Voice of Asena 2011-09-23: Impressions of Addis Ababa meeting participants
Eritrean intellectuals and professionals who met in Addis Ababa from 5-10 September 2011, to discuss some of the critical issues that are relevant to Eritrea’s current political crises tell Radio Assenna of their satisfaction with
Eritrean intellectuals and professionals who met in Addis Ababa from 5-10 September 2011, to discuss some of the critical issues that are relevant to Eritrea’s current political crises tell Radio Assenna of their satisfaction with the outcome of the meeting. Participants Mr Berhane Gebrenegus from the US; Mr Tsegay Yohannes and Mr Pertos Be’atay both from London, UK; Mehammed Saleh Jaber from Sudan are featured in this programme to share their impression with Assenna ‘s listeners.
aderesso September 24, 2011
why is my comment not posted in here.Does this site do censorship too.
Yonas September 24, 2011
Isayas finally looks like he got the point of humbleness, to be humble is to let others speak, let others decide for their destiny etc. Isaias is full of ego and lost soul. When he was a child he must felt deprived of some type of attention. He wants the whole power for himself, real power is given by your people. If you try to grab it you lose it. When you give it you gain it. But he obviously doesn’t get it. It is sad this guy is in position of power to affect all Eritreans. Shame, finally the universe will teach him that every person is divine and life is given. Isaias ,you must have forgot who gave you life to be here to lead or live as a person. If you remember there is higher self that you can not fully comprehend, your actions would have been careful. You lead with incomplete understanding and you end up at a dead End. This looks as a dead end for you my brother. Even though I am upset with you for abusing my brothers and sisters, I don’t wish any bad thing for you. I ask all Eritreans not to ever kill other Eritrean even the ones causing all the killing now. I ask you to win them to our side. We can not be like them, killers. We have to teach them and educate them, LOVE is the way forward. It is LOVE that is responsible for humanity to be here. Out of LOVE life is possible. The ones that forget this and cause headaches are SLEEPING, we just need to wake them up. They will realize the right path. They are also from GOD. Isaias and the Egdef brothers and sisters, it is never too late, come to your sense and LET ERITREA FREE. It is better you make some changes and we don’t have to see blood shed. Not everyone one will have this understanding, some will resort to GUNS, so please before it is too late, let the people decide their destiny. After we die maybe there is different realm of existance and we will then understand this level. SO REMEMBER THAT WE ARE ALWAYS FAMILY, AND FAMILY SOMETIMES DISAGREE ON THINGS BUT NEVER SHOULD WE HURT EACH OTHERS. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER!!!
ftHi n September 24, 2011
I have strong reservation on the news regarding the land mine explosion around the town of Senafe this week. The armed Eritrean opposition had several times before claimed to have “blown up EDF trucks, pick ups …. killed EDF cadres and personnel …”. This was the same miserably failed attempt of the so called Ethiopian-based “fighters”.
They have to take full responsiblity when it goes wrong as they try to take responsiblity, when they think, they are “right”.
Otherwise, they are another bunch of hypocrites and liars not different from Hgdef.
Ethiopia is the biggest loser here because they did their best to convince Eritreans how much they care about the Eritrean people and spent lots of money and time to host a conference but it was blown away with the blown Senafe bus.
The Senafe bus and the death of ten Eritreans and the 25 innocent Eritreans is another diplomatic disaster to the opposition.
Gedem September 25, 2011
For those who do not Mohammed Kier, he was instrumental in the expulsion of 35 University Professors labeled as incompetent. However latter on it was very clear that if there was incompetent and greedy person he was Mohammed Kier. He is very opportunistic and can do the unthinkable to get to power to secure a place for himself. Unfortunatelly he is one of the people who played a big role in the destruction of University of Asmara.
Gedem September 25, 2011
For those who do not know Mohammed Kier, he was instrumental in the expulsion of 35 University Professors labeled as incompetent. However latter on it was very clear that if there was incompetent and greedy person he was Mohammed Kier. He is very opportunistic and can do the unthinkable to get to power. Unfortunatlly he was one of the people who played a big role in the destruction of University of Asmara.
test September 25, 2011
This is just a test.
abdi September 25, 2011
Habtom and Saleh’s joint criticism on a simple appeal for transparency is foolish. It seems to me, in a subtle way, these two gentlemen may be using the innocent humanitarian petition as a pretext to try to subvert and undermine the genuine and heart-felt efforts of Eritrean professionals and political leaders who want to work for unity, reconciliation and democracy in their homeland. If this is not their exact intention, they surely are playing into the hands of forces who want to divert attention from the real and urgent task of ending misery, starvation and servitude in Eritrea.
About two years ago, Habtom was in a similar state of confusion when he was unwittingly caught and critically bruised in an intellectual cross-fire between me and the then extremist stance of Saleh Gadi/Ali Salem and co, who were recklessly and wildly attacking all members of the Tigrigna biher (nationality) – including mine or your innocent mother or grandmother – as fascists, oppressors and land grabbers.
Habtom then seemed unable to see that as a matter of principle the criticism should be directed only at the Tigrigna-dominated ruling class which was oppressing all citizens whether they were Moslems or Christians, or whether they belonged to the Tigrigna, Tigre, Afar, Kunama or other Bihers and that a solution was possible once a truly democratic, representative government was formed.
Saleh Johar Gadi and the Case of the Humanitarian Petition
Habtom believes the line: “Eritrea has reluctantly admitted there is drought in the country …” is incorrect and repugnant. If by this characterization, Habtom is suggesting that Eritrean leaders have not admitted the existence of drought, then he is wrong. In July President Isaias was quoted by VOA as saying “…citizens are unharmed by the effects of drought”. His senior advisor, Yemane Gebreab also told VOA in July that Eritrea was experiencing drought although he claimed it was “not severe”. All this shows government acknowledgement that Eritrea is affected by drought but not necessarily by famine. Journalist Habtom does not seem to know the difference between drought and famine. Ignorance is very dangerous. I never suggested Eritrea had admitted there was famine. If it did,THE PETITION WOULD BE REDUNDANT¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
Like Saleh Johar Gadi of awate.com, Habtom also vehemently opposes the fact that the petition was freely signed by 72 out of 73 “exiled Eritrean professionals, intellectuals and political leaders meeting in Addis Ababa, Sept. 5 to Sept 10 2011″ – which Habtom thinks is “misleading, to say the least”.
aderesso September 26, 2011
you can not have it both ways, if u believe there are oppressed tgrigna and Christians, how come you call it tigrigna dominated ruling class. The bottom line is we all are suffering regardless of faith an creed. Let me tell you, if you want to play race or religion cards, you have no chance of winning. we all are bleeding.
Stephanie September 26, 2011
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Elias September 30, 2011
Like the fresh look. I enjoyed the content. Thanks a lot for your excellent entry.