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THE YPFDJ CULT- part one – Insider’s Account

My Eritrean friends generally do not take me sincerely when I embark on cautioning them about the danger of YPFDJ. As an ardent  former YPFDJ member and one of the chosen minority who were in

My Eritrean friends generally do not take me sincerely when I embark on cautioning them about the danger of YPFDJ. As an ardent  former YPFDJ member and one of the chosen minority who were in Eritrea to obtain six months of secretive political cadre training, I might not be the right individual to school any Eritrean, since some may argue that I am blemishing YPFDJ as a result of personal grudge or because I have been excommunicated by the YPFDJ.  When I converse with common Eritreans regarding the danger of the YPFDJ movement, my friends claim I am just another opportunist who tried to gain political power of some sort within the PFDJ/YPFDJ without success and now, I am taking revenge by uttering spiteful rumors against YPFDJ. I have no emotional and personal motives at all. In fact, the truth is on the contrary. I left the YPFDJ while I was at the peak of my career in YPFDJ and nobody chased me away. I was one of the main leaders of YPFDJ.

I left for no other raison d’être than the fact that it became clear to me that it was an unhealthy organization for young Eritreans. In reality, it is not a movement or organization in the conventional sense; it is more of a religious cult than a social, political, communal or civic organization. My conscious mind and inner spirit told me to leave this organization one year ago after several years of doubting the sincerity of the YPFDJ. I prefer to live a life of morality and ethics; I couldn’t force myself to go against my private convictions for little worthless power and notoriety. Unlike many in the YPFDJ, people like Teklia Mekonen from Frankfurt, Tedros Goitom, Sirak Bahlibi, Yodit from UK, Biniam Tareke, Simret Kidane from Norway, Eden Kebede, Senai Solomon from Denmark, Tedros Yared from Norway, Semhar Ghebreab from Germany, Mehari from UK, etc., my inner beliefs wouldn’t let me go against justice and law, mainly, against my democratic and spiritual principles. I am not selfish man. So I chose to deny myself personal career in PFDJ politics by capitalizing on the suffering of the majority of Eritreans.

As a one of the trusted YPFDJ VIPs, I was introduced into the evil thinking manners of the real PFDJ’s inner circle in Eritrea as part of my political cadre education when a certain man by the name of “Desbele” (he did not provide his surname) entered our small classroom under the steamy Sawa heat and began lecturing us on the first course called Social Psychology.  It certainly didn’t take much for us to realize the course was not about how to help or serve people in a community the best way possible; no, it was teachings about the modern methods of mind control, meaning what techniques to employ to control the behaviors, feelings and thoughts of human beings. He was lecturing us in behavior modification techniques utilized by long-gone totalitarian states as the Soviet Union, Maoist China, Nazi Germany, Cuba, North Korea, Iraq, Libya, Chile, Iran, and former Yugoslavia and from few other similar regimes.

Personally, I was shocked and little ashamed that all this political teacher in Sawa could teach was techniques from failed states on how to brainwash people’s minds; It was not expected, it totally surprised many of us who were honored to be chosen and happily looked forward to come from western countries to take some “national political training” in Sawa for about 6 months before returning to our homes in the West. These six months were by the way not all spent in Sawa. Most of the time was spent in Asmara drinking, partying, fornicating and talking about the “great and victorious” Shaebia, particularly about how great the “visionary” leader was. And all our education included only political training, no military training at all.

“Desbele” was instructing us how to use sophisticated and perverted behavior modification techniques; and he was proudly boasting that these techniques can destroy the mental and emotional health of individuals. Basically, he was teaching that any Eritrean, no matter how intelligent, can be controlled, subdued, isolated and eventually forced to become a member or supporter of PFDJ willingly or unwillingly. His main points were what techniques to utilize in order to control the behavior, thoughts and feelings of human beings. He told us that if you can change a person’s behavior, you can change his thoughts and feelings and vice versa. Each component has a powerful effect on the other two: change one and the others will tend to follow. When all three change the individual undergoes a complete change. When there is a conflict between thoughts, feelings or behavior, then those in conflict will change to minimize the contradiction. This is because a person can only tolerate a certain amount of discrepancy between these components which make up his identity. But according to the lecture of Desbele this kind of dissonance is frequently manufactured by states to exploit and control the masses.

Behavior control is all about the control of an individual’s physical reality.

