The Sarcasm, Denial and Lies of the Eritrean authorities: a personal account on the National service, the closure of the University of Asmara and the Scholarship program in South Africa – Part II
Zekarias Ginbot January 05, 2015 ……

Zekarias Ginbot
January 05, 2015
………in Part I, I described how the aspirations of the Eritrean people have been dashed by PFDJ over the last 20 years and how the national service has ended up becoming a modern day slavery. I believe the Ethio-Eritrean border war, commented on by readers of Part I, has been used by PFDJ as an excuse, but as to who started it is beyond the theme of my article for now. In Part II, I continue to reflect on my own experience while inside Eritrea including the closure of the University of Asmara.
Part II
By the end of year 2000, an opportunity came along for an overseas study for undergraduate and graduate programs. It was rumored that the Eritrean authorities had to spend the money given to the nation by UNDP. Not sure of the accuracy of that rumor but they decided to send students to South Africa for undergraduate and postgraduate programs. I was among those who got that opportunity. But then, we were asked to produce a 150,000 Nakfa guarantee for return after completing the intended study program. This created shock-waves. “…after years in school and then the national service, and now 150,000 Nakfa!” Students who came back from the war front lines found out that their government, the PFDJ, did not trust them despite the determination they showed in protecting the country with their lives. The memory of colleagues including fresh graduates, who died in the war, was very vivid at the time. But PFDJ officials and the likes, including Dr Wolde-ab Issak, did not bother about the effect of their policies on student moral and nationalism.
The return-guarantee requirement was later dropped for undisclosed reasons but it did left scars in our minds and on our families’ relationships. I know family relationships that are broken to this day as some members were not willing to risk money or property to guarantee their next of kin’s return from South Africa. I know how difficult decision it was for anyone involved given the unpredictability of PFDJ policies within the country and abroad. Under PFDJ, this scenario is similar to that of someone abandoning the national service from his/her military post and then his/her family member being arrested for it.
Many students were indeed sent to South Africa for a scholarship which was a remote controlled program by PFDJ. They managed it like what they do with their high school program in Sawa. When we departed from Eritrea, we were told what to study and there was no proper orientation. Some of us ended up in colleges and universities that did not provide the type of study we were assigned to. Many students were made to wait idle for 6 month, doing nothing, until another university was identified. Some of us were forced to join study programs we were not interested in and this created unnecessary stress. The worst of these was when students were told to finish their program of study on the originally prescribed time without considering problems the students were facing. As a result of these, some students were forced to return to Eritrea before completing their study program: wastage of money and precious time.
Things went from bad to worse when Mr Gerahtu Tesfamicael was assigned Eritrean ambassador to South Africa. Instead of trying to solve problems, he created more confusion among students. Innocent-looking Mr Gerahtu made personal friends among students to spy on student loyalties (looking innocent and making friends is his special talent). He managed to suspend stipend of many students. Some students who applied for entry visas to travel to Europe or America were abducted from their residences and deported back to Eritrea. This is something that one would not expect but PFDJ are good in doing evil. They managed to corrupt South African security personnel for their evil activities. It was also worth noting the request made by Eritrean authorities to the South African academic institutions not to issue student certificates and diplomas on completion of the study programs. Although some of those institutions refused such a request, others did not and the certificates and diplomas were actually sent back to Eritrea. That means some students were forced to return under the arrangement described.
There were many PFDJ sponsored propaganda meetings held during my two years M.Sc. program in South Africa, one of which was with Isayas Afeworki, the Eritrean president in Durban in July 2002. I was one of the students who asked the president about the deteriorating situation in our home country, concerning the national service in particular. The president was in the country for other purpose and an arrangement was made for the students to meet him. In my humble question, referring to the social effects of the national service on parents and participant’s own families, I indicated that the program could be handled better. After explaining how the program was run, the president told us that each national service participant was paid 1300 Nakfa per month. It was a white lie.
We, the students in the Durban meeting, knew that the president’s response to my question was a deception and sarcasm as most of us were members of the national service program before we came to South Africa. That meeting was also the occasion when we were told not to come back home if we chose to do so as the government could hire expats from Asian countries. It was a very discouraging message and it was a clear indication that the authorities were not interested to build the capacity of the nation. Last week, 13 years after our Durban meeting, I heard the president make sarcastic pronouncements about the constitution that was drafted and approved by the people and then shelved away by him. He tried to act as if he understands the importance of a constitution better than anybody else. All these things show how irresponsible and blatant liars president Isayas and his PFDJ clique were then and are today when they communicate with the people.
I take this opportunity to pay my tribute to my fellow student, Hussein Mohammed, who put forward a question to the president at the Durban meeting, and died later tragically. He asked the president about his father’s arrest and disappearance. He was polite in stating the question. I am sure anyone of us would ask the same question at the time if our parent was taken away by security personnel and disappear. He just wanted to know if the president knew about it and when his father would be brought to court if he did anything wrong. The president’s response was hostile and threatening. Although Hussein’s death was in a car accident, he suffered tremendously as a result of what followed. His stipend was suspended and he couldn’t continue to finish his study program. As for me, by then I had already completed my master’s program and was planning to return to Eritrea. Despite all the challenges I had gone through and the fact that the Eritrean president showed up his ugly personality in the meeting described above, I was still blindly optimistic about my country and returned back. I thought I would contribute and make a difference in the lives of my countrymen especially the young.
