Thank you our heroes, you are not slaves
Thank you our defense forces, you are not slaves; thank you our National Service heroes, you are not chattels; you are the proud Eritrean Defense Forces. I am deeply proud of you and appreciative of

Thank you our defense forces, you are not slaves; thank you our National Service heroes, you are not chattels; you are the proud Eritrean Defense Forces. I am deeply proud of you and appreciative of the services you are providing to our people and the sacrifices you are enduring under difficult situation.
taffla February 22, 2014
I am not surprise about the article what surprised me is the article is not at but I have question to the author. If you don’t agree about the slavery under pfdj. Why not go there and serve the country or if you are a parent..why not send your kids to serve the country. A youth like luwam are telling us it is slavery because they experienced in first hand.
Wedi Selansa February 22, 2014
A rare article with searing passion and a call for reform!!
Tes February 22, 2014
What a goon . To slavery gives it badge of houner. If that good why don’t you or if you have children go back to serve your master. Pretened to be a patriotic at the expenses of those poor Eritrean childrens, shows how low souless zombie you are. You guys live in denail in your own worlds and with out any shame you come here to spit you shit. A wonder how long it take to come with this garbage. Why don’t you go and post in shabiat to get junta pfdj to cheers you. Don’t you know by now, Assenna is for real people not for goons. What can I say , because of you and many like you Eritrea is in a mess. I hope this is your last posting even though I don’t think you have the ability…you are good wosting our time.
Sorobeti February 22, 2014
Mahmuday Ya Habibi
What did you call a person working for more than 10 years without being paid. your article could have been accepted should Eritrea was not ruled by a stone age system. My friend the slavery has not started with the national service it goes back to the time of Gedli when EPLA fighters who took badme from ELF and handed it to TPLF in 1981 and the same EPLA fighters retook Badme from Weyane in 1998. These fighters are also slaves that execute the orders of their master without any question and the worst thing is that they repeat the pretexts of their master to justify his adventures. Yes, it is true our young didn’t understand the enslavement culture of EPLF/PFDj, a culture that drives many x-fighters that live abroad still continue to be slaves of DIA.
Be honest February 22, 2014
Slavery knows very well those who were slave at the time slavery ages. This article is smart, mature and wise way of explanation
ERITRAWIT February 22, 2014
What is wrong with you I am not surprise any way they are people like you they call themself opposition but indirect serving the dictator.
“Stop National Service Slavery in Eritrea is one of the latest damb and mad campaigns of the season. deeply disturbed me???? ARE YOU SURE ABOUT THAT?????
did you know since 1994 up to now people are National Service with less than 10 dollar a month????? they are aloud 1 month break in a year if they are lucky and they are only allowed to go only certain area otherwise the harsh consequence will be follow it will be nice to send your children to try it.
jj February 22, 2014
I now can officially say assenna is a pfdj website
Woldemicael February 22, 2014
First of all, I appreciate your effort as a person. Every Eritrean and even our enemies have understand the Eritrean army heroism long time ago. If you are trying to explain to Eritreans about the scarifies, you are living in hallucinated world. from what you wrote you were Tegadalay, and living in diaspora, am I right? so why you don’t continue living, being a tool, and serving the crippled gangs regime in Eritrea???. what I want to underline for the excuses you provide to stay with the criminal Issaias and his regime:
The group of gangs ( the one you called Eritrean regime) completely and totally has not legitimacy to sign or to make nag agreement with the Ethiopian government in any fashion. Because We Eritrean didn’t choose the gangs in power. as a consequence we, most of the Eritreans, prefer to implement the constitution, do election then the elected government will take care about his business related to borders and others. By the way what about our land given to Ethiopia around Sorona, just giving up with out dialog???
Nothing good was, and is coming out from this group of gangs in Eritrea is doing. It is against of our culture, moral, and