To All concerned Eritreans about
In this century of technology the advantages of the media are extraordinary, with news and other related activities like our fight to freedom, human rights and others. However, being responsible to what you post and say

In this century of technology the advantages of the media are extraordinary, with news and other related activities like our fight to freedom, human rights and others.
However, being responsible to what you post and say is very important as a single line or word could escalate conflicts and results into dangerous consequences.
I love browsing several online media outlets to read news about Eritrea as all other Eritreans do and I strongly support all sort of discussion and arguments. is one of the online media that I also use occasionally for news, however the small title that are often posted with red bold colours by the editors of the net ( are often with hatred, humiliations and create fear, division and stigmatization.
They are always full of words or small statements that are dangerous and incite hatred and conflicts among the communities. Often they concentrate on individual’s identity which is should not be the case. This is an OUTDATED and INGORANT politics exploited by Isayas and his comrades to supress people for centuries.
Additionally it looks them ( have Ethiophobia, as an Eritrean I cannot comprehend if someone tries to alienate himself or herself from our neighbouring people. As the Western Eritreans enjoy trade and intermarriages with their Eastern Sudanese tribes same is true for the Eritreans in the southern part to have close ties with the Northern tribes of Ethiopia. And there should not be a room for politics which creates unnecessary wedge between Eritrean and Ethiopian in particular Tigrayans. Hence, it’s not necessary to dig into some once personal identity and stigmatize him/her for his origins, it is nonsense.
My advice to the’s editorials is there will be a price to pay, we Eritreans suffered enough and there should not be room for provocative words rather we need reconciliatory words. And I call upon all concerned people to advice the net to re-consider and discuss thoroughly for any editorial before dispatched to the eye of the Eritrean public.
Mulugheta September 25, 2015
Dear Suleiman Salim,
ሰላም ናይ እግዝኣብሔር እዩ።
ካብ ዘልዓልካዮም ሕቶታት —
Do you have relatives in Tigray?
Suleiman having relatives in Tigray or anywhere in Ethiopia can not make any person belittle.
ኣብ’ዚ መዋእል’ዚ ከማካን ከም’ዚ ከማክን ክትርእን ክትሰምዕን ጭራሽ የሕዝን!!!
Suleiman Salim September 26, 2015
ንስኻ ጥዑይ ሰብ ኢኻ። ሰናይ ሌላ ይግበረልና።
Mike September 25, 2015
This is really brewing?
I like everyone’s energy and passion here. However, it falls short materializing to a tangible action. That is why we are wasting our time discussing as to why Meskerem posted some article or this and that. Do we have no other thing to do?
Meskerem can publish anything they want! They own the site and they do with it whatever they wish with all the rights and freedom they have. Thank God they are in the land of the free!!!
If we really are upset at Meskerem – it shows that we are narrow minded and pin headed. Meskerem – well done!
Assenna and BBC and ABC, and VOA all say whatever they want – what is so different about Meskerem? Do we have different metric or measure? And what is this name calling if I express my views that I get called or get painted as “supporter of Meskerem”?
Get real and get a life. Go out and use your energy to speak to the world the misery of Eritrean people rather than hiding behind the PC and wasting your time away….
Will my post be deleted now?
Mahta September 27, 2015
Thankx Mike! that is what I mean!
Simon G. September 29, 2015
Mahta nebsi & Mike,
On this case, you are mistaken.
Amanuel Giorgis September 26, 2015
Does need to be advised? He is doing it intentionally and I don’t think needs any ones attention. Let him write things in bold for the older and less educated people and that is Ok. He has to post some evil worth his paycheck from PDFJ and has to finish his father’s unfinished business.
Safi November 9, 2015
Spaniel Gegiorgis: you are right, Alem is just pursuing his father steps and history, the black history and crime against innocent Eritreans. As the saying goes, like father, like son, he was brought up to hate Eritrean and not to have any moral what do ever. General Goitom was very close to the Tigrean than to the Eritrea because his mother from Tigrean, Ethiopia.
