Voice of Assenna: መርፍእ ኣለዋ፣ ፈትሊ ኩኑዋ – ኣሰና ኣሰሰኑዋ – Support the Voice of the Voiceless!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LO0YuaU1aQ&feature=youtu.be February 21, 2014 1:12 pmassenna501953Views SHARE
Zufana February 20, 2014
Support the Voice of the Voiceless
It should really tickle the emotion of all Eritreans
and instill “Yes We Can” attitude to the Assenna call.
gerye February 20, 2014
Bhaki dimxi wistuat:
Amaniel ajoka
ተወልደመድህን February 21, 2014
Footscray February 21, 2014
woyom Woyane Telimom dyom?
anta lemani kid dea abtom Telamat. zidrbe genzeb zelewo seb kema ayhbekan eyu. nMeles Zenawi meteskeriuu ziteHasbe teref meref mis Azieb Mesfin ayseanin eyumo minalbat bquxri mobile +245 20082012 aTayaQ. SORRY yerdeakha
rahwa February 21, 2014
Assenna ab godnki alena! dmxi haki iki dmxi wuxuat. sesni Assenna. idey idka nbel ahwat kem amelna.