The YPFDJ from failure to failure
Eritrean Unity Movement in Norway When the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) (Eritrea-regimets ungdomsparti får grasrotmidler) exposed the real intentions (Fire eritreere hoppet av i Norge) of the YPFDJ 7th Conference(Bevilget hundretusener til omstridt ungdomsparti) held in
Eritrean Unity Movement in Norway
When the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation (NRK) (Eritrea-regimets ungdomsparti får grasrotmidler) exposed the real intentions (Fire eritreere hoppet av i Norge) of the YPFDJ 7th Conference(Bevilget hundretusener til omstridt ungdomsparti) held in Oslo in April 2011, the Oslo branch of the organization (through Smret Kidane and Tedros Yared) lodged a complaint against NRK to the Norwegian Press Complaints Commission in September the same year. The 10-page complaint was supplemented with 12 attachments and a CD. Among other things, they accused NRK that it:
– linked them to the ruling party in Eritrea, PFDJ (they claimed they were an independent organization
that has nothing to do with PFDJ);
– stated that the conference was held in secret;
– associated them with a neo-nazist movement (referring to a comment made by Prof. Kjetil Tronvoll in
one of the reports);
– hinted at the organization’s espionage role on Eritreans in Norway
– used uncritical and one-sided selected sources
After giving both sides (YPFDJ and NRK) to comment on each other’s responses and after investigating the accusations, The Press Commission found that NRK did not breach any code of ethical press conduct in all those accusations made by the YPFDJ. This is yet another blow to the YPFDJ. The aim of the YPFDJ was meant to silence any criticism of the Eritrean regime in Norway. It is to be recalled that the Norwegian EU’s ‘Youth in Action’ program has officially asked the YPFDJ to pay back all the money it received (equivalent to 36 160, 53 Euro) in funding its 7th Conference.
The whole decision which was made public on 27.03.2012 (
Freweini Hadgu April 14, 2012
How wonderful it must feel to go to a court or a state sanctioned organ to address your grievance and expect the issue to get redress if it warrants one. Nations such as Norway have put a mechanism for such things as anyone can clearly see. Sadly, there is no such thing in Eritrea. Since the man who has usurped absolute power said that Eritrea was much better than Norway it should be expected to have a much better system that that of Norway. How would Norway react if young men and women were drowning by the hundreds? Would Norway simply turn a blind eye when it’s nationals are held captive, enslaved, raped and killed for their organs? Clearly Eritrea could learn a thing or two from Norway. Since Norway welfare system sustains this regime.
Cambo April 14, 2012
Freweini, well said.
It is good that the YPFDJ of Norway know and understand their rights and the law. I would like to see every Eritrean and African to understand his/her rights and the law. This is the basics of human rights. The next step is to understand our obligations to humanity.
The question the YPFDJ of Norway should ask now is — who will defend the rights of the European-Eritrean journalist Dawit Issaak? Dawit has been in jail since September 2001 languishing in Eritrean underground jail, perhaps died by now or sick and heart broken, because the likes of YPFDJ of Norway did not cry for him.
There are also tens of thousands Dawits in Eritrea who were not lucky enough to get a European or American citizenship. Will the YPFDJs of Europe and America cry for all the Eritrean political prisoners in Eritrea? Will they take the Eritrean regime to the European Union court of justice? Will they lodge a complaint to the UN Human Rights tribunal in defence of the Eritrean prisoners under the PFDJ regime? April 14, 2012
Really! Really!!
Baraee April 14, 2012
hell ya!!….every brave anesebetay will tell you that …..helll ya! ….I am one and i know …and I love Akeleguzay!! if you know what I mean will tell you duhul!!.
Truth always wins …lying is prositution.
tesfay April 14, 2012
You must be agame who spent his life in Asmara, otherwise you wouldn’t try to separate Eritrea by Awraja. We are one the only problem right now is Dictator isias.
M I April 14, 2012
Don’t you know that Amanuel (Assena) using different names try to divide and apply the intention of Woyane on Eritreans. Otherwise, at this 21st century, it is shame to think about religion or ethnicity or tribe.