AHMED SALEH September 26, 2015
We give too much attention on issues which doesn’t need to give priority
regarding current problem our country face . We fight eachother inside
prison cell not knowing that literally we all lost our freedom .
josy September 26, 2015 is hellbent to cause havoc and confusion among Eritreans. The short and childish quotes he displays every now and then speak for themselves. This should not bother us now because we know where fluctuating stands end up eeventually. It bothers me though that the well informed moderator Naz Yemene had to take this website as his platform.
Teclay September 26, 2015
ርሑስ በዓለ መስቀል ንኹልኹም
ሎሚ ምሸት ሆየ ፣ጽባሕ ድማ ዳመራ እዩ ።ኣብቲ ጥዑም ግዜ ሓበሻ ኮለና ትዝክርዎ ዶ ሆየ ፣ሆየ??
ሆየ ሆየ፣ሆየ ሆየ።
ሆየ ዝይበለ፣ሆየ፣ካባና እፈለ፣ሆየ።
ሆየይሲ ሆየይሲ ፣ ሆየ፣ ድሓን ተመለሲ ፣ሆየ።
መስቀላ መስቀላ፣ ሆየ፣ ድሓን ተቐልቀላ ፣ሆየ።
ኣጆኹም ቇልዑ፣ሆየ፣ባልዶኋ ጨልጊዑ ፣ሆየ።
ኣጆኽን ኣንስቲ ፣ሆየ፣ ጻዕዳ ጣፍ ለወስቲ ፣ሆየ፣ ወዘተ
ዎ ኣምላኸይ ነቶም ስለ ዝሓረሩስ ፣ዝበሰሉ መሲልዎም፣ ባህሎም ዘፍርሱ፣ገዳማት ዝደፍሩ ፣ቓንቁኦም ዘንድዱ፣ልቢ ሱኽዓሎም።
ኣርዓዶም September 26, 2015
ስለምንታይ ኢኹም ጽሑፈይ ሓጺር ክነሱ ትድምስስዎ ዘለኹም። ድሓር ድማ ንመስረክም ኔት ዝድግፍ እንተዝነብርስ፡ ድሓን ነይሩ፡ ርእይቶይ ግን ከም ኩሉ ደላይ ፍትሒ ወይ ሓርነት፡ ንድሌት ህዝቢ ዘማል አ ኢዩ ነይሩ። ንስኻትኩም ግን ትድምስስዎ ኣለኹም።
ሓርነት ድማ ካብ ገዛኻ ኢዩ ዝጅመር።
Suleiman Salim September 26, 2015
እዛ ዝጸሓፍካይ ሕጂ እውን ከይትድምሰስ ፍራሕ። ኣማኑኤል ኢያሱ ዓዲ ” ጆኒ ዎከር ” ከም ዝቕመጥ ኣይትረስዕ። ክርስትያንን ጥርሙዝን መዓስ ኮን እዮም ዝጋደፉ?
ogbai September 26, 2015
ኽቡር ኣዳላዊ መርበብ ሓቤሬታ ኣሰና፡ ስላምታይ ተቐበል፡ ደጋጊመ ዝህቦ ኮሜንት ርእይቶታት ተቐባልነት ኣይርከብን ምናልባት ካብ ናተይ ጌጋ ከይኸውን ብማለት ብፍላይ ኣብዚ ሰሙንዚ ብዛዕባ መስከረም ነት ዝሃብኩዎ ኮሜንት ድሕሪ ፖስት ኮይኑ ምራኣየይ፡ ንምሸቱ ተድምሲሱ ወይ ለጊሱ ጸኒሕኒ። ምኽንያቱ ኣይተረዳኣንን፡ እሞ ሓደ ካብቶም ደግፍትኻ ብምኻነይ ብልሃቱ ጥፊኡኒ ኣሎ። ብርግጽ ነዊሕ ትሕዝቶ ዘለዎ እዩ ነይሩ፡ ዋል ሓጺር መልኽትታውን ዳርጋ ንነዊሕ ጊዜ ይድምሰስ ኣሎ። የጋጥመኒ ኣሎ፡ ምኽንያቱ ምገለጽኩምለይዶ ምስ ሰናይ ኣኽብሮት? ምልኪ ይፍረስ፡ ሕጊ ይንገስ ኩሉ ክሕጎስ ክምጎስ!
