By Fetsum Abraham From the Forum Sahil: ” The solution is to finish the tyrant mad dog Isayas and his son just like the Libyans did to his friend Gadafi and his sons.” Me: This is a verdict based
By Fetsum Abraham
From the Forum
Sahil: ” The solution is to finish the tyrant mad dog Isayas and his son just like the Libyans did to his friend Gadafi and his sons.”
Me: This is a verdict based on “guilty by association” injustice. The son of the president is an innocent Eritrean until proven guilty.
HABTE: “Fitsum please forget about the empty bravado, we have witnessed enough during the 1998-2000 war with Ethiopia when all the diaspora in vacation in Eritrea with their kids where running all over the Embassies to get out safe with there kids,and who is going to die for the country, you guessed it our poor fellow citizens who are left behind is this what you want to see again?”
Me: There was no “bravado” in my refection and what you wrote about the Eritreans during the war contains some facts but I also know the Erirean struggle for independence was full of your terminology and patriotism. I do not want to see what you asked.
Berhane: “dud you dont know what you are talking about.the name of TPLF leadership is a matter of puplic record every body knows your claim aboy sebhat nega comeback this group that group is simply trash rabish do something uesfull idiot.”
Me: Tell us if you know better and if “everybody knows them”, can I assume I do too? The rest is your interpretation and subjective judgment; therefore, deal with it.
“Wedi Sheqa, Please stay focused on your own people so that they do not become source of income for the Egyptian organ harvesters. You reckon TPLF is ”in graveyard”? This is far from the truth. TPLF has done a grand job for Ethiopia; what has EPLF that you supported done for Eritrea?”
Me: Brother, first, the EPLF that I supported liberated Eritrea. “your people” is for narrow nationalists boxed in their ethnicity, not for universal activists who care for all-inclusive humanity if you grasp what I mean. No one can restrict my freedom of expression because it is earned by respecting other views. I may be far from the truth but it is my subjective truth that there is no more struggle to liberate Tigrai from Ethiopia, as there is nothing to liberate Eritrea from Ethiopia; yet, the original leaders are no longer. The Tigrean and the Eritrean Liberation Fronts are both dead in concept and in actuality after the first decided to stay Ethiopian and the second achieved independence.
Shewit: “Fitsum, I have a question for you. During WWII Germany stayed in France for five years. That is the exact amount of time Italy stayed in Ethiopia. Would you say Germany colonized France? No you wouldn’t. Yet, you have no problem to call Italian invasion and occupation of Ethiopia for five years ‘colonization.”
Me: Please do not ask if you know the answer or have a fixation on something because it will steal your transparency like it did here. The European history aside, Ethiopia was an Italian colony for the five years you admitted in the comment, whatever you call it immaterial. The essence by which colonialism is defined is more important here for there is no time restriction for it, obvious to state that the “five years” was life in hell for Ethiopians. The Europeans were not visiting Ethiopia but exploiting and running it as well and they did this to the extent of building infrastructures (Jimma, Gonder, Debresina, Ambalage, Liamalimo, etc) and making Askaris (Ethiopian conscripted soldiers that serve the Italians) like in Somalia, Eritrea and Libya (Googling will get you there). Graziani couldn’t have partied in Addis in the absence of the King unless Italia put Ethiopia under its empire for that long until the Britons dislodged it from our region by UN mandate. The brief Italian colonization of your country does not vindicate it from having been colonized, with all respect.
Araya: “I thinking that Ethiopia colonized Eritrea don’t hold water. It is better if we say ‘Occupation’ of Eritrea by Ethiopia….”
Me: It does hold a lot of water. All colonizers first have to occupy before installing their power in victim societies. Colonizing is impossible without occupying.
Embasorya: ” Afwerki has no capacity to communicate with people in a civilized manner because he is not civilized.”Not civilized? What is that supposed to mean?”
Me: It means he is not urbanized.
Dawit: “Isaias Afewerqi is torturing the people into submission to mold them into accepting his life long dream, Abai Tigrai.”
Petros Haile: “Dear Dawit, Although, you declared yourself no more PFDJ, and you seem to be awakened from all the under handed and evil deeds of your former indoctrinator, but unfortunately, your recovery is not complete …”
Me: In agreement with Petros, the resistance is hurting because Afwerki’s WEYANE CARD is still working in the minds of Eritreans in the opposition camp.
