibrahim Sultan, Aboy Woldeab, Hamid Idris Awate, and PIA. What is wrong? Do not go in a zig zag way be straight forward. Do say want say or believe PIA is not Hero?
Do you comprehend as history thought us the term “hero” comes from the ancient Greeks. For them, a hero was a mortal who had done something so far beyond the normal scope of human experience that he left an immortal memory behind him when he died, and thus received worship like that due the gods. Many of these first heroes were great benefactors of humankind:. But people who had committed unthinkable crimes were also called heroes. Originally, heroes were not necessarily good, but they were always extraordinary; to be a hero was to expand people’s sense of what was possible for a human being. I read here in Assenna Abdella Idris, Hangela, Woldedawit, and so many praising.It is clear that the greatest obstacle to the appreciation and adoption of heroes in our society is pervasive and corrosive cynicism and skepticism
Today, it is much harder to detach the concept of heroism from morality; we only call heroes those whom we admire and wish to emulate. But still the concept retains that original link to possibility. We need heroes first and foremost because our heroes help define the limits of our aspirations. We largely define our ideals by the heroes we choose, and our ideals — things like courage, honor, and justice — largely define us. Our heroes are symbols for us of all the qualities we would like to possess and all the ambitions we would like to satisfy. A person who chooses Martin Luther King or Mediva as a hero is going to have a very different sense of what human excellence involves than someone who chooses, say, Ibrahim Sultan, Aboy Woldeab or Hamid Idris Awate And because the ideals to which we aspire do so much to determine the ways in which we behave, we all have a vested interest in each person having heroes, and in the choice of heroes each of us makes.
The best antidote to this cynicism is realism about the limits of human nature. We are cynical because so often our ideals have been betrayed. Washington and Jefferson held slaves, Martin Luther King is accused of philandering and plagiarizing, just about everybody had sex with someone they shouldn’t, and so on. We need to separate out the things that make our heroes noteworthy, and forgive the shortcomings that blemish their heroic perfection.
Brother KT,
I used to have a co-worker who used to say “You can’t fix a stupid person, maybe an ignorant but not stupid”
Gezae is one of them. While you are there, please add Hidat into that bin.
Are very curiouse to know about my back ground. In brief Gezae Tekie Asgodom Tecle Garza. By my grandpa ADEGBAY LOGOCHIWA, By my grandma DEKI SHEHAY LOGO ANSEBA. My father and my mom are both from Asmera because both were born and grown up in the beautiful city of Asmara like me. Do you satisfy now.
Yeah right!
That’s what Teclay claims & so does your cousin Isayas. You guys are the derivative of Alula.
An Eritrean wouldn’t support a devil to sell his/her country in a day light.
Come up with your real identity.
What………………..? Logochiwa ?? No you aren’t.
I thought you said you will not answer questions. I knew you would change your mind, but you aren’t from Logochiwa.
You are a former ELF and you end up to be the most submissive servant of DIA. This is beyond sad. You must have been treated with extra doses of obedience medication by DIA. I pity you.
So according to you, DIA’s Eritreanism was conformed with a solid proof of Asmara residency. You are just a genius!!!
I agree with your statement of “Action speaks than words” Indeed!. DIA’s action against our people and country has been deafening. His action can be simply put as pure, GENOCIDE!!!!!!
What a contradiction? How can you embrace eritreanism,when you hate the Eritrean identity? That is why we say loud & clearly “”Eritrea for ethnic Eritreans.””.
Isayas just told us he will make some cabinets minsters disappear in the coming weeks and months. This was a slip of a mouth or unintentional confession on what he was orchestrating. Issyas has bee the prosecutor, the judge and jury who arrested most of Eritrean misters in the past. No charges, no prison sentence he acts like he is GOD. The new threat is aimed at those who quested the new peace initiatives, One of the declaration said he will have to deal with those who attempt to subvert it but of course instead of telling us the truth he will now accuse them of the past crimes he orchestrated for them to commit.
I know you are the most out of touch of them all. Let me tell you what it means to be an Eritrean. Eritreans are who died for their peoples freedom. Eritreans are who are speaking up about the atrocity been omitted against the Eritrean people and our beloved country by a ruthless dictator and his zombies like you. Hidat, if I wasn’t Eritrean, I wouldn’t bother to come here and voice my concerns. It is clear that you think that being an Eritrean is to accept anything the ruthless dictator is doing. You are one of the many zombies without conscience DIA has been able to cultivate in order to destroy our society.
An Eritrean is one that not afraid to ask questions.
An Eritrean is one who believes Eritrea for Eritreans
An Eritrean is one doesn’t worship a dictator.
