The lives and times of Asmara University (1958-2003) and other colleges according to Professor Sara Uqbai
The lives and times of Asmara University (1958-2003) and other colleges according to Professor Sara Uqbai By Fetsum Abraham In few of my past articles, I have discussed the Eritrean government’s policy of dictating through ignorance and
The lives and times of Asmara University (1958-2003) and other colleges according to Professor Sara Uqbai
By Fetsum Abraham
In few of my past articles, I have discussed the Eritrean government’s policy of dictating through ignorance and particularly the tragedy behind the closure of the only accredited university in the country (Asmara University) in favor of other fake, unqualified and unaccredited colleges by the universal standard of higher education. In this article, I will try to discuss important points as to how the government rendered our society to remain the only one without a university in the world based on Dr. Sara Uqbai’s testimony, an intellect who served Asmara University and other so called colleges for over 25 years in different levels of the profession including Professorship. Here are some of the points discussed there about our situation in general and the lives and times of Asmara University from the first hand experience of the veteran professor.
I want to brief the relevant educational reality in our continent and elsewhere first. All dictators dictate but at least educate their people and empower them economically except the Eritrean dictator. In my article “Vision-less dictatorship is more of the Eritrean dilemma than the dictatorship itself:Afwerki damages the Eritrean society at the MIND level of the offense” posted at Assenna, I disclosed the fact that
“Libya’s population includes 1.7 million students, over 270,000 of who study at the tertiary level. Education in Libya is free for all citizens, and compulsory up until secondary level. The literacy rate is the highest in North Africa; over 82% of the population can read and write.” The State paid scholarship expenses for its scholar citizens abroad. There were at least 10 accredited Universities in Libya for a population size of 6,423,000, in 2011.
“Cuba Education: Higher education in Cuba means the University education. Besides universities there are other institutes for higher education in Cuba such as higher polytechnic institutes, higher pedagogical institutes, and higher educational centers and so on. In Cuba the higher education is taken care of by the Ministry of Higher Education. There are almost 47 universities in the country of Cuba. Education is a very important issue in Cuba and the infrastructure is also very strong.”
Uganda under Idi Amin had Macrere University as intact as it had been (one of the best in Africa) and Ugandans enjoy today about 16 accredited Universities under Mussovini.
Iraq under Sadam Hussein: “The education system in Iraq was well resourced, globally connected, secular and open to women. University education was free and literacy levels rose from 52 percent in 1977 to 80 percent in 1987 [under his leadership]”. There were 54 Universities in Iraq in the era of Sadam Husein for 33 Million [citizens].”
Sudan: Bashir never stood in the way and in fact helped the Sudanese a lot in this regard. Sudan as a whole survives owning 27 active universities as of today, most of them erected by the current Sudanese regime.
Zimbabwe under Mugabe: 13 Million people enjoy 16 universities in today’s Zimbabwe.
Ethiopia under Mengistu: The country educated its people more than in any former other administrations through his infamous NATIONAL LITERACY CAMPAIGN. Mengistu was not anti education and the inherited academic institutions survived well in the country under his rule. He even left Asmara University intact with all his contradictions with our national cause.
Ethiopia under Meles: The 85 Million Ethiopians today enjoy close to 160 Universities and colleges in just as much time in power as our dictator’s, irrespective of their academic quality. The Tigreans alone have three universities, one technical institute, one medical college and about two teacher training colleges.
Somalia has about four Universities and Djibouti has one for less than a million people.
The lives and times of Asmara University (AU)
AU was born in 1958 and survived through the following years of colonialism until liberation and further under this government until 2003. Things were going well there especially around 2002-2003 (in business, economics and social science departments) when many developmental researches were conducted getting ready to be implemented. Unfortunately the government decided to dismantle it and scatter its departments around under different names. It was a terrible mistake to kill the name AU itself because it was an accredited university considered as one of the oldest and best in East Africa for many years. Dismantling everything and scattering it around could have been acceptable pushing it to the limit, had the so built colleges to replace it were accredited but this was not the case here, in fact the opposite was correct.
