Ukraine says it found Russian SAMs destined for Eritrea
Jeremy Binnie, London - Jane's Defence Weekly A consignment of 36 surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) for the S-125 (SA-3 'Goa') air-defence system that were destined for Eritrea have been discovered by the Ukrainian authorities, the country's top civilian

Jeremy Binnie, London – Jane’s Defence Weekly
A consignment of 36 surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) for the S-125 (SA-3 ‘Goa’) air-defence system that were destined for Eritrea have been discovered by the Ukrainian authorities, the country’s top civilian and military prosecutors revealed on 27 March.
The 5V27D missiles were discovered by investigators during a search of a warehouse in the port city of Mykolaiv, according to a statement posted on the Prosecutor General’s website.
The investigation subsequently established that officials from the Russian state export agency Rosoboronexport and other unidentified people smuggled the missiles into Ukraine in the period 2007-10 with the intention of exporting them to Eritrea in contravention of the UN arms embargo imposed on that country.
Wedi Hagher March 29, 2019
Most probably this shipment was going to a third party .
Black market arms dealings, is a less known aspect of Eritrean regime’s shady business.
For instance the regime used to sell its services to Tamil Tigers and when they were defeated the Srilankan Government found out that the small planes used by the rebels were maintained by Eritrea.
Tsehaye March 29, 2019
Where were they (the Tamil Tigers small planes!!) maintained in Eritrea then, and are you one of the defeated Tamil Tigers still operating in Eritrea with your old small planes??? What a joke!!!
Danielle F March 30, 2019
It is for Eritrea’s development.