The Truth is not only the truth it must be told: Justice to the people of Tigray and their Vanguard TPLF By Petros Tesfagiorgis
The Truth is not only the truth it must be told: Justice to the people of Tigray and their Vanguard TPLF By Petros Tesfagiorgis On November 27, 2006 Metro’s (London daily paper wrote “Ethiopia, one of the
The Truth is not only the truth it must be told: Justice to the people of Tigray and their Vanguard TPLF
By Petros Tesfagiorgis
On November 27, 2006 Metro’s (London daily paper wrote “Ethiopia, one of the world’s poorest and most sickly lands, has long been a byword for starvation and poverty”. Today such definition does not apply. Today Ethiopia is transformed. It is not something that dropped from the sky but under the administration of TPLF/EPRDF the development of Ethiopia has been significant. For the first time the whole of Ethiopia is united by amazing network of roads and railways. The farmers especially in the coffee growing areas are getting rich. The price of their produce is protected because the farmers, hitherto neglected, had an extensive help from the government. Banks and other forms of modern facilities (infrastructures) were built throughout Ethiopia. The farmers can transport their produce to markets easily. The late Prime Minister Meles Zenawi managed to build the millennium dam – the pride of Ethiopia– overcoming many obstacles not to get it built.
Ethiopia is fastest growing economy in Africa as a result Ethiopia was taken seriously by the developed countries.PM Meles Zenawi was hailed as Africa’s leading Statesman. Under his leadership TPLF/EPRDF’s priority was to end poverty in Ethiopia. Meles was part of the initiative “To make poverty history in Africa” together with Mbeki of South Africa and United Kingdom Prime Ministers Tony Blair and his successor Gordon Brown. ”
Today all these achievements are ignored. Instead we are witnessing a witch-hunt against the people of Tigray and its vanguard TPLF. I think it is excessive, destructive and unjust. The perpetrators are abusing the olive branch of peace handed to them by the PM Abiy Ahmed who invited them to come home and participate peacefully in the social and political life of the country, adopting the weapon of peace, re-conciliation and accepting ethnic diversity. Instead they are sowing the seeds of hate and conflict.
The perpetrators of this witch-hunt are those Amhara chauvinists who were beneficiaries during successive rule of the feudal Amhara ruling classes such as Gunbot 7 and, remnants of the Military Junta “the Dergue”. They are supported by a section of the Oromo movement. The Amhara ex-ruling class felt that their privilege of having monopoly of power for years at the expense of all other nationalities is gone. Consumed by hate they are campaigning hard to defame TPLF and separate them from their base, the people of Tigray. It is because the TPLF played a leading role in ending the feudal repression which is what the Ethiopian university students fought for in late sixties and early seventies.
The centralized system along the line of Amhara supremacy will lead the country into conflict. The ruling class Amhara will not get their way as the Oromos the most oppressed people over the years will seek the upper hand and push for supremacy of Oromo Language and take up the administration of Addis Ababa which they claim. Their alliance with the Amhara is going to be short lived- and it is based to minimize the influence of the more experienced and principled TPLF.
Let us face the truth. The Ethiopian Feudal Empire was built on the total power of the Amhara ruling class over the other nationalities. These system gave rise to economic stagnation, famine, ignorance and obviously instability. The Ethiopian revolution started by the progressive Haile Selassie University student union in late sixties. Because they were extremely concerned of the poverty and lack of development that prevailed in Ethiopia. Besides Ethiopia had the reputation of being a prison of nationalities.
Why do the hate mongers think that the Ethiopian University students rose up to expose the system? Why do they think that people particularly the Oromo people have risen up in rebellion? There were many movements in Ethiopia? The Oromo Liberation Front (OLF), Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Party (EPRP), MEISON, Sidama Liberation Movement, Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF). Besides there were the two Eritrean movements ELF and EPLF. The answer is that extreme repression breads resistance. They rose up to build their life in freedom.