This can include control of where he lives, what he eats, his clothing, sleep, job, rituals etc. This is why most totalitarian regimes, police states, radical organizations have a stringent schedule for members. There is always something to do in destructive religious, political or other associations of radical and fascist agenda. Each organization or state has its own distinctive set of behaviors that bind it together. This control needs to be so powerful that the organization member will actually participate in his own punishment and come to believe he actually deserves it. No one can command a person’s thoughts but -according to the PFDJ mind-control guru Desbele – if you can control an individual’s behavior then his heart and mind will follow.

Furthermore, Desbele lectured us about controlling of an individual’s thought processes this way, now I am just putting it down in summary.

The indoctrination of members and common Eritreans so thoroughly is of great importance, they must be so indoctrinated that they can be able to manipulate their own thought processes. The ideologies of PFDJ have to be internalized as “the truth”, Desbele told us. The Eritrean people in Diaspora must be so indoctrinated day and night by the propaganda of PFDJ via EriTV, radio, internet and PFDJ/YPFDJ members in meetings, cultural and private gatherings and in everyday conversations so much so that any other incoming information is filtered through their ingrained “PFDJ” belief mind which also regulates how this information is thought about.

The PFDJ has its own language techniques and behavior techniques which further regulates how a person thinks. This puts a great barrier between PFDJ members and the common Eritrean.

Another form of control is “thought stopping” techniques. This can take many forms: national and religious parties, festivals, concerts, singing, seminars, conferences, mekhete, zekre sematat, media propaganda, interviews and lectures by PFDJ sponsored intellectuals, Bidho Tour, the YPFDJ conferences, Sawa Festivals, etc. The goal is to deny a person the information needed to make a sound judgment and he will be incapable of doing so. People are trapped in fascist organizations because they are denied the access to the critical information they need to assess a situation. The psychological chains on their minds are just as powerful as if they were locked away physically from society. So strong is this psychological process, that they also lack the properly functioning internal mechanism to process any critical information placed in front of them.

The use of these techniques short-circuits the persons’ ability to test any other reality than the PFDJ artificially created one. The person can only think positive thoughts about the PFDJ. If there is a problem the member assumes responsibility and works harder.

Desbele continued to lecture us on how to control the emotions of YPFJ members and other Eritreans in general by manipulating a person’s range of feelings. Guilt and fear are used to keep control. YPFDJ/PFDJ members cannot see the control by guilt and like other abuse victims are conditioned to blame themselves when things are wrong, even grateful when a leader points out their transgressions.

Fear is used to manipulate in two ways, according to Desbele. The first is to create an outside enemy (we vs. them) who is persecuting you. The second is the fear of punishment by the leaders if you are not acting in accordance with “wudubawi senegebri.” Behaving in accordance with “wudubawi senegebri” is following the ideology perfectly. The most powerful emotional control is phobia indoctrination. This can give the person a panic reaction at the very thought of leaving the YPFDJ/PFDJ. It is almost impossible to conceive that there is any life outside the YPFDJ movement. There is no physical gun held to the member thinking of leaving, but the psychological gun is just as powerful, if not more powerful.

I was totally baffled at what I was listening to and I felt I was being victimized receiving mind control education to apply on my fellow YPFDJ members and other Eritreans. Personally, it never dawned on me to treat my fellow countrymen as tools or instruments, herds to be used and controlled and manipulated at the order of PFDJ highest elites. I actually was gullible and naïve to think that the PFDJ leaders were fully and wholeheartedly committed to serve the Eritrean people with no ulterior motives. To my disappointment, I found out it was all power game, especially when you go higher and higher in the PFDJ and YPFDJ echelon. YPFDJ stinks of opportunists, Tewlijee, half-casts, mixed Eritreans, who mentally and culturally are not Eritreans and the majority who participate in conferences never been to Eritrea a single time.

The few who were born in Eritrea and raised there and who speak fluent Tigrigna are marginalized and considered as out-casts in the YPFDJ. It is really funny, but it is the truth. The real Eritreans are considered pariah in YPFDJ, diaspora-born or/and raised “Eritreans”, (especially if they are mixed, mulattos), who cannot speak good Tigrigna and who have little knowledge about Eritrea are more preferred, since they are eager to prove their “Eritreaness” by obeying orders and working harder than the real Eritreans, who are well-versed in Tigrigna and knowledgeable about the ominous state of affairs in the homeland and who frequently are openly inquisitive of sensitive political issues and social agendas with political nature.

