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The Real Cause of Eritrea’s Socio-economic Decay under the PFDJ Regime: Debunking Issaias’ Charlatanistic Claims in His 2017 New Year Interview

Dr Gebre Gebremariam In his 2017 Yew Year Interview, Issaias Afeworki of Eritrea, like in his previous New Year Interviews, has tried to scapegoat all but himself for the current dismal socio-economic condition of Eritrea. Issaias

Dr Gebre Gebremariam

In his 2017 Yew Year Interview, Issaias Afeworki of Eritrea, like in his previous New Year Interviews, has tried to scapegoat all but himself for the current dismal socio-economic condition of Eritrea. Issaias is a malignant narcissistic leader and, as always, in this interview as well, he tried to lie to, take advantage of, and manipulate the Eritrean people to his advantage. His Maoist tendencies and his total and inflexible authoritarian behavior were also clear in the interview. In fact, Issaias lacks the traits of a good leader: caring for and empathizing with his followers; improving the standard of living of his people; and being morally upright and empowering his followers. The pretense of simplicity and blaming others for his ills and failures are, rather, the hallmarks of his persona. During the whole interview, he was criticizing, griping, and complaining about almost everything and almost everyone, near and afar. Hence, as usual, apart from giving new empty and false promises, he failed to take responsibility for the utter socio-economic decay of Eritrea under his rule. He is obsessed with “playing the victim card” and for him, the main culprit(s) is(are) always international conspirator(s). The truth is far from that, though. It is, rather, the inevitable result of the design and the work of a narcissist leader.

The socio-economic condition of Eritrea is so dire that even Issaias himself could not deny it. In fact, he has admitted that his regime has failed to provide not only basic public goods such as defense, law and order, property rights, public health (potable water and sewage disposal), macroeconomic stability, and protection of the destitute, but also  intermediate public functions such as transport and communications, adequate schools, hospitals, roads, harbors, rail infrastructure, sanitation facilities, electricity, irrigation facilities, pollution control, pension, family allowances, and health, life, and unemployment insurance. Consequently, such a vicious cycle of declining legitimacy, fiscal mismanagement, and the ever growing erosion of socio-economic condition as a result of decline in public services and denial of fundamental rights and freedoms are contributing to the country’s economic decay, political instability and “social anomie”. The culprit for all these is the PFDJ regime under the leadership of Issaias and here is the narration on what went wrong in Eritrea during the last two decades.

After the independence of Eritrea, Eritrean political leaders were expected to engage all sections of the Eritrean society in a national debate on nation building and state construction. At minimum, they were expected to create more efficient governance structure and resource allocation system that could guarantee individuals the right to economic freedom – to freely engage in exchange and contract. Instead, post-1997 PFDJ under the leadership of Issaias abandoned the process of proper constitution-making and state construction and primarily engaged in political opportunism that significantly increased its monopoly of political and economic power. What emerged from this process was a predatory state ruled by a ruthless predatory dictator. Consequently, post-independence Eritrea has been ruled by an extreme autocratic dictator that lacks any vision or commitment to promote long-run economic growth or sustainable development, or any provision of public goods. Issaias is famously known for his use of extreme brutality and exclusion as a means for punishing opponents and competitors. He tries to gain and stay in power through the application of ruthless coercion and repression at any cost. Over the years, he has accumulated a high degree of concentrated political power and tries to use it to control vital economic resources and power. Furthermore, instead of using this economic power for any socio-economic growth and development purposes, he uses it to buy loyalty of his supporters and followers through the use of a mixture of fear and reward.

These kinds of predatory behaviors of Issaias have effectively thwarted constitution making and the development of public institutions over the last 25 years in Eritrea. As we all remember, in his 2015 New Year interview, Issaias has finally declared that the 1997 constitution was dead before even being promulgated. What this means is that Issaias and his regime have been and want to continue to effectively deny the Eritrean people their rights to have a constitutional government, rule of law, and social and economic prosperity. In today Eritrea, there are no constitutional provisions to constrain state behavior and instead Issaias determines who has power and to what ends that power can be used. Hence, for more than two decades, Issaias presided over an extreme set of absolute and extractive political and economic institutions and has been running Eritrea as if it were his own private property. He hands over favors and seeks patronage and ruthlessly punishes for any lack of loyalty. There are no formal institutions that place restrictions on politicians’ actions and make them accountable to citizens. Instead, the regime pursues inefficient policies that transfer resources from the public to the ruling group. This small group controls and runs the state of Eritrea and uses its power to transfer and suck a large fraction of the Eritrean society’s resources for themselves. In effect, the relationship between the regime and the Eritrean people is not different from the relationship between a “predator” and its “prey”. As a predator cares less about the welfare of its prey, Issaias and his predatory regime care less about the Eritrean people.