It has to be clear that I am not referring to all Amhara the majority of whom were poor. Many Amhara university students, even from the “Neftegna” families have joined the struggled for change. I had many friends because I was also a student during that exciting revolutionary period. It is those who lost out when Emperor Haile Selassie was overthrown by the Military junta in 1974 who are bitter. Many of them migrated to the USA and these are the group who want to re-claim the past. Over the years they made money and they sent their children to universities and thanks to their diligence and hard work they have high educational achievements. They have a lot of resources, had they played a positive role their contribution to the social and economic rehabilitation of Ethiopia could have been substantial. Unfortunately they are living in the past.
Yes, the TPLF leaders are not angels and made a lot of mistakes. Above all, like all those who came to power through armed struggle, they felt it is their right to stay in power for a long time. So is Museveni of Uganda but he is nowhere near what Meles did to develop Ethiopia- there is minimal development in Uganda to day. PM Meles had a plan that the fighters who held high government offices, including himself, will retire in subsequent elections.
In spite of that it is right that the opposition expose the failures of TPLF/EPRDF. However, unlike any other regimes in Africa, TPLF/EPRDF admitted their failures and apologized to the Ethiopian people. Corruption is chronic in Ethiopia in all ethnic groups which the hate mongers would not bother to raise. It is a fact that PM Meles have started to combat it. The underlying reason to weaken TPLF is to end federalism and install Amhara supremacy instead of ethnic equality. Today things have changed, the days of kings are over. In fact because of their sheer number, it is the Oromo who are going to have an upper hand in Ethiopia. They started to claim the Admiration of Addis Ababa and to use the language Oromia.
Under the system of federalism all the people who have been marginalized during Amhara feudal rule have become assertive and have tasted the freedom of self-rule. They have their own schools and universities. Would they accept centralized rule. Did the hate mongers consider their activities could end up destabilising and become an obstacle to the fast growing economy?
EPRDF has built more than 40 universities. In his speech the previous Prime Minster Haile Mariam Desalegn who made history by resigning from his post – mentioned in one of his talks that there are 29 million graduates. However Ethiopia is not an industrialized nation, the infant economy cannot absorb them and so it gave rise to massive unemployment. Those young graduates became prone to the well-funded disinformation broadcasted by ESAT and they have been on the streets clashing with the police and security people. They feel they have the right to destroy life and properties. The campaign is promoting mob culture and lawlessness. They are being used as a weapon to get rid of the de-centralized (federal) political system. They will not succeed because the level of consciousness of the marginalized people has risen. More ever, they tasted what it means to have a say in economic and social policies that shapes their life.
When the junta was defeated in Shire (Tigray) the army evacuated from their last garrison Mekele and you know what Mengustu Haile Mariam said “We don’t bother if we evacuate Tigray, they have nothing except a floor mill”. He spoke the truth and highlighted the mind-set of the Amhara ruling class. He revealed that Tigray was completely neglected, the famine of 1972 which claimed the life of more than 2 million people was in Tigray, Wollo and Lasta. All these sowed seeds of rebellion that gave rise to the beginning of Tigray armed struggle to end famine and oppression in Tigray.
The rise of TPLF: The Military Junta defeated the EPRP, Meison and Sidama Liberation movement. The leaders, Berhane Meskel Redda of EPRP and Haile Fida of Meison were both captured and executed. OLF and ONLF survived but were weakened. It is the combined forces of EPLF and TPLF that defeated the Junta and entered the Capital Addis Ababa triumphant. They have sacrificed a lot. So inevitably the main force within EPRDF is TPLF. The Amhara Supremacist have found it unacceptable and started opposing TPLF. Their motive is to revive the outdated Amhara ruling class ideology and power they have lost. They are blind not to realize that all the fight of all liberation movements was to get rid of that repressive ideology (system) and for equality.