So, though I am 200% supporter of Wedi Afie, I like your answer to the so called Baraee (Amanuel). Let’s be smart when we see such ugly ideas where it comes from. Whether you like it or not last year when Meles warn the so called ‘Erirtrean Journalist’ who work against the government of Eritrea to do whatever they can to divide at least the diaspora Eritreans. Otherwise, by this year the fund from Woyane will be suspended.
Baraee April 15, 2012
You must have such a low IQ or you are brain dead to deny what you see in front of you in the deserts of SINAI , higdef does not even a single effort to defend them…Can you imagine what other governoments would do if their citizen were to end up in such a demhuanzing act. But why am I surprised they have not collected one of your heroes body in London , Naizghi Kiflu.
Did I just say your IQ is low, It can not be reading how you flow with your language it must be different motive.
1. You must have a direct interest in this governoment.
2. Your brother or sister must be a cohort with the DIA , a messenger that is part of the suppressive machine.
3. You must have some distant relationshipp to this dicator through some marriage alliance
I can go on but I bet you are surprised. so in the end let me water it down a bit and forgive you.
You are suffering from a TV-Eri fantazia(fantasy)…By the way DIA’s favorite word is FenTEZIA(fantasy_). Open up your mind Amanuel has been with EPLF, I have been with EPLF like many we found out the truth on the ground…YOU WILL!! NO Question,….it is easier for you as you are just a puppet who get’s infatuated with who is winning or in fame.
Baraee April 15, 2012
so what if I am …most of the leadership at the top are….the issue is not of identity…and I am not brining this to divide but to highlight how much HIGDEF fools people using the divide…of Awerja and religon….If we openly talk about it …it’s impact will be less…..if we fear it then it becomes a never dying a cancer…..the way I approach is like a Chemotherapy ….it is never a good feeling but it cures…and for god’s sake stop blaming Amanuel…he has much to do than pose in the name of Baraee…You have no idea how much work it takes to undergo a mass media communicaiton he has availed to his people….
hayelom werede April 14, 2012
What is the reason for bringing Akeleguzai in this issue? Or Did you just want to tell us that you are from Akeleguzai? i just wanted the reason
Azi'wn Yhalf. April 14, 2012
Its really teaching them law, the YPFDJ are really fool people and should be deported. In addition the oppossition and the EYC shoulld have helped to the press how brataly YPFDJ are!
They are the mission of the regime, they should help to be the same countries they are living or they should be deported to Eritrea. Otherwise they are terrorist and terrorissing our people by helping the dictator and his puppets like Yemane Monkey.
I think that they Young Eritrean for Change need to fight them to the court and expose whoo they are and what they are doing. I am sure that, through court everything will be against them. Because whilist they are lliving in democratic countries, they are helping the dictator and become one of him. they are losser with no coscience, these Young people should feel sham to be parts of this bratal regime.
Baraee April 14, 2012
Azi’wn Yhalf
I agree with you all that you said….but they remind me of eritrean POLICE and KOMANDS(Ethiopian Commandos were mainly Eritreans during Haile Selassie)….but I tell you…we saw every one cramble infront truth…so I feel pained because we are losing them to be used….but give them five years they will mature and will realize how used and spent they are……..I personally know Yemane and he looked like a whore looking for her pimp when he was asked of Dawit…also know him…we wer budies in Sweden…all that smile was fake…the smile was to gain a report card from Issayas…he knows he is watched specially after his debucle in New York, he can not show fear…to show the same confidence Issayas tried for his generalsl during his last interview…they are in a game of survival….am I dreaming NO!!! I prove to you I AM AMAZED HOW MUCH MONEY HIGDEF is ready to SPEND for few nights to video tape some youth supporting it….WHY ? Because the real youth not the ones born of those who escaped freedom war…but they youth that saw reality…the movement of the youth is scaring Issu to death…
M I April 14, 2012
Ha hahahah hahahahah hahahahaha
entay elak Baraee?