Under the extractive economic institutions of the PFDJ regime, property rights are not clearly defined and properly secured, system of laws are biased, and the provision of public services are nonexistent. In particular, the basic economic resources, such as land, labor, capital and natural resources, and all economic enterprises of any significance, are mainly under the control of PFDJ or the military in Eritrea, with Hdri Trust Fund controlling all state enterprises. The vast PFDJ-run enterprises, such as construction companies, financial enterprises (insurance, banks, foreign exchange bureaus, smuggling networks, etc.), and trading firms, such as Read Sea Trading Company, are mainly dependent on “forced labor”- national service recruits. It should be noted here that the regime is using state structures and regulatory power to continue to monopolize the allocation of resources and to redistribute income and wealth in its favor. In the process, it continues to marginalize and impoverish the majority of Eritreans.  Extractive economic institutions thus naturally accompany extractive political institutions and there is a strong synergy between the two. Furthermore, this synergetic relationship introduces a strong negative feedback loop: political institutions enable the PFDJ elites who control political power to choose economic institutions with few constraints or opposing forces. They also enable PFDJ elites to structure future political institutions and their evolution. Issaias’ recent claim that he has mandated a secret committee to draft a “new constitution” is in line with these kinds of efforts. Now again, in his 2017 New Year Interview, Issaias has told the Eritrean people that he does not call that document a “constitution”, but rather just a simple document that specifies the structure of his mono-party dynasty. Extractive economic institutions, in turn, enrich PFDJ elites, and their economic power and wealth help them consolidate their political power and dominance. Eritrea has suffered heavily under this kind of “vicious cycle” for more than two decades.

It is worth noting that the absence of both a coherent meritocratic bureaucracy and rule-governed behavior throughout the state apparatus has led to an endemic incidence of bureaucratic corruption, rent-seeking and rampant embezzlement of the public wealth. Senior positions in both the military and civil service are not rewarded to individuals who have the abilities and the skills to efficiently perform their duties but rather as political rewards. This has not only discouraged innovation and productivity in the economy but has also resulted in a publicized resource allocation system. In such a system, returns to factors of production are not determined by the marginal productivity of the resource but by the rent-seeking behavior of the resource owner. In addition, the marginal tax rate in Eritrea has remained at 83.7% of commercial profit which is extremely high and costly for businesses. These, in turn, result in severe distortion of economic incentives and subsequently fewer resources are devoted to the production of goods and services. The excessive exodus of Eritrean private business enterprises to foreign countries (mainly in Africa) in recent years is one expression of this dynamics. The mass exit of businesses in turn has resulted in significantly lower public revenue as a consequence of the sustained erosion of the tax base. Moreover, when businesses leave Eritrea, they take with them critically important factors for sustainable economic growth and development such as physical capital, human capital and entrepreneurial skills, which are already in short supply. Hence, Issaias’ claim that there is a good business environment that attract investment spending (both foreign and domestic) in Eritrea is utterly not true.

Contrary to what Issaias wants to claim, the regime resorts to extensive unproductive activities characterized by sophisticated contraband and smuggling networks to extract resource to advance its wealth and power. These smuggling networks are not limited to smuggling in and out of Eritrea goods (both civilian and military) but also smuggling out people (young and old, men and women) from Eritrea to neighboring countries as well as participating, as main actors, in the international human trafficking networks.  The money exhorted from the victims of the unholy and criminal activities fills the coffers of the Eritrean regime.  The regime also collects a large amount of money (for instance, more than $2 billion ( from dubious mineral extraction activities (both royalties and concession fees) and in the absence of transparency, accountability, constitutional constraint and external audit it is unclear how all these monies is being used. What is clear is that mineral resources are readily plundered and the resulting resource rents are used to finance the security apparatus of the predatory regime and to provide the substance upon which the Issaias’ patronage system is based. Moreover, resource rents are known causes of corrupt state institutions, poor economic growth and governance, budgetary mismanagement and other related factors, a phenomenon commonly described as “resource curse” in the economic development literature. The mineral riches of Eritrean could in fact prolong the life of the predatory regime.

