The “President” & his Interviews with ERI.TV in February 2014
The 'President' & his Interviews with ERI.TV in February 2014 --------------------------------------------------------------------- Here is an old song by Paul Austin Kelly and Richard Durrant. What shall we do with a drunken sailor, What shall we do with a drunken sailor, What

The ‘President’ & his Interviews with ERI.TV in February 2014
Here is an old song by Paul Austin Kelly and Richard Durrant.
What shall we do with a drunken sailor,
What shall we do with a drunken sailor,
What shall we do with a drunken sailor,
Early in the morning?
Put/chuck him in the long boat till he’s sober.
Put him in the long-boat and make him bail her
What shall we do with a drunken soldier?
Put/lock him in the guard room ’til he gets sober
Put him in the scuppers with a hose-pipe on him.
Pull out the plug and wet him all over…………..
What shall we do with the drunken President (Tifanos)?
I guess “Put/chuck him in the long boat till he’s sober.”,
was the best recommendation, but that it has been tried and failed to materialize.
Massawa: 1962-1974
Way back in the 60ties a bunch of US Marines were the most happy sailors in Massawa. The TTU club in the Tiwalot area, was loud and noisy from the 60ties POP Music.The Sam Cook,The Supremes,Elvis Presley and Young Hippies just bloosoming in WoodStock, like Carlos Santana & Jimmy Hendrix….with guitar music………were the most famous pop artists to listen to, just when you cross the bridge adjuscent to the US Marine Club in Massawa.
There were also those Speed boats or moto-Scafs as they were called by the locals, speeding along the inner bay infront of the Club. As usual it was strictly for the Marines and the stewards who served them in the Club.
Drinks were served on the terraces of the Building of the Club.White & kaki uniformed Sailors and Officers were winning & dinning at any time of the day.In the evening the Bars in downtown Massawa, were full with US Marines and few MP(..military police) in uniform were checking if there was a misbehaving sailor around.
Fenkil Celebration in Massawa 7-9 feb 2014:
Remmembering the days, how the drunken US Marines were behaving in the 60ties & 70ties, then 50 years back we have this President; who acts like a drunken Sailor, giving an Interview for his PFDJ Audiences broadcasted by Eri TV from Sigalet Ketan (the longest bridge in Massawa is Sigalet Ketan..There are more bridges adjoining the Islands that form the city). He has been telling them that nothing has been acomplished so far.When asked on the issues of basic commodities,electricty,water and the grain harvest in 2013 he simply said there is nothing accomplished at all.He was asked on several Issues like The Youth leaving the Training Camps and escaping from the Military Service..he gave a lot of contradictory answers…Several Media outlets were making fun of his interview and his last ditch to survive by misinforming the Eritrean people at any cost.He slundered those who opposed his regime by escaping his tyranny by calling Thiefs (sereqti). He forgot that he himself has stolen thousands of youth lives in Eritrea.
The UNHCR has registered more than 300,000 Eritreans refugees in neighboring countries, with thousands fleeing every month, often under very dangerous conditions. Eritrea has been subjected to a litany of accusations of gross violations of human rights… (That are mainly motivated by sinister political agendas).
Jerusalem Post
by Ariel Ben Solomon 02/13/2014 wrote……..Eritrean president said his Compatriots in Israel living in “Concentration Camps”
“Eritrean President Isaias Afewerki recently had harsh words for how Israel treats his countrymen in the country illegally.
“When you consider the life of those in camps, concentration camps, of Israel you can’t even say there is anything worse or more horrific than that,” Afewerki said last weekend in an interview on state television, according to a translation by the blog Dissident Diaries, run by an Eritrean expatriate.”end quote.Afewerki said that “even [in] other cities, European cities, you can’t say [Eritreans] are having any life that has much meaning.”
He went on to say his country has not lost anything due to citizens leaving the country, but he asked for them to return.
“Think in terms of where you’ll be in five or six years’ time. The things you are losing today,” he said………….It is as usual his… GiGS,GiMiCkS and DIRTY OTHERS
His Current position:
He has played all his cards and no more to convience his listners at this moment of his reign.He remains isolated from public meetings, and few visits outside Eritrea.