An Eritrean is one doesn’t believe in alternative truth.
An Eritrean is one who feels his peoples pain and sorrow
An Eritrean is one who is fully awake. I am awake and fully alert about my beloved people and country situation.
Simon G.
Thank you for the input.
I am more aware of the the make up of high ranking DIA’s stooges. I think it is time to get to know them via their profile. It is known fact that DIA’s system has been holding on any Eritrean military personals and national service participants profile. Everything from where they came from, their mothers side and fathers side down to the little village in Eritrea. During the Badme war, many young Eritrean were alarmed by the action of the military to profile some people and send them to Asmara in the middle of hot war. Most of those were pulled out of the war were known 100% Ethiopians who were raised or born in Eritrea. Some were rumored to be Ethiopians on their father side from the Derg era. Some times, the people who were profiled didn’t know why they were pulled out of the war. Some even didn’t like it. After the war, those people even became polices in Asmara who hunt down the young Eritreans who were late from returning to Sawa.
Profile is very important at this time. We need to know who is enabling DIA. I am talking about the people who are keeping him alive. Not the people who are inside Eritrea and blindly supporting him. Those are victims.
Profile now!
Genet Original September 29, 2018
I just don’t get it. Who are the cabinets members, Are they Eritreans? are they alive and in their right mind? DO they have families of their own? I think it is time to profile them. I think we need to know what we are dealing with. How can they allow what is going on? Eritrea is being sold to anyone who wants a port and the so called cabinet members are actually having a meeting and playing part of
a “cabinet” I think it will be very educational to have those peoples name out in the open, If we don’t know them, how can we shame them. I think we need to isolate DIA from his yes men stooges. I don’t need to hear about books they wrote or they are writing, when our country is going to hell in a hand basket.
Gezae September 29, 2018
Patient and steady with all he bear
Ready to meet every challenge with care
Easy in manner, yet solid at steel,
String in his faith, refreshingly real,
Isn’t afraid to propose what is bold,
Doesn’t conform to the usual mould,
Eyes that have foresight, for hindsight won’t do
Never backs down when he sees what is true,
Tells it all straight and means it all too,
Going forward and knowing he’s right,
Even when doubted for why he would fight
Over and over he makes his case clear,
Reaching to touch the ones who won’t hear,
Growing in strength, he would not be unnerved,
Ever assuring he’ll stand by his word.
Wanting the world to join his firm stand,
Bracing for war, but praying for peace,
Using his power so eveil will cease :
So much a leader and worthy of trust,
A man who will do what he must.
Never any doubt when is time to decide…
Wearing highly strong gut feelings,
Born to protect, took care,work hard throughout the times.
A man of ambition, who never bragged.
Leader at heart, certain at marks and assured
I just wish that of his true essence
Great humble man.an admirable clear signature
Genet Original September 29, 2018
Unfortunately, he passed away. RIP Nelson Mandela!!
Gezae September 29, 2018
This poem is for the Son of the Land of Braves PIA
Wedi Hagher September 29, 2018
Anyone who has a bit of salt in his gray matter knows that DIA is a rootless serial killer.
Eritrean will not allow any government to bury him on our land.
His remains should be dumped at sea beyond Nukhra.
Sol September 29, 2018
The malignant dictator IA doesn’t belong to ANY land, people and religion. He is a socially sick individual who hates anything human and above all he hates most everything Eritrean.
Yohana September 29, 2018
U R Wright!!!!!!!!!!!!!
assenna September 29, 2018
Make it brief if you may.
Your cooperation is appreciated,
Gezae September 29, 2018
I do not support radical change. I do not support the so know justice seeker what so ever revenge seeker group/groups. So in a crystal clear answer ‘no at all’
Simon G. September 29, 2018
What I am recently hearing is that there are many colonels, generals, etc the dendenats of Alula Aba Nega who has resettled around Asmara (most of them in Emba Derho, Adi Nifas, Himbirti, etc).
There are also many Deqi-ArbeAa, all over the Kebessa Eritrea and a lot of them are high ranking HGDFites.
Isayas was studying these people since the 70s and he made sure to keep them alive for times, well like today.
Hidat September 29, 2018
Genet Original ንስኪ ከ ኤርትራዊት ዲኪ?ድሓር ከኣ ብኣታሓሳስባን ብግብርን ኤርትራዊ እንተኮንካ እዩ ምበር ከምዝ ናትኪ ኤርትራዉነትሲ ኣይንተዓደሎ።
Wedi Hagher September 29, 2018
Unnoy Hidat
You seem to be some with dubious identity.
Is DIA your cousin?