Ha hahah hahahaha hahaha hahaha
Did you say “give them five years”?
You forget that you were saying “PFDJ will be destroyed soon” and now you are saying “give them five years” and the after five years what? are you going to wait for every young eritrean to serve PFDJ forever. You are really funny.
Anyway, you acknowledge that PFDJ or Hizbawi Ginbar and if you like hisbi Eritrea will never kneel down. I really thank you.
Baraee April 15, 2012
Yes, give them five years and by then …personally they will be most confused…
You are such a deep follower.
My people,
PFDJ has decayed ..about to rot to the bottom, however ,that may worsen our situation .You all know ,I despise PFDJ ..I am concerned that ..our mentality ,opposition parties ,some regional issues not have not been centraly organized .Things start with ideas .First they resented the jews ,then started to propogate against them ,then came forcing them to have “TARGA” that indicates their “Jewry”..and then the full scale holoucast started…the same with HUTUSD..of Rwanda..started calling TUTSIS…cockroaches..etc..dehumanizing them..People , I am not being alarmist.,.some people / regions are angry at the govt.(and supposedelly) people ,regions ,that are his “BASE”..just think……this doesw vnot mean PFDJ should not die like a drug addict hooker with AIDS..!!
Baraee April 14, 2012
I like your 360 degree view of things….now I understand your pen name…. it says a lot….in support of your mission let me blunt.
1. hey those of you Akeleguzay ….do not fall that this is a hamssien govenoment
because the principal security head of Issayas and the intelligence head is one of your own…love them as Eriteans
2. hey those hamassien admire Akelguzay for staying tight at least most of them as they did during the struggle.. ….and I admit because I am one ..they fall for what Issayas wants them to hate hamassien
3. all of you highland eritreans …there is no moslem in the lowland who does not know they hale from the same lineage of those in highlands…(at least most of them) ….religion has never had a problem in diverse eritrean heritage…It is simple explanation both Tigriniya and Tigre originate from GEEZ , the rest is a long history and thus why we are NOT FREE YET…but land is liberated.
4. Rememer we are suffering because of our strength tends to give room to be weak….think expansive….
Ahmed saleh April 14, 2012
Well said and very true. We create our own enemy from
negative thinking. We hand over our pride and integrity
to the systematic agenda of DIA and cliques. And it’s
result ………. …
Brother Baraee,
You would be surprised & sometimes get shocked when you get close to different etnics /tribes, you learn a lot.We have to come together ,respecting each others diversity…& to help you broaden your horizon …the pity competition between hamasien ,Akeleguzay…shadows are sometimes from seeing the big picture….like Afar ,Kunama..& regional influence, Ethiopia ,Sudan . Brother Baree, it maybe easy to topple a govt….but it is hard to predict what follows in a …less organized society.I TRULY LOVE THE ERITREAN PEOPLE ,I WISH WE COULD COMPROMISE TO SAVE ERITREANS FROM RAPE. The idea came to me after I watched “Pilot interview , the 2 parts , how EPLF/mudada/selfi natsnet has manipulated the diversity ,to bring about divisions I am just scared for the unknown.
ahmed saleh April 14, 2012
It is funny competition between these broke-ass group of people. They do not have nothing to show, so why they are
bluffing as retarded people all this time. I’m Asmera born &
raised but hailed from AKELEGUZAY with best friends for yrs
some who hail from HAMASSIEN. Our people back home have not time time for that nonsense, they are busy to make
the need to survive. We from outside are the ones who try to
export the rotten notion toward them to spoil them. Frankly
speaking, we all end up losers, congratulation, because that
was our call, not someone else.