The public extraction of resource by the predatory Eritrean regime is not limited only to its subjects in side Eritrea. The Eritrean Diaspora has also been institutionalized as funding source to the regime. Subsequently, the regime has been extracting sizable sums of financial resources from Eritreans living outside the country through different means. These include, but not limited to, contributions made to Funds such as Martyrs’ Trust Fund, organizing fundraising cultural events and festivals, selling land and houses to Eritreans living abroad in hard currency, and a citizen-based Diaspora tax which stands at 2 percent of annual income, irrespective of whether the income is derived from work or social welfare benefit.  The Diaspora tax is levied on all Eritreans abroad and it is a regressive income tax that does not allow for income exemptions and tax credit. Eritreans who pay the Diaspora tax are taxed twice (by their host countries and by the Eritrean state) and Eritrea is the only country in the world that has a “citizen-based” tax system of this nature. This has become a big burden to the Eritrean Diaspora community. Yet, noncompliance is not an option for many people because unless they pay the 2 percent Diaspora tax they cannot get, for instance, important government services such as obtaining birth and marriage certificates, getting exit visa for elderly parents and relatives, and most importantly obtaining extensions of passports for those who live in countries that require valid passports to get living and work permits.  Hundred thousands of Eritrean expatriates, particularly those in Middle East, are affected by the valid passports requirement. Hence, the regime is able to prey essentially on a “captured Diaspora”.

Besides, the regime uses “war making” as a means of extracting resources from the Eritrean public including the Diaspora. The regime have been using the fear of foreign domination, invasion, or conquest posed by an external rival, particularly by Ethiopia (the border conflict is a case in point), to racket up its extractive efforts from the Eritrea people. By increasing the political tolerance of Eritreans for sacrifices and the public’s perception of acceptable levels of tax burden, including forced labor, the border war followed by the “no peace no war” situation has given the regime the opportunity to continue preying on the Eritrean people. In the name of waging the war against the external enemy (Ethiopia), the regime has been enacting and enforcing policies, rules and regulations requiring contributions from the Eritrean people. These contributions include, but not limited to, monetary contributions, purchase of state bonds by the Diaspora, and contributions in kind such as forced labor (the indefinite national service where the recruits end up working for PFDJ or military owned enterprises for almost no pay) and the armed urban and rural elderly who are required to give local and national security services for no or meager pay. Subjected to “a control freak” of the predatory regime, the Eritrean society is highly militarized and regimented. Now again, Issaias is telling us that he has compartmentalized Eritrea and the Eritrean society into four control zones under the auspice of the PFDJ elites and military generals.

In these and other unproductive ways, a significant amount of otherwise investable resources tend to be extracted by the predatory regime and little is returned to the Eritrean people by way of investment in public goods and job creation. This process, in turn, perpetuates underdevelopment and endemic poverty in Eritrea. Very high inflation rate combined with no or low salaries of the civil servant and the lower-echelon military personnel have been rendering life unbearable for an extended period of time in Eritrea. The majority of Eritreans could not meet their basic subsistence needs (food, clothing, and shelter) with their monthly earnings. As it is well known, a significant section of Eritrean families who reside in Eritrea depend on the income help they receive from the Eritrean Diaspora. Even with that, data from World Bank shows that about two-third of the Eritrean population is living below the poverty line in today’s Eritrea. The truth of the matter is that the Eritrean economy is made unable to generate the resources needed to confront pervasive poverty and deprivation by the high rates of corruption and rent-seeking activities of a predatory regime, a regime inherently very hostile to entrepreneurship and the private sector.

In a nut shell, the Eritrean state is politically, institutionally, and economically degraded and transforming it into a democratic developmental state will be a major challenge. Contrary to Issaias’s charlatanistic claims, Eritrea’s underdevelopment is primarily the result of the absence of institutional arrangement that could effectively constrain the state from engaging in political predation; promote and enhance Eritrean indigenous entrepreneurship and private wealth creation; and encourage all Eritreans to participate fully and effectively in nation building. Hence, the transition period should start with the reconstruction of the Eritrean state through proper constitution making to provide governance and resource allocation system that constrain political predation; guarantee economic freedom; and establish secure property rights that could provide an incentive system for entrepreneurs to create jobs, income and wealth. Since such a constitution can only be constructed from a process in which no one entity, person or group dominates and controls the deliberations, the current PFDJ controlled approach to constitution making should first be dismantled. Hence, the first order of business for all Eritreans must be effecting political change by dismantling the current governance arrangements of the predatory rule.

Review overview
  • hidat February 2, 2017


    • alem February 4, 2017

      He is 78. U do not know ur husbands age. What is wrong with u.

    • Asmara Eritrea February 5, 2017

      May this be his last birthday!

      Eritrea can then be ruled by an Eritrean even if he/she eventually turns out to be a dictator (at least he/she will be our own dictator). No Eritrean but No Eritrean would torture our people in the way this beast has done and continues to do.