Temesgen September 29, 2018
Expecting DIA to change is like asking a leopard to shed it’s stripes. The cabinet meeting that he was trying to evade is taking place now as we speak. He will try to ride out this political storm by using two deceptive tactics. Don’t be fooled by that a) sweet-talk to identify with your concerns. b) Play blame game to create scapegoats to put you on the defensive. If you are truly patriotic yiu should introduce a united motion of no- confidence in the cabinet meeting to strip him of his power. If you don’t take this preemptive action now, you will end up having the same fate like your fellow veteran comrades. The patriotic high ranking military officers in the army should also use this golden opportunity to take over both the Headquarter of the security & ministry of the information while the meeting is in progress.
Gezae September 29, 2018
ካልእ ጉዳይ ሃገር ቀዳምነት ሂብና/ወጢጡና ክንሰርሕ ስለ ዝጸናሕና ሓደ ሓደ ሰበስልጣናት ስልጣኖም ተጠቂሞም ዝሰርቁ ሰብ ዝበደሉ ካብ ሕጊ ወጻኢ ዝሰርሑ ዝነበሩ ሕጂ ግዜ ምጽብጻብ በጺሑ ኣሎ፡ ኩሉ ከኣ ናይቲ ዝገበሮ በደላት ሕሳብ ክኽፈሎ እዩ፡ ፕረዚደንት ኣብ ኣኼባ ዝተዛርቦ፡ ለንቅነ ሓደ ሓደ ሰባት ዝሃደሙ ወይውን ዝፈተኑ እንተሰሚዕና ኣይንገረም ኢና!!
Sol September 29, 2018
እምበኣር ኣብ ናይ ሕጊግደፍ ኤርትራ በዘይካ እቲ ለኽባጥ ኤሰያስ ስልጣን ዘለዎ ሰብ ኣሎ እዮ።
እዚ ኤስያሳዊ ድሕነት ኤሰያስ ኢልዎ ዝብሎ ዘሎ ሓቂ እንተ ኾይኑ ሽፍታ ኤሰያስ ነዚ ኣብ ዕዳጋ ኣውሪድዎ ዘሎ ልኡላውነት ሃገር ከይቃወሙ መፈራርሂ ወይ ከኣ ነዚ ኣብ ኤርትራ ተፈጺሙ ዘሎ ሰፍ ዘይብሌ ገበንን ነዞም ስማውያን ሓለፍቲ ኣሰኪሙ ነፍሱ ነጻ ከውጽእ ይህቅን ይህሉ እዚ ኣረጊት ሽጣራ ግን ሎሚ ኣይሰርሕን `ዮ
Gezae September 29, 2018
I have no doubt about PIA Eritrean ism. Action speaks than words. For your knowledge my parent house is 200 feet away from ENDA ABOY Afeweriki Abraha home when I was in Asmara. PIA is 8 years older than me, but his young brothers like Amanuel were my class mate and I believe we graduated 1971 from Haile sellassie Comprehensive Secondary School Asmara the same year.
Any way back to the main topic- Eritrean ism is not beautiful words, but rather action,deeds, determination and purpose for the entire people so to build a resplendent country to lead the region and beyond. Eritrean-ism is not steeling, looting your poor people money and properties OR selling information to the enemies for your personal and group for money. Sure Eritrean ism is to appreciate our freedom, rights, and justice for all, but also to live a life showing that you/we are willing to take action to support and show a deep understanding of what Eritrean ism means too.
k.tewolde September 29, 2018
With all due respect veteran,I don’t know how you ended up in ELF as you claim you were,then again your idol was part of that pioneer organizations leadership too,that said,if Eritreanism is defined by creepy characters as G.O. put it like you and the tyrant,I have nothing to do with it.My take is there are so many like you who identify with the tyrant because they can’t see the Eritrean experience without him,they live vicariously through him,in other words they failed personally to self actualize,it is sad someone in his 60’s will write a poem praising one of our modern era notorious dictators instead of reading bedtime stories to his grandchildren and tuck them in their bed with a heart full of joy,yeah! it is a bit creepy my dearest G.O. but that is the outcome of unstable society with years of pain and suffering,wars and displacement,broken families and lawlessness and our little nation epitomizes that.No sugar coating.It is what it is,one old man and his dwindling cabinet and fast emptying nation.
Gezae September 30, 2018
I praise Ibrahim Sultan, Aboy Woldeab, Hamid Idris Awate, and PIA. What is wrong? Do not go in a zig zag way be straight forward. Do say want say or believe PIA is not Hero?
