UNPROMISED LAND: Eritrean Refugees in Israel – BY. P.J. TOBIA
Rhuba is from Eritrea, a small, impoverished East African nation led by a man the American ambassador called an “unhinged dictator,” who was described as “cruel and defiant” in classified cables made public by Wikileaks. In

Rhuba is from Eritrea, a small, impoverished East African nation led by a man the American ambassador called an “unhinged dictator,” who was described as “cruel and defiant” in classified cables made public by Wikileaks.
In 2006, 1,348 Eritreans who fled their government crossed the border from Egypt’s Sinai into Israel. By 2011, that number had grown to 17,175, with nearly a thousand crossing the Sinai to Israel every month, according to the office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the Israeli government. Today, there are roughly 35,895 Eritreans living in Israel, as well as 15,210 Sudanese. Since 2006, some 60,000 African refugees from these countries and others have come to Israel in this way.
Click on the Link to Read the Extended Report by BY. P.J. TOBIA on PBS NewsHour
Hazhaz June 20, 2013
ኤርትራውያንሲ ካን መጻወቲ ራሻይዳን በደዊንን ኮይኖም ተሪፎም ፧
በሉ ኣባሓጎታትና ኣይስምዑ። ካን ከምዚ ብላይ ጠይቂ ኣድጊ ትጽውት የብሉልና ኣለዉ።
” ኣድጊ ” እናበልና ንኻለኦት ንጸርፍ ኔርናስ፡ ንባዕልና ጠይቂ ናይ በደዊን ራሻይዳ ዓረብን እባ ኴንና።
እቲ ቀደም ቀደም ብባሃማትና ከለና፡ እዋይ ሎምስ ክንደይ ዓያሹ እንድዮም ዝደግምዎ፤ “ዓረብና ኢና፤ ቃልስና ጸረ ኣሜሪካ ጸረ እስራኤልን ጸረ ጽዮንውያንን እዩ።“ እብሃል ኔሩ። ሓሻካ ዓያሹ።
ሎሚ ኸ፧ እዛ ኹላ ጀብሃ ሻዕብያኣ ወረ ብዓረብ እዩ እቲ ሽሞም ዘይሓፍሩ፤ ኩላ ንኣሜሪካ ብሪጣንያ ኣውስትራልያ ሽወደን ጀርመን ሃዲማ ተዓቊባ ደቃ ተዕቢ ኣላ።
ወዮ ዓረብ ይኣስሩና፡ ይጥሩዙና፡ ኩሊትና ይሰርቁ፡ ኣሕዋትናን ደቅናን ይዕምጹ፡ ወረ ኣሸሓት ገንዘብ የኽፍሉና፡ እንተኣበና ብረሲን ሓዊ ይትኩሱና፡ ጠባቢሖም ይድርብዩና። ሓደ ዝረብሕ ውድብ ወይ ሃገር ዓረብ ከማን ኣይእወየልናን።
ወተሃደራት ሱዳን ግብጺ ብጥይት ቶኪሶም የውድቑና፡ ኣብ ምድረበዳ ይጉሕፉና።
Jews-hater June 21, 2013
You, ignorant Eritrean! First you don’t seem to understand how cruel politics can be, especially the existing twisted and conspired Eritrean real politics. second we Eritreans are ignorant enough to understand our ignorance. Fact is, we didn’t know what we are/were doing. The ship can not find the way to the target, as we had no clearly defined target. At last the ship sinks or land in the Nevada/NOWHERE. This means both are tragic ends. NO TARGET NO WAY !!
Said June 21, 2013
what do we expect from the Zionist, to love us it look like we be coming everybody’s shormta . everybody’s doing his part including the punk ass jewish. it is very sad. One day we will never forget .thanks a lot dictator.united we stand .
ahmed saleh June 21, 2013
Due my respect ; I agree with you to condemn the Zionist group but I differ to generalize Jewish
people on this part . Everywhere you go you have the bad and the good human beings .
ኤፍሬም June 21, 2013
አቱም ሰባት ስለምንተይ ንግፉዕ አለና ። ህግአፋውያን ንህዝብና ይፃወትሉ አለው ።ቐደም ብጀግንነት ንፍለጥ ነይርና ሕጂ ግና ፍርሂ አብልብና አትዩ ዋላ ሐደ ክንገብር አይካአልናን ስለምንታይ ነዚ ግናይ መንግስቲ ብሃባር ዘይንቃለሶ ።ሕዝበና ከም ደቂ ዛግራ ተባታቲኑ ፣ኹሊቱ ተሹይጡ፣ አብ ባሕሪ ጢሁሉ፣ አብ ከተማታት ዝስተይ ማይ ሲኢኑ፣መብራህቲ ፣ ባኒ፣ ሲኢኑ ይሳቀይ አሎ።ሰለም ካበይ ክመፀልና ንፅበይ አለና? በጃኹም ሰሚረፕና ንቓለስ
sam June 21, 2013
So what happen to her eyes and her face who beat her ?eritreans get beaten where ever they go thats sad to my people been himulated and degraded , and we say that we have a government,i think firs of all eritreans need to understand what is mean to have a govenmet or a word governmet mean ,before they can expect what their government can do for them and viceversa,for me govenmet is who govern upon his people and the land for the benefit of its ncitizen no only for few induviduals ,and govenment is the people not only one man rull thats dictatorship, in eritrea the word government has been misuse ,unless our people understad what government mean they will always be a victim of individuals who claim to be government,self made government
Kabbire June 21, 2013
With all the racism Eritrean refugees in Israel face, still the Eritrean refugees testify that Israel is far better than the slavery, organ harvest, rape, deportation, shoot-to-kill, racism and the cold murder they face in Arab nations such as Libya, Yemen and Egypt.