Today believing that the TPLF is side-lined, the Oromos, because of their sheer number (40%) of the Ethiopia population, feel they are the power of the country and Make Oromifa as national language. They will claim the administration of Addis Ababa and change its name into Finfinnee. On the other hand The Goal of Gunbot 7 & Derge remnants is to re-instate one centralized government with one language, dominated by Amhara. Eventually they will clash because they have different goals. Their alliance can only be temporary.
It is true that TPLF/EPRDF has done lots of mistakes. They were not angels. But they have achieved a lot, they laid down the ground work for economic and social take off. They admitted their failures and were in heated debate among themselves identifying their short comings to correct them. They experienced serious divisions, to the extent that some of them were critical of PM Abiy. But at last the reformist gained the upper hand. Among them were Dr Debretsion Ghebremichael, chairman of TPLF, Abraham Tekeste TPLF executive committee and Arkebe Ogbai advisor to the Prime Minister. The reformists group expressed their willingness to embrace change and support PM Abiy.
The hate mongers have forged an unholy alliance with the Eritrean regime. In his speech of accepting the peace call from PM Abiy, Isaias Afeworki said “game over” with TPLF. He expressed he would have no problem to work with Abiy once TPLF is side-lined. This is scandalous because the people of Eritrea don’t want this. It is against their interest. Eritreans have always close relationship with the people of Tigray. They share the value of freedom and justice. Many Tigrean fighters died in Sahel, EPLF base area, and foiled the Junta’s red-star campaign aimed to destroy the EPLF. Likewise the EPLF went as far as Addis Ababa to oust the Junta. The relationship with other Ethiopian movement who fought against national oppression was good but like the OLF they were far away geographically to make coordinated assault on the Junta. However there was one brilliant coordinated operation with OLF – in which the EPLF crossed the Sudan went to the South and helped OLF to attack an Ethiopian army Garrison and managed to destroyed it. Colonel Mengustu was mad and he made a talk of desperation obviously he was counting the days of his demise.
For Eritreans, Tigray was the bridge and the link to reach out to the rest of Ethiopia. They are people destined to share the same fate good or bad.
Eritrean regime’s strategy to make friend with AA Abiy at the expense of TPLF is divisive and wrong. Not in our name (Eritreans name), it is his personal decision. In this and in other issues the people of Eritrea have no voice. Isaias has subjected the Eritrean people to gross human rights violations. During the rally in Addis Ababa organised in support of the prime minister a bomb was exploded. The Ambassador of Eritrea in Italy Fitzehazsion Petros said it is the work of TPLF. The regime in Eritrea is experienced in miss-informing people. This is a form of interfering in the internal affairs of Ethiopia. PM Abiy Ahmed has to watch out. He must understand the pains and suffering the entire Eritrean people are undergoing.
PM Abiy Ahmed made giant leaps into the realm of peace and re-conciliation. He garnered a lot of support from Ethiopians, Eritreans and people in the Horn. However, he should not be complacent of all these divisive campaigns against the people of Tigray and its vanguard the TPLF.
We Eritreans wish a strong united and prosperous Ethiopia at peace with itself and its neighbours. For the sake of united and prosperous Ethiopia the hate-mongers must stop campaigning against Tigray.
Let there be justice for the people of Tigray and its vanguard TPLF.
The End
The Amharic word “Neftegna” is referred to the Amhara land lords who appropriated the land of the Oromo’s and reduced them to mere tenants.
Deglel July 24, 2018
Haw Petros, thank you for your great educational and truthful article,
ELF/Jebha’s foreign mercenaries the Arab korakur riffraffat HADEMTI, TEBELETSITI and TEGOMBAHTI criminal murderers and your old EPLF so-called historians have been telling us that the Eritrean struggle for so-called fake independence was the result of “Ethiopian colonization” of Eritrea.
Whereas, the problem was simply the creation of foreign powers particularly the British, Italians and the barbarian evil Muslim Arab world, and executed through their local sold out mercenaries like those illegal lowland immigrants.