Dawit Meconen: “Fistum has never[] voiced any objection against Woyane. The hallmark of genuine Eritrean at this time is he/she who, without any equivocation, makes his position clear on Isaias Afewerqi and woyane as the twin enemies of our country.”
Me: I am sorry for people concerned about a completely crystallized issue (the Eritrean sovereignty) but I do not share this concern: Weyane/Tigreans to me is nothing more than a neighbor. The Weyane syndrome is Afwerki’s tool to inculcate fear in the absence of the narrative. We must understand that no one gave us independence but our sweat and blood; nor can any force stop our freedom for we will earn it what ever it may cost. They need peace as much, for none of us can make it without … PERIOD.
I support the success of Tigreans full-heartedly for they are poor Africans like us who are trying to change their situation for the better. A stabilized Tigrai is good for us and so is the reverse for the Tigreans. I would be as delighted changing the life of a Tigrean child as I would an Eritrean’s. We should grow together in our separate homes by working for the final goal (peaceful coexistence) as soon as possible. This is not about love and hate but about the best political business for close societies destined to live physically and socially attached forever. My individual responsibility is to contribute towards everlasting peace and freedom for the next generations of, with all progressive people in the region. Regardless, let us earn respect by focusing on our condition as the primary objective of the destination and the rest will fall in the puzzle. Bias, hatred, fear, Hasadnet, denial, pretension, war and jealousy based Afwerkism cannot cut it!
Our confidence is a function of the wellbeing of our society and respect of international law like other nations. It was not because we were more patriotic than the Ethiopians that we liberated our country but only because we had a CAUSE. Nor was it because of Ethiopian patriotic superiority that we lost in the Badme conflict, only because they had a CAUSE. It is because we have a CAUSE today that we will eventually have freedom in Eritrea. We therefore can defend ourselves from any external force if we choose to be part of the solution.
This may be monotonous but important to repeat in the effort to close the case and move on. Weyane’s military offense against Eritrea is unimaginable in today’s reality in terms of capacity, legality and strategy. There is no force called WEYANE that independently exists in Ethiopia and the TPLF is part of the EPRDF only politically, no more militarily. The TPLF cannot initiate a fight nor can it independently dictate political terms on the issue within the Ethiopian government any longer. And then Eritrea is a nation with defined boundaries that all nations including Ethiopia must respect. The TPLF understood the Eritrean independence as the only solution for peace in the region from the onset and fought for it within the Ethiopian society consistently until the Badme conflict and even after with a slight modification (firmly standing on its position more than ever) for its survival. The Tigreans cannot be expected having any interest beyond living peacefully with all of us in the region unless very naïve and stupid.
In peaceful and democratic Eritrea, the political cards our future politicians can play in view of the majority of the Ethiopians totally outweigh that of the Weyanes in the game, should they antagonize us. No one can touch a civilized Eritrea that respects its people and their freedom my dear people.
Everybody knows that the Ethiopian government has to give us back Badme eventually but through genuine diplomatic effort. Any breach of agreement between nations (the Weyanes breached our Algiers agreement) should be challenged diplomatically like in other countries with a similar problem. Freedom, justice and life don’t have to wait because of Afwerki’s refusal to dialogue for the retrieval of Badme. Had life been normal in Eritrea like it is in Ethiopia, people may patiently accommodate his excuse to dictate but not under this absolute dictatorship any longer. Nor can we expect Badme from a regime that failed to get it militarily or diplomatically because there is no other way of getting it. We cannot expect this regime to receive Badme without any contact with the Ethiopians at the expense of everything because it will never happen.
“The dead Meles [] during the 1998 war [] left no stone unturned to seize [Asab] by force… The sly Isaias Afewerqi was about to offer him but The Mighty Eritreans Defense Forces, ignoring Isaias Afewerqi’s order to withdraw, stood their ground and forced them (Isaias/Melse) to rereat in shame and defeat.”
Response: We tried to dominate them on foreign currency transactions between our interests and businesses, did not we? We confiscated their properties in Assab after they decided to use port Djibouti and later in Badme by force, didn’t we? We violently took Badme and it threatened their power immediately. They tried hard to peacefully reverse the situation but failed and were left with no other choice to doing whatever it takes to get it back. They penetrated deep into our uncontested territories but withdrew for it was illegal to stay inside a sovereign country (please do not flutter yourself on “strategic retreat” and admit defeat: we were terribly beaten because they had a cause).