According to Dr, Sara, the university was literally dead in 20003 and the colleges that replaced it were too ridiculously inferior and incompatible with international colleges for the World Bank to accredit them as legitimate higher education institutions. Libraries, books, material resources like computers and copiers, service in general and most importantly qualified professors dictate the issue of accreditation which the so called Eritrean colleges terribly flank to qualify.
In TESHAMO forum, participants asked many questions and Dr. Sara replied: here are the few of them:
In regards to the fact that Eritrea has meticulously discouraged Eritrean professionals to educate the people and that it has been replacing anything Eritrean with Asian (Indians, Pakistans and Philippines’):
Question: How competent are the foreign teachers in the so called Eritrean colleges?
Answer: The foreigner teachers in Eritrea come to teach without passing the required standard tests given by the World Bank for international teachers anywhere in the world. There is no standard that measures their capacity like in other countries such as Libya. The few capable teachers there use Eritrea as a transit to schools in other countries. Dr. Sara considers some foreign teachers in Eritrea as low level professionals that do not meet universal standard qualifications to teach in higher academic institutions.
Q: where do the material donations for schools and the money from international donors for this purpose go?
A: The government received anything that came to the university from abroad and did whatever it wanted with it without explanation. AU was not independent at all and had no capacity to directly manage academic/material transactions with other institutions and organizations without the consent of the regime. No one knows this issue very well since the government served as the middleman between resources related to the then AU and the university management of the time.
Q: How is the academic condition of the substitute colleges?
A: Dr. Sara had a hard time calling them colleges. The infrastructures are inconvenient and the Mai Nefhi Institute of Technology did not even have a proper door that closes without the support of a rock let alone the others. Teachers had to move back and forth to/from their homes in other towns and there were no school materials (copiers, papers, computers, books, etc) available for the students to properly learn something.
Q: How was the quality of education in the new colleges?
The Doctor testified that the quality had greatly deteriorated out of rationality. Teachers at the end were teaching grade 7-8 level English materials to the so called college students under the SAWA concept.
Students work together in the exams and usually fail but the security pressurizes the teachers to give them passing grades on the excuse “ENTAI DEA KINGEBROM”.
In the progression she states that 20000-27000 take the college entrance exam yearly and about 300 qualify for college at 1.2-1.5 GPA requirement because the students are not educated enough to score higher GPAs. To my understanding, those who fail the exam go to different labor force oriented plantations in the country within the concept of SAWA. Those who succeed then attend school in very difficult academic environments as the following:
Students wake up early in the morning for boot camp (running, exercising, etc) and come to classes after quick breakfast without having the chance to go to their dormitories to wash. No one can learn anything in this condition and of course that is the plan. Everyone is under surveillance from the government. The classrooms were made of glasses and it was normal for the security people to watch and intimidate students and teachers from outside. At times, the security personnel enter classrooms without permission and sit with the students to listen to what may be going on. They also had full authority to punish and abuse students at will. There were no rest rooms for the academic community and they had to use the atmosphere for that.
According to the Doctor, the traumatized students have no books to work on after classes and the state strictly controls their lives and movements. Classes are tense and students and teachers are under constant intimidation. No closets for teachers and any curriculum (accredited) but irregular and anarchic changes. There are no academic equipments machines available for students and the blackboard is the main means of communication (no papers). They tranquilize the inquisitive young minds instead of cultivating them to produce, they make them “zombies or individuals with criminal mind”, said the Doctor in one of her expressions. She also predicted a terrible collective consequence to our societies in the future as a result of the “Kids without childhood experience” in labor camp.