They do not come to Yemane Monkey’s conferences for parties, drinking like many of the diaspora-born and raised Eritreans and mixed children, but to engage in hard talk on national issues; And most of them are never allowed to return again because they get banned from the YPFDJ indefinitely.

In this twisted period of Eritrean history, Eritreans -who never lifted a single weight during the independence struggle, the border conflict of 1998-2000 and the 22 years of national service and national building- and their children born and raised in Europe and USA are taking pleasure in and benefiting from the current Eritrea predicament, while the real Eritreans who struggled and suffered for Eritrea during the revolution and after the struggle, during the nation building era, are treated as outsiders and traitors. It is indeed comical and poignant turn of events. Zemene Girinbit. The only logical explanation or a near logical explanation about why this is happening is provided by Desbele in a remarkable sentence he uttered on that hot sunny day in Sawa, that Sewra deka endabel´et eya metsya. That the Eritrean revolution developed by consuming its children. He further elaborated by saying some of the children were consumed in the noble trench or field warfare against the enemy, while other “Falulawyan” and political speculators were consumed and crushed by the “Wudub” itself. He said it was a natural process and people who question the great organization are not needed and will be immediately discarded, only individuals who execute orders and do what is told to them will be uplifted. He told us that the YPFDJ and the PFDJ members need bravery to execute even the most difficult orders, people with obsessive allegiance to the PFDJ are more greatly needed than people with brains, ideas or university degrees. Desbele told us this without any hesitation or shame.

Therefore, it is clear that YPFDJ is just another propaganda machine and financial institution for the PFDJ. In my next article, I will expose more of what Desbele taught regarding how to combat anti-PFDJ elements, especially those Desbele belittled by naming “Debrezeyti” youths, who in Desbele’s eyes are the most dangerous anti-PFDJ elements and it is this very important job of YPFDJ to counterattack them via propaganda including using violent means, if necessary, in everyplace and at all times.

To be continued…

Review overview
  • Lettina March 15, 2013

    I am proud of you. I am proud that of our Eritrean brother who put the interests of his oppressed people before his interest. What you have described is truely cult, they are trying to control our mind by fear. Fear of rejction,fear of isolation etc… May God set the minds of our oppresed people and the YPFDJ members free. The battle is in the mind. We should continue to expose PFDJ so that people’s mind is set free. The Bible says “you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” Amen

  • Araya-11 March 15, 2013

    Here go boy I am glad you know what have been happening to your ancesistors, now it is your responsiblity to teach those young forieng Eritreans who have wrong idea about PFDJ,but I wonder how you stay there for six months straight, not a problem for your job or school. any way what you telling is 100% true story, who know you can be like Martin Luther King to our nation. may God be with you,,,,,,,,,

  • I was there March 15, 2013

    The perceptive writing of the writer is commendable. Yemane monkey perfected his brain washing techniques here in the States among the Eritrean’s Students Association in North America more than thirty years ago. At least at that time was for the liberation of Eritrea. Now he is doing it to please his mafia boss of half-Tigraewot elite group that goes by the name of PFDJ. The poor kids born in western countries are like little lambs that are not aware that they are being led to the slaughter house. Bravo young man or woman for figuring that the YPFDJ and PFDJ is nothing more than a cult exclusively created to make the leader more catholic than the pope.

  • Dawit Meconen March 15, 2013

    The alleged testimony is too crude to be true and smacks woyane’s vain propaganda; no genuine Eritrean should take it seriously.

    For instance, the writer says that the Eritrean born in Eritrea who speak fluent Tigrigna are not accepted as members of the organization and instead, the foreign born are, for brain-washing and indocrination etc and etc

    This is purely paradoxical and extremely simplistic and shows the writer’s lack of intimate knowledge of what he is writing about. The reason, he said, the foreign born would undergo the brain-washing and indocrination processes easily and successfully is because they are too eager to be accepted as Eritrean.

    Since his whole edifice is built on the premise… the foreign born are too eager to be accepted as Eritrean…. I would dwell on it.

    First and foremost, PFDG is owned by Isaias Afewerqi and we know he is not a stupid man to impart responsiblity to Desbele to do what he wrote………..

    “Desbele” was instructing us how to use sophisticated and perverted behavior modification techniques; and he was proudly boasting that these techniques can destroy the mental and emotional health of individuals. Basically, he was teaching that any Eritrean, no matter how intelligent, can be controlled, subdued, isolated and eventually forced to become a member or supporter of PFDJ willingly or unwillingly…………….”

    Secondly, The reason their organization is dubbed “YPDG” is because they are young not psychiatrists to be lectured what he would have us believe.

