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The Dictator’s Prayer

Our “Issaias Afewerqi” who art between Asmara and Massawa, Famous be thy name, Thy Self-reliance come, Thy will be done in Ethiopia as it is in Eritrea, Give us this day our daily “Hateta”, And forget our Civil Rights, as

Our “Issaias Afewerqi” who art between Asmara and Massawa,

Famous be thy name,

Thy Self-reliance come,

Thy will be done in Ethiopia as it is in Eritrea,

Give us this day our daily “Hateta”,

And forget our Civil Rights, as we forget our sweat, tears, and blood you made us pay our entire life,

Lead us not into Peace and Stability,

But deliver us from Freedom, Liberation, and Prosperity,



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  • manfre August 22, 2013

    Smerr this kind of behavior is normal to the christian special the orthodox as the have had black history from King Halaselas who was worshipped by eritrean orthodox chritian
    They were in favour of unit with Ethiopia. Right now history is repeating and following
    And supporting Isyas because he is christian eventhough he never practice christian
    Religion. If eritrea and eritrean people to be free the back ward people has to be identified
    The eritrean people have to deal with once for all.
    Long life for the genuine eritrean people and down fall for the cruel and tortures hgdf