Do you comprehend as history thought us the term “hero” comes from the ancient Greeks. For them, a hero was a mortal who had done something so far beyond the normal scope of human experience that he left an immortal memory behind him when he died, and thus received worship like that due the gods. Many of these first heroes were great benefactors of humankind:. But people who had committed unthinkable crimes were also called heroes. Originally, heroes were not necessarily good, but they were always extraordinary; to be a hero was to expand people’s sense of what was possible for a human being. I read here in Assenna Abdella Idris, Hangela, Woldedawit, and so many praising.It is clear that the greatest obstacle to the appreciation and adoption of heroes in our society is pervasive and corrosive cynicism and skepticism
Today, it is much harder to detach the concept of heroism from morality; we only call heroes those whom we admire and wish to emulate. But still the concept retains that original link to possibility. We need heroes first and foremost because our heroes help define the limits of our aspirations. We largely define our ideals by the heroes we choose, and our ideals — things like courage, honor, and justice — largely define us. Our heroes are symbols for us of all the qualities we would like to possess and all the ambitions we would like to satisfy. A person who chooses Martin Luther King or Mediva as a hero is going to have a very different sense of what human excellence involves than someone who chooses, say, Ibrahim Sultan, Aboy Woldeab or Hamid Idris Awate And because the ideals to which we aspire do so much to determine the ways in which we behave, we all have a vested interest in each person having heroes, and in the choice of heroes each of us makes.
The best antidote to this cynicism is realism about the limits of human nature. We are cynical because so often our ideals have been betrayed. Washington and Jefferson held slaves, Martin Luther King is accused of philandering and plagiarizing, just about everybody had sex with someone they shouldn’t, and so on. We need to separate out the things that make our heroes noteworthy, and forgive the shortcomings that blemish their heroic perfection.
Gezae September 30, 2018
I am sorry I gave an example of Washington,Jefferson and , Martin Luther King because I believe that both of us are Eritrean American.
Genet Original September 30, 2018
You need to take time out.
You are showing a thought disorder called Loose Associations or tangential speech.
Simon G. September 30, 2018
Brother KT,
I used to have a co-worker who used to say “You can’t fix a stupid person, maybe an ignorant but not stupid”
Gezae is one of them. While you are there, please add Hidat into that bin.
Simon G. September 29, 2018
ኣብ ክንዲ ጸሎት ጌሩ ናይ ጥሮታ ዝበልዕ ስለመንታይ ጫማ ዝሓርዲ ይልሕስ እብል ኔረ።
ኤኮ! ወዲ ኣርበዓ ምኻዃንካ ከይተረደኣካ ቶግ ኣቢልካያ።
Gezae September 30, 2018
Are very curiouse to know about my back ground. In brief Gezae Tekie Asgodom Tecle Garza. By my grandpa ADEGBAY LOGOCHIWA, By my grandma DEKI SHEHAY LOGO ANSEBA. My father and my mom are both from Asmera because both were born and grown up in the beautiful city of Asmara like me. Do you satisfy now.
Simon G. September 30, 2018
Yeah right!
That’s what Teclay claims & so does your cousin Isayas. You guys are the derivative of Alula.
An Eritrean wouldn’t support a devil to sell his/her country in a day light.
Come up with your real identity.
Genet Original September 30, 2018
What………………..? Logochiwa ?? No you aren’t.
I thought you said you will not answer questions. I knew you would change your mind, but you aren’t from Logochiwa.
Genet Original September 29, 2018
You are a former ELF and you end up to be the most submissive servant of DIA. This is beyond sad. You must have been treated with extra doses of obedience medication by DIA. I pity you.
So according to you, DIA’s Eritreanism was conformed with a solid proof of Asmara residency. You are just a genius!!!
I agree with your statement of “Action speaks than words” Indeed!. DIA’s action against our people and country has been deafening. His action can be simply put as pure, GENOCIDE!!!!!!
Temesgen September 29, 2018
What a contradiction? How can you embrace eritreanism,when you hate the Eritrean identity? That is why we say loud & clearly “”Eritrea for ethnic Eritreans.””.
Sol September 29, 2018
A tremendous hate of Eritrean identity is a common factor between DIA and some of his worshipers.