I returned to the University of Asmara at the end of 2002 and started to work as a lecturer. By then, my friends whom I left in Asmara working as journalists including Mattewos Habteab, Medhanie Haile and Yusuf Mohamed Ali were already imprisoned (and their fate remains unknown to this date). These men were brilliant, young and motivated new graduates from the University of Asmara and, like many other innocent Eritreans, they were taken away from the society because they believed in freedom. It was also the aftermath of the mass arrest of the University students. After their release from Wia, the students were traumatized and were not in a proper mental status to learn. I found the students calm and non-responsive. Under ideal and western-world standards, they should have been de-briefed and rehabilitated first (I do not know which type of world PFDJ belongs to!). I do not wish these type of cruelty to the sons and daughters of PFDJ supports so that their parents would see what PFDJ stands for but these are facts of everyday live in PFDJ’s Eritrea today.
Like any other staff at the university, despite the obvious challenges, I continued to carry-on teaching. The university was already under threat of closure. Some Eritrean expats from the diaspora who used to work for the university had left. Dr. Welde-ab Issak, the then president of the university, did not return from an overseas trip in 2004. Following this, the academic administration and the non-academic management offices became rivals; one reporting to the office of the minister of education and the other to the president’s office; one giving promotion to academic staff and the other withdrawing it. None of them bothered of the threat of closure of the university, the future of the staff or the students. Money of us felt helpless and PFDJ managed to fully infiltrate the university at all levels.
I did not know where Dr. Wolde-Ab Isaac has been since he left the University of Asmara. But last year, I found out that he was working for a certain US college in California, and as I expected, as an acting president. This power hungry person always goes for administrative posts despite his qualification in science. I do not mean this is a taboo but from my experience, Dr Wolde-ab does not have administrative qualities. He would be better suited for a military general than an academician or administrator. He was an arrogant person who did not have any relationship with his staff or the students and was better known for intimidation of staff at the University and demobilization of government employees without compensation in other government institutions.
While at the University of Asmara, Dr Wolde-ab did not care about academic issues. I don’t remember him chairing a discussion on academic issues during the time I worked as a lecturer but only PFDJ sponsored functions. Every time someone approaches him with a question, he does his best in belittling the individual by going into side issue instead of addressing the concerns raised. No one denies that he is an excellent orator but he uses his talent only to intimidate others. When I spoke about him to people who knew him while he was at the Uppsala University in Sweden, their response was, “…well, what do you expect from Wolde-ab”, no surprise at all.
Back to my personal issues: in 2004, I was offered an opportunity to pursue a PhD program at the University of Cape Town where I obtained my master’s dedree before. But then the management at the University of Asmara refused to let me go. As we all know, the immigration office in Eritrea considers exit visa applications if accompanied by employer’s institutional letter of support. They use such kind of bureaucracy and tactics to legitimize their suppressive administration, and hence I could not get that letter. When I came back from South Africa at the end of 2002, I was called at the university’s management office to tell about my experience. I believe my honest communication at the time was taken out of context and above all, I was questioning the wisdom of the country’s president while in South Africa.
In 2006, after 4 years of working for the university, I was again refused permission to leave for a PhD scholarship. To make matters worse, the University was officially closed in September of that same year and the academic staff were told to report to the other colleges run by the military. We, the staff were required to sign a document to guarantee compliance with the working environment at the MaiNefhi College or at the other sister colleges. That signing included bringing a parent or a spouse to sign to guarantee compliance. It was a serious matter as we all knew the intension of the authorities. On top of all these non-academic and degrading procedures, the working environment became so bad and unbearable for the staff and the students who were brought there. It was under these circumstances that I was forced to leave my family and my country by taking a dangerous route into the Sudan.
……..Part III will follow
Peace and Prosperity to the Eritrean people!!
ahmado salihado January 5, 2015
Apparently, all dictators needed to dominate power in order to effectuate their visions. Although they had different agendas to implement, none of them destroyed any academic institution in their countries like diablos Isaias who destroyed the only accredited university in our Eritrea. He simply closed Asmara University for no reason other than hurting the society. The University (Asmaran) even survived the Haileselassie and the Mengustu regimes before diablos Isaias killed it. In so doing, Isaias stands alone as the only anti-education dictator the planet ever produced. No dictator ever tried to rule society through the power of ignorance the way diablos Isaias did. This is the Eritrean reality that people must face and resolve immediately without buts and ifs. We shall overcome and Isaias will soon be in a dust bin of history.
Mar January 5, 2015
What do you expect from arrogant colonel Woldeab with identity crises he is in Riverside California at Riverside city collage with all the money he stole. His secretary use to say even after he went to the bathroom he will ask her if the president call he was acting more than the so called president of Eritrea.
PS He is not Eritrean his mother is but his father is from Ethiopia maybe Gojam not sure.