SINGAPO - ERITREAN April 15, 2012
Thank you brother Ahmed ,my hat tips for you.It is identity crises ,specially with the so called “hizbe Tigrinya” a made up identity that we do not become ” AGAMES” which are our origin. We are confused .That is my analysis ,people have to change ,We are not obliged to love all Eritreans ,but , we have to believe in their right .And this Akele Guzai & Hamassien…non sense, indirectly belittles other tribes ,clans if they do not matter or 2nd class citzens.We should not be led by our feelings ,but ,by what is workable , the reason ,I do not want Kunama or Afar to suffer is because ,eventually it will also come to my neighbourhood ,relatives ..from dimbezan to keren.That is why injustice against one is injustice against every one. I asuggest we need “wiyiyt” like that of that we ,would know ,how tribalism or regionalism would hurt all of us. God bless you my brother
Baraee April 15, 2012
Brother Singapore Eritrean,
See how quickly I touched nerves when openly I speak of a problem…If there was not the counter arguments would not be so invasive like I am creating wedges….this evil Higdef manupulates it with whisper that how they divide our top leadership it’self but they become advocates of NO-Divide by redrawing the regions which are historical and culturall ties….people had no issues…by doing that they achieve two points….ONE dismantle the societies and re-do it, and second they create conflicts.
SINGAPO - ERITREAN April 15, 2012
Brother BARAEE,
You are right ,that is why I believe ,we need “wiyiyt” like that of weyane..that thought the Tigrawot in Tigray how resenting or hating other people would hurt the very people who think they have the power.We do not have to love each other ,it would be good ,but, the main point is to believe the right of the Akele, Hama, Afar…etc..we may not care to make friendes with.Look at the east indians ,they even despise & divide each other according to clan…the kapoor family ,the rajendrash family …but , when it comes to business they will do with anybody & they have tight community. I wish we could do that. In our private home /property we might decide ,not to associate with a christian ,moslem,bahaii center, a jew….but ,when it comes to rights we can not say , I believe right for everybody except for Dimbezan ,tsen´A digle..etc..I admire your courage .
tesfay April 14, 2012
“- linked them to the ruling party in Eritrea, PFDJ (they claimed they were an independent organization
that has nothing to do with PFDJ);”
This is funny:) Hey we are not linked to PFDJ because our name has Y before PFDJ. How stupid they are no wonder they support Isias blindly.
Ahmed saleh April 14, 2012
They can run but they can not hide from their true identity. Remember,
“BETRI HAKI TKETN EMBER AYTSBERN” . Truth always prevails.
Undefined, full of fraudulent intentional principle invites the attention to
learn about their character and reputation. Their choice not to stand on
to western value of social justice would haunt them. It is shame to show
in court to say we are not PFDJ, we are YPFDJ (FATHER & SON). How
stupid assertion can be to provoke laughter as grown-up kids.
Dawit April 14, 2012
PFDJ has targeted the Diaspora youth (many of them are over 40 years old) as a special audience for its propaganda messages. These messages emphasize that PFDJ is a movement of youth: dynamic, resilient, forward-looking, and hopeful. PFDJ is hardly winning over young people in Eritrea but seems to have attracted many youth in the diaspora. (Two types of people: youth who are influencedr by their parents who would love to die for the dying regime in Asmara, and those over 40 years old who still claim they are young kids ).
More than any time before, membership in YPFDJ has continued to decrease for obvious reasons. It would not surprise me if PFDJ makes membership into YPFDJ mandatory just like the 2% mehiweyi gibri, a euphemism for extortion.
Why is this all “xefaEfae ” by Yemane Monkey in Europe …and YPFDJ conferences , you may ask, well…
PFDJ’s primary reason of all these “xefaefae” is to indoctrinate the youth and provide “political astemhuro” aimed at producing race conscious , obedient, self-sacrificing youth who would be willing to die for dictator Issayas Afeworki. Why? Because, PFDJ knows that hundreds of thousnds of Eritreans have fled Eritrea leaving behind women, and old people.
PFDJ, in short, wants the so called youth in Diaspora to swear allegiance to Dictarot Issayas Afemerir and pledge to serve the nation and PFDJ leaders for free if not for nominal wages
Birmingham April 14, 2012
I donot think the YPFDJ members understand the whole thing, they are more interested in dancing. The PFDJ hidden agenda is to use them for public relation only and only.