The professor sadly said that the kids have no clue as to what is going on and some of them could not even write properly let alone understanding education: they don’t even know their GPAs: Even that is monopolized by the government away from them. They hang on confused with no role models and no future to focus on except those who escape out of the country. In an environment that completely lacks student evaluation procedures she expressed how difficult it was for teachers as to where to start working with the kids was concerned.
She also said that no private colleges were allowed in Eritrea for better education and the kids are condemned to literally nothing but the fake colleges of the state.
Apparently, all dictators needed to dominate power in order to effectuate their visions. Although they had different agendas to implement, none of them destroyed any academic institution/s in their countries like Afwerki who destroyed the only accredited University in our country (Asmara University employed about “160 Doctors” by the time he closed it for no reason other than hurting the society). The University even survived the Hailesselassie and the Mengistu regimes before Afwerki killed it. In so doing, Afwerki stands alone as the only anti-education dictator the planet ever produced and mistreated the Eritreans worse than the Ethiopian colonizers in this regard. He did his incalculable damage to the Eritrean society in terms of ignorance like no one ever did to them, except the Italian colonizers. The result is an uneducated generation that would cost our society for generations to come.
This asserts the fact the best weapon of Afwerki’s dictatorship has been IGNORANCE (DINKURINA), which is a unique version of dictatorship in the world.
We are in a very serious problem that threatens our existence as a nation. We cannot compete with our neighbors mentally according to Afwerki’s social formula and the damage is showing its symptoms already. As the Professor said,
The escapees are not educated and confident enough to resist their oppressor because of the damage inflicted upon by the regime.
No dictator ever tried to rule society through the power of ignorance the way Afwerki did. This is the Eritrean reality that people must face and resolve immediately without buts and ifs. The academic call of our nation is very urgent and it needs immediate attention of every Eritrean before it gets too late at a point in the nap.
The follow up article will be on Apartheid in Eritrean schools and specifically in the so called colleges.
Stefanos Temolso June 25, 2013
Isayas at one time said there is no need for professionalism because these days you can learn everything through books and publications. Again he castigated Professionals for mystifying Things and he reiterated no one can mystify these days because you have books!! This is the habit of charlatans!
S.Yassin June 25, 2013
” you can learn everything through books and publications. Again he castigated Professionals for mystifying Things and he reiterated no one can mystify these days because you have books. ”
I agree with his remark if he indeed said it.
belay nega June 25, 2013
As a contributor to this web, I expect you to prove us what the president said by answering the following questions:
-When did he said it?
-Whom did he said it to?
-Who are the professionals being castigated?
As far as learning through books is concerned, the president is the best example, as he is a self made politician and general.
pam June 25, 2013
You could certainly go to your interest inside the get the job done you’re writing. The area wants all the more passionate freelance writers just like you that are not fearful to mention that they think. All of the time comply with ones soul.
sam June 25, 2013
Dear Futsum,
I admire your dedication and your valuable information as I found out to be so useful and so censure to the cryptic YGDEF, but it is such a pity all this nourishing information is not reaching to majority of our people, keep in mind our people in Eritrea follows Assena, Awate, and all the websites but writing in English is putting a barrier between the message and the receiver. Kindly consider it for our people sake and also to speed up the down fall of the dictator regime.
From your comrade
fetsum abrahamt June 25, 2013
Brother Sam;
One person alone can not do it all. I can not do Tigrigna and English at the same time. We need help if this is the case but I can not do it. U must remember that we are working independently with no other group or organization’s back up and it is extremely tiresome to do this alone. What you suggested is genuine but we Eritreans are not working together to make things like that possible. Too may articles have went to drain because of our failure to reach our people in their languages and I do not think that will change the way I see Eritreans and how they do their things. You just live with it my brother..