Berhe Domenico January 6, 2015
It doesn’t matter whether his father was from Gojam or Gambia. Focus on the person’s destructive role at the University…for which he will be taken to task one day.
anedo January 6, 2015
In the coming free Eritrea Woldeab Issak & his cooperatives will get their punishments for supporting the dictator’s decision to take the univ students to Wiaa military training (52°c at that time)& died 2 students as a result. One of whom has 3 martyred brothers who gave their lives in the field of struggle.
AHMED SALEH !!! January 6, 2015
We Eritreans in general share the blame for our
silence toward injustices in support for self
appointed president . Corrupted individuals come
from all over to take advantage since we allowed
them to maneuver freely without resistance .
Issayas couldn’t maintain his agenda by himself
but with help of his associates . And it will stay that way until the oppressed woke up to
express their frustration to take necessary
action .
We in diaspora complain daily to stop nonsense
occurrences of our people inside the country but in reality the solution depends on those who
live in it .
Sol January 6, 2015
You are right Ahmed, When Pharaoh was asked why he became tyrant, he replied no one has stopped me. DIA was very successful on mobilizing people by exploiting ethno-religious sensitivities since early of the seventieth, and there were some that knew his evil intentions but were helping him to promote his deceptions.
ogbai January 6, 2015
To say the truth you don’t need University level to know the evil act of our dictator and his cronies. I tend to believe some thing went wrong with our people to support him for punishing our nation too badly to this level. Long time ago an old lady told me that she had supported him in the Ghedli time. But declined her support after independence. When I ASKED HER WHY. She said he is an evil man that he does not listen to his people evin his comrade. Even he slianed them led by thera ‘DEBTERA’ FROM SOME WHERE IN THE PLANT. MAY BE MANY PEOPLE DON’T BELIEVE IN SUCH THINGS. if SO WHAT ELSE COULD BE?
ambabi January 6, 2015
that bastard woldeab had made unthinkable damages on ppl of Eritrea in collaboration with Mahmud Sherifo( the illiterate individual). Behind all kind pain to our ppl however stands the big devil(the so called president Issayas). MOT N ISSAYAS KEYDENGOYE
Nebabay January 7, 2015
Many, including myself, want dictators starting from top ( the president) to bottom to go away from the face of the earth in general and Eritrea in particular. The million dollar questions, however, is: what would the future hold after the linchpin of all evils (Issayas) is take away? In other words, Who would fill the void. If we are not prepared to answer this question, we could all have a rude awakening when we see the nation go into chaos in which the ensuing mayhem claims hundred and hundreds of thousands of Eritreans.
Simon G. January 7, 2015
How is that a brilliant chemist turned to an ignorant isayas’s ass kisser? I am thinking of isayas knows something really bad of Dr. Woldeab Issak. Probably isayas keep remind the guy of that bad occasion. If that’s not the case, what coould be his problem?
wedi wedeba mushmush January 7, 2015
Aye beal Anisti, first of all weldeab is eritrean but not from regionalist Akele….he been defameted as usuall ….his effert to construct uoa was miracle. he built research institutions, opened d/t departments, he played a big role u dog to get higher opportunity in SA… I wish uoa is still there and dr. weldeab…..I challenge to every reader in reality, if isseyas afewerki
orders to demobilized university students, can dr. weldeab stop it? .. ..this dormant society still dont know where to point his finger……..I feel the writer is childish
Gstoop January 11, 2015
I agree with you totally. Did Wolde-Ab close the University.No!! He brought it to a higher nheights. He made the standard of the University produce world class students. As for the writer of this article, he misses a lot of facts and there are a lot of misguiding information to suite his story. Why does he not explain how the 150,000 was dropped. It was all Wolde-Ab who negotiated with the Tyrant and made sure that the students were sent abroad. Zeckarias you are a scientist, not historian, therefore you are bickering so much on the facts you don’t have.
By the way, tell the truth, were you the one who asked the president about the situation of the national service? You were not. I challenge you.
Gebela January 11, 2015
There is a lot of misinformation on ginbots article.
Gebela January 11, 2015
Zekarias ginbot, your article is full of errors and misinformation. To begin with you were not the one who asked the President the condition of national service. You never asked a question.
You are accusing Wolde-Ab of the 150,000 nakfa. Yet he was the one who convinced the president to lift it. You ran away on foot from Asmara via Sudan because you found out that you could not stand the atrocities that was taking place after Wolde-Ab left.
You are a scientist, why don’t you deal with scientific jobs, leave the history writing to the historians. Will find out your motive on why you are writing all the lies now. It is very dishonest confusing and indicates that you have a hidden agenda behind it.
Do a clean job, an honest job, and you will have peace of mind. You are relitevely young and try to live an honest life. If your plan is to join Hgdef you may continue the dishonest road.
Honesty and integrity is very important to the future Eritrea.
Berhe Domenico January 13, 2015
A simple question to those that are attacking the writer: why didn’t Woldeab resign in protest when more than 2,000 of Eritrea’s future were sent to hell (Wia). Why didn’t we hear a word from him about his university experience after he left Eritrea? What is he hiding?
If he sets foot in Post-PFDJ Eritrea, he will have to answer and pay his dues in the court of law.