    Thirdly, By his assertion, they are, lets say, the majority are foreign born and what that means is, They are dual citizens, and if they are, there is no need for them to be ” too eager to be Eritrean”. It can only be from pure choice to get in and to get out at any time of their choosing.

    Fourthly, Even if these kids were psychiatrists capable of inflicting on others the prescription he allegely said that Desbele taught them, this is an impossiblity because Isaias Afewerqi understands that kids are kids, unreliable; they are not under his strict control and they can be knives with two sharpened edges that cut both ways. If he were such a reckless man, he would not have survived so long; committed so much outrages and yet trusted by so many.

    Towards the end though, he unwittingly revealed his true identity, an agent of the treacherous woyane. Just as I suspected, he wrote ….. “Desbele belittled by naming “Debrezeyti” youths,….”

    What the few Eritrean youth ought to realize is that woyane, who deported hundreds of thousands of Eritereans from Ethiopia in the most heinous manner for no ther reason other than for being Eritreans, can never have your best interest when it invites you to Debrezeit or any where else. Do not be deceived by its sweet mouth and tell you that you have kinship, culture and langauge with it. Reject it! We do not have anything to do with it.

    As I said many times, it is not for fun that our people named the tortuous Asmera-Keren road ” Libi Tigrai Twi Twai” but because they found Tegaru to be untrusthworthy and treacherous.

    Our First Duty is to Preserve and Safeguard our Sovereignty under any circumstance. We will never betray our Martyrs. Democracy and Constitution are all secondaries.

    We will topple Isaias Afewerqi not as we say, Tehawiken Ydef’O’O Mo Temelisin Y’Ar’Ye’O. This is what our enemies are eager for us to commit. No. We will never do that. We are more than that. We will do it in such away that our unity and Sovereignty is preserved.

    • Zeray March 15, 2013

      Your response is expected. Cult is a religion. Who wants his religion to be insulted? Go on! Believe in your master Issayas Afewerke and one day he will lead you to commit suicide. Maybe you are too young to learn about Jim Jones. Google it to get informed, and you will derive similarity between Jim Jones followers and PFDJ/YPFDJ members. Sad but true.

    • Harnetna 2013 March 15, 2013

      Daniel Mekonen,
      The truth hurt you, he expressed correctly your (Y + PFDJ) evil intentions. Thats what you learnt to deny any truth.
      He said that even it is done by any of the leaders, you have to blame yourself even you did not done that, so the teaching of HGDF is diablotical. He really know your evil intentions, but as a people, we will not be intimidate by your false TVEri and false seminars to stop us expresing our rights. Denaiel Mekonen, we know you who you are just by the words of your names, you are might be as he said, the bastard HGDF from foreging, you should back your mind and support your people to build a democratic Eritrea than licking Isaias and Monkey’s shoes.

    • TwoWayStreet March 15, 2013

      Hi Dawit Mekonen,
      I have been a shabia (Not PFDJ) for some time to understand what the writer is saying. One of his passages talks about “presenting it as Us Vs Them”. That phrase is in line with what you are trying to say. i.e. “Who ever critisizes PFDJ/YPFDJ is WOYANE”. That phrase shows that Issayas is working through the likes of Desbele and Desbele through the likes of You. You just proved what he wrote is true.
      If somebody say The Eritrean Economy is going from bad to worse, he is a CIA agent,
      If Somebody talked about the human writes abuses in Eritrea, then s/he must be a Woyane,
      If Somebody asked about constitution then she/he is enemy of the state who is trying to destabilize the country.
      So Your response is a living example of how PFDJ handles opposition. Thanks

      • Dawit Meconen March 15, 2013

        I have said time and again that Isaias Afewerqi and woyane are two faces of the same coin, they are working from opposite ends for the same goal, Abai Tigray. The trajedy is, some well meaning Eritreans, being unable to figure out Isaias-woyane intricate link, are squabling against each other as their respective lackeys.

        The only solution is for us genuine Eritreans is:

        1. to reject both of them, woyane and Isaias.
        2. put our house in order
        3. Preserve and safeguard our Sovereignty under any circumstance
        4. Reassure our Defense Forces that we are behind them
        5. Reassure our people at home we are behind them
        6. Expose the intrigues of woyane, past and present, mercilessly
        7.Expose Isaias Afewerqi conspiracy, past and future, mercilessly
        8.Raise political awareness of youth not to be deceived by the treacherous woyane. Let them know that woyane who deported our people in the most heinous manner, and their ancestors, who committed bestial crimes on our people during Italian-Ethiopian War, at Adwa, Tigrai by cutting four limbs of every Eritrean in the most gruesom way and they left them for hyenas and hawks to feast. They sent the italians free.

