The UN/USA/EU is against Isayas, as Claimed: Real or Nominal?
An enemy that tells one where her/his shortcoming is and how to improve the problem is a friend and not an enemy. Also, an enemy that emptily threatens one is not an enemy but a

An enemy that tells one where her/his shortcoming is and how to improve the problem is a friend and not an enemy. Also, an enemy that emptily threatens one is not an enemy but a rewarder by reason of not carrying out the threat. In fact, an enemy that jumps with a warning or without to destroy and conquer a country is a real enemy. Many nations have been accused of serious violations by the UN and had to learn, find alternatives and comply by putting the violation in order. By so doing those nations avoided falling into the continuous surveillance of the UN. With exception of a very few leaders, most of the courageous ones do not waste time to understand their violations, take corrective measures and comply with the UN requirements. Those leaders who fail to comply, unless they are favored ones, their non-compliance are considered invitations for a showdown with those nations who believe in might is right and seek to impose their additional terms along with their scaring political tools or threat that reads “all options are on the table.”
Those courageous leaders who see other countries experiencing hardship under the UN’s sanctions learn from the observed mistakes of others and get to know to become better leaders and their countries better products of the lessons learned from consequences of others’ non-compliance. It is much easier to comply with what the UN demands without wasting time before those who claim to be the mouthpiece of the international community draft their tougher warnings and drop leaflets of their resorting to urgent military measures or action. Once a country is put on notice of non-compliance, nothing tires out the UN from adding more lines of tough measures to the already listed out. Although such UN warnings may constitute an ultimatum with conditional declaration of a military action, all the warned nations are seen to shrug off the UN’s warnings and encourage their people to carry on their daily lives peacefully with respect and dignity.
For those fair and caring leaders, while shrugging off the warnings of the UN they seek to bend the rules in an attempt to comply rather be confrontational and declare self-suicidal phrase like “no peace, no war” to cause “no peace” and political confusions to their people. Indeed, the opponents of “no peace, no war” self-imposed conditions know that if a country does not bleed from the self-imposed “no peace” it is because the country is already dead and does not have any blood left to bleed. Knowing this fact, it is better for a leader considered to be unfriendly to veto nations to become less confrontational and ask for a roadmap to achieve the required compliance. That is why no country likes to be served with threats of “all options are on the table.” The threat of “all options are on the table” has never been the UN’s floor statement because under the UN’s Article 2, Section 4, no any member nation is allowed to threat another member country. However, the Western powers are seen to put blames on un-favored countries with a threat of “all options are on the table.” To avoid being served with a notice of non-compliance, many leaders had to learn from those that not only bled excessively under the UN’s sanctions but also had to have a great deal of trouble with the UNSC veto nations. If a leader is to gain support by reflection has to have a nice way to engage with the UN bodies. However, those leaders who are in love with trouble making only appear to stand on their ground for some time, but ultimately their countries and their people have to pay for their leader’s confrontational attitude and refusal to put things in order.
What are the signs that Isayas is a favored leader?
The veto nations of the UNSC, specifically the USA, UK and France, are behind all stringent and harsh UN sanctions. In some cases the imposed stringent sanctions resulted in the un-favored countries being invaded to impose a regime change. Most of the sanctioned countries seek to comply immediately or promise step by step compliance and never try to breach the terms of the imposed sanctions. Some other sanctioned nations seek to improve their relationship with the veto nations and iron out their difference to get leniency through amendments of the imposed sanctions. However, the situation with Isayas is different in that he pushes to attract disapproval of the UN to show the world is against him and on the side of the Ethiopians. Thus, he deliberately chooses non-compliance to give life to the phrase of “no peace, no war” as if Eritrea is a victim of the UN sanction imposed on it by the Western veto nations. The deliberate non-compliance is serving to worsen the sufferings of the Eritrean people without any link to holding the USA, EU, UK and the UN responsible for the sufferings of the Eritrean people under the phrase “no peace, no war.” It sounds like the tyrant’s fantasy is telling him that his leadership failure is connected to the UN’s inability to impose border solution, when indeed the UN sanction has no connection to the self-imposed “no peace” in the absence of wars of attrition and new wars with the neighboring countries.
