The mistake is not to involve in fault , the mistake is to be continuing the same fault .Dr.Wedi baccaro you are a uneqe Eritrean man specially from who was with shabia no,no one recognised that he was in a wrong side when he was flowing Shabia leaded by that mad dog and warning other to get in the same mistakes .
The man anyone respect him is like you .you doing good job thanks for that.
Sina January 22, 2014
nilebam amitelu nasha dma derguHalu endy? hawna Semere Tesfai nezom neametat kem Ameba zibaziHu ayashu opposition grimgieru derguHilom alo.
Everyone should read it from the beginning to the end.
Ahmed omer January 28, 2014
The mistake is not to involve in fault , the mistake is to be continuing the same fault .Dr.Wedi baccaro you are a uneqe Eritrean man specially from who was with shabia no,no one recognised that he was in a wrong side when he was flowing Shabia leaded by that mad dog and warning other to get in the same mistakes .
The man anyone respect him is like you .you doing good job thanks for that.