Three African migrants stabbed near Tel Aviv Central Bus Station
Police are calling the attacks "botched robberies"; three arrested in connection to the crimes. Three African migrants were stabbed and lightly wounded at three locations in south Tel Aviv on Saturday night, in what police say
Police are calling the attacks “botched robberies”; three arrested in connection to the crimes.
Three African migrants were stabbed and lightly wounded at three locations in south Tel Aviv on Saturday night, in what police say were botched robberies.
Within an hour or so of the stabbings on Rosh Pina, Lewinsky, and Solomon streets near the Central Bus Station, police announced that they had arrested three Israelis in connection to the crimes.
Police said that the three men did not know the victims and that the motive for the crimes was robbery.
In early January an Israeli man was arrested for stabbing an Eritrean infant in the headwith a pair of scissors near the Central Bus Station. The man was inebriated at the time and mentally disturbed, police said, adding that he did not know the victim personally.
While under investigation the man told police that he carried out the stabbing for racial reasons, because he hates black people, who he referred to as “black terrorists.”
Over the past couple of years there have been other cases of groups of Israeli youths in south Tel Aviv, in Eilat, and elsewhere who targeted African migrants for beatings and robberies.
In a number of those cases police said the perpetrators targeted African migrants solely out of opportunism, while in other cases there was a racial motive as well.
taffla February 16, 2014
Motive was robbery? To steal what from poor refugees?
abdu February 16, 2014
three Eritrean poor refugees don’t know each other.But; the three criminals new each other.that makes you ahhhhhhhh………..deliberate; well calculate;and it is intentional.
abdu February 16, 2014
and at the same time ahhhhhhhhh;ummmmmm
Andebrhan Ekube February 16, 2014
What a shame of investigation by the Israel’s police shame .
Hakim February 16, 2014
Every time there is crime committed against Eritreans it is always robbery or mentally unstable why is that? what do they want to still from poor Eritrean? Jews are becoming worse than Hitler this is pure racism Eritrean they went through hell to get there and now this.
Diana da Bologna February 16, 2014
ሕግን ስርዓትን ደይትፈልጥ፡ ብናይ ጫካ ሕጊ እትምራሕ ሃገረ አስራኤል፡ ይትረፍ ንጸለምቲ ኣፍሪቃውያን፡ ነቶም ደቀባት ፍልስጠማውያን`ውን ሰላም ከሊኣቶም ኣላ። ባይቶ ጸጥታ ካብ ዝምስረት ኣትሒዙ፡ እቲ ዝበዝሐ ውሳነ ኣብ ልዕሊ እስራኤል’ዩ ኣሕሊፍዎ። ክሳብ ሕጂ ግን ብከለላ ኣመሪካን ኢንግሊዝን፡ እስራኤል ተቐጺዓ ኣይትፈልጥን። ስለዚ እስራኤል ድልየታ ፈጺማ ብሰላም ደቂሳ እትሓድር ማሙሽ ናይ ምዕራባውያን ኢያ። ዝኾነ እስራኤላዊ ዜጋ ኣብ ልዕሊ ማንም ስደተኛ ገበን ፈጺሙ፡ ምኽንያት እንዳተደርደረሉ ብነጻ ይልቀቕ ኣሎ። ምንባር ኣብ’ዛ ደይሕጋዊት ሃገር እዚኣ ውሕስነት ካብ ደይሃለዎን፡ ንህይትካ ሓደገኛ ካብ ኮነን፡ እታ እንኮ ምርጫ ናብ ሃገርካ ምምላስ’ያ። ኣሳፊሕካ ሞት’ያ ተኾርሚኻ ሞት’ያ ድባሃል ምስላ ሕጂ ኣይሰርሕን’ዩ። ናይ ህይወት ሕቶ ስለ ድኾነ።
ERITRAWIT February 16, 2014
Diana da Bologna,
No offence what about you where are u in Italy? they know if they go back to Eritrea they will be put in underground or Shipping container from previous experience he has to go by any means our youth they can live peacefully without fear.
Zufana February 16, 2014
All these suffering and humiliation to poor young Eritrean refugees and Eritrean people at large has to come to an end sooner. If there are any men left in the country, they should get rid of this old shit head DIA and start building the poor country. It should also tickle the emotion of all Eritreans and instill “Yes We Can” attitude.
Tekle February 16, 2014
The only thing to do is destroy PFDj and the headmaster Isaias, there is not another solution
kk February 16, 2014
One day I was chatting with one Australian man, he asked me where did I come from? I answered I come from Eritrea. Yeh Eritrea! We use to hear a lot about it during armed struggle, especially through Fred Hallows the eye especialist and Thomas Kennely the author how is the country doing after independence? I said no good the country is running a dictator who he turned the country into a big jail and the national service into slavery. The country has got shortage in every thing even the basic things such as drinking water and food not to mention electricity. He looked at me and said you get what you deserve. I looked at him angrily and ask why do we deserve that? He looked at me in a smily face, well if you feel that you deserve better change him it is upto you. I thought about it and I said to myself he is absolutely right, it is in our hands. All the peace prosperity democracy is just there with us, the only condition for that is to get rid the devi in Asmara. Instead of looking for it somewhere else. Isreal is the last country in which one should ask asylum. Oh Eritreans wake up do what you have already done to uprooted the derg regime, don’t die in silence. My message to the media outlets especially the radio stations don’t west your time into analyzing the regim every knows about, advocate for the fighting the regime by any available means.
Thank you
ahmed saleh February 16, 2014
No excuses accepted while people of different skin color or religion attacked again and again .
Such kind of violent acts are categorazided as
HATE CRIME in USA justice system . Those racist bastards are not different from those white supremacists who kill and chase their
Great fathers in Jews history. Shame on them.
ahmed saleh February 17, 2014
For the record . My indication to call bastard racists is directed to those individuals who do the crimes but not for people in general .
hmm February 16, 2014
30,000 young Eritreans in Israel begging for freedom. what a shame… if they organize themselves they can make a strong rebel army that can easily wipe out the dictator and his cronies…. that is the only way to restore dignity….and earn respect..