The evil crime that we saw recently on the young boy Merih who was kidnapped by Arab Rashaydas and sold to Arab Bedouins in Egypt Sinai with many other Eritreans is only the tip of an iceberg of the genocide that is taking place in Egypt against Eritreans. Hundreds of Eritreans and many Africans have perished and many others were deported and many are still languishing in Arab jails. Besides, thousands of Eritreans had perished without any chance to tell their story.
The issue is that why are many Arab regimes in Egypt, Libya and Sudan silent about this African genocide? Why are the Egyptian media and political elites silent in addressing this crime taking place in their own sovereign territory under their stinking noses? Given the history of negligence of the Arab public to the crimes that took place in Darfur, Libya and South Sudan against millions of black Africans, there is little expectation the Arab world will care about Eritreans. So, what should Eritreans do? How should Eritreans in the opposition address these crimes? What is the next step, beside the ongoing fight against Hgdef?
The most surprising about these crimes against innocent Eritreans is that it was only two weeks ago that the Egyptian politicians were mentioning Eritrea in their consultation with their president on the issue of the Nile dam in Ethiopia. The Egyptians are not ashamed to use Eritreans against Ethiopia but they do not care about the slavery of Eritreans, deportation and jailing of Eritreans in Egypt.
The Arab politicians are saying this while they are raping and enslaving Eritreans in Egypt and jailing hundreds of Eritrean refugees in Egyptian jails.
A bastard Arab can not give me any orders as they had done long ago to destabilize the horn of Africa.
Watch this taken from Egyptian national TV:
Nahom June 21, 2013
Hazhaz, kabbire
The Rashaidas and Badawins are just criminals like the mafia regime of Eritrea. There are EEritreans, Ethiopians,Israelis,and other nationalities collaborating with them on collecting the ransom money and and harvesting the human organs
Yakob June 21, 2013
Eritreans are not fools. The victims have been telling us who are evil and and who are kind? They know who is posting and exposing the crimonals and which web sites are silent and coward? Which radio stations are exposing the criminals in Sudan and Egypt and which are silent?
Eritreans know the kindsness of the brave Assenna, Amanuel, Dr Alganesh, Meron, Aba Mussie, Elsa Chyrum and who are the cowards and silent.
Eritreans know everything.
ahmed saleh June 22, 2013
Nahom and Yakob
You said it all as it clearly based on facts rather not for stupid political entertainment as some cowards .
Let those poor victims talk based on their own first hand experience .
MightyEmbasoyra June 22, 2013
To answer your last question ” who are the cowards and silent.” – it us, you, me and alike – millions of us. I hate saying it but it is the unfortunate truth.
Tekulu Gubtaan June 22, 2013
Atum Sebaat, bejakuum zeile report aytekruub way argagtsuwo, Ab Israel 2006 zeatwuu 13 sebaat eyoom.Mebzhomm kab Israel westoom eyom. Waahzii menaesy nab Israel kab mefreek 2007 eyujemiruu. mn kedeem atyu abzi adi triqolatta segruu nefeltoo enna, etii ashaat kemay seibwoom nefltoo enaa.Ezaa Israel qo neshtoy ketehsuu tsbib eyu. keaby zmtse research gerumuna alo netoom keedamot zelleti hatsur hittwoom!!!!!!!
Tekluu Gubtaan June 22, 2013
keltee hakii alo, mejmeria ezom dehroom 2008 bedhiruu zeatewoo mengstii israel recognize kem zei geebroom efletuu neroom eyom gen kebeleau kebluu tebleaom . kalay mebzahtoom kab ethiopia besudan geroom eyoom metsoom selemntay ab ethiopia koynoom neshabai zeitewagwoo? Ab eritrea dekeent zeaweje mengstii alo neau abkendii mewudaak tsgibkaa mehdaar nab Israel hiwotkaan genzeb aaletka melkaam do ehaysh?
Kombishtato June 23, 2013
Well said yakob,
There are many groups, websites and organizations that are silent to the genocide of Eritreans in the Arab world such as Sudan, Yemen, Libya and Egypt.
My question is that why are these heinous and evil crimes taking place against innocent Eritreans mainly in the Arab world but not in Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan or Israel?
Why are these crimes taking place only in the Arab world in this large scale against Eritreans and other Africans?
ስለምንታይ እዩ እዚ ጭካነ ዝመልኦ ግፍዕታት ኣንጻር መሳኪን ኤርትራውያን ኣብ ሃገራት ዓረብ ማለት ኣብ ሱዳን የመን ሊብያ ግብጺ ብዜጋታት ዓርብ ናብ ኤርትራውያን ዝፍጸም ?
ብተዛማዲ ኣብ ደቡብ ሱዳን ኡጋንዳ ኬንያ ኣንጎላ እስራኤል ኢትዮጵያ ዝርከቡ ኤርትራውያን ስደተኛታት ብሰላም ይነብሩ፤ ኣብ ሃገራት ዓረብ ግና ባሮት ኮይኖም ከም ጠሌ በጊዕ ይሽየጡ፣ ናውቲ ኣካላቶም ተጎዛዝዩ ይሽየጥ። እወ ኣብ ሃገራት ዓረብጥራይ። ስለመንታይ ?