Apparently, they did not have to capture Assab to claim it had that been the case because they could have made it a condition for withdrawing from our territories at that vulnerable moment in our history. They, however, knew they would loose at the end of the day through fierce resistance consistent with our history of patriotism in defense of the motherland; yet because of CAUSE. It is not Ethiopian favor that made us the masters of our destiny as a society but our passionate sacrifice for it: it was as basic as this.
You cannot logically separate Ethiopian withdrawal from our territories from what would have taken place had Assab fallen under during the war. They stopped the war and withdrew a little after they captured Badme because that was the only issue they had with us: should I say more on this reality?
As for his suggestion that Afwerki ordered our forces to withdraw from Assab but failed to effectuate it because of internal resistance, I feel safer keeping it in the rumor bank until I see evidence on the merit.
Dawit: “But why are those who appologists of Isaias Afewerqi less harmful?
Isaias Afewerqi is within our grap; we can kill him, all that without bloodshed. But also remember, Isaias Afewerqi is an old guy. Sooner or later, he will die.”
Response: To me the only enemy of our people is Afwerki and his system. I do not see an integrated enemy composed of him and the Weyanes. If Afwerki is teaming up with the Weyanes, he must also be teaming up with the US against us: this position is so contradictory that we cannot accept an imaginary enemy (Weyane and US) fabricated by his regime because of fear.
We cannot stay idle because “Isaias Afewerqi is an old guy. Sooner or later, he will die” since he can last for another 20 years considering his age at about 67 (Mugabe is over 80 and Kadaffi ruled for 41 years and would have ruled for another 20 years because he was around 70). As for the “we can kill him” stuff, Dawit has the burden of proof here.
Dawit: “Can’t you see his nature, treacherous, killer, unjust, vindictive, all typical of Tigrawai, but alien to that of the genuine Eritrean…?”
Zebib: “Dawit M., This above statement is extremely fascistic and dangerous. You cannot and should not consider one ethnic group absolutely evil and another one absolutely good. You must have a serious problem (PERSONAL) that is driving you to make such extremely unacceptable nazistic statements. You seem (less your obssessive hatred for Tigray and Tigreans) as a reasonably articulate person. Your statement is tantamount to upholding the great tragedy that happened in our days between the Hutus and Tutsies of Rwanda.
You cannot continue to live with this baggage of pure hatred. You should seek help for your own and your family’s sake. Societies worked hard since the dawn of mankind and paid very dearly to arrive at where they are today that good and bad does not belong solely to one ethnic, religeous, tribal, racial, or whatever group. There is no other person in the cyber fora with a distinct hatred baggage of an entire region like Tigray like you and it goes without sayaing that it stinks to high heaven.”
Me: I cannot articulate my concern about this man’s emotional problem better than Zebib. Dawit’s mentality of the Tigreans is extremely destructive and anti Eritrean and humanity at large. His fascistic political formula is a recipe for disaster and genocide that has to be rejected without any thought contemplation. Thank you Zebib for your input.
At the bottom line, our country’s welfare depends on peaceful coexistence with our neighbors and regional cooperation that our president drastically failed on. We need to positively influence each other in every social life and I believe this is what the Tigreans and the Ethiopians are looking for as well. I think this has been proven by the birth of genuine democracy in Somalia contrary to what Afwerki wanted us to believe (“Ethiopia wants an ever anarchic Somalia”, actually that is what he wanted). No “Abai Tigrai” can tantalize the extremely individualist president who does not value human life at all. He would rather see the Tigrians and Eritreans go to hell than losing his power. There is no Weyane for Eritreans to fight, however, and there is no conspiracy between the president and the Weyanes that one can rationally conclude from the entire experience at hand. I cannot see the president teaming up with the isolated political losers such as Seeye and Gebru Asrat against the sovereignty of Eritrea because they are nothing today more than ordinary individuals in the Ethiopian society. Whether he was in some sort of conspiracy to destroy Eritrea is a thought to entertain because a conspiracy theory is applicable in our case in view of our total failure but “with the WEYANEs” does not hold any substance in my opinion. It could not have been with them once the contemplation of Abai-Tigrai is eliminated from the picture by so many agreements between Meles and Afwerki and by international policies on the reality of Eritrean sovereignty.