UoA June 25, 2013
Top 100 Universities in Africa
1 University of Cape Town South Africa
2 University of South Africa South Africa
3 University of Pretoria South Africa
4 Universiteit Stellenbosch South Africa
5 University of the Witwatersrand South Africa
6 University of Dar es Salaam Tanzania
7 Cairo University Egypt
8 University of KwaZulu-Natal South Africa
9 The American University in Cairo Egypt
10 Makerere University Uganda
11 Rhodes University South Africa
12 University of the Western Cape South Africa
13 Mansoura University Egypt
14 University of Johannesburg South Africa
15 Université Cheikh Anta Diop Senegal
16 Assiut University Egypt
17 University of Nairobi Kenya
18 Zagazig University Egypt
19 University of Botswana Botswana
20 Université Mohammed V – Agdal Morocco
21 University of Ghana Ghana
22 Universiteit van die Vrystaat South Africa
23 University of Ibadan Nigeria
24 Addis Ababa University Ethiopia
25 North-West University South Africa
26 Alexandria University Egypt
27 Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University South Africa
28 University of Zambia Zambia
29 Université des Sciences et de la Technologie Houari Boumediène Algeria
30 The German University in Cairo Egypt
31 Obafemi Awolowo University Nigeria
32 Universidade Eduardo Mondlane Mozambique
33 University of Mauritius Mauritius
34 Ain Shams University Egypt
35 University of Lagos Nigeria
36 Tanta University Egypt
37 Université de Ouagadougou Burkina Faso
38 Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology Ghana
39 Université de la Reunion Reunion
40 Université Nationale du Rwanda Rwanda
41 Helwan University Egypt
42 Cape Peninsula University of Technology South Africa
43 University of Zululand South Africa
44 Strathmore University Kenya
45 Université Cadi Ayyad Morocco
46 Al Akhawayn University Morocco
47 Université d’Alger Algeria
48 Université Mentouri de Constantine Algeria
49 Université Badji Mokhtar de Annaba Algeria
50 Université d’Oran Algeria
51 Université Hassan II – Casablanca Morocco
52 University of Fort Hare South Africa
53 Université Abdelmalek Essadi Morocco
54 Ahmadu Bello University Nigeria
55 Jaamacada Muqdisho Somalia
56 Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology Kenya
57 University of Swaziland Swaziland
58 University of Ilorin Nigeria
59 Sudan University of Science and Technology Sudan
60 Université Mohammed V – Souissi Morocco
61 Kenyatta University Kenya
62 University of Khartoum Sudan
63 University of Namibia Namibia
64 Université de Batna Algeria
65 University of Malawi Malawi
66 Benha University Egypt
67 Université Hassan II – Mohammedia Morocco
68 Al-Azhar University Egypt
69 Fayoum University Egypt
70 Université de la Manouba Tunisia
71 University of Benin Nigeria
72 Minoufiya University Egypt
73 Durban University of Technology South Africa
74 Université de Tunis El Manar Tunisia
75 Université de Carthage Tunisia
76 Tshwane University of Technology South Africa
77 United States International University Kenya
78 Université Abou Bekr Belkaid Tlemcen Algeria
79 Polytechnic of Namibia Namibia
80 Egerton University Kenya
81 Université de Gabès Tunisia
82 Université de Sousse Tunisia
83 Université d’Antananarivo Madagascar
84 Minia University Egypt
85 Moi University Kenya
86 Université de Nouakchott Mauritania
87 Université Mouloud Maameri de Tizi Ouzou Algeria
88 University of Venda South Africa
89 Central University of Technology South Africa
90 Université Ibn Tofail Morocco
91 University of Zimbabwe Zimbabwe
92 Suez Canal University Egypt
93 University of Cape Coast Ghana
94 Misr International University Egypt
95 University of Jos Nigeria
96 University of Maiduguri Nigeria
97 University of Limpopo South Africa
98 The Hubert Kairuki Memorial University Tanzania
99 Jimma University Ethiopia
100 Modern Sciences and Arts University Egypt
4 International Colleges & Universities is an international higher education search engine and directory reviewing accredited Universities and Colleges in the world. includes 11,160 Colleges and Universities, ranked by web popularity, in 200 countries.