        Let our youngsters know that woyane’s preocupation with Eritrean concern is the proverbial ” tears of the crocodile” . Libe Tigrai Twi Twai.

        • TwoWayStreet March 15, 2013

          Hi Dawit,
          Very delighted to see your reply, I might have misunderstood you earlier, I have never approved the way PFDJ is leading Eritrea, and have always questioned the relationship that Ethiopia has with the Eritrean Opposition. As the Eritrean saying goes (Kiserkeni Zireakiwos, Kimelseley neyamno”.
          Thank you.

          • Dawit Meconen March 16, 2013

            TwoWayStreet on,
            As you probably well aware, our people used to transmit their wisdom to their contemporaries, young and ols, and future generations through, among others, songs, some of which have become timeless, such as,

            ” Ksada Tumbulul-ye, T’ht Abilka Haza Shetet Ia T’bl-ye”.

            This was a warning to the people to avoid recklessness, not to be tempted by deceptive appearances which hide their poison deep inside, away from sight.

            The terse expression,

            “Libi Tigrai Twi Twai”
            is another of their warning.

            However, nowadays, the young Eritrean is growing in trenches, puposely plotted by Isaias Afewerqi,to completely cut them off their heritage, culture, langauge and history, so that treacherous woyane can succssfully prey upon them. We have to stand up before it is too late, omplacency rewards the enemies.

            Remember, the war with Ethiopia was puposely torched by Isaias Afewerqi with tacit collaboration with woyane so they can systematically degraded our nationalism in along drawn out processes of No War, No Peace situation. Any Eritrean, who has not yet awaken to this unravelling conspiracy, is sheepishly and willingly being dragged to his/her Slaughter-House. I have a lot more to say for other times. Keep in touch!!!

    • GM March 15, 2013

      Dawit Mekonnen,

      You belong to the race of kisha,of Issu,of Monkey and all tewelligie PFDJ/YPFDJ idiots.
      Yours and your boss time the tewelligie IA to deceive, is over.

      Be aware be wise time is running not to your advantage!

      • Dawit Meconen March 16, 2013

        I am sorry for you to feel that way but let me tell you I am Kish’s enemy and I will not stop my struggle to tell the truth in the service of HomeLand untill I see him behind bars in Eritrean prison after sentenced for life by Eritrean Court of Justice.

    • fetsum abraham March 15, 2013

      There is no weyane in this picture but purely Eritrean stuff. I think I would recruit foreign grown Eritreans if I was isaias because they may not be too familiar with his evil intentions.
      Please take the weyane excuse out of ur mind brother, it does not exist in today’s reality.Weyane has died with Meles.

      • Dawit Meconen March 16, 2013

        fetsum abraham,
        I disagree. Please, reread the following quotation and see if Isaias is so foolsih as to even attempt to teach these foreign born, immature Eritreans kids “……

        “Desbele” was instructing us how to use sophisticated and perverted behavior modification techniques; and he was proudly boasting that these techniques can destroy the mental and emotional health of individuals. Basically, he was teaching that any Eritrean, no matter how intelligent, can be controlled, subdued, isolated and eventually forced to become a member or supporter of PFDJ willingly or unwillingly…………………..”

        This is purely foolish propoganda only treacehrous and spineless woyane can do. As we say, ” Anafra Qoqah Zyflts Ay Hadanayn”


        I commend you for rejecting EPDP’s invitation to attend their meeting in Addis Abeba.

        I consider them a Disgrace.

        • fetsum abraham March 20, 2013

          The weyane excuse is dead and please accept the truth.

          • belay nega March 21, 2013

            YOU ARE WRONG

    • belay nega March 16, 2013


      ” Libi Tigrai Twi Twai”








      • Dawit Meconen March 17, 2013

        belay nega,

        I suggest you re-read the history of the two countries to know who is who, who did what? As we say, Kab Kol-l Ma-al Ksad Maz.

        By the way, what is the necessity of bringing the alleged point of view of Ethiopians at Eritrean discussion forum? You seem to worry more of Ethiopians than of your own side of history, or am I missing something?

        • belay nega March 19, 2013


          “I suggest you re-read the history of the two countries to know who is who”


          “By the way, what is the necessity of bringing the alleged point of view of Ethiopians at Eritrean discussion forum?”


