To All concerned Eritreans about
In this century of technology the advantages of the media are extraordinary, with news and other related activities like our fight to freedom, human rights and others. However, being responsible to what you post and say

In this century of technology the advantages of the media are extraordinary, with news and other related activities like our fight to freedom, human rights and others.
However, being responsible to what you post and say is very important as a single line or word could escalate conflicts and results into dangerous consequences.
I love browsing several online media outlets to read news about Eritrea as all other Eritreans do and I strongly support all sort of discussion and arguments. is one of the online media that I also use occasionally for news, however the small title that are often posted with red bold colours by the editors of the net ( are often with hatred, humiliations and create fear, division and stigmatization.
They are always full of words or small statements that are dangerous and incite hatred and conflicts among the communities. Often they concentrate on individual’s identity which is should not be the case. This is an OUTDATED and INGORANT politics exploited by Isayas and his comrades to supress people for centuries.
Additionally it looks them ( have Ethiophobia, as an Eritrean I cannot comprehend if someone tries to alienate himself or herself from our neighbouring people. As the Western Eritreans enjoy trade and intermarriages with their Eastern Sudanese tribes same is true for the Eritreans in the southern part to have close ties with the Northern tribes of Ethiopia. And there should not be a room for politics which creates unnecessary wedge between Eritrean and Ethiopian in particular Tigrayans. Hence, it’s not necessary to dig into some once personal identity and stigmatize him/her for his origins, it is nonsense.
My advice to the’s editorials is there will be a price to pay, we Eritreans suffered enough and there should not be room for provocative words rather we need reconciliatory words. And I call upon all concerned people to advice the net to re-consider and discuss thoroughly for any editorial before dispatched to the eye of the Eritrean public.
Berhe Tenesea September 25, 2015
Meskerem net is owned and funded by pfdJ. The majority of people in diaspora know the fact that meskerem, is anti Eritrean people and have ignored it.
History will be unforgiving for the tatula that runs it. Meskerem net part or branch of 03 or the so called Bado Selete OF THE MIS-INFORMATION department of the Tembein regime.
In free Eritrea the administrator of that garbage site will end up in the prison containers along with other tatula with no mercy at all.
Death to pfdj, the Tembenay and his retarded tatulas.
abe September 25, 2015
This patter of hatred,specially against Tegaru is all over Eritrean web pages including Asena and Awate lately.It is a shame and I have no clue why it has become fashionable at this time.On the contrary none of the Ethiopian /Tigray web pages bad mouth Eritrea let alone racially attack Eritrea and its people.Let’s not put in danger the needy.
Ali September 25, 2015
I think is a misleading website which was intentionally created by HIGDEF to confuse the opposition parties. Now they are trying to divided us based on ethnic that is if you oppose HIGDEF automatically you are Telam woyane. I do not understand what it is if we take our background no one is better woyane than the dictator. Weather you like it or not DR Daniel is our future Eritrean leader. We love woyane because they believe in the independence of Eritrea. they accept the ports of Eritrea, the respect Eritreans they are ready to accept their mistakes (eg deportation of Eritreans). When we come to HIGDEF they are telamat working with the number one enemy of Eritrea who does not accept the independence of Eritrea, who do not recognize port Asseb is the official port of Eritrea, unable to learn from their mistakes who does not have interest to solve by dialog eg the decision of border commission which gives Badme to Eritrea can only be solved by dialog under the decision of the commission. Tegaru they are our brothers do not divide us.
Efrem S. September 25, 2015
Bravo brother Ali and very well said indeed.
Now, Suleiman Salim, aka Sheikh Suleiman Salim a Somali warlord.
Don’t you have relatives in Tigray yourself Sheikh Suleiman or have you moved them all to your Somali?
towedeberhan weldedawit September 25, 2015
Of course.we are the same people.The same ethnicity, same language, same culture, same history and same interest and the same enemy. What more do you want? If you deny this fact you must have identity crisis like
Suleiman Salim September 26, 2015
That is not true. We belong to two different nations- Eritrea and Ethiopia.
Berhe Tenesea September 25, 2015
Meskerem or Bado Seleste is propogating hateful messages. This site is trying hard to crate divisions among the Eritrean people in terms of religion, regionalism, and political believes.
This site being funded by pfdj is working hard to cause mistrust and poisonous atmosphere in our society.
This site is promoting divide and rule tactics that were used by past colonizers.
Now Eritrea being under the colonization of the Tembenis, they are repeating history on our people once again.
Death to hasusat and tatulas.
Mike September 25, 2015
In support of Meskerem or anyone out there doing work or bringing news regarding Eritrea:
This is the issue with us Eritreans. We jump in to any wagon there is that we think is enemy or not-friend. We never learn from history nor are we willing to let anyone be free. Did we not bring the current Eritrean government to power until they all get drunk miss the road of building Eritrea and we are now all crying out loud to God of the mess they have done in Eritrea?