Unlike what the tyrant claims, the UN views that Isayas deserves to be punished on the ground that he is involved in crimes against humanity, grave human rights abuses, and violations of individual rights by unjustly denying access to water and food as well as confiscating all monies in the bank and enslaving the Eritrean children. Additionally, the tyrant’s refusal to fully comply with the UN’s list of requirements is placing double burden on the Eritrean people in that the harsh tyranny is getting worse to justify the self-imposed “no peace, no war.” Still more, the tyrant’s refusal to cooperate with the UN enforcing bodies is giving his enemies grounds to distort further the already damaged image of him and the country. Sympathizing countries within the UNSC repeatedly tried to give the tyrant more space to defend himself through engagement but, so far, has failed to reach the height that enable him to see a light at the end of the tunnel. The tyrant is also making it impossible for those who favor him with seeing a light at the end of the tunnel due to his refusal to let in the UN’s investigative body and that is becoming a huge disabled train at the end of the tunnel blocking him from seeing the light. To most UN members the tyrant’s refusal to take advantage of the space given to clear his name from the accusation is something intentional because he proved that he could get such clearance, if really needed, from the USA. In evidence of this fact, despite the claim that the USA is against the tyrant, it was the USA that rushed to save the tyrant when the COIE (Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in Eritrea) was about to tie the ICC rope around his neck.
The tyrant by his nature is cagey and secretive, unprincipled and unfair who prefers to dominate as well as hard to comply with rules and regulations. If indeed the tyrant commands his head of reasoning he could have provided viable reasons for refusing to cooperate with the UN and found solution to all his problems. Due to the tyrant’s refusal to let in the UN instigators he has opted for the UN’s control over him like a dog on a leash. But why would one choose to be on leash and hold the whole nation hostage of self-imposed “no peace, no war.” May be the tyrant has good knowledge that the UNSC is not serious. Not serious because the UN is not as tough as it is against the Sudanese leader, Syria, Iran and North Korea.
It is proven that it is not easy to absolve one from an accusation of wrongdoing or crime when a decaying corpse of a victim is found in his place. So also it is unthinkable to see a false blame empowering one’s enemy into blackmailing. The unacceptable fact here is that the tyrant is involved in scapegoating business that requires him to take the blame of others for money, such as the blame of financing and supporting AlShabab of Somalia. Other possibility is that the tyrant may also be getting money and favoritism in that his political party (PFDJ) and its linked youth organization (YPFDJ) are allowed to function freely in the West and the Arab Gulf countries. Even the western news media led by Voice of America are heard to favor Isayas to the extent of out favoring Ethiopia.
The Fine Print that Prompted the Tyrant’s “No Peace, No War”
When there is no a threat of wars and wars of attrition any longer, it is time to return to normal life and normal daily activities. However, some ended wars may not let some leaders to come clean to start a new beginning. Those leaders, who do not let the storms of the ended war to pass, not only get stuck in their self-imposed “no peace, no war” but also disempower themselves once they unleash a tornado of fears and confusions on their side of the border.
From the phrase of “no peace, no war” there must not be any fear of war. In order for the two countries at war to bounce back from failure to achieve peace both should give a space for peace and build a door to cooperation in reconstruction areas in order to reinforce the reached peace agreement. However, the Ethiopians say the cause of the “no peace” on the Eritrean side was not related to the ended border war. Although the Eritrean “no peace” is an internal problem, the Ethiopians claim that they never were wrong about Isayas from the start and that they knew well that his mindset could be used to bring about leadership failure in Eritrea.
To take advantage of Isayas’s mindset, the Ethiopians decided to play their second-best card in the first round with an expectation that their first-best card would be played in the second round. The cards played became effective as and when the Ethiopians announced on November 24, 2004 that they accepted the decision of EEBC (Eritrea Ethiopia Boundary Commission) subject to their preconditions of five-point peace proposal. In checking the proposal, what caught Isayas’s attention was the fine print of the five-point document. The fine print read “In order for the two countries and the people living on either side of the border to commit themselves to the binding EEBC ruling, the parliaments of the two countries will further debate and ratify the reached agreements.”
The fine print of the Ethiopian proposal took the tyrant back to square one requiring him to stop scowling at the repeated calls for the implementation of the 1997 constitution and allow election in order for the parliament on behalf of the Eritrean people to ratify the EEBC ruling. Thus, the fine print put half of the unresolved border problem to be blamed on the absence of a parliament that represents the Eritrea people.
The EEBC ruling has imposed “no war” leaving each country to have its choice of internal peace. As such, the EEBC if not abandoned can be delayed by reason of not having in place the required representatives of the people, who are delegated to ratify the ruling, which ruling is bowing before the tyrant’s adamancy to allowing election. Thus, the problem of “no peace, no war” is considered to be a cry of the Eritrean people who are complaining that the root cause of “no peace” in Eritrea is tyranny for otherwise the “no war” cannot result in “no peace.”