M I April 14, 2012
You understan YPFDJ; because you are intelligent or smart or educated what so ever.
But those hundreds representatives of thousands young people do not understand YPFDJ; because they are damn, uneducated, with little knowledge.
Ashakha dile nebsiko.
They are really dedicated Eritreans. They pay their flight tickets and they scarify their precious school or work time to attend this historical event. Do you think you Ethiopians can do such event even in the City where you live? I don’t need answer. It is No, they even do not think about.
ahmed saleh April 14, 2012
Calling Your own people but if you are real Eritrean though, Weyane,
Ethiopians does not sound you care more to our land than to our
people. The same as Ethiopian officials used to say we will dump them
in RED SEA we just need the land. POOR ERITREA.
hayelom werede April 14, 2012
Well said M I. we are proud of you man
delayifth April 14, 2012
ahmed saleh
ahmed saleh April 14, 2012
We are proud Eritreans who proof ourselfs in critical times, remember we
safeguard the border from enemy invasion for many yrs. State of being
honest and considerate to others and modest with positive thoughts is the
teaching of our elders. No need to fall to the corrupted mentallity, we will try to
be leaders but not followers to the corrupt mind. I’m proud and innocent
Eritrean to change the course to our liking. It is not about people but the
arrogant higher-ups in the government. To win on them we need united
power. Otherwise we are people with integrity, no doubt about that. And
I proud of who I am. My concern is united ERITREA.
NB: Forget about HGDF distorting propoganda we Know the truth about those
people contribution to the national issues since 1960’s.
Ahmed saleh April 15, 2012
Brothers SINGAPO & Baraae
Our silence out of fear not to confront and conquer the negative
appearance in our circles of social affairs took place for too long.
When other ethnic groups were victimized secretly by HGDf junta,
It had been ignored by so many like outside matter. For that reason
it creates division and suspicion among Eritreans of different groups.
To heal the wound, we should recognize that we are Eritreans first
and our aim must to preserve the right and well being of all. Falling
in to this damaging sentiment gave HGDf security apparatus to
cleanse dissidents since early 1990s without any resistance from the