Last but not least, if EPLF/PFDJ was evil in its ideology from its conception then Eritrean so-called independence {slavery} would be the fruit of that evil, which is hard to swallow but the whole truth, isn’t it, haw Petros?
rezen July 24, 2018
Quote: “Last but not least, if EPLF/PFDJ was evil in its ideology from its conception then Eritrean so-called independence {slavery} would be the fruit of that evil, which is hard to swallow but the whole truth, isn’t it, haw Petros?” Unquote Deglel July 24, 2018
Something to ponder about — deeply, honestly, sincerely and courageously, without name calling as a cheap camouflage. A person who hides his wound ……………………..
Deglel July 24, 2018
Indeed haw rezen, “Habae Kusilu habae fewsu”. how long do we have to hide our wounds???
k.tewolde July 24, 2018
Here we go again with this schizophrenic,Islamophobic, and Arabophobic projectile regurgitation,pheeeeeew! it splatters the medium with stench,fact is don’t go far to look what adorns the headlines of today,the venue ain’t Debre Markos and the people with long garbs don’t look like Azawnt. However >>>”…… your fellow aKuarAt Muslims are better for Eritrea than the brave peace loving Christian brothers and sisters from Tigray.” agonizes M.T. answering to the decent Haw A.S. Holly molly! do you guys browse around the web, flip the channel or read at all? or you are dedicated cyber commandos who ambush prudent commentators on this website?
maay murakuut July 24, 2018
What we do not know is, the deal that is surfacing right now could have been be drafted and initiated by Meles Zenawi. All i know this is did not happen overnight. And Meles was always bullied by the hardliners in every move he try to make peace with Eritrea.
maay murakuut July 24, 2018
And Dr Abey said he is finishing what Meles intiated
luke July 24, 2018
komatta tigrea you dont understand abiut Ethiopia, oromo and Amhara united because of injustice and groce human rights violation , you tplf and the tugreans killed iver two million Amhara hard to believe but done in 40 years before tplf come to pwer and after the tplf grab Ethiopian powee, your hate towards to Amhara so much you hunted them were ever they work poor farmers killed for no fuault of their own but just being Amhara , well no more humbleness by Amhara, Amhara reach the conculussion Willing for ineoendency as a matterer of fact the Amhara want tplf/tigrans people be out of Ethiopian Unity, you tplf destroy the nation fabric of culture, iinstitution, church,stole region, mountains, Erradicate young Amgara, and Oromo , YES THE UNITT berween the two big ethinic will last for ever,Amhara dont have a problem abiut one language or Addis Abeba as the late evil PM MELESE say to Liba tv ” we are Yemeni, our firefather come from North Yemeni , look at my face i am yemeni” by Pm Melese Very true tplf/tigreans has no Ethiopian humbleness nor Ethiopian blood, , your hate About Amhara is simple destroying Amhara is destroying the very ownership of the Ethiopian Land and destroying Amhara will help to claim more lands for tigrans periid, you are fulish to think to destroy Amhara NO you the tpkf/the tigreans were in power nit because of their strength but the help from Amhara and some Oromo ..tigrea s people show once and for all how much EVIL in them and act on the rest of peace lloving Amhara !all the economic progress you talk about went to tigrea region and tigreans people not to the rest of Ethiooia, sad to say you are itellectually dishonest! Awko Yetegna bekesekisute Ayesema
Tensae July 24, 2018
Bravo Petros, it’s a well written article and speaks the facts, the truth nothing but the absolute truth. Those who grew up in the 60th (high schoolers) know much about these all to a great extent. We were part and parcel of the whole movement from Mahber 7 and on up. We all have been incarcerated and tortured.
Isus anger as we see it now is that he couldn’t be Hatsey Issayas and will never be. Eritrea and Eritreans have suffered immensely by IA and his stooges. Shameless vagabonds.
