Toronto Demonstration – Friday, March 08, 2013
Demonstration at TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE PLEASE JOIN US FOR A NOBLE CAUSE AND MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD! WHAT: Demonstration outside the Toronto Stock Exchange; in solidarity with the Eritrean victims of forced labour. We will speak on
Demonstration outside the Toronto Stock Exchange; in solidarity with the Eritrean victims of forced labour. We will speak on behalf of the Eritreans who came under barbaric and unprovoked attack by the authorities of the Government of Eritrea and the Canadian Gold Mine Company, Nevsun. The protest will include slogan displays, photo exhibits and chanting. Informational flyers will be handed out to the attendants and the public.
FORTO 2013 Support and Solidarity Committee in Toronto and environs
FRIDAY, March 08, 2013, 12:00 PM-4:00 PM
Outside the Toronto Stock Exchange, Down Town; at the intersection of Bay and King Street
At 11:00 AM, we will start gathering at the intersection of Bay and King Street
From 12:00PM to 4:00 PM, we will peacefully demonstrate in front of Toronto Stock Exchange, confirming that we are law-abiding citizens
Eritrea is a rare pariah state, with a government pursuing a path of crushing political opponents, and bullying its people at home, and a belligerent foreign policy aimed at destabilizing its neighours; this leading to its total isolation. The country has been under United Nations sanctions since 2009 because its government has supported Islamist terrorists in Somalia.
Eritrea’s impoverished economy has suffered greatly because of the government’s political and diplomatic isolation. But in recent years, the government has actively courted international investors attracted by the country’s vast and largely untapped mineral reserves. Those efforts have achieved some material success but at the expense of human rights, freedoms, rule of law and aspirations of the people that has been brutally suppressed with the income from the new mining industry which has prolonged the life of the brutal regime, and consequently, the miseries of the Eritrean people. The country’s first modern mine, a joint venture between the government and the Canadian firm, Nevsun Resources, declared production in 2011 and has already produced hundreds of millions of dollars’ worth of gold. This has pumped millions of dollars to the regime, which was on life-support, enabling it to live longer and tighten its grip on the people. From that mining income, the regime has managed to expand the prison network, import the latest surveillance and torture technologies, enhance its intelligence agencies and enforce all other instruments of torture.
A handful of companies—from Canada, Australia, and China—are on the verge of developing other projects, and exploration firms are examining other potential sites throughout the country.
Additionally, the PFDJ (the only single ruling party) is accused of harboring and training Al-Shabab terrorists who are destabilizing our region. It is an open secret that the activities of the PFDJ supporting terrorist elements have made our region the focus of the Western World, as the target of hunting terrorists. An Eritrean Government that flagrantly violates fundamental human rights should not be allowed to do business with a Canadian mining company, given Canada’s noble stand and commitment to human rights and human dignity being exemplary.
Our people are our resources!!
FORTO 2013 Support and Solidarity Committee in Toronto and environs
sara March 2, 2013
I will be with you. Make sure the local MPs should know what is going on. Let the churches know what is going on> lets distribute leaflates around the area. Make all eritreans aware of the event. March 3, 2013
“handful of companies—from Canada, Australia, and China—are on the verge of developing other projects, and exploration firms are examining other potential sites throughout the country”.
One of the company head office is in Vancouver. Eritreans should legally rally outside the office of this company,hand pamphlet to the public, contact your MPP and MPs in BC.It works.
Kokeb Abraham March 4, 2013
Forget not them ! Those who are suffering by the Rashaydas !
Kokeb Abraham March 4, 2013
Ezi nay sina gifeeee enasemee, enareaye zeytegadele eritrawi bedewu kem zimote !!! Higdef gidi yeblomn