The Houston Eritrean American Community Center Houston (EACH) is presenting Wedi Tikabo Unity Tour on March 15th
The Houston Eritrean American Community Center Houston (EACH) is presenting Wedi Tikabo Unity Tour on March 15th … Houston, TX.

The Houston Eritrean American Community Center Houston (EACH) is presenting Wedi Tikabo Unity Tour on March 15th … Houston, TX.
eritrean revolutionary movement February 25, 2014
all eritreans standup together for the cross eritrean revolutionary movement!
dictatorism enough!
military service enough!
unemployment enough!
starvation enogh!
stand up together!.Now it must be the time for the ground performance!
enough for much talking and internet and radio tiger!
Revolution now! revolution now! revolution now !
asmara,dekemehari,keren,tessenie,mendefera,massawa…..etc now revolution!
We seek the eritrean military ,civil officers to join the revolution!
REVOLUTION NOW!DEATH for Isayas,yemane monkey,sebhat efrem!
stans up the youth ! stand up the youth!
selamawit2 February 25, 2014
dear “eritrean revolutionary movement”,
i would like to know who you are and what you EXACTLY want.
you say “enough for much talking and internet and radio tiger!”. are you the tiger who will go directly go to iseyas’ house and charge him yourself?
please answer me – thank you in advance.
eritrean revolutionary movement February 25, 2014
Dear selamawit 2,
we have been talking more than 15years for change.Isn’t this enough for a pre condition to bring change in eritrea,isn’t this enough as aprecondition and preparation to bring REVOLUTION in eritrea.we have been tigers in internets and on papers and sounds for about 15 years.Still no change.
when we keep the slow time for change in eritrea ,eritrea is starting to be dismantles in smaller lands.after a few months or years it will be difficult for change in eritrea.the case in place will be a small horizons that attach poeple in relegion and ethinicity,because of sever poverity and that time no body will listen you about change in eritrea ,except running for ones relegion and awraja,which ultimatly will lead eritrea in to disintegration.
selamawit2 February 25, 2014
Dear “eritrean revolutionary movement”,
thank you for your answer.
i think all in all most of us agree with lots points you mention today – beside some details and the fact that you sound very reproachful to the „opposition“ that we are, but at the same time don’t say yourself how to solve the problem practically.
let me speak for myself: i have a “unpleasant” feeling due to your „loud“ posts like e.g. this from November 2013 (
„…the Eritrean military movement would like to announce to all of you that the military has started operation and other wing has been established ,this is the Eritrean revolutionary movement.
the Eritrean revolutionary movement along with side of the eritrean military movement will soon operate protests in Eritrea and demonstrations in every corner of the world…“
if this is true, why don’t you introduce you movement to us in an adequate and transparent way?
ahmed saleh February 26, 2014
Thank you Selemawit to remind him of his irresponsible past posting on misleading information . I think some people
do not picture the seriousness of the subject in discussion .
Zufana February 25, 2014
Dearest Selum(selamawit2),
It is the same old big and cheap talk. While poor Eritrea is so naked
and bleeding to death some are just like ‘old habits die hard’ no actions
at all. In this sad case “Aytibkey endiyu Zebkiyeni” comes in to mind.
selamawit2 February 25, 2014
Dearest Zufana Haftey,
thank you very much for Your kind and warm words. i think everybody can feel your charming and empowering character (and your soulful and brilliant mind!) even in this “machine-based” situation of communication that we are in.
tef February 25, 2014
Eritrea revolutionary movement
Why you don’t say, enough accupation eritrean territories? Because you are from Tigray?
ahmed saleh February 26, 2014
Ushhhh , be careful and watch your mouth from DEMHIT .
Robi February 26, 2014
Hi jemia,hade hade hkyatat kea kekeyfekum, Mengstu Hailemariam sltan ms haze about Ethiopia kurub tsenihu hade mealti nab Addiss ababa stadium adimomo tseweta kuesho egri krie,shiu huto hatitwom netom ajebtu entay koinom ezom kulom 22 tetsaweti neza kueso ygoyuwa alewu eluwom shiu melisemulu kulom nenatom srah alewom geliom ykelakelu,geliom yetkiu,geliom yekefaflu,eti bortere kea eta ldat maetso yhluwa elomo. Shiu Mengstu Hailemariam tkbil abilu anes kab kulom nab hanti zgoyu 21 kueso geziena mweseknayom emo kem dletom ms tetsawetu eluwom kulom sehak moitom hahahahha hji keas kulina kemtom tetsaweti kueso sesrahna akmna tehagizna eko keltifu lewuti kmetsie ykiel eyu hzbna kea kab sdet ms dehane kab tmet,maesert entay kea tsibuk nsemie Alena ab kulu alem tezeriena zehfr eyu Failed NATION alatna ktbl.wedehankum.