The issue of external solution: Ethiopian contemplation to get rid of the president by direct involvement (if this ever is the case) emanates from the fact that Eritrea has become impossible to work with similar to the contemplation of some frustrated Eritreans on solving the problem by any means necessary. Afwerki is as pain on the butt to Ethiopians, Somalians and Djiboutians as he has been to us and we are all desperately tired of him, are not we?
All we have to do to live peacefully with our respected borders is removing the common enemy strictly on our own and negotiating on business and security issues with Ethiopians. In the absence of our people’s willingness to do this homework, the Ethiopians may not have another alternative to forcing the regime out. Let us focus on the main problem and avoid this situation if we may: let us remove him from post by ourselves through a solid united front. This is what the opposition forces have failed to achieve my dear people. They did not respect themselves through unity and they lost respect from the external forces affected by the problem.
Apparently, the only way the minority Tigreans can peacefully live in Ethiopia is in the condition the country is democratized and I believe they achieved this objective successfully, at least partially. The only way for Ethiopia to continue its democratic path so that every ethnic group can enjoy equality was having the neighboring countries follow a democratic path and I believe they achieved this goal too, at least in Somalia. All this should have pressurized Bashir to free political prisoners and promise to leave in 2015 in favor of democracy. I welcome this positive influence as an Eritrean because it will change the regional political atmosphere and influence us as well.
Dawit: “Fistum does not express any reservation or concern on those so called “Eritrean opposition”, who not only have close association with woyane but also draw the necessities of their existence from woyane. As a matter of fact, he wishes them success on their meetings in Addis Abeba.”
Me: Proxy war effect: you cannot hit me in the face and expect me not to react similarly: You cannot have the cake and eat it too! We support their enemies with dictation and they do the same to the opposition forces in their country. Afwerki tries to mold the political goals of the Ethiopian opposition forces in our country according to how benefits his dictatorship and they do theirs in similar fashion vis-à-vis our opposition forces in Ethiopia. It was a political game based on an eye for an eye philosophy that the Weyanes and the Eritrean regime played for a long time without the consent of their people who have nothing to do with the game. Both peoples are victims of the friction and thus have equal interest in resolving the problem. The people need to help each other here rather than hurt one another because the destructive leaders in both sides who came to power without the democratic mandate of their people were the only ones responsible for damaging the relationship. We cannot condemn the innocent peasants on the opposing sides of the borders from exchanging their products for survival for the sake of the dictatorship without being a menace to the region.
Please leave the Tigreans alone and do your homework if you can! Our president’s hatred and jealousy (with Meles) did not help us and stop repeating the mistake if you may by accepting that we are the only ones responsible for our condition. We are responsible for the weakness of our opposition forces in Ethiopia because we did not check and balance their situation closely. We did not finance them to be independent but we can reverse the situation if we are more organized and stop blaming others for our weaknesses.
By the same token, things have changed and we need to readjust our thoughts accordingly for heavens sake!! The development is such that we have nothing to do with the Tigreans in segmentation or with the TPLF as a group. Our political business is strictly with the Ethiopian government. Therefore, the so called WEYANE is a historical phenomenon that does not independently exist in today’s East African concrete political paradigm; nor is it a threat to the Eritrean nationhood in singularity.
There should never be war between our countries under a visionary leader in democratic set up. If there is going to be one, however, it cannot be on the question of our sovereignty, needless to say the only group of people who would contemplate the idea of re-annexing Assab would be the chauvinist Amharas from Shoa such as KINIJIT, which for some strange reasons the president tried to bring to power in Ethiopia (may be by conspiracy) thanks it did not happen because of Meles and the Weyanes.
Today’s Ethiopian youth is being educated at a faster rate and one fundamental change in the Ethiopian mind-set because of the Weyanes is the reality that war does not benefit anyone. This itself is a good card for us to utilize with good intention.
We need to realize that the Tigreans and the Eritreans did not team up against the Mengistu regime by accident but because they were natural allies. The strategic vision of Eritrea should, therefore focus on harmonizing the difference with the Tigrean people and actively taking advantage of the new political environment in Ethiopia to close the difference once and for all.
In conclusion; truth hurts but we are the only ones talking about them and it has been long since they decided to ignore us and continue to develop their society. Today, the Tigreans are more prosperous and liberated than us because we did not do out homework like them. They are more educated than us: I dignify them for believing in educating their people (3 universities, 2 colleges of education that generates teachers, one higher education for Nursing, one Institute of technology at minimum, in TIGRAI). I also dignify them for helping the Somalian democratic arrangement and for the smooth transfer of power in Ethiopia.