      It is high time Eritrea is ruled by an Eritrean!

  • alem February 2, 2017

    This man is not ordinary criminal leader like others. He hates eritreans like nothing else and is not leaving any stone unturned to do the maximum damage and destruction to the people and country. Unfortunately we are letting him do that by not taking drastic action against him and his family. He is destroying our family and yet we allow him to use our resourse to destroy our family and life.

    • Haile stupid Drue February 2, 2017

      ጽቡቅ ገበረ ዋላ ንወዱ አብራሀም ስልጣን፡እንተ ዘውርሶ ጽቡቅ ነሩ

    • Joshuwa February 3, 2017

      You sound like a sahsah aslamay agame and get lost to where ever that you belong or come from in the first place. Why are you on our Eritrean websites?

      • AHMED SALEH !!! February 3, 2017

        “sahasah aslamay Agame , sahsah Arab , sahsah …………………. have been familiar
        words used by our NEFAHITO nicknames .
        Funny try to pursue the interest of Eritrean more than the Eritrean himself.
        So far you insulted majority forum participants one by one but nobody want
        go down to your level .

        • Daniel February 3, 2017

          Do you want to be insulted then aregit mushmush kelbi Arab WHORE/PIMP? Don’t you feel insulted your super rootless immigrant moslem cousin Arab dog is so ashamed of his vicious cancerous Islam/muslim names that he is using our beautiful/peaceful Christian names? Your savage evil Arab dog’s slave name should also be changed to aslamay adi yeblu awdi yeblu lemani goHaf mushmush teKhoradi asshole.
          May your negis evil monster beast allah mohammed burn and rot you in vicious moslem hell where you truly belong filthy moslem scumbag. Fucking moslem asshole beggar/lemani your days in Eritrea are numbered and you rootless illegal moslem Arab dogs will be the next Tutsi of Eritrea slaughtered like savage moslem Arab dogs.

          • AHMED SALEH February 4, 2017

            I think your mouth is full of hatred , bitterness and curses and
            your restless evil attempts failed to stir up anger toward forum
            participants . Your corrupted comments reveals the character of wicked heart which we despite and detest .
            Your parents taught you not to give place for DEVIL unless lies
            pride and curses captured your soul late at old age .

          • Eritreawit February 8, 2017

            Eritrean will never say those nasty words your spewing,. get out of our forum, get lost please. Sidi.

        • stefanos temolso February 6, 2017

          Ahmed Saleh, these people are forgotten elements that support the regime. So, what do you expect from them except sheet. these are like their leader outcasts and hooligans. They cant write anything positive that benefits their people except praising the stupid, evil dictator. So, jusr forget them.

        • stefanos temolso February 6, 2017

          Ahmed Saleh, these people are forgotten elements that support the regime. So, what do you expect from them except shit. these are like their leader outcasts and hooligans. They cant write anything positive that benefits their people except praising the stupid, evil dictator. So, jusr forget them.

      • alem February 3, 2017

        What are u upto joshua seraki, nefahito. U insulted aslamay, agame, iseyas, and tried to support unity with ethiopia. What a confusion. Alama yeblkan tim elka blash eka. Iseyas wedi adika kemzikonen kamtefkron tirtir yebleyn. Fandya eka. Nalama zelewom kuburat metenkibrka ketekbrom aytixiar. Tewelde, ahmed salih, andom, etc are not going to answer to u cheap nonsense person.

        • AHMED SALEH February 4, 2017

          Thanks Alem to identify our NEFAHITTO that change skin colors . I keep
          telling him we Eritreans resemble with the way we talk regardless our
          political differences . That is why we don’t use harsh words against our entire people because we belong to them regardless stupid politics .
          HGDF authority found a helping hand to disrupt our political movement
          for democratic reform , justice and peace . We bear witness of DEMHIT
          preferred treatment when Issaias invited them to meddle in internal
          social affairs .
          As long as we live in line with truth and recognize that the good and the
          light are weapons to conquer the evil and the darkness , make sure you made worth believing right choice that enlighten your spirit .
          We learned to focus our energies on answers on issues that need our
          attention . A quarrelsome person can not enjoy good relationship with
          anyone around his circle because bitterness caused him to fell pain ,

      • Berhane February 5, 2017

        : You lack absolute decency and knowledge to share any meaningful idea. Instead you chose diatribe and nonsensical insults.
        . I am sure the lack of who you are hence disrespect of your identity is a reflection of condescending others( Agame, Sahsah what is that?)..
        This site is not for individuals like you. Go to artificial supporters for business and vacationing.such as Meskerem and Madote or Turfsite(tesfa).
        As many others, I am ashamed of you and plead to forgive for those that feel uncomfortable in case.otherwise should ignore as losers…

