To All concerned Eritreans about
In this century of technology the advantages of the media are extraordinary, with news and other related activities like our fight to freedom, human rights and others. However, being responsible to what you post and say

In this century of technology the advantages of the media are extraordinary, with news and other related activities like our fight to freedom, human rights and others.
However, being responsible to what you post and say is very important as a single line or word could escalate conflicts and results into dangerous consequences.
I love browsing several online media outlets to read news about Eritrea as all other Eritreans do and I strongly support all sort of discussion and arguments. is one of the online media that I also use occasionally for news, however the small title that are often posted with red bold colours by the editors of the net ( are often with hatred, humiliations and create fear, division and stigmatization.
They are always full of words or small statements that are dangerous and incite hatred and conflicts among the communities. Often they concentrate on individual’s identity which is should not be the case. This is an OUTDATED and INGORANT politics exploited by Isayas and his comrades to supress people for centuries.
Additionally it looks them ( have Ethiophobia, as an Eritrean I cannot comprehend if someone tries to alienate himself or herself from our neighbouring people. As the Western Eritreans enjoy trade and intermarriages with their Eastern Sudanese tribes same is true for the Eritreans in the southern part to have close ties with the Northern tribes of Ethiopia. And there should not be a room for politics which creates unnecessary wedge between Eritrean and Ethiopian in particular Tigrayans. Hence, it’s not necessary to dig into some once personal identity and stigmatize him/her for his origins, it is nonsense.
My advice to the’s editorials is there will be a price to pay, we Eritreans suffered enough and there should not be room for provocative words rather we need reconciliatory words. And I call upon all concerned people to advice the net to re-consider and discuss thoroughly for any editorial before dispatched to the eye of the Eritrean public.
Beruk September 24, 2015
Your concern is very legitimate. However what is the use of advising Isayas to come into his senses. Can you reasonably think Isayas will suddenly get sane and start to be sensitive to the people whom he claims to be governing? is as insensitive as isayas.
Tesfit September 24, 2015
Message approved.
I think Tigray online and other extremist Ethiopian websites are driving Meskerem to act the way it does. But no reason can be justified for not siding with the public and against the hgdef tyranny.
tekeste September 24, 2015
Meskerem network is spay network of hgdef so do not give atention that bastard
YERHWO September 24, 2015
Every body should learn to ignore Meskerem’s ‘ Captions’ of Terror. All you see is these fear instilling ‘captions’ without caring to explain who is behind the statements. That is the lowest one can get.
lillay September 24, 2015
I have o idea how that works but I always think to make petition against
k.tewolde September 24, 2015
It is an insult to our intelligence.It is the old shot gun approach , they throw it there if it sticks , but the Eritrean audience has evolved. They are living in the dark ages.
Ogebremeskel September 24, 2015
meskerem is ahgdef propeganda
Brahmin Idris September 24, 2015
I have been long time since I called it meshirefet. Net shim ymerih tuwaf yebrih kkk
AHMED SALEH September 24, 2015
I use to criticize but now I prefer to stay moderate not
take sides because of double standards I noticed from many commentators .
Meskerem net. doesn’t differ from those who enjoy degrading our people
in general with offensive languages the same way some of the practice
of their sites .
ASSENNA forum tried not get involved in unconstructive discussions and
I don’t appreciate to invite me on problems willingly brought yourselves .
We are matured enough to lean on thoughts of peace , love and tolerance
among people . And this site reputation speak for itself .
NB : Meskerem .net is opposition site with some controversy but we are
tired of our inability not to straighten our differences . Good example to
recognize our own weakness in comparison of opposition parties failures .
Stefanos Temolso September 24, 2015
Considering the content of his editorials and news items, I can never assume the owner of Meskerem lives in the USA. We are in the 21st century and he looks like he has the mentality of a person who is living two hundred years back. So, my advice to him is to wake up. He should read more books instead of of becoming the laughingstock of the public.
Suleiman Salim September 26, 2015
ወዲ ተመልሶ
ከመይ ትኽውን? እርጋንን ስደትን ከመይ ይገብረካ ኣሎ? ስጋዕ ቀረባ ግዜ ደሓን ኔርካ ሕጂ ግን ናይ ዕድመ ምድፋእ ምልክታት ተርእይ ኣሎኻ ይመስለኒ። ኣብ ርእሲ ገዲም ተጋዳላይ ኣለም ዝሰንዘርካዮ ኣጉልን ዕሸላውን መጥቃዕቲ ናይ ጥዕና ዘለዎ ሰብ መለለዩ ኣይኮነን። ኣውራጃዊ ምስሕሓብ ክተላዕል ትደሊ ኣሎኻ ዲኻ?
ቅድሚ ቅሩብ ናብ ዓላ ወሪደ ስለ ዝነበርኩ መሊስካ ንክትዓኩኽ ካብኡ ሒዘዮ ዝመጻእኩ ኣራንቺ ክሰደልካ እዩ።
ካብ ሱለይማን ሳልም
ንፈተውቱ ብሱሊ ዝፍለጥ