Assenna has its weakness Meskerem has its weakness and all others out there for that matter. Let us not pick the spoon we “think is clean” and feed our own political thirst and “trash” the other spoon that we think it is not aligning with our view of the world.
Let Meskrem owner do what they want to do with their site. It is the right of Meskerem to publish whatever they think is valid to them.
Now, will my post survive in assenna?
Peace for Eritra
Tes September 25, 2015
I think you’re confused or misunderstood what is up to Meskerem or you are one of them a stooge of pfdj. This is not about right or democracy. Meskerem is deliberately working with pfdj to aggrieve the bad situation of our people. It is criminal website run by wicked low life individual.
Teclay September 25, 2015
“This is the issue with us Eritreans. We jump in to any wagon there is that we think is enemy or not-friend. We never learn from history nor are we willing to let anyone be free”
Tank you brother for your critical thinking .I agree almost all in all with your statement.In my opinion one can observe two stands of the web owner: A,,the survival of Eritrea as a country is only with reformed EPLF. B,,By all means to avoid unity with Ethiopia.
In my opinion for those of you who claim you are nationalists,Meskerem net is the perfect web ..If you agree, Ghedli was necessary then Isaias was the perfect Ghedli leader .You have to forget about Eritra without Isaias=EPLF…But if you think Ghedli was madness that is another matter.
Having said that i do have also reservation about meskerem net for example the continuous attack against the poor Dr.Daniel.In my opinion from where Dr.’s parents came from is irrelevant,even if the had come form Korea.
Efrem S. September 25, 2015
Suleiman Salim
Sheikh Suleiman Salim, you are a Somali warlord and haven’t you done enough damages in your poor Somali and what are you doing on Eritrean websites? Once we get rid of your type warlords and Higdef gangs then our beautiful Eritrea and Somali would be back to their old civilized way of life.
Wedi Haki September 25, 2015
Brother Efrem,
Well said brother. Its the dead brain kinds of Suleiman and of course the rotten “ are the main reason that we are unable to move an inch in the backdrop of all the horrible atrocities happening in our poor and cursed land. I don’t see the reason why one question the identity of a person so long as he/she is aligned with the values of the community in question. Why would the good Dr claim to be an Eritrean if he is not when the fact of the matter is there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to be proud of being an Eritrean.
Guess what, those who enjoy talking identity happen to be non Eritrean and I suspect Mr. Suleiman is one of them.
Suleiman Salim September 26, 2015
Efrem S ( S for Salim? ),
My lost brother, how are you? ይጻወተካ እየ ዘለኹ ወዲ ኣቦይ ግራዝማች ሶሎሞን በዓል ማዕረባ ( ዓዲ ዑቕበ ኣብራሃ )።
ኣብ ሞቕዲሾ ሪስቶራንት የራኽበና!!
halkel tweldi September 29, 2015
BOGOG zibluka hasot ezia eya Ogube abraham dea Maereb meas kede eta mebokolawit aduke ?
merhaba September 25, 2015
please please why get so confused, they have their right to express their ideas, however when they decide they have the right to issue nationality to individuals and they think they can intimidate and join the barbaric Faschist PFDJ in targeting and attacking an individual such as DR Daniel Rezene, they have crossed the line and became WODE GEBA and 5th COLONY of the oppostion to the Faschist PFDJ. I can confirm here I am not WOYANE as I call them to be as Faschist too, the same to their masters and INVENTORS and putting them on the map of history, the FASCHIST PFDJ.
Mulure September 25, 2015
I am an active follower of .I do believe on free media where freedom can be exercised .Meskerem was supposed to be an opposition media designed to provide plat form for our smart ,intellectual and international minded individuals.However,it is proved to be a conduit where the three key players Alem ,Naz and Etebark send their signal to manipulate the already weakened ,paralyzed and divided Eritrean community.
Three of them have nothing in common except the one that we all know, and they use it perfectly to generate cracks where they can flow in to our fabric and dissolve our binding forces.
Please do not divided us when we are already divided ,do not discriminate us when we are highly discriminated , do not break our fabric when it is broken .what we need is healing , inclusion and unification.
Alem is meant the world but your name is completely different to your character.You are really a regional and a tribal individual.
Suleiman Salim September 30, 2015
“I am an active follower of .I do believe on free media where freedom can be exercised .”
Assenna should follow the example of Meskerem by giving space to : 1) Positive news from Eritrea. 2) Eritreans who support their country.