Other side of the groups. Slowly the injustices reach to Asmera and
the whole region. All is because we were busy thinking only on self
serve dead minds. It is a lost cause, we are guilty of that mindless
group of phony patriotism. Anybody who preach to the advancement
of his region is a coward and betrayer to those more the 100,000
lives we paid dearly. Nt only that you are more or less no different
from HGDf biased and destructive policy.
It is not late for challenge to make positive change to benefit us all.
Without any mixups rejuvenate our energy to tackle this hidden bad
and destructive traits.
SINGAPO - ERITREAN April 15, 2012
ከም ወዲ ዓዶም፣ ከምቲ ናቶም ኣተሓሳስባ ዘለኒ እናመሰሎም “ወዲ ኣፎም ፣ “እንተደልየ ኣብ ማእከል ኢትዮጵያ´ውን ከሸብር /ክሃርም ፣ ይኽእልየ” ዝበለ እኮ፣ መብዛሕትኤን ደቀያይ (ሃይካ) ስለ ዝኾና ፣ ጽባሕ ንጉሆ ከምዛ፣ ኣብ መንካዕ ዝገበርኦ ፣ ከይጻወታሉ ኮነ ኢሉ እዩ ኣስጕጕወን …ዝብል እዝነይ ምስ ሰምዔ,ነቲ ገዛእ እዝነይ ቁምቡላ ኣእትወሉ መጺኡኒ,ጨካን ኣተሓሳስባ….ካብቶም እንዳያይ´ውን ..መካይድኻ ፍለጥ ይብሃሃሉ ኔሮም …code ምስ ሓማሴናይ ብሕልፊ ክኣ ምስ ሰረወታይ ኣይትተዓራረኽ ማለት´ዩ። ብዙሕ ምስላ መምጻእኩልካ። ግን እቲ ትብሎ ዘለኻ ጩራ ናይ ሓቅነት ኣለዎ .ግን ሓደ ጥራይ ኮይኑ ሸነኹ። ምንም እኳ ሓማሴናይ እንተኾንኩ´ውን ፣ኢሳያስ፣ ንኣከለጉዛይ፣ ከምኡ ´ውን ንኣስላም ፣ ኣውራጃ ኮነ ኢሉ ከም ዘካፍኣን ብፍሉይ ናይ ጥርጠራ ዓይኒ ከም ዝጥምታን። እቲ ፍልልይ፣ እቶም ኣስላም ኣብ ኣደባባይ፣ ዋዕላ፣ ኣኼባ..ምስ ክርስትያን ኣሕዋቶም ስለ ዝዝትዩሉ..ሰብ ይርድኦ..ናይ ኩላትና ሽግር ኮይኑ,ኣስላምና ክርስትያንና.። እዛ ናይ ኣከለጉዛይ ኣሕዋትና ዝበልካያ ግን እንተዘይተጋግየ…እታ ሽግር, ደቂ ሩባኻ ኣኪብካ…ኣብ ትሕተ ቅርጺ ገዛ (basement of a house)ኮይኖም፣ በትን ንኢሳያስ ገንዘብ እንዳዋጽኡ (ምኽንያቱ ክርስትያን ስለ ዝኾነ ,ከምኡ ድማ ናይ ቶርዓ ስለ ዘይኮነ፣) ግን ምስ ደቂ ሩባኦም ድማ “ኢሳያስ ፈልዩ ደቂ ዓድና/ኣውራጃና፣ ቀቲሉ”…ስለ ዝኾነ እቲ ነገር… ነቲ ሓማሴናይ ጥራይ ዘይኮነ ነቲ ካልእ´ውን “ጽባሕ ውን ናባይ እያ ,ከምታ ናይ ቃኘው ስቴሽን, ንባዕሎም ስልጣን ጌሮም,,,,,,ዓይነት ፍርሂ ኣሎ, ኣነ ከም ኣነ .ኣብ ኣደባባይ ኮይኖም ከም ሓዎም ሓሲቦምኒ/ቆጺሮምኒ ፍሉይ ጭቆና ኦም እንተ ኣካፊሎምኒ (,ምስ ደቂ ኣውራጅኦም ዓይኒ ከይተጻቓቐጡ )..ወይ ቤት ፍርዲ ኣብ ዓዲ ቀይሕ ከም ዝኸውን ,ኣብ ክንዲ መንደፈራ….ወይ ´ውን እቲ ካልእ ጭቆና, ምስ ኣሕዋተይ ኣከለጉዛውያን ጠጠው ምበልኩ…..ሓደራ ገጽና ኣብ መስትያት ንርኤ,ኣነ ገጸይ ኣብ መስትያት ንኽርኢ ተገዲደ እየ. .ኣነ ዓቢ ነገር ተማሂረ ,ኣብ ምዕራብ ካናዳ ከለኹ እቶም ጸንዓ ድግለ ,ከም ሓንቲ ፋብሪካ ዘውጽኣቶም ካብቲ ሙሁሮም…(sorry..ኩላቶም ምሁራት ምዃኖም ረሲዔዮ),ተሻሪኾም ዝጻወትዎ ዝነበሩ..,ኣብ ሕብረተ ሰብ ይኹን…ኣብ ሃገራውነት…. ርእየ ከም ጠንቂ ሃገር ጌረ ቆጺረዮም..ድሓር ካሊፎርንያ ምስ መጻእኩ ግና እቶም ደቂ ኣውራጃይ ዝብሎም ንሓራዲ ኢሳያስ ,መታን ደቀያይ ከየሕድግዎ ስልጣን ….ኣግሂድካ ( እዚኣተን ካብ መንካዕ ጀሚረን እንድየነ ንኢሳያስ…
SINGAPO - ERITREAN April 15, 2012
ስልጣኑ ከሕድግኦ ዝደልያ )ዝርኣኹዎ ድንቁርና ኣስደሚሙኒ, ከምዚ ጃህራዊ /ወገናዊ ኣብ ሓማሴናይ ዘሎ ኣይመስለንን ኔሩ.ነቲ ናይ ዓድና ጽበት ሸለል ኢለ ግን ነቶም ጸንዓ ድግለ ክሓምዮም, ነብሰይ´ውን ኣይፈቕደለይን” ተማሂረ እወ , እቶም ደቂ ዓደይ ዝብሎም ዝገደደ ጸሊኤዮም ,ተዛሪበዮም ኣጠንቂቖምኒ´ውን ሓሻካ .ኣብቲ ንሶም ዘለውዎ ኣይከይድን´የ.ትምህርቲ ክኾነካ ኢለ እየ.ንአይቶም ጸን ዓ ድግለ ወገንነት ምስ እድያቱ ኮይኑ እምበር ,ናይ ኩላትና ድኽመት እዩ እቲ ወገንነት….ወዲ መረታ ሰበነ እንተ ዄንካ ድማ ,ኣሕዋትካ ኣብ ድምበዛን ኣለዉ.
