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Update 4 Lampedusa shipwreck: Death Toll Reaches 133, Only 3 of the 100 Women on Board Survived, More than 200 Still Missing

"Only the strongest survived," Simona Moscarelli, a legal expert for the group, told the Associated Press. Most of the migrants - all of whom are believed to have come from Eritrea - could not swim,

“Only the strongest survived,” Simona Moscarelli, a legal expert for the group, told the Associated Press. Most of the migrants – all of whom are believed to have come from Eritrea – could not swim, she added.

Only three of an estimated 100 women aboard the boat have been rescued, while no children had so far been saved, the International Organisation for Migration in Rome said.

The Telegraph – Read More: Italy calls for European help on refugees as scores drown in Lampedusa shipwreck

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  • samuel October 3, 2013

    ብመሰረቱ፡ እቲ 1000ኪሜ ዚንውሑ ደንደስ ቀይሕ-ባሕሪ፡ ንሰፊሕ ህዝቢ-ኤርትራ፡ ብፍላይ ከኣ፡ ንመንእሰያት-ኤርትራ፡ ዓመታዊ ዕረፍቶም ዘሕልፉሉ፡ ዝውነሱሉ፡ ዝስዕስዑሉ፡ ብዝተፋላለያ ዘመናውያን ጃልባታት ዝዛነዩሉ፡ ካብ መላእ ዓለም፡ ቱሪስት ዝእንገዱሉ ምሩጽ ናይ ዓለምና ቦታ ክኸውን ምኸኣለ። ድሕሪ ዕስራን ገለመለን ዓመታት-ናጻነት፡ ኤርትራውያን፡ ካብ ዓዶም ብጠያይት እንዳ ተሳሕቱ ክነፍጹ፡ ዓዶም ክሓድጉ፡ ምእንታን ኣብ ምድረ-በዳ ብጽምኢ ክሞቱ፡ ነዚ እንተደኣ ሓሊፎሞ ኸኣ፡ ኣብ ማእከላይ ባሕሪ ማይ ክበልዖም፡ ዓሳታት ክድረሩዎም ዘስደምም ታሪኽ እዩ። እቶም ኣብ ኣስመራ ዘለዉ አመሓደርቱ፡ ነቶም ዝሞቱ፡ “ዜጋታት ኣፍሪቃ” ኢሉ ክጠቕሱዎም እንከለዉ ምስማዕ ድማ፡ እቲ ዝኸፍአ ቃንዛ እዩ። ቅርጸት ከብዲ። ቀሓር። ሕርቃን። ጸላዕላዕ። ዓቕሊ-ጽበት። ምኹምታር።
    ይቕረይታ፡ ቃላተይ ጥዑማት እንተደኣ ዘይኮይነን።

  • tsorona October 3, 2013

    What a shame, I wonder when this agony and pain will ever end. My condolences to those who have lost a loved ones, truly a sad time for all eritreans.

  • Eri October 3, 2013

    Wey hgdef resahat bisenkikum hzbi yitsenit alo nekulu gize alewo aykonen hgdef guhafat teref meref may dergi Gedaffi keman kem kelbi tegotitu wetsie alo ..Hgdef mealtikum akila eya

  • Cali October 3, 2013

    What a sad tragedy! Young Eritreans perishing everywhere in the big sea, the Arab desert … and still the regime in Eritrea or its representatives in Libya, Italy or Egypt do not open their stinking mouth.
    What is the meaning of being “Eritrean” if it is a badge of shame, humiliation and slavery where everywhere no one gives it any respect?
    Seeing these tragedy everyday and worse gulags inside Eritrea, the worst human rights violation, forced national slavery, no water, no food and no hope, how would these ignoramus dare to tell me that I was “liberated in 1991”? Or, as some stupid would say, we fought to free you since 1961? Are you kidding me my parents and town were better off then.
    The right term is that I was enslaved! The only thing these idiots brought is misery and chain to sell their own to slavery.

  • Daniel October 3, 2013

    What can I say? Thanks for the PFDJ mafia group for eradicating our generation.May the almighty god have mercy upon those innocent people.

  • bus.Zone October 3, 2013

    We Had enough of bad news every day , we need to take arm and re-visit 1961 and confront this M***** F*** and burn him A live for how long we going to run away from this bandits

  • Gobo Soira October 3, 2013

    My deepest condolences to those who lost their love ones. What is wrong with the Eritrean representatives in Italy, Libya?

  • Said October 3, 2013

    What a black day human life you shouldn’t be ended like this, where is the light, will never forget you there will be a day light someday, and I’m giving you my salut, united against dictator.

  • Nehemiah October 3, 2013

    This agony and pain of our people will continue unless our church leaders condemn the regime in Asmara loud and clear. God is watching how these leaders react to such tragedy. Most Eritrean church leaders (pastors, priests …) in Diaspora must in one voice condemn the evil regime in Eritrea.


  • Said October 3, 2013

    let’s call it a black date, what can we do.

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