I congratulate them for all this and I envy their situation with positive impulse. I sincerely want to see them continue doing well because their wellbeing can only positively influence us. The EriTV’s main objective since the war had been to destruct the Weyanes while they were doing their homework and the difference is visible today for us to be convinced of retreating from naiveté or JELOSY induced antagonism with the Tigreans (this is my subjective opinion). All Eritrea needs now is a devoted leadership that secures peace and Badme through negotiation and that harmonizes the relationship between the Eritreans and our brothers and sisters in Tigrai AND in the rest of Ethiopia.
Ethiopians must in their part give us back our territory for us to normalize the relationship. We should also stay alert of the Ethiopians including the Tigreans on how they may influence our impotent opposition forces in Ethiopia. There is no doubt that they will do the best they can to pressurize them for their advantage but accept this as natural tendency of any system in such a situation and stop it by doing the right thing. Do not expect respect from Ethiopians while disrespecting yourselves by division and power struggle.
Please stay focused for the next post on Petros Haile’s points of struggle. I have closed my case on this issue: The time to seriously discuss ACTION has arrived. Thank you
Shewit April 10, 2013
No wonder Eritrea is where it is now with citizens like you. Empty bravado, limitless hate, delusion of identity, self inflated ego like yours seems to speed up the burial of your fake nation…
Zeray April 10, 2013
Why do you say that about Fitsum? Can you give us some good reasons why you feel the way you wrote? Have you read this article carefully? In my opinion this is one of the best articles I read this year. The bottom line I get from his article is – if we want peace in our country and with our neighbors we must be advocates of peace ourselves. What is wrong with that?
Beraki Yohannes April 10, 2013
Our problem is, we read things partial with no fully understanding the subject. I think our sister problems is just like that which is she did not finish reading the entire article or didn’t get the concept what exactly Mr. Futsum try to say. Just forgive her.
Eritreawit April 10, 2013
We got our nation and your province Tirgray free 20 years ago(because most Ethiopian don’t feel free with the regime in power in Ethiopia; be thank full or at list respectful “Did you say fake nation ?” if it wasn’t for Eritreans where were you be? i wonder, our nation supported your people for more than 100 years; they work, they did businesses, got land when they stay for 40 years, you just help our ppl for less than 10 years. i consider it help refugee in tigray.
fithawi April 10, 2013
Irrational, with full of blind hatred!
Which fake nation are you talking about? Which delusion of identity? Open your eyes properly and re-read the article with free mentality.
May God give you his mercy!
Adhanom April 11, 2013
You had better see a doctor as soon as possible.
belay nega April 11, 2013
No wonder Eritrea is where it is now with citizens like you. Empty bravado, limitless hate, delusion of identity, self inflated ego like yours seems to speed up the burial of your fake nation”
fithawi April 10, 2013
You seem to be Irrational, with full of blind hatred!
Which fake nation are you talking about? Which delusion of identity? Open your eyes properly and re-read the article with free mentality.
May God give you his mercy!
belay nega April 11, 2013
You seem to be Irrational, with full of blind hatred!”
jonah April 11, 2013
Fitsum. I guess this finale in the series. I just thing this border and weyania stuff is largely an extension of lack of vision and skill on part of Eritrean leadership. The 30 years independence struggle as given Issias and crew ample resource to transform every conflict or “threat” into an Existential threat to Eritrea. Border conflict are natural occurrence in Africa. How many people know that Nigeria and Cameroon have had a border conflict since 1981?
Cameroon and Nigeria didn’t go to war although they got close and BUT main part is both countries functional “normal.” So, what is different in erit/ethio case? Ethio has continued to function normal and focusing on what is best for its people largely. Eritrea on other hand has been in stand-still or jumped into Foxhole and looking for an enemy at every side. I think it is foxhole mentality that produces our language. As an Eritrean, I have never met a person with passport called Tigray or Woyania so why is there a woyania syndrome. As far as I am concerned- there are Eritreans and Ethiopians.
Belay/Shewit- With Eritrea been a fake country. I don’t think that is something Ethiopian feel. Maybe some Ethiopians and if that is case so what? There is nothing fake about Eritrea- it exists. It exists just like 40+ African nationality whose border or nationality is a product of colonization- make sure that you go to AU in Addis Ababa- and tell those Kenyan, Nigerian, Ghanaian- there nationality is fake.