ahmed saleh April 15, 2012
what you said is true based in facts. I experienced myself to
this kind of corrupt attitude which I never anticipated. I use
to tell my friends who are pure from such nonsense even some of them I do not know their origin, your problem is
the psychopatic mind set inherit always looking an excuse
to create a gap in between sometimes using religion and next region and so on. We are eager to applaude more to
chaos than to peace. The purity starts from inside our heart
and mind guys. Talk is cheap just take the walk to proof me
you are my real brother. This Hamassien, Akeleguzay staff
is bullshit for me as far as I concern. Any righteous goodman
Eritrean is my real brother regardless his background eventhough I have foreigners very close brothers for yrs.
Brother Ahmed Saleh ,
I got a little carried away and got a bit graphic.Trust me Ahmed ,my message was ,even if we do not want to be friends with every Eritrean tribe or religion should not stop us from working togethir ,but first we have to know how to handle it.You can not force me to like hasmasien or Afar ,but could teach me ,it is in my & my tribes advantage to stand up for the rights of Hamasien ,Afar etc…I admire woyane on this.
Cambo April 14, 2012
Please, visit the main page of Radio Asena and listen to “Pilot” describing to some of Hgdef’s old crimes and how its leader manupulates the media and the rumour mill of bado 3.
ahmed saleh April 16, 2012
I’m sorry for not clarifying my argument correctly. Puting the word ” you”
sounds as directed to you. I just meant to emphasize the subject in general
speaking to the subject. I apoligize for the misunderstanding of my remark.
ሓው ኣሕመድ፣
ኣምሓሩስ እንታይ ይብሉ “ካያያዝ ይቀደዳል፣ ካነጋገር ይፈረዳል”። ኣነ ተረዲኤዮ፣ ምኽንያቱ ናይ ርእይቶኻ ክብሪ ስለ ዘለኒ እቶም ዝወለዱኻ did an excellent job.
peace unto you
HAGERAWI April 14, 2012
The gand who called him self ” M T” is the black slave of Issias and he is the son of the FRE GEDLI, who doesn’t know his father and mother. His father and his mother is the DIA. If he lives he will survive his life, and if he dies he will die with him too. His trashcan idea and his blind eyes are very clear evidence. He says ” It’s a Goat, even if is flies”. He and the idiot young gangs would be killed directly soon or later. These idiot people who lived in the civilized nation and still playing about our people. It is true that the Original Eritreans who sacrifices for their homeland and their people, always be with their people. DIA and his cronies would be thrown away soon and and people like MT would be killed either by Bullet or by burning him by Acid or cutting his head with a sharp knife soon. MT job is to SUCK his Boss ( D……….K). He has nothing to do here except that job. A great job ever and we are going to let you drink ACID inside your abdomen soon.
death to MT and his cronies, the cancer of the Eritrean people!
Eritrean people will win soon!