Tsehaytu Berakhi: Eritrea’s iconic female singer buried in Asmara
Eritrea on Friday laid to rest Tsehaytu Berakhi, the woman known as Mother of Eritrean soul music. She was buried at the St; Mary’s Cemetery in the capital, Asmara. Berakhi died in exile in the Netherlands

Eritrea on Friday laid to rest Tsehaytu Berakhi, the woman known as Mother of Eritrean soul music. She was buried at the St; Mary’s Cemetery in the capital, Asmara.
Berakhi died in exile in the Netherlands at the age of 79. Information Minister Yemane Meskel described her as “ Eritrea’s iconic/pioneer singer and guitarist known for her folk and patriotic songs.”
She is regarded as a trailblazer for female musicians in the Horn of Africa region – having used her position to challenge the conservative outlook of society in the 1960s.
According to music pundits, at the continental level, she ranks along with the likes of pioneers such as South Africa’s Miriam Makeba and Tanzania’s Bi Kidude.
“Dubbed the “Sunshine of Eritrea”, she sang in Tigrinya and was a renowned player of the kirar, a bowl-shaped lyre. She started her career aged eight, playing in local bars,” the BBC Africa LIVE page said about her whiles announcing her death.
Not only did she sing, she was also a songwriter and dancer. At the time of her demise she had a number of albums to her credit. The main theme that run across them were love and politics – especially during the height of the Eritrean struggle for liberation.
Some of her memorable hits include Mejemerya Fikri and Abashawel.
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Wedi Hagher June 2, 2018
May her soul rest in peace.
amanuel June 2, 2018
Rip tsehaytu. Death to bandits (aka hgdf) in asmara.
almaz June 2, 2018
Kibrinan bahlinan zetfe’e zelo bdem nxuhat zitechemaleku hgdf ewala yemane ke entay bzaeba tsehaytu kizareb eyu.
Simon G. June 3, 2018
ደሓን ኩኒ ጸሃይቱ
ኣምላኽ ካብ ኣከበ ፍጥረቱ
ኣዚዙ: ወኩለ ፍጥረተ ናብ ትሕተ መሬቱ
ኣብ ሰዓቱ
የግዳስ! ኣብ ክንዳኽ ካልኦት ዘይሞቱ
ሓንቲ ብሓንታ ‘ኳኢኺ ንስኺ
ጸብለልትነት ዘርኣኺ
ከም በዓል የማነ ባርያ: ከም ኡውን ኣብረሃም ኣፈወርቂ
ኣለኺ እንዳበልናኪ
ካብዛ ዓለም ተሰወርኪ?
ንበዓል ኣብራር ‘ስከ ምስ መን ክትገድፍዮም
ንምዃኑ: እምበርዶ ቻው ኢልክዮም?
ከም ንቡር ተሰናቢትክዮም
——–በሊ ————————–
ካብ ምስ በዓል በረኸት: ዝለኽባጥ ምትራፍ
ይሕሸኪ ምሕላፍ
ምስ ዝመጸ ዓመጸኛ: ዝገላበጡ
ብሉላት: ባራኪና ከምዝወሓጡ
ከም ኣረጊት ካሴታ ዝሽርጠጡ
መትከሎም ዝሸጡ!
ቀለታ ‘ባ መስከረም ዝብሉ
ደቂ ሰብዓታት ቆልዑ ዝመስሉ
ክኸፍኦም ዝስንክሉ
ክጥዕሞም ግን ህግደፍ ‘ኳ ደሓን ዩ ይብሉ
ኣቤት! ኣቤት! መሓረና ካብ ወረጃታት ተዃሉ
በሊ ደሓን ኩኒ
ጓል ኳዕቲት ዓዲ ቐይሕ ደሓን ኩኒ
ጓል ኣባሻውለይ ደሓን ኩኒ
ነቶም ዝሓለፉ ከምዘየለ ባኒ
ሳላ ዝወዲኒ
ኤርትራ ተቐይራ ናብ ካርሸሊ
መልሲ የለን ኮይኑ ንስራሓ ዝደሊ
የለን ሉቺ የለን እኽሊ
መንእሰይ በደዉ ይበሊ
የለን የለን የለን ኩሉ የለን
ሳላ ኢሳያስ ዝተረኽበ የለን
ዝርካቡ ድማ ናይ ህግደፍ መቑነን
ፈቓድ ዘድለይካ ንኽትቁነን
ወይ መስደመም!
ኢሳያስ ቀቲሉዋ ሃገር
ዝኾነ ዜጋ ንብረቱ ይህገር
ብዘይ ገለ ነገር
ተስፋ ክንቆርጽ ቁሩብ ተሪፉና
ሃገር ተቐይራ ናብ ዑና
ንማስን ኣለና በድውና
ኢልኪ ንገርልና
ንዓኺ ድማ
መንግስተ ሰማይ የዋርስኪ
ቻው! ስጋዕ ንስዕበኪ
Danilo June 3, 2018
Bravo Gigi, stai dando gran ” buffonata ” con grande poeta. you are grand dei grandi avvocato di Giustizia e continua. prego!
k.tewolde June 3, 2018
Simon bids good bye to a legend and tears down those who are a living dead, at the same urges the martyr to carry a message of the current state of affairs of our home to those who made it a reality..What a quaintly packaged tribute, a masterpiece.Brother,you left me awestruck.Blessing.
Simon G. June 3, 2018
Thank you brothers Danilo and kt!