You can go the United Nation and also tell the Croatian(1992) or Slovenian(1990) or Serbian, etc.. that they are fake also…
This is comedy..
belay nega April 13, 2013
“Border conflict are natural occurrence in Africa. How many people know that Nigeria and Cameroon have had a border conflict since 1981?”
“Cameroon and Nigeria didn’t go to war although they got close and BUT main part is both countries functional “normal.” So, what is different in erit/ethio case? Ethio has continued to function normal and focusing on what is best for its people largely. Eritrea on other hand has been in stand-still or jumped into Foxhole and looking for an enemy at every side. I think it is foxhole mentality that produces our language.”
“Belay/Shewit- With Eritrea been a fake country. I don’t think that is something Ethiopian feel. Maybe some Ethiopians and if that is case so what?”
“It exists just like 40+ African nationality whose border or nationality is a product of colonization-”
“You can go the United Nation and also tell the Croatian(1992) or Slovenian(1990) or Serbian, etc.. that they are fake also…
This is comedy.. ”
Adhanom April 11, 2013
Self-emancipation is a prerequisite to reach in rational conclusion and judgement. Unless we emancipate ourselves, it will be hard to emancipate others.
Jolly April 11, 2013
Hi Fetsum,
I read your responses to the various issues, questions and comments posed with great satisfaction.Although I am not in agreement(should not necessarily be so)with all,I find your responses to be that of a mature and farsighted citizen that perfectly understands what is at stake for the peoples of both countries if we citizens do not come to our senses soon.
Zola April 11, 2013
Dear Titsum,
As a concerned Tigrian, I read the article closely and found it largely balanced and well articulated. Indeed, Eritreans, with a right cause, earned their/your independence and I respect and always appreciate it. Your assertions that Isayas is solely to blame for the state of things in Eritrea and Eritreans are responsible to get rid of it, if they wish a different scenario, are also commendable.
Having said that, It’s gratifying for you to admit that the whole Badme war was initiated by Eritrea and you lost it. Most importantly, it is nice hearing that the path that the Weyane took has led to a better Ethiopia today and even spilled to benefit neighbors like Somalia. Added to this is the fact that the issue of Eritrea has been a minimal agenda in the (Ethiopia) government business.
As to mutual cooperation in the region, it sure benefits us all. But there are some issues we as Ethiopians/Tigrians feel uncomfortable when it come to engaging with Eritreans. Many of here in Tigay believe that we, as people, basically did nothing wrong to Eritrea to deserve such a huge hatred as it is today in many Eritreans. We therefore tend to be suspicious of any possibility fair deal, at least for some foreseeable time. The hate/war propaganda that the regime in Asmara has been blowing for decades meant that a great portion of the existing generation in Eritrea is more militaristic in thinking disillusioned in orientation. Facts should be set straight first. For instance, I would assume the majority of Eritreans are convinced that the Weyane begun the war in 1998. Many of you guys bitterly note the expulsion of Eritreans from Ethiopia at the height of the war, but without mentioning deportation of Ethiopians in 1991 and during the war, seizure of huge property at Asseb, not to mention the blocked during the 1984 famine to Sudan. Mind you, the media in Ethiopia is the least of source to get historical misgivings by Eritrea.
Besides these concerns, I strongly oppose your argument for Eritrea to get Badme while you yourself admitted that Eritrea invaded the place in the first place. I don’t think any lasting peace would be achieved, even if the Government in Ethiopia would forsake Badme for peace, as this won’t be just. I leave your assessment of the Weyane of today to yourself. Thank you.
belay nega April 11, 2013
Emiru Isak April 11, 2013
You have come to your senses now. It seems you have taken notice of some of the criticisms you got last time. All in all this last article is better than the previous ones of bla bla. To be a peace advocater is much more better than any thing else. But you have missed one thing in your analysis: What shall you do if the Ethiopians won’t give you ”your” badme back? It seems you don’t understand why Ethiopia doesn’t want vto do that or you don’t want to discuss it because of fear of backclash. In that case you are decieving your self. The Tigrians consider Badme as legitmatley theirs as you considert it yours. That will not be changed by Algeris agreement or by discredited judges at th HAgue. So consider other options rather to solve the empass rather than singing old song. Try to see the biger picture. Imagine what you have lost for the last 20 years. The situation in Eritrea is as it is and Badme is still in Ethiopia. May be it will remain Ethiopian for ever.