      • Joshua February 5, 2017

        : You lack absolute decency and knowledge to share any meaningful idea. Instead you chose diatribe and nonsensical insults.
        . I am sure the lack of who you are hence disrespect of your identity is a reflection of condescending others( Agame, Sahsah what is that?)..
        This site is not for individuals like you. Go to artificial supporters for business and vacationing.such as Meskerem and Madote or Turfsite(tesfa).
        As many others, I am ashamed of you and plead to forgive for those that feel uncomfortable in case.otherwise should ignore as losers…

  • Mekonen February 3, 2017

    How do I feel when I am on a bus ride with an insane driver!!!???
    Now a days the insanity is getting Severe, and his word are shooting each other a conformation of his mental deterioration!!!,,; where in the world will they be hiding??? .

    “ወዲ መድህን በራድ” ሎሚሲ መሊኡ ተፀሊሉ!

    1. ንነብሱ ኤርትራ ገንፂሉ ደቡብ ሱዳን ካብ ሱዳን ክትግንፀል አይነበራን በለ!
    2. ንነብሱ ኤርትራ ገንፂሉ አብ ኢትዮጵያ ሕገ-መንግሥቲ አንቀጽ 39 አያድልን ኢለ በለ!
    3. “ማፍያ” ውድቡ ካብ ኢትዮጵያ ክሰርቆ ዝሀቀኖ ምዕንታን በቢ ክልላት ተፍትሽ ከይበዝሆ ፍዴራል ሥርኣት ንኢትዮጵያ አያድልያን ኢለ በለ!፤ ዛጊድኮ ብስርቂ ኣብ 1997 ፈረንጂ፣ ኤርትራ ብዓለም ሰደድ ቡና 7ይቲ ደረጃ አስሪኡዋ’ዩ፡፡ እናሀደረ በቢ ክልሉ ተፍትሽ ስለዝበዝሀ ንሌባ ስለዘይምቹ ብልሂ ኮይኑስያ ካታልል ማለትዩ!
    “ፀማማት” በለ ወዲ ዜናዊ! ካብ ጌግኡ ኣይማሀር፣ ተጋጊየ ኣይወፆ፤ ን 3-ሚልየን ሕዝቢ ካማሀድር ዘይካኣለ፣ ንሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ፋህ ብትን ዛእተወ’ሲ፣ ናይ ዓለም ሊቅ ፈሊጥ’የ ኢሉ ንሕዝቢ እንካጽምሞ እንታይ ይባሀል? እዚ መወዳእታ ዘያብሉ ደንቆርቆርን ኣጀውጀውን ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ እንታይ ወረዶ? እዚ ሽፍታ’ሲ ቃታ ሂዙምበር፣ ኤርትራስ ካብ ኤስያስ ዝከፍአ ኣሻ አሎ!? ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ንኣካ ዝሀበካሲ ንፀላኢካውን ኣያሀቦ! ኣምላክ ምህረት ያውርደልካ! ኣብ ምንጋጋ ጭራቅ ስለዛለካ፣ ብማእዶ ዛለናውን ካብ ልቢ ሀዚና፡፡
    ሙዚቃ “እንክርዳድ! እንክርዳድ! የተንከረደደ፣ ደህና መስሎ ገብቶ ስንቱን ኣሳበደ!

    • Joshuwa February 3, 2017

      Dear brother Mekonen
      You’ve said it all brilliantly and please continue your positive contribution.
      What a beautiful and precise Amharic quote that you quoted timely:
      “Yetenkeredede dehina meslo gebto sintun asabede”, indeed, indeed.
      The saddest of all is that many are still worshipping “wedi Medhin berad” like the almighty God. Sooner than later God has to forgive the people of Eritrea.

  • Godaif February 3, 2017

    The facts on the ground indicate that “The Real Cause of Eritrea’s Socio-economic Decay …” started long ago when we hated out own identity, languages and history bu burning our own and borrowing a cheap identity across the Red Sea. How many know that Jebha leaders committed linguistic suicide?