ogbai September 27, 2015
ወልቕ ዘለቕ ዝነበረን ዘሎን እዩ፡ ጉድለት ኮይኑ ንተሰማዓካ ዓገብ ምባል እንታይ እዩ ነውሩ። ወዲ ጀነራልዶ ወዲ ጸማቕት ስዋ፡ ወዲ ዝኾነ ይኹን ካብ መስመር ክወጽእ እንከሎ ስቕ ኢልካ ምርእይ ንባዕሉ ዓቢ ድኽመትና እዩ። ዝተጸመምናዮ ይእክል፡ ካብ ሕጂ ንዳሓር ግሉጽ ምንቕቓፍ ደው ከብሎ ዝኽእል የልቦን። እቲ ጅግና ዝባሃል ማዓርግውን ንዝምልከቶም እንተተዋህበ ጽቡቕ እዩ። ባዓል ዝበረቐ ጽሓይና ድኣ እንታይ ጽቡቕን ሕማቕን ኣፍሊጥኩም፡ ሓሻኹም ሓሸውየ ንኺድ ጥራሕ ክትብሉ ትውዕሉን ትሓድሩን ዘለኹም። ንትኩራት ተዓዘብቲ ግን ‘መስከረም ነት’ ብስም ጥራይ ተቓዋሚት ክትባሃል ኣይካልን እዩ፡ ከም ሜድያ ኣብ ዝደለየቶ ክትስራዕ ትኽእል እያ፡ በቲ እትገብሮ ዘላ ዘልቕ መልቕ ግዳ ኣብ ‘ምንዝርና’ ካብ ትዋፈር ነዊሕ እዋን ኮይኑ እዩ። ንኣንጭዋ ኣንጭዋ፡ ንኣንበሳ ኣንበሳ ምባል እንታይ ነውሪ ኣለዎ። ብወገነይ ኣለም ጎይትኦም እዩ ዋናኣ ክብል ኣይደፍርን እንተኾነውን ምርጭኡ እዩ። ነቲ ታሪኽ ጀጋኑና ዋና ታሪኽ መዝጋቢ ዘይተረኽበሉ፡ ግን ዋናታቱ ክሳብ ዝመጽዎ፡ ተሓዝ መዝገብ ኮይኑ ምጽንሑ የቕንየልና ንብሎ። ብዝዕባ ወዲ ሃገር ኣይወዲ ሃገርን ግዳ ዓገብ ንብለኩም፡ ብዛዕባ ኣጻራይት ኮምሽን እትተመሪጹ ግን ኣብ ከንዲ ባዕል ዳኔኤል ብላዕሊ እንተዝጅመር ዓቢ ቁምነገር ምተቆጽረ ንይሩ። የቕንየለይ! ዓወት ንደለይቲ ፍትሒ ውድቀት ንሽጣራን ግርሕን! ዑቕባይ ተ\ማ
Keren September 29, 2015
brother Mulugheta, well said,
The so called meskerem website also known as Meshrefet is an outdated and worthless website managed by equally expired person. If you need to see every garbage coming out, from Eritrea, check out Meskerem.
My friend calls it enda AlemGoytom-Gohaf እንዳ ኣለም-ጎይትኦም-ጎሓፍ in short ኣለም-ጎሓፍ Alem-Gohaf.
Suleiman Salim September 28, 2015
You do not have a sense of humour. I am glad brother Emmanuel Iyassu understood my intention and didn’t proceed to delete my message.
Do you know what Michela Wrong said about the Eritreans? She said: Eritreans do not have a sense of humour. I guess you have proved her right.
Keren September 29, 2015
brother Mulugheta, well said,
The so called meskerem website also known as Meshrefet is an outdated and worthless website managed by equally expired person. If you need to see every garbage coming out, from Eritrea, check out Meskerem.
My friend calls it enda AlemGoytom-Gohaf እንዳ ኣለም-ጎይትኦም-ጎሓፍ in short ኣለም-ጎሓፍ Alem-Gohaf.