belay nega April 11, 2013
“Emiru Isak on April 11, 2013 at 4:49 am said:
You have come to your senses now. It seems you have taken notice of some of the criticisms you got last time. All in all this last article is better than the previous ones of bla bla. To be a peace advocater is much more better than any thing else. But you have missed one thing in your analysis: What shall you do if the Ethiopians won’t give you ”your” badme back? It seems you don’t understand why Ethiopia doesn’t want vto do that or you don’t want to discuss it because of fear of backclash. In that case you are decieving your self. The Tigrians consider Badme as legitmatley theirs as you considert it yours. That will not be changed by Algeris agreement or by discredited judges at th HAgue. So consider other options rather to solve the empass rather than singing old song. Try to see the biger picture. Imagine what you have lost for the last 20 years. The situation in Eritrea is as it is and Badme is still in Ethiopia. May be it will remain Ethiopian for ever.”
Petros Haile April 11, 2013
Selam Fistum,
Again , Thank you for another open & educational discussion forum,
I also like to suggest for the forum members to read todays article by Salih Nur, On “lasting Peace between Ethiopia & Eritrea”
As you stated on your article, It’s always helpful and influential to have a democratic or semi democratic nation as your neighbor … In fact, history teaches us in the late 1940’s and early 1950′ Eritrea’s relative democratic statehood, Which the the authoritarian Monarch was threatened by Eritreans flourishing democratic practices, such as the active functions of the Eritrean Labor Union, the Newspaper publications and other civic oriented organization and movements, including the role of the political parties … Thus emerging threat was one of the reason for the Emperor forced to incorporate Eritrea as its 14Th province, The fact a semi democratic rule lived under a federal arrangement with that of authoritarian rule seemed a major threat to one of the system, as it was predicted the Monarch’s authoritarian rule succumbed the emerging Eritrean democratic administration, and declared it null and void … Unfortunately 60 years later it is Ethiopia’s relative democratic statehood that threatens Issayas’s totalitarian rule ! and How is that possible ? It will require a lot of discussion and recollection from the past, and comparative analysis of the present and the federation era as well …
However the purpose of this comments is mainly regarding the upcoming article that Fistum is planing to discuss …, I am hoping Fistum incorporate the following issues with his discussion:
As we can see today, there is no functioning and independent civic society in Eritrea, and if there are any, they are the Mass Organizations of PFDJ – Such as “Workers Union”, “Women’s Association”, “YPFDJ in exile” and others that has no relevance , except to fulfill the wishes and command of the PFDJ rule, that is similar to that of DERG’s Workers Party … How is it possible to reverse the current PFDJ reality of dependent civic society to that of a truly independent civic society, … to a stable and smooth transition to a democratic society.
How is it possible the Civic Advocacy Groups in diaspora contribute as complimentary to the emerging civic movements in Eritrea, rather than playing a divisive role …. by endorsing an already divided political groups … by the way, some of the current Civic Advocacy movements are duplicating the same organizational practices with that of PFDJ & Workers party of The DERG era … The only difference is these diaspora based Civic Associations do not hold power ! However lately, We are witnessing some youth movements in diaspora, taking the initiative and the correct approach in developing an independent route to form a solid civic society, that is complimentary to the soon emerging Civic disobedience inside Erirea … Arbi Harnet , is a good start !
Although I agree there is no uniformity in outlook, and we may have a minor differences in trusting The woyane dominated government in Ethiopia, but as you said , We need to do our homework first, before we put our demands to others ! However, If we don’t address the issue of interference from Ethiopia, or vs Eritrea, then by default we are encouraging the never ending crisis to continue …. If it was up to me, as the international Crisis Group suggested few years back … We ought to demand simultaneous disarmament from both nations, the Badme issue could also be resolved at the same time… I sincerely believe both citizens from respective countries ought to initiate such a demand collectively … this is one task the two people can be engaged …. Diaspora Advocacy Civic Groups can play a significant role in this aspect … Not by unconditionally supporting the armed or, as they would put it “All inclusive methods of struggle”, that assures the balkanization, and eventual distraction of Eritrea .
On the danger of arming Ethnic, religious, national forces in Ethiopia, that would eventually launch an attack the PFDJ rule, … First of all, by organizing and arming such a force with multiple armed groups, and diverse sectarian and national goals is a recipe for disaster … Once these forces “Liberate” Eritrea from PFDJ thugs, then obviously, they will turn around with each other … it has been prov en in history …and this, with out a doubt, it will create another Lebanon, Somalia, The Congo, Iraq, and countless nations around the world thas has going through similar experience, and Eritrea is no different ! … not to mention the force(s) who would back the factions, They will have their own ambitions as well …
On The issue of the Eritrean Defense force …. In this case one must really have to have in depth understanding on the nature of the Eritrean Army … Who are they? Are they as often described by the opposition as one the most oppressed element in Eritrean society ? Do they serve the country with out pay for the last 20 years or so ? Even if they get paid 400 Nakfa is it enough for them to survive, that is if they get a chance to pursue a civilian life … Is it true the SAWA youth is subjected to serve an indefinite national service ? Is it true the Eritrean army defectors constitute 40% of the 2000 accounted on a monthly basis … Does this reality warrants us to declare war on the Eritrean Defense Force, while knowing it has no benefit serving the PFDJ rule ? Or for any sensible opposition would that be easier to form an alliance knowing that the EDF has little to lose by serving the PFDJ thugs ? We can even go to the ranks of PFDJ as well, We see left and right PFDJ’s ministers and other high ranking officials are abandoning the regime … Again a sensible opposition force should take the trend into account, and adjust their methods of struggle …
I think I should stop here,
Fistum, I just outlined the above remarks, comments , and I don’t even know what they are, but I want you to incorporate with your discussion,
Again, I thank you for entertaining my comments in your discussion !!!
Zola April 12, 2013
Selam Petros,
You wrote, “We ought to demand simultaneous disarmament from both nations, the Badme issue could also be resolved at the same time… I sincerely believe both citizens from respective countries ought to initiate such a demand collectively … this is one task the two people can be engaged.”
The idea being noble, it is nonetheless difficult to implement, at least from the Ethiopian side. In Ethiopia, it is a recent memory that the Eritrean forces invaded some parts of Tigray after the then infant Federal system in Ethiopia disarmed large number of its soldiers. From that time on and possibly up until there will be a better and democratically elected government in Eritrea, it is in the interest of the Ethiopian nation to build up its military capacity. It’s unfortunate but necessary. The solution towards Badme does not also seem to be forthcoming. After all, we have been way better off with no relation with Eritrea, to be frank.
Petros Haile April 11, 2013
I also like to suggest for the forum members to read todays article by Salih Nur, On “lasting Peace between Ethiopia & Eritrea”
You can find the article on Meskerem site …
Truly, truly i say to you April 12, 2013
“The dead Meles [] during the 1998 war [] left no stone unturned to seize [Asab] by force… The sly Isaias Afewerqi was about to offer him but The Mighty Eritreans Defense Forces, ignoring Isaias Afewerqi’s order to withdraw, stood their ground and forced them (Isaias/Melse) to rereat in shame and defeat.”
Response: We tried to dominate them on foreign currency transactions between our interests and businesses, did not we? We confiscated their properties in Assab after they decided to use port Djibouti and later in Badme by force, didn’t we? We violently took Badme and it threatened their power immediately. They tried hard to peacefully reverse the situation but failed and were left with no other choice to doing whatever it takes to get it back. They penetrated deep into our uncontested territories but withdrew for it was illegal to stay inside a sovereign country (please do not flutter yourself on “strategic retreat” and admit defeat: we were terribly beaten because they had a cause).
To be honest by the given response i am too upset and disappointed . The person who responded what ever pretends i know he is Ethiopian or half Eritrea but more Ethiopian sentement could be. Because i never believe such statement could come from real Eritrean to despise and discredit own nation interest what ever hates Isayas. I wish i have time to re read the text again to know by whom responded , so that i can give my reasons for his stupid argument and filthy tricky mentality. But i 100% agree with the statement, ” Isaias Afewerqi was about to offer Port Asab The Mighty Eritreans Defense Forces, ignoring Isaias Afewerqi’s order to withdraw” This is why Isayas imprisoned Betewoded Abreha, because ignored his order and fought to defend Asab.
belay nega April 12, 2013
“This is why Isayas imprisoned Betewoded Abreha, because ignored his order and fought to defend Asab.”