Teclay September 29, 2018
ጥዕምቲ ወረ ፣ባረዩ ክስሕንዋ እዮም ማለት እዩ።ኣንታ እዚ ኢሱ ዝብልይዎ ከምይ ዝበለ ኣንበሳ እዩ ፣50 ዓመታት ዘገልገልዎ ባረዩ ንዒራዒሮ ክደሶም እዩ ማለት እዩ።ኣብዚ 2 ወርሒ መቸም ብዙሕ ሪኢና።
1,, እቲ ናይ ብሓቂ ሓድነት ኣብ ዛላምበሳ ሪኢናዮ።ወዮ ኣያ ጥልያን ዝሓንጸጾ ኣርትፍሻል ዶብ(artificial border) ሃዶሽደሽ ክብል።ኣያ ጥልያን ኣብኣ ኮይኑ ማንካን ፋርኬታን ሒዙ ካብዚኣ ከይትሓልፉ እንተ ዝብል ፣ብህይወቱ ፈሪዱ ማለት እዩ ነይሩ።
2,,ክጋደል ቅድሚ 50 ዓመታት ንሳሕል ወፊረ ይብለካ።ሓደ ሰብኣይ ክምኡ ወዲ 9 ወሪሒ፣ፍጹም ድላዩ ክገብር ድማ ኣስቅጥ።
3,,ነቲ ነጻ ዝነበረ ህዝቢ ፣ነጻ ክንገብሮ ሰውራውያን ክንከውን ከም ቸ፡ጉቨራ(Che guevara )ንበረኻ ወፊርና ይብሉኻ። ሰውራ ነዚኣ ትመስል እንተኾይና ባዕልኹም ፍረዱ።
4,,,ኣብ ታሪኽ ሓደ ህዝቢ ይጸንት እዩ ፣ማለት ብሕማም ፣ካብ ካልእ ኣህዛብ ብዝኽፈተሉ ወረራ፣ብናይ ተፈጥሮ ሓደጋ ወዘተ። ተማሂራና ብዝብሉ ፣ኣዝዩ ፈኩስ ክም ክንቲት ዕላማ ብዝዓጠቑ ደቁ ዝጸነተ ህዝቢ ግን ፣ኣብ ታሪኽ ንመጀመርያ ህዝቢ ባሕረ -ነጋሽ ካይኮነ ኣይተርፊን።ሓሶት እንተበልካ ጎደናታት ትግራይ ይመስክራ።
Sol September 30, 2018
ተኽላይ ኪድ ንዓድኻ ትግራይ ግን ናብ ክልል ኣምሓራን ኦሮምያን ከይትኸይድ ሰብኣውነቶም ከም ናይ ኤርትራውያን ኣይኮነን።
sam September 29, 2018
Isayas just told us he will make some cabinets minsters disappear in the coming weeks and months. This was a slip of a mouth or unintentional confession on what he was orchestrating. Issyas has bee the prosecutor, the judge and jury who arrested most of Eritrean misters in the past. No charges, no prison sentence he acts like he is GOD. The new threat is aimed at those who quested the new peace initiatives, One of the declaration said he will have to deal with those who attempt to subvert it but of course instead of telling us the truth he will now accuse them of the past crimes he orchestrated for them to commit.
Genet Original September 29, 2018
I know you are the most out of touch of them all. Let me tell you what it means to be an Eritrean. Eritreans are who died for their peoples freedom. Eritreans are who are speaking up about the atrocity been omitted against the Eritrean people and our beloved country by a ruthless dictator and his zombies like you. Hidat, if I wasn’t Eritrean, I wouldn’t bother to come here and voice my concerns. It is clear that you think that being an Eritrean is to accept anything the ruthless dictator is doing. You are one of the many zombies without conscience DIA has been able to cultivate in order to destroy our society.
An Eritrean is one that not afraid to ask questions.
An Eritrean is one who believes Eritrea for Eritreans
An Eritrean is one doesn’t worship a dictator.
An Eritrean is one doesn’t believe in alternative truth.
An Eritrean is one who feels his peoples pain and sorrow
An Eritrean is one who is fully awake. I am awake and fully alert about my beloved people and country situation.
Hidat, are you awake?
Genet Original September 29, 2018
Simon G.
Thank you for the input.
I am more aware of the the make up of high ranking DIA’s stooges. I think it is time to get to know them via their profile. It is known fact that DIA’s system has been holding on any Eritrean military personals and national service participants profile. Everything from where they came from, their mothers side and fathers side down to the little village in Eritrea. During the Badme war, many young Eritrean were alarmed by the action of the military to profile some people and send them to Asmara in the middle of hot war. Most of those were pulled out of the war were known 100% Ethiopians who were raised or born in Eritrea. Some were rumored to be Ethiopians on their father side from the Derg era. Some times, the people who were profiled didn’t know why they were pulled out of the war. Some even didn’t like it. After the war, those people even became polices in Asmara who hunt down the young Eritreans who were late from returning to Sawa.
Profile is very important at this time. We need to know who is enabling DIA. I am talking about the people who are keeping him alive. Not the people who are inside Eritrea and blindly supporting him. Those are victims.
Profile now!
Abrehaley Asheber September 30, 2018