He has been telling things which he denied in his earlier interviews and those promises he made earlier were not met with,they were this time redundant, because he has nothing to offer to the Eritrean people after all.
The sufferings of old and young are no more secrets and he knows it too well and nothing can help the peole whom he had been milsleading with falls promises, they also know that such already bankrupt government and a liar President can offer them nothing at all.
The World Community criticized his government on several ocassions: such as in the UN Security Council sessions,UN Human Rights Council,Amnest International ,Human Rights Watch, CPJ etc.. as recent as February 4,2014. These are some of the important recommendations by the UNHuman Rights delegations during the UPR(Universal periodic Review) in Genéve, The list of recommendations are fromulated by the pannel but it is unto the government of PIA to implement on the ground, this however is unlikely to be seen in practice as long as he live.
1.Cease arbitrary arrest and detention of people based on their religious beliefs, and review the legal framework governing religious groups and organizations | ||
2.Charge all other prisoners with a recognizable criminal offence and ensure that they are tried in accordance with international standards | ||
3.Conduct a national review to examine the need to maintain the national state of emergency that has denied the people their basic human rights | ||
4.Consider developing a comprehensive plan for the care and protection of children as recommended by the Committee on the Rights of the Child | ||
5..Consider ending the practice of indefinite national service and begin a process of phased demobilization for those who have served for more than the statutory 18 months | ||
6..Consider establishing an independent national human rights institution | ||
7..Consider establishing an independent national human rights institution in conformity with the Paris Principles | ||
8..Consider establishing an independent national human rights institution in conformity with the Paris Principles. | ||
9..Consider implementing an educational campaign aimed at the promotion of gender equity, as well as awareness-raising on harmful practices against women | ||
10.Consider issuing a standing invitation to all United Nations human rights special procedures
During UPR in Genéve …The British representative said “Eritrea’s security situation does not and never has justified the denial of basic human rights to its people,” and only when the country had a democratically elected government and a constitution that ensured basic rights would Eritreans stop fleeing.
T.Yitbarek |
Aziza Abdulkerim February 19, 2014
ዓሻ’ስያ ከዐሽወኒ ማይ ነቒዙ ይብለኒ ይብሉ አቦታትና። እዚ ኹሉ ህዝቢ ንምዕሻው ዓጀውጀው ብዘይካ ሓንቲ ንሳ ድማ ክሳብ ዘለኹ አነ እየ ንጉስኩም ዝበላ እንተዘየኮይኑ ካልእ ሓንቲ ንጣብ ቁምነገርን ሓቅን አይሰማዕናን። ህዝቢ ድማ ተረዲእዎ ኢዩ።
Aziza Abdulkerim February 19, 2014
ማይ ዝብል ጣፍ ማለተይ እዩ ምሰ ይቀረታ
ዓሻ’ስያ ከዐሽወኒ ጣፍ ነቒዙ ይብለኒ ይብሉ አቦታትና። እዚ ኹሉ ህዝቢ ንምዕሻው ዓጀውጀው ብዘይካ ሓንቲ ንሳ ድማ ክሳብ ዘለኹ አነ እየ ንጉስኩም ዝበላ እንተዘየኮይኑ ካልእ ሓንቲ ንጣብ ቁምነገርን ሓቅን አይሰማዕናን። ህዝቢ ድማ ተረዲእዎ ኢዩ።
Berhanu February 19, 2014
you must be a brainless and heartless idiot.
Zufana February 19, 2014
Be ashamed on behalf of one who does not have
any shame that is your drunk uncle DIA.
rutha February 19, 2014
Amaniel Eyasu As a jounalist you must respect your adversaries, posting PIA as a lier, drunk and mad is pure vagabond attitude and not a political correctness or journalistic ethics.
Elssa February 20, 2014
Dear Rutha
I think this doesn’t have any connection with ethics because Amanuel has full evidence that the mad dog most of the time is drunk.
Dala ksha February 19, 2014
You must be yemane monkey.
TaEsa February 20, 2014
hnati mealti ktTeAsi ikhi. teTaIski dma tmelsiyo neger yeblkn emo hji hseblu.
Elssa February 20, 2014
Why we give this much attention to the so called L.T? Please just ignore him he is sick person.