Time to Change the Dictator PFDJ Regime
[audio src="http://demo.archive.assenna.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/tdp2-120125-1700.mp3" width="500" height="320" poster="http://demo.archive.assenna.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/PFDJ_Assenna.jpg" progress="true"]
Semhar January 26, 2012
Gaddafi is dead Isayas is next!
– His boss (Mubarak of Egypt) is thrown out of power.
– The international community’s talking peace and carrying big stick [sanctions] is having an effect.
– The Eritrean people are beginning to realize that there is no point in waiting for the regime to reform itself — that it needs to be overthrow.
This is the moment we must come together to save our land and our people.
Let freedom ring in Akeleguzay!
Let freedom ring in Barka!
Let freedom ring in Denkel!
Let freedom ring in Hamasien!
Let freedom ring in Sahil!
Let freedom ring in Semhar!
Let freedom ring in Senhit!
Let freedom ring in Seraye!
Let freedom ring in ERITREA!
Let freedom ring allover Eritrea!
Let’s LIVE FREE OR DIE with dignity.
Our martyrs did not die to crown the tyrant.
We must reclaim our flag, our constitution, Highi Indaba, our land (our original provinces), our people,
robel January 26, 2012
well you seem you propagating you Awrajawi atahasasiba every where.
I am on your side when you seek for change in Eritrea!
But when you talk about freedom in one hand and talk about awrajanet !
please open your mind we don’t need such narrow minded people !
we will fight for our rights ! but these awrajatat that you try to highlight doesnt exist in Eritrea any more incase you didn’t know !
Abdi January 26, 2012
don’t blame her she was told to say so by sesseionists leaders to please woyane,who are sleepless to see Eritrea divided.
habtom January 27, 2012
Please. Robel you do not know what is awragaq means ,that is part of. Eritrea .you have to know. kushet + wereda. + awraja = Eritrea.
Iseaya & his folowers ,they do not have kushet ,wereda or awraja so they do not want to hava have Awrajatat in Eritrea because they are from some where they are not orgenals & they have MENENET KULUWLAW so and let you know awraja is the name of our grand grand father s name.
Cambo January 26, 2012
Issaias Afewerki’s Eritrea is dead last “degaf chira” in Press Freedom Index, this year, again!
168 Belarus 99,00
169 Burma 100,00
170 Sudan 100,75
171 Yemen 101,00
172 Vietnam 114,00
173 Bahrein 125,00
174 China 136,00
175 Iran 136,60
176 Syria 138,00
177 Turkmenistan 140,67
178 North Korea 141,00
179 Eritrea 142,00
http://en.rsf.org/press-freedom-index-2 … ,1043.html
Cambo January 26, 2012
Eritrea is still last. Try this link again, it may work …
Gaul Mendefera(Rahel) January 26, 2012
hey everyone there i have been some where now i come back, how are you doing including the idiot Isayasawian?.
Worldwide Press Freedom Index Eritrea Is Last: 179th
as always do, the regime of isayas cancer of peace will give it some idiot reason like himself
Popular Front for Dicatorship and Jaling(PFDJ) January 26, 2012
Worldwide Press Freedom Index Eritrea Is Last: 179th
Somalia is 164
what a shame to the shameful isayas regime….
what a big shame is this? his media always focus on other nations by saying somalia, woyane, ethiopia ,USA,Igad…. AU..UN and so on
while he is sinking to the bottom from year to year.
without freedom there is no life, so as far as the blind, idiot,garbage and arrogant leader Isayas is there, we cannot move an inch so let’s unite and remove this tyrant ,terrorist leader from our leader for once and forever
Zeray January 26, 2012
Are you really surprised? The outsiders who don’t follow Eritrean affairs maybe surprised but for those of us who got the news first hand, that Eritrea has become a big prison, our loved ones have gone insane due to the extreme heat of the containers they are jailed, some blinded due to moving them from dark to extreme sun light daily, the atrocities goes on and on.
Frankly I am not surprised by the report. What is surprising however is the fact that many Eritreans in Diaspora have remained passive. This passiveness is crime simply because we are participating in prolonging the suffering.
Let’s have the courage to stand for the Truth and work for democratic rights in Eritrea.
salh January 26, 2012
Awrajawnet do elkum?…..kedem Isayas zedenagerena yeakl……..ab sltanu nmtsnah deki hamassien trah meliuwa….kalot zegatat nkzarebu keman teshekurirom enakedu hi awrajawyan El a blame ktgebrom gziu aykonen…..to tslae NH a kbret awrajana knmeles ena……
Zeray January 26, 2012
Please don’t fall for the PFDJ’s trap of divide and rule. That is exactly what they want you say, “hamassien trah meliuwa” and then instead of dealing with the big picture of forming a system that works for all Eritreans, they want to engage you complaining and will have no time dealing with the real issues. You see, they intentionally build walls between people, dividing them by “Awarajanet”, religion, politics, rich and poor etc.. The Italians and the British colonial tricks were exactly the same. If you are not involved, please get involved to make a positive difference for future democratic Eritrea.
hggum brhan January 27, 2012
Ahmed saleh January 27, 2012
No doubt, I agree with you for real. Eventhough Salh’s expression is understandable but we should not fall on their wrong doings if we care and love our country. Do not forget our MARTYRS , they are you , him, me and others too. So stay
strong and fight against wrongs not to be a loser. All these political activities on momentum is to win over evil doers and to reclaim our traditional and cultural values and furthermore
Eritreans integrity.
Gaul Mendefera(Rahel) January 27, 2012
Isayas wants to govern Eritrea even after he died…
even after he died, people will build for him a church so that they will make a pray there to wake up from his death once again.
isayas asked one up on time:
Q. how do u describe Eritrea after you or without you?
A. wowwwwwww, Without me?
Q.yes without you?
A. i dont guess you to ask me this kind of Questions, but it looks like A BIG HELL.
Q.why dont you make it be heaven eritrea without you/
A. some people like Woyane,Ethiopia,USA, AU, IGAD say that” even the IMPOSSIBLE” mean ” I am possible” but for me impossible means impossible
Q, well mister president, can u mention some countries who are very undemocratic?
A. well it is clear… USA EU…Ethiopia, woyane, south africa, Gabon…
Q. sounds great, what about countries with full of freedom, justice and democracy?
A. this is much clear than any question you asked me… ERITREA,Eritrea , IRAN,North korea…
Q. oh mister president.. how do you describe the Eritrea people?
A. oh just the best people in the world, we are number one in the Africa content?
Q, good in which factor you are number one?a lot of people say Eritrea is number one in prison center ? and even the only country in Africa without any private media and without any political party? is that what you make you number one in Africa?
A. you hell and agent of woyane.. where is the evidence, where is the evidence?
source: hadas eritrea news paper.
rahwa January 28, 2012
Change has been long overdue in Eritrea. we say enough is enough! Down with the dictator! down with his gang!
Nelson Mandela says:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
ahmed saleh January 28, 2012
Thanks for the tip, I will rewrite on my collections note book. Keep it up, lets educate
each other for good cause. Thanks again, one Love.