True, some Tigrayan people hired by the dictator Megestu H/m may have worked against us but the proud Tigrayan people has fought hand in hand with us and we with them in war of lieration of our country and Ethiopa.
Honestly our common enemy who must be rooted out of our country or taken alive and put in prison is IA and his cronies.
IA is still playing his favorite game “Shatir”. Not anymore.
Abiy is smart enough to understand an old 🐕 who doesn’t know any new tricks.
The Tigrayan people have transformed their country. They are simply smart and love their country and people.
I felt so jealous when I saw the progress they have made in their country in contrast to what IA and his junta have done to our country..(see you tube)
Petros cudoz to you for writing such a brilliant article and please keep on writing for your articles are based on facts and are very educational.
meretse July 24, 2018
Dear writer, I was a little surprised after I read ur article. Although
I am not saying it is not true or else, but time wise — what prompted you to write such an article Re: tplf’s accomplishments and failures? If your article was meant to remind Ethiopian readers, assenna has almost none Ethiopian visitors except couple howling agazians.
Anyway, i wish u next time to write timely articles of hot issues which touches the bases of our scenarios
Amanuel July 24, 2018
If he is from tigray it makes sense. Why in assenna though instead of TOL.
Yitbarekh July 24, 2018
As a weirdo HARADI HADAMI TEGOMBAHI/TEKHORADI moslem foreign mercenary scam bag ass hole, unashamedly you bloody have more concern for our Christian Habesha Eritrea – Ethiopia than the highland dekebat people who own it. What a delusional moslem jerk low life scam bag. Reveal yourself and take off your devious hijabs You are NOT fooling or impressing us with your pathetic garbage moslem gimmicks..
Tensae July 24, 2018
FYI, I am not Ethiopian, I am a proud Eritreans. It just pains me though to see the division among us Eritreans; and yet we aren’t fighting with one voice. I only voices of opposition only and not a marching force. A strong force that represent us, a force that can be heard, a force that can attract all Eritreans and ultimately a winning force. Talk is cheap and we see and hear all kinds of talks; some good and some some no so good.
You, our young generation are the hope of. Our country as we know it now and before it’s too late.
Lots of talks on different media outlets and YouTube, but that’s doesn’t help much. I would have liked to see a unified Young dedicated Eritreans marching to save our country once and for all. Unity is what we need for we all know how bad our people and our country are suffering. The sooner we talk with one voice the better. I hope this will clarify my intentions in my previous writing.😎
Henok July 24, 2018
I have great respect for the hard working people of Tigray.
But the Wayâne and some Tigreyans, in particular those who lived or were born in Eritrea, and yet chose to work for Derg as spies, are the worst kind of people you can see anywhere. Just take as example the kind people you see here, the various little men, the subhuman ‘Teklays’ who continue to throw their shit at forum visitors.
If the Wayâne had good intentions about Eritreans they would have helped the opposition to get rid of Eseyas’ brutal regime. Sadly, their interest was in weakening Eritrea as a country, by dividing the opposition along ethnic lines. They are evil.
It’s not that the Amara groups are better than them, but at least they tell you openly that they hate you.
Dada July 24, 2018
What is this fool pop up from?? Did he say 40 Universities 😁😁😁😁?
80% of the universities are worthless. Go and talk to those who are graduated from those worthless Universities and you will find out it is a jock.
meretse July 24, 2018
Dear readers
Let me make myself clear here, if Petros is trying to buy some hearts and minds of the old /new tplf members or its sympathies it is extremely late. Let them save themselves from the political quagmire they created for years.
Yitbarekh July 24, 2018
Weyzero Meretset baAlti WuQato,
Tim’likin TEKHORIDIKIN TSELOTIKIN degimikin mis sheyitan/negis wishimaKin teHakufikin dekisa. Today’s new politics and technology very damaging for your fragile health!!!!
So once again very politely, go back to your savage evil muslim Arab slave master or alternatively, the old fascist Italian maid’s boss, provide them your diKala murderous ELF filthy ass.