Mahta September 25, 2015
I think is one of the popular website! it is better than most of the biased opposition or pro governament web sites. I believe the problem is with us rather than with meskerem. neither the oppostions nor the supporters are ready to hear what they dont want to hear. For instance, If someone within the opposition questions the origin of yemane monkey or Isays everyone would praise, If Daniel Rezene`s origin is questioned then it considered as Ethiophobia. Why??? In ideal world we live in,If someone come to the spot light,everything about him would be questioned, if the kitchen is too hot for him he has to get out of it! you cannt blame the website who brought the question, it is the responsibility of the individual to clear the air.I believe that we need to have different kind of websites, we need variety!! Therefore Mr Mulugeta, fight for the right of freedom of speech!to be honest you concerned more than him….
Simon G. September 25, 2015
Mahta nebsi, one question:
Compare Meskerm against Assenna or Awate…..
Tes September 25, 2015
meskerem is popular website!!!!???ommmmm what! popular hahaa if you think intimidating justice seeker and working for PFDJ make it popular. Check your head sisi something is wrong with your head. Dr Daniel is no a public figure he is a fellow Eritreans who crying for justice and rule of law. He is a victim of PFDJ as many ordinary Eritreans unlike few privileged someone who get hand out from pfdj. The problem is that there are many of you have little knowledge of democracy and trying to twist it to suit your aim. There is nothing to do with democracy and freedom of speech what meskerem is decimating. Creating confusion and fear based in region and religion and race etc. In a free open society Alem will be locked in prison for inciting disharmony among society or community. But that coward he is living in safe place for now far from our jurisdiction. The time is closing fast and will pay heavenly. I am pretty sure of that. Onather important point if he care about scrutinasing people in spot light why don’t he ask about the origine of Iseyas Afwerki, Hagos Kasha, yemane gebreab. Can you in light us w/r Mahta. But I don’t think you are capable of differentiate between ordinary person and public figure. i am asking you too much.sorry
Efrem S. September 25, 2015
Suleiman Salim – aka Sheikh Suleiman Salim a Somali warlord wanted dead or alive by the UN and America. What are you doing on Eritrean websites? Haven’t you already done enough damages in your poor Somali? No more disguises from you Sheikh Suleiman the Somali warlord.
Mahta September 26, 2015
Tes, you are the one who intimidate, insult and threatening people, in free society you should be locked not him!you need emotional therapy hawey!! You never change huh?? what is the point of calling names behind your PC???if you disagree, try to do it nicely! otherwise, as i grow up in edagaarbi, i have more insulting words than you ha….Yes, i rated meskerem as one of the best(if not the best) web sites, I follow their up to date news and they did a great job in introducing our forgottten heroes. Nothing is perfect though, not everyone would expected to agree with the way they run their web site. But that it the beauty of democracy, we can`t be all the same. I know sometimes they brought a controversial issues but it is nothing different what we talk at home. It surprise that even asking someone`s identity is a controversy with our closed society, you try to tell me as if the question is only for the likes of hagos kisha….personally,I don`t see any wrong to ask someone`s identity whether he is ordinary or public figure. Dont forget that you have to be ordinary first to be public figure later! I can agree with you that meskerem can have his own agenda but if I read something thing different about Obama, my main concern is not who wrote it, it is whether the story is true or false! that is open society, it is hard to know someone`s hidden agenda, I dont know what your agenda as well, it doesn`t bother me…the only thing i can do is I just respond to what you wrote!
Simon arkey, I think Assena and Awate are very good websites in their own way!
misraq adhanom September 25, 2015
“This is an OUTDATED and INGORANT politics exploited by Isayas and his comrades to supress people for centuries.”……
I beg to differ..It started with arab’s Abeed Jebha_____ISAIAS AGAME IYU mantra…..Because ,Jebha believed that Isaias was messiH and Habesh….they started attacking him…and he had Traditional Abyssinian Christianic/marxist ideology.
Those that started the gedli hsad exactly what is happenning now ,loss of identity and attacking people for being less cEritrean.
To tell us about is telling us about the danger migrane headache when our problem has to do with testacular/breast cancer.
meskerem exalts because we the opposition have no clear principle..but then did the eritrean cause ever had clear principle ???
robi September 25, 2015
Hey guys don’t fight each other hahahah forget about Meskerem! We have enough Assena,radio erena,wegahta salina,Medrek,so why you go to our enemies websites,hahahahaha, they have to work hard to survive their leaders,Monkey,kulit,kisha,Nekez,and other expired PfDJ guhalalu hahahha so stay here, don’t change lanes like High way,hahahah seab elom Bambulatat hizomulina atyom tegadeltina,awaridomuna,eyom hji dea yjihasuna ember hahahahha any way I love joking guys,kalsina merir eyu Harinetina kea nay gdin eyu yftewu ytsiliu.adina nmleselu Ruhuk aykonen, ygazim alo anebesa ab kebabi Zalambesa.hgdef weylika tefaeka.
Daniel September 25, 2015