birhane June 25, 2013
Dear Mr. Fitsum
I agree with sam on translating the articles that you write not only tigringa but arabic, am sure there are many educated people like you,those who belive on change would help you too. The info that you put are multiperspective and openminded keep on rising Mr Fitsum.
fetsum abraham June 25, 2013
Sam and Birhane;
So many articles were written without translation because no one was interested to do this assignment. I can not do it all by myself guys and I am doing what I can do needless to say that someone had to do the translation. We are not organized to do this and I am not ready to kill myself of overwork as hard as writing has been in terms of taking away my time from other objectives of my life. We are not conducting the resistance in well organized fashion and we will continue to suffer the consequence until everyone wakes up to take care of his/her responsibilities. U need to know that I am working alone without any contact from any organization to produce: they are not interested at all. Ur ideas are great but nothing so far..sorry..
S.Yassin June 25, 2013
There is no such thing as grade 7 or 8 English. Grammar and comprehension topics are important for all levels of education. With regards to the universities and colleges in Ethiopia I would say that they are of poor quality.
GHIRMAI GHEZAI June 25, 2013
I admire u Fetsum you are so explanatory writer keep it up. u know isayas better than all schoolars I can say.He is the only dictator in the planet as u say against Educatione,growth,free idea,development and all good things for Eritrea.His plan is to destroy Eritrean people & land in all aspects make it below zero now he finish his job by blaming weyane & usa fooling our people. What realy surprised me is what are they doing those who say we are Eritrean heroes inside like wedi Alli they have to wake up Eritrea does not belong to isayas he don’t care.
petros June 25, 2013
I agree with the fact that DIA destroyed the only University the country had. However, he cannot do all eveil things by himself. Dr Sara was one of the few who were instruments of DIA in destrotying AU. She was memebre of Dr Woldeba’s team, a former AU president and a puppet of DIA. It is good that she is now condemning the action taken. In addition to her confession, she should ask apology.
Petros, musie.
fetsum abraham June 26, 2013
petros, u suck very good. I am sorry I can not deal with u any more. U have a problem u need to resolve my brother. U can never be part of the solution after what we hav been going through and good luck.
Aman June 25, 2013
It is all about power. DIA or PIA started his job as a head of state by destroying not only the Univ. of Asmara but all other institutions, influential individuals, religious leaders, community leaders …..which he thought might be a treat to his long term dictatorial rule. University of Asmara being a source of intellectuals, it was an imminent potential danger for the self appointed leader. As it has been said many times by the people who know him well, the tyrant only works with people who can take his orders without any reasoning. The people who are working under him are very good examples and most have a poor educational background. However, with his many years of experience, it was not hard for Issayas to find some academically sound but poor intellectuals like the ex-president of the Univ of Asmara. The self appointed president utilized Weldeab, who was hoping to become a minister, to destroy the university as a credible institution. And finally when he, Weldeab knew he was not intellectually fit in comparison to Col. Debesay, Col. Ezra and other intellectuals, he managed a french exit. Thanks to him and other who were his servants as he was his master’s, the University is now serving as a dormitory during ‘expo’ season.
One can not say that the government did not try to educate its people. Even after the university was closed, a number of students are sent to different countries to continue their higher educations. The truth of the matter is, the likes of Weldeab and his servants and other people under each ministry and military units were blocking many students from joining higher education. DIA may have played the most part in the deterioration of the education system and the burial of the university but there are officials in the system who just don’t want to see others get a better education for no obvious reason other than envy. Could Sara be one of them as one writer commented? oh ya she was, so was her …..
belay nega June 26, 2013
“After Isayas is gone if we have is uneducated Eritreans, we will end up importing people to do skilled jobs and eventually eritrea will cease to exist as viable nation.”
Very sad, if the founder of the nation Esayas is that much against education,what would KERNELIOS the non Eritrean do to our schools after he will be our president?