          “you seem to worry more of Ethiopians than of your own side of history, or am I missing something?”


  • Sami March 15, 2013

    Selamat Brother,
    you had just shared something that is not new for the majority of the youth who grew up in the 90’s in Eritrea. Eritreans who grew up in the diaspora have always been the favorites of the PFDJ because they are gullible and can add some hard currency to the PFDJ coffers. I would have respected you if you actually had not hidden your identity and came forth 100% clean.
    your article does not add an ounce of information or value to me and the thousands of Eritreans who actually had to face the real struggle with in. If this is an exercise to absolve your self from your ties to PFDJ and somehow get Pyschological relief, more powers to you. But to me as long as you are disguising yourself, it diminishes your ability to connect with the moajortiy of the people including myself.
    God Bless Eritrea

    • Amazing March 18, 2013

      Sami , what is the point of telling his/her name ? the fact that you said it is true . That is enough .

      Who trusted you whether your are pro/against the PFDJ.

  • Andom March 15, 2013

    Excellent Expose and well done !

  • Tes March 15, 2013


    Does it hurt when the truth prevail in your face. You are crap useless and selfish wetso HGDEF. You are sell out idiot and you have no right to insult a brave Eritrean who stand up and trying to confront to your evil boss in Asmara head on. You are wedi lemanit living comfortably in west, enjoying all rights telling us we are ok with the most repressive dictator on earth. Shame on you, to come here to defend undefinable out of order. You better see what is around you. The sunami of change is approaching fast and you filthy words stick in your …. Time of deception is over…got to hell. I wonder how mush you get paid to get to that low. Eritrean people are sick of you and PFDJ and YPFDJ. We don’t want you here go to your ERE-TV, net) or You loser!!!

    • MightyEmbasoyra March 15, 2013

      May be Dawit Meconen is owner because he sometimes sound on the opposition side and the next time on PFDJ’s.

      • belay nega March 16, 2013


    • Dawit Meconen March 17, 2013


      Are you intelligence-compromised that Foul langauges spurt from your mouth without control? If the answer is, No, then you have to cool down, see yourself in the mirror and share your thoughts with us if you have worthy ones, if not do not waste your time.

      By the way, our struggle for Democracy is peaceful nonviolent and evolutionary but our prime obligation is to Safe Guard our Sovereignty, Unity and Territorial Integrity.

      Our No.I enemy is woyane.

      We will leave no stone unrurned to uncover its shroud to show to every Eritrean its malicious ugly vain scheme.

      We advise to Eritreans like the members of EPDP that by having relationship with woyane are undercutting the cause for democracy and prolonging the agony of our people under the Tigrai-Conspirator Isaias Afewerqi.

      Our people take Isaias as the lesser of evil that can be controlled, paralized and finaly done away with, but for them woyane is the worst bestial enemy, worse than the Amhara. Therefore, any Eritrean who associates him/herself with woyane, they take for a disgrace and sell-out.

  • fetsum abraham March 15, 2013

    Thank u for exposing the evil dictatorship and please continue writing everything u know so that the victims can understand what is happening. There is nothing to fear telling the truth and u are not alone. Bravo kido

  • Sahil March 15, 2013

    Congratulation for liberating yourself from the Isayas’s doctrine, and thank you for exposing the tyrant dictator Isayas wedi Berad and his blind followers.
    We must expose and discard Isayas’s doctrine;
    Nehnan Ilamana a pamphlet he wrote in 1970;
    his burned flag that replaced our National Liberation Flag;
    his zobas that replaced our historical provinces; etc.
    For farther elaboration of Isayas’s tyranny refer to interview with Tesfay Temnewo.

  • TwoWayStreet March 15, 2013

    Thank you for your time and detailed presentation of PFDJ’s evil activities. I would like see some additional examples in your presentation. For example, instead of just saying “present is as Us Vs Them” you could add “any body who shows opposition should be labeled as Woyane of CIA”. That way readeres will associate it with reality.

    • TwoWayStreet March 15, 2013

      Excuse my spellings “labeled as Woyane or CIA”

      • Embasorya The Mighty March 16, 2013

        Do you want to deny that the so-called oppostion are not Woyane dogs?

        • Sami March 16, 2013

          Isaias is the messenger of EThiopia, because he is Ethiopian from Tembien himself.

          • belay nega March 17, 2013



            WHAT A PARADOX