The fine print is believed to be a message to Isayas “no to think outside the box or the first square [over my dead body the constitution to be implemented].” The no-thinking outside the box or the first square will necessitate resolving rule of law problem in Eritrea and resolving that problem is a key to all other problems. Also, without resolving the problem in square one there cannot be a solution to the border problems with all the neighboring countries. The no-solution to the problems in square one is resulting in militarization of the country. The militarization of the country is sucking the tyrant into the politics of abusing power, confiscating even the penny in the pockets of the people and widening the sources of impoverishment of the nation – is that what the tyrant is calling “no peace.”
What is needed is to first admit that the present situation of “no peace” was a home-made problem rather than blaming the “past war” on the present “no peace.” At the different level of the worsening conditions in Eritrea, the people witnessed that the non-recognition of the tyrant that “the border war” ended in Eritrea resulted in him believing that the “no peace” had connection with the past ended border wars. For the people, the “no peace” is a cover up of the tyrant’s weakness. Thus, the phase “no peace, no war” reflects the tyrant’s incompetence to solve the “no peace” in the country. The shortest path to “peace” is the path of having a competent leadership, if “peace” is the choice of the tyrant. Should the choice of the tyrant be “peace,” there must not be a room for “no peace.” For the Eritrean people, the phrase “no peace, no war” is just a missed understanding of the intention behind the tyrant’s refusal to implement the constitution. Now that the people know, they have the right to question whether the tyrant understands the cause of “no peace” problem in Eritrea and whether he has the needed skills to resolve it. Yes, the tyrant has to step up to solve the “no peace” problem or step down allowing the elected people to clean his messes.
The shortest distance to “peace” is to admit that our “no peace” problem has no connection with the past or ended war. If there is no war of attrition, it signifies peace at the border area. If the border areas are at peace, then the areas beyond the border areas must be in absolute peace. Therefore, it is a great mystery to claim “no peace” unless there is something in the making to force the future generation to flee and to cause total destructions to the infrastructure and economy of the country. The people had several trials to say they haven’t learned yet. As benefactors of their thirty (30) years struggle, like they liberated the land they have to rise to liberate the people of the land. They are, indeed, once again challenged to use their liberating force so as to equate in rights and dignity the liberated people to the liberators, which can only be done by implementing the constitution and holding elections.
Speaking in terms of either step up or step down, on the occasion of the liberation day let the focus be on correcting what needs to be corrected by looking first at how other countries celebrate their independence/liberation day. Yes, the liberation day must be celebrated by honoring all those who fought and made this great day possible. Yes, let the liberation day be given a special celebration by letting all the political prisoners back to their families to celebrate the day in their special way with their sweet words of thanks to the liberators once again. Yes, that way the liberators will gain more respect.
In celebration of the independence/liberation day
Z. Hagos May 20, 2017
Solution, solution – where is the solution to our “no peace”? Ofcourse the answer is the constitution. So long there is no rule of law there is no rule of peace. The article well identified and explained when stating: “The fine print read “In order for the two countries and the people living on either side of the border to commit themselves to the binding EEBC ruling, the parliaments of the two countries will further debate and ratify the reached agreements.”
The fine print of the Ethiopian proposal took the tyrant back to square one requiring him to stop scowling at the repeated calls for the implementation of the 1997 constitution and allow election in order for the parliament on behalf of the Eritrean people to ratify the EEBC ruling. Thus, the fine print put half of the unresolved border problem to be blamed on the absence of a parliament that represents the Eritrea people.”
First thing to be focused on is to ask where is the dust gathering constitution? Implement it to rule otherwise step down is the message of the people on the upcoming liberation day.
Sol May 20, 2017
Thank you Mamino for this outstanding article that depicts the true nature of the tyrant and I humbly recommend you to translate it in Tigrinya for a broad benefit.
Diago .Santos May 20, 2017
we are all for the liberation of the eritrean people now and immediatly. if isayas is not going to release the prisoners on the liberation day, then what is the use of celebrating liberation day
Nahon May 20, 2017
It doesn’t require a person to be an expert on the matter to see that Iseyas and his Party are always in search of an “enemy” to blame, to keep Eritreans in isolation and constant fear. But how long we the people want tolerate this situation ?
Will we ever learn to look inwards and try to find the real enemy who is keeping us hostage?
Z. Hagos May 21, 2017
The learning is an ongoing but it is slow. The slow reaction is resulting in huge damages. People have had enough to suffer. Lost everything. Daily family members are dispersing and disappearing into north, south, east and west. No one is left, be it youth, child and the elderly.