  • Mehari February 4, 2017

    “ነፃነት ዶ ባርነት!” ሬፍረንዶም 1993!!!
    እዛ “ነፃነት!” ትብል ቃል ብጣዕሚ ሳሃቢትን ምቅርት ኩሉ ሰብ ዝምነያ’ያ፡፡ ይኩንበር- ወዲ መድህን በራድ ክጥቀመላ’በር ንክትግብራ ህቅን ኣይነበሮን፣ንሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ንምትላል ምርጽቲ ቃል ምኳና’ዩ አረጋጊፁ፡፡ ብድህሪኣ’ውን “ሕዝባዊ ግንባር ንፍትሂን ዲሞክራሲን(PFDJ)!”??? ፍትሂን ዲሞክራሲን ኩሉ ሰብ ዝደልዮን፣ መሠረት ዘመናዊ ምህደራን’ዩ፡፡ እንተኮነ ግን፣ ወዲ መድህን በራድ ከምታ “ነፃነት ዶ!?” ንክጠቀመላ’በር ናይ ነፃነት፣ ፍትሂን ዲሞክራሲን ኣሰር እምነት ያብሉን፡፡ እቱ እከያ ወዲ መድህን በራድ እዙይ ጥራህ ግን ኣይነበረን፡፡ ኣብ እዋን ቃልሲ አዕራብ ንምጥቃም መራሂ ሕዝባዊ ግንባር ተከታሊ እስልምና ንሱ ካልኣይ ኮይኑ’ዩ ተጓኢዙ፡፡ ኣብ ምቅርራብ ውድቀት ደርጊ፣ ነቱ ከመራሂ ነዊህ ዝተጠቀመሉ ገሊፉ እታ መሪህነት ጨበጠ፡፡ ኣብ ጉእዞ ቃልሲ’ውን ብሉጽ ሥራህቲ ኣባለት ናይ ነብሱ ምህዞ እናምሰለ ተጠቂሙሉ’ዩ፡፡ ወደ መድህን በራድ ንሜዳ ዝወፀ በዐመሉን ንዐመሉን’በር ንነፃነት ህዝቢ ኤርትራ አይነበረን፡፡ ካብ ቁልእነቱ ካበ ፈለማይን ካልአይን ብርኪ ተምህርቱ ጀሚሩ ብዘይካ ባእሲን ለከፍከፍን ስንኪሳርን ብካሊእ አይፍለጥን፡፡ ሀደ ዝረከብክዎ ብመንግስቱን ብወዲመድህንን ገፁ ዝተፀፈአ ዜጋ ቢሂዎት እንተሀሊዩ ብዝበለፀ ይግለፆ፡፡ ኢሰያስ ከም እሸል ወዲ ተባእታይ ብታህዲድ ዝኣምን፣ ከመ ጎርዞ ጓል አነስተይቲ ብስገኡ(ምስሉ) ዝአምን’ዩ፡፡ እንትከፍኦ ዝስዎር፣ እነቲምችዎ ክኣ ወዛህዛህ ዛብዝህ፣ መጨበጢ ዘያብሉ ነዊህ ዝተጉአዘ ሀደገኛ ሴጣን’ዩ፡፡
    እዛ ወዛህዛህ፣ ኮደብደብ፣ታህዲድን ቀለትን ኣብ ወራር ባድመ ሰማይ ዐረገት! ፣ኣብ ዑደት ድፍዓታት ምክልካል ኤርትራ ግንባር ባድመ፣ ኢዱ አብ ጅብኡ ኣእት’ዩ ምስታህዲድ ከም ዐመሉ ወዛህዛ በለ!፣ ምእንተ ዐመሉ ንመንእሰይ ኤርትራ ናይ ሞት ድግስ ደገሰሉ፡፡ እታ ዝፃሀራ ክብሪት ተባሪኣ ሀዊ ንአስመራ ገፃ ምስላሀኮት፣ እዙ ጃጃዊ!!! ነብሱ ንምድሀን ንመራሂ ውድብ ሁቡራት ሀገራት ኮፊ አናን፣ ኣብ ኩውታ ድቃስ እንተይተረፈ ብጠፋእኩ ብጽሀለይ! ሠላሙ ዘረጋ፡፡ ብአሜሪካ፣ ብርዋንዳ፣ብአፍሪቃ ሕብረት፣ ብዩናይትድ ኔሽን ተለሚኑ “ጠንጠነለይ!!!” ዝበለ፣ ንመራህቲ አፍረቃ “ገፈጥ መፈጥ!” ኢሉ ዛናሸወ፣ ብናይ ወየንቲ ዱላ ተዘቢጡ አይኮነን ባድመ፣ ርብኢ ትርቢኢት ግዝአተ ሀገረ ኤርትራ- ካብ ተሰነይ ክሳብ ኣሰብ፣ ውንዝር ኢሉ ንከይረገፃ ፈረመ፡፡ንናይ ወፃእ ሀይሊ አረኪቡ፣ ንሱ ንየው ሪሂቁ አብከባቢ አስመራኡ ተኣልዩን ተሸቁሪሩን ነብሱ አትረፋ፡፡ ናይ ኢሰያስ ፍረ ዘያብሉ ታህዲድ ሂወት ብዙሀት መናእሰይ ቀዘፈት፡፡ እቱ ኩሉ ፀረ ነፈርቲ ሚሳይላት አብ አስመራ ወዲሩ፣ ወይን ጢሂሳ አትያ ወታደራዊ መእርፎ ነፈርቲ አስመራ መቆፃፀሪ “ራዳር ታወር” ብሚግ-23 ምስ አህረረታ፣ ወደ መድህን በራድ ምስ እተሀብአላ ጎጆው ከይሀርር ጃጂው! ስለኤርትራ ዘይኮነ ስለሂዎቱ ተጨነቀ፡፡ ዎ ናይ ሀሶት ጀግንነት! በኒና ጠፈአት መሬት አፋ ከፊታ እነተቲውህጦ አይፀልአን!!!፡፡ወይን ዝኮነ ሲቪላዊ መእርፎ ነፈርቲ ይኩን ካለኦት ሲቪላዊ ቁዋማት አየተንከፈን፡፡ በከበሮያ እንተበልዋሲ! ብህንብጣ! ከምዝብልዎ ወዲ መድህን በራድ ሀፊሩ ንዘላዓለሙ ደጋአፌቱ አጽዩ ኣብ ኣዲ ሀሎን አስመራን ተሀብአ፡፡ አምሃሩ፣ “እዩኝ! እዩኝ! ያለ ደብቁኝ! ደብቁኝ! ይላል ኮነ”፡፡ ድህሪ ዱላ ወያነ፣ ዐመለኛ አመሉ አይገድፍንሞ ሙሉእ ጽሊእቱን ኣእናዊ ውዲቱን ናብ ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ አዞሮ፡፡ ወሊዱ ከይሳስን ብ30-ዓመታት ጦርነት፣ ድህሪ ነፃነት ከይጥጥእ በውትድርና ሳዋን፣ ብስደትን ፋህ ብትን ኣእትዩ፣ ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ከምንቡር ወሊዱ ከቢዱ ደቁ ደቂ ደቁ ከይስእም ኤርትራ ንስደት “መውፀኢ ሳእኒ ሲእኑ ዝተረፈ ያእክላዩ!!! ኢሉ ብምንቁሻሽ ከም ደቂ ዛግራ ፋህ ብትና ኣእትይላ፡፡ ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ተጠሊሙ ተታሊሉ፣ ዛእበዮ ድሙ ተመን ሂዝሉዩ መጽዩ፡፡ ኣብ “93 ነፃነት!” ዝተብሀለት “ባርነት!” ዲሞክራሲን ፍትሂን! ዝተብሀለ አረሜናዊነትን ግፍኢን’ዩ ነጊሱ:: ኤርትራ ሕዝባ ንተራእዩ ዘይፈልጥ ፀገምን ቅልውላውን ተሳጢሁ፣ሸጣናዊ መንፈስ ዝሰረሮ ሽንተ ርግማን፣ ዝቅየር ኣይኮነነን! ክቅየር ኣይኮነን፡፡ ወዲ መድህን እንክፍጠር ንሠላም ዘይኮነ ንጎይቂ፣ንምዝራግ፣ ንምስራህ ዘይኮነ ንምፍራስ ዝተፈጠረ፣ የማን ገዲፉ ፀፀጋሙ ዝከይድ ጠንቂን ሀደጋ ሕዝቢን’ዩ፡፡ ዝምራህ በኣመሉ ዝነብር ንኣመሉ!!!፡፡,, ንነብሶምን ስድራኦምን ኣብ አሜሪካን አውሮፓን ሠላሞም ኣውሂሶም፣ ብማስቃን ቁስሊን ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ይፃወቱን፣ ንግፍአኛ ወዲ መድህን ሥላጣን ከይሀልከቱ ይሰርሁ ምህላዎም ሕዝቢ ኤርትራ ኣገብ ክብሎም ይግባእ!
    ንመንፈሰ ሰይጣን ኢስያስ ዝነቅል መብረቅ ሀጋይ ያውርደልና! አሜን!!!

