Vigil at Hyde Park Corner and reflect on the impact of Demolishing of buildings in Eritrea:
Vigil at Hide Park Corner and reflect on the impact of demolishing of buildings in Eritrea: Date: Saturday March 21, 2015 Time: 2 pm Venue: Hyde Park Corner: Senseless and difficult to understand gross human rights violation is stepped up in
Vigil at Hide Park Corner and reflect on the impact of demolishing of buildings in Eritrea:
Date: Saturday March 21, 2015
Time: 2 pm
Venue: Hyde Park Corner:
Senseless and difficult to understand gross human rights violation is stepped up in Eritrea. The
Eritreans Government started demolishing residential houses since the beginning of March 2015, in
Arbaete Asmara, Betmekae, Xelot, Daero Kawlos and Adi Keih. What makes unique in the Town of
Adi Keih is that the local school children and the people courageously rose up in unison and stopped
the destruction of houses. In the process 3 children were murdered in cold blood.
This is done at a time when the Eritrean Government is trying to convince the western governments
that there is no violation of human rights in Eritrea and allowed the BBC to cover stories for the first
time in 10 years. It is the moment in time when the Western Government including Britain having an
eye at the huge mineral deposit in Eritrea is trying to rehabilitate PFDJ if only they could show some
improvements in their abuse of human rights, say to limit the indefinite National Service and free
some prisoners so they can have an excuse to engage with PFDJ. In the interview with BBC Yamane
Gebreab, political advisor of the dictator Isaias Afewerki denied there is no human rights violation.
The Eritrean Government must be exposed, we should not let down the underground group
“Freedom Friday” who are appealing to all Eritreans wherever they are to stand in solidarity with the
heroic youth and be the voice of their efforts to stop the destruction and make people homeless.
We are not going to let them down. At the vigil programs will be discussed to keep demonstrating
and writing letters to MP and other continuous and planned activities.
Thank you
Asefaw G. Kidan
Chairperson (Events Coordinating Committee)
Lingo March 17, 2015
Hide Park Corner should be corrected as “Hyde” Park corner that is of the Venue. Thank you the Events Coordinating Committee for organizing this urgently needed event and lets all participate in it.
Ruftaalem March 17, 2015
“A wise man …. built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But … a foolish man … built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash”. Mathew 7:24 – 27.
What type of house did Eritreans start to build? On what foundation was the house built? Is Eritrea built on sand, and heading towards destruction? When you start from the wrong premise, it is obvious that you would end up at the wrong conclusion. What was the premise from which we started this long and bitter struggle? Was it the right premise and was all the sacrifices and carnage worth it? As time is the healer for all and it will reveal all the answers in due time.
Keren March 17, 2015
well said Ruftaalem,
There is a man here in the US, an original and astute observer of Eritrean politics, many call YG, who once said:
“Eritrea too is being built on unstable ground. If we do not come up with an engineering mechanism appropriate to the unstable ground upon which it is being built, it won’t stand for long. If one uses solid-ground engineering to build the house mentioned above, we know what the disastrous result would be the first time earthquake strikes. So is it with Eritrea. The romanticizing ones who believe that ghedli (the revolution) was built on justifiable cause or that this nation of ours is being built on solid ground are actually the ones who are preparing the nation for an eventual collapse. What we need now is to lay bare the unstable foundation upon which Eritrea is being built (deconstruct it, if you will) – that is, if we are ever to come up with an appropriate mechanism commensurate to the ever-shifting ground upon which it stands.”
From, “(II) Eritrean Independence: Is It Worth All the Sacrifice?”
rezen March 18, 2015
Ruftaalem made sober observations and posed penetrating questions. Eritreans are invited to look upon themselves deep into their souls. And we are reminded that TIME “will reveal all the answers in due time”
The answer is already flowing it is only the gushing total extent that remains. Right now, the very existence of the Eritrean people are being daily demolished physically as well as mentally by hateful cruel indigenous absolute dictatorial governance. The aim is diabolically clear. Indeed TIME will show the horror — while Diaspora Eritreans are bickering among themselves on trivial parochial matters. What a Tragedy!
I wouldn’t wish to end my peanut commentary without also thanking Keren for reminding us ALL of the “original and astute observer of the Eritrean politics, many call YG.” I remember distinctly the name-callings he was receiving from many quarters who found his penetrating observations and incisive analysis was too deep for their comfort. Again, what a TRAGEDY.
Thanks, Keren and Ruftaalem
ኣርዓዶም March 18, 2015
ኽቡር ኣካያዲ ሓው ኣሰፋው፡
ብዘለካ ተገዳስነትን ትብዓትን ብዙሕ እንዳ ኣድነቕኩ፡ እዚ ተጸዊዑ ዘሎ፡ ቢ ደሞንስትራሽን እንተትትክኦ ምተመርጸ፡ ዝመጸ ይምጻእ ዝተረፈ ይትረፍ፡ ካብ`ቲ ብዝሒ ህግደፋውያን ዝርከብዎ ደቡባዊ ለንደን ተበጊስና ክሳብ ሃይድ ፖርክ እንተንምርሽ ብዙሕ ህዝቢ ምፍለጠን ታቤላታት ርእዩ ምተጸንበረን ዝብል ግምት ኣለኒ`ሞ፡ ካብ ትኽ ኢልና ናብ ሃይድ ፖርክ ንኸይድ፡ እንዳ ጭሕዕና ጨራሕና ሰባት እንዳ ሰዓቡና ክንከይድ ብዙሕ ውጺኢታዊ ምኾነ።
rezen March 18, 2015
Admirable Suggestion by ኣራዓዶም
Peaceful, Dignified Demonstration, with well prepared and appropriate placards from South London to Hyde Park would be the most elegant and effective way of making the ‘world’ aware of Eritrean case.
Thanks ኣርዓዶም