I think the people are in shock. The shock is not giving them time to reason well. It is here, you are right, we can say if ever the people see where they are heading to. Time for sure one day will prove that the people’s patience will result in rewarding them with what is good for them compensating them with what they lost and the years of sufferings.
Tiger May 20, 2017
This is very enlightening and it appears that the people will rise to liberate the people from the liberators who became enslavors to serve their interests. Me too, I call for Isu the dictator either to step up or step down.
k.tewolde May 21, 2017
It is a great call Mamino to the Eritrean people who are divided and severely fragmented but cherish this day deeply because of the costly price they paid with their sweat and blood. Unfortunately, they view this day from polarized angles and celebrate it accordingly as the gainers and losers of that precious gift given to them by those gallant martyrs who showed the way.The only way to make this day authentic and the people to celebrate it in unity and one perspective is to give them back the platform and let them decide their own destiny by electing their leaders democratically and establishing a sane governance to build a fare,safe,serene,peaceful,prosperous,productive society free of hawala,03,corruption,containers,human traffickers,sawa,tehadso,ration coupons,jerican lines,indefinite military conscription…. imposed by those who perched themselves on top by power grab and are doing anything imaginable to keep the people divided and stay in power even if it means trashing the nation into oblivion.The Eritrean people need to change this ‘no peace’ misnomer by creating peace within themselves and watch the crooks and bloodsuckers disappear one by one with their tail between their legs,it wouldn’t even require a bullet.The solution is in our hands,not in ratification of EEBC,CBC,ABC or CBS…….
k.tewolde May 21, 2017
As far as I am concerned ,I will spend the day somewhere in the Florida keys fishing with my coworkers and reflecting of those brave fighters who I left behind in shallow graves.Forever young! like the song goes.
Z. Hagos May 21, 2017
I do agree, each to celebrate in her/his way but not forgetting to honor who made the day possible. Among those to be honored are as yet illegal held in dungeons. They do deserve to enjoy the day with their families.
k.tewolde May 22, 2017
No doubt Z. I wish I will see them in the heart of the city in the middle of the parade sitting on top of convertible cars with their families as homecoming honorees. that will be the day.
Kalighe May 21, 2017
“productive society free of hawala,03,corruption,containers,human traffickers,sawa,tehadso,ration coupons,jerican lines,indefinite military conscription….”
K. Tewelde
Brother you said it all .. but this list would not be complete without ‘Koboro’ . Drum beating has made of the latter a distiuished icon of Higdef mania.
Semere May 21, 2017
It took 39000 of Eritrean lives(According to former Eritrean Ambassador to China) and 17-years of total Isolation, migration and total economic collapse for the Eritrean people to start questioning about the real personalities of Isayas. Even now, those that are far ,far from the burnt of Isayas blunder who are residing in the west, who have a secure life for their families and a democratic countries have continued to support this Devil over the Population.
It is about time for the ageing PFDJ’s leaders to get cleared one way or another. The question is who will take over the power? will that be a group of another opportunist or the people of Eritrea? If the people decided to stand tall in unison said enough is enough and asked for election, then change will be in their finger tip, but if they quietly abandon it for a third country, the Agony of the people will continue.
Issayas believes that Eritrea is his sole property. and any one who ever is questioning that will be dealt with Mercilessly. The Eritrean defense force(similar to the “Forto”) is the best hope to bring the Agony of the Eritrean people to an end!
Z. Hagos May 21, 2017
See how the words we use are indicative of how the people and the country are deteriorating from bad to worse and now heading to the worst. Let me focus on the words you used in your response: total isolation, economic collapse, questioning personalities, blunder, devil, opportunist, agony, mercilessly, etc. These words are sufficient to describe the every life in Eritrea and how the tyranny pushed each to the edge liking ending any moment. In response, you also put these words: to get cleared, ask for election, change on finger tip, Forto-like action is the hope to end agony. Thanks Semere for putting the whole picture in few lines.
Z. Hagos May 21, 2017
As usual, the tyrant gave his interview-structured speech on the occasion of the independence day. He didn’t congratulate the people nor he honor the fallen ones who died and put Eritrea back on the world map.
The tyrant talked about others’ mindset to attack them. He forgot that he is, too, a victim of his own destructive mindset. He delivered his wishy washy explanations and promises but, as usual, he is always wishy-washy and that will prove to the world that he doesn’t walk the walk because he is always against his own promises.
almazina May 21, 2017
Eritreans will wake up when eritrea is no longer there and will not understund what happened to it.
andom May 21, 2017
Iseyas, apart from pretending, knows his enemy. His enemies are we, the eritreans. We know that, he knows that.