  • Berhane February 4, 2017

    It is well documented and it is common knowledge but absolute understood by almost all Eritreans that, Isias Afeworki hates Eritreans. including those who use them to protect him,
    The interview from the start to finish was well memorised.ready made answers to already prepared questions.. ..
    None of the interviewer would dare to look into his eyes nor would contradict or challenge to his fallacious responses..It was an interview made in only in Eritrea.. It could only satisfy himself, for others it is a ploy and prankster. .
    What was depressing was the interviewers, already terrorised making every efforts to abate and calm his anger in case. They have to treat him as spoiled child grimacing and gesturing with a smile for his approval as he looked back at them seriously with a threatening look..
    I gave up to continue his interview when he referred to those who gave aid to the fleeing victims as insane.. I lost it for two reasons.
    The self nominated president is incarnation of insanity however it slipped from his tongue shamelessly.. The second reason was that if he consider himself sane then God forbid should he stay in power longer, he has more in store for our annihilation as a society in all its aspects.
    what a big curse the nation had inherited became clear when he gunned the already decapitated war veteran and heroes to their grave despite his power of their sacrifices.. .
    While he still kept doing it to this day by incarcerating many handicap veterans and heroes besides dabbling literally every young Eritreans into his malignant dungeons is clear dislike of himself and hence Eritreans as people and nation..
    Despite the above, we failed to stand up and let him go to hell where he belongs and hence free the oppressed mass from years of suffering and death, The longer time, the price will even go higher unfortunately.
    I am surprised that Meskerem would allow to be read in his website. If so, it is a big progress. . ……

  • gasha February 4, 2017

    I’ve been told by many Eritreans that assana is agames’ website, I didn’t believe them or doubt it until I read the agames comments in here who are sleepless to disrupt the Eritrean harmony,
    You qomalat agames your days are numbered, sooner you will meet ur sahsah meles in hell. Viva Eritrea viva Oromo viva Amara DEATH to agames.

    • Godaif February 7, 2017

      gasha wrote, “You qomalat agames your days are numbered ….”
      At least the Agames are not burning and hating their own languages to become fake Arabs or their slaves. Who is selling his kidney? who has become the Arab’s slaves?

  • Kulu Zeyajbo February 5, 2017

    I am a Christian. But to say someone sahsah aslamay is an insult on Christians as well. This is UN Eritrean. This words can come only from ardent enemies of Eritrea and its people. Is the politics which ASSENNA would like to advance. Shame on you and contributors to ASSENNA.

  • Yihdego February 5, 2017

    The Habesh people which worshipers of Christian and Islam have lived together, respecting each other for more than a thousand years. This is unique with us the Habesha. These of you who are using one’s faith to provoke the other really must be in the same cult group as Issayas–“a blind hater!” with flawed and an intangible fanatic belief. I’m saying to you that I’m from a christian and with strong and long chain priest family background. I have grown with befriended with Christian and Moslem and we did not have any problem. I have have encounter Bien_Amir once and they were So kind and helpful throughout. During the previous regime I have been to Sudan and lived in Sudan.though less than a year and They were so kind and God fearing people, and offered me help unconditionally. So any one of you who are out their insulting people using faith as a religion are really cursed people. If you are principled person, we have extremist entities, like Al-shebab, Bako-Haram, Shaebya at whom you could unleash your venom. Christianity is only about 2000 years on this earth, and Islam is about 1400 years on this earth, we have lived as brothers before either religion appeared to our World, and we can continue to do So forever. We share the same Gen, and most of all we Are all humans, and we need to love and help each others. So stop dishonoring any religion, because there is no bad religion!!!

    • WediHagher February 6, 2017

      Brother Yihdego

      Many of the so-called Tesfazion’ followers (an Ethiopian born in Eritrea) are actually Ethiopians with similar social background as their ring leader.
      Many of them are believed to be Ethiopians who were born in Eritrea and to whom the EPLF regime had granted Eritrean nationality cards, because either their fathers had abandoned them or because they were born to Eritrean mothers, and the government thought she can give her son/daughter an identity. But the sad part is that many of them did not feel they are Eritreans, despite holding Eritrean id cards and being part and parcel of the social fabric.

      It’s not that they have any particular hate towards Muslims, but their propaganda strategy is crafted in a way that by hitting where they think can help trigger a religious motivated civil war, they can cause bloodshed that may be they think is in the interest of Greater Tigray that needs a sea outlet in case things go bad with Amhara and Oromo.

      They won’t succeed where their kings failed. Besides, the hate messages have already alerted Ethiopian Muslims, so sooner or later it will be an Ethiopian problem too.

  • Mez February 5, 2017

    A question to the Web master: is there a website where I can find the verbatim English translation of all President Isaiyas interviews please.

    I am a researcher and I don’t speak Tigrina.
