The number of deaths from Senafe landmine incident increases to seven.
The number of deaths from Senafe landmine incident increases to seven, after two more victims died in Asmara, while receiving medical treatment for their heavy injuries. As it was initially reported on Assenna, 21 people have

The number of deaths from Senafe landmine incident increases to seven, after two more victims died in Asmara, while receiving medical treatment for their heavy injuries.
As it was initially reported on Assenna, 21 people have been in critical condition, where as 13 received light injuries.
Five of the people died instantly on the scene after the vehicle which was transposing 39 people to a funeral ceremony was hit by a landmine on 19th September.
As usual, the PFDJ government media kept silent for four days until the incident was reported by Only yesterday, Eri-TV was allowed to talk about it when almost everybody was aware of the situation either from the exiled independent media or by word of mouth.
Justice September 23, 2011
Beja ezom serahtenatat PFDJ gah yibel. He enslaved our people. Enough.
neguse September 23, 2011
African Diplomat Found Dead at Millennium Hotel Near UN
September 23, 2011 1:31pm
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The Millennium Hotel at UN Plaza. (Flickr/Bosc d’Anjou)
By Murray Weiss, Mary Johnson, Ben Fractenberg and Tom Liddy
DNAinfo Staff
MANHATTAN — An African diplomat was found dead in a hotel near the United Nations Friday morning, sources said.
The man, who was in his 60s, was discovered unconscious and unresponsive at the Millennium Hotel, at 2 UN Plaza, at 10:40 a.m. after he failed to show up for a meeting, police sources said.
The Eritrean delegate was later pronounced dead. Fire officials said they responded to a call of a person found dead at 10:44 a.m. The permanent mission of Eritrea to the UN did not immediately respond to calls for comment.
The hotel also did not immediately comment.
No criminality was suspected in the incident and sources said the man died of natural causes. The Medical Examiner will determine the cause of death.
The UN maintains offices in the the building, but a spokeswoman said that the death had nothing to do with those offices or any others under UN control.
The General Assembly is in session this week.
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Yonathan September 24, 2011
That was a land mine installed by PFDJ just to make terror btw ppl.If it was from any one else from outside the ppl would easilly could know and engaged but this is dias trick just to paranoid eritreans “we are still in war” it is laugheable war with out enemy!!!kkkkkkkkkk
Haqi tezareb September 25, 2011
There is no doubt the land mine was the work the opposition. They had reported before of their “success” but they kept quite because it went wrong.
We will support the opposition if they tell the truth otherwise they are not different from the liars of Hgdef
Pingback:September 2011, the Month in Mines « Landmines in Africa October 4, 2011
aurora bruk December 7, 2011
the esayas regime is apparently confused and desperate. why else would it plant landmines inside Eritrea? and if it is not guilty of this crime, why did it fail to report it? either way, it is guilty of failing to raise awareness and letting Eritreans die. also not to report it, as if it were an incident of no importance, when we are tired of getting to hear stories like how many hours of SLEEP esayas gets (from America?) every night is down right absurd.
aurora bruk December 7, 2011
pfdj is apparently confused and desperate. why else would it plant landmines inside Eritrea? and if is not guilty of this crime why did it fail to report it? why did it fail to raise awareness concerning landmines in the first place? either way eseyas is responsible for the death of innocent Eritreans. also not to report it as if it were an incident of no importance when we are tired of getting to hear how many hours of sleep (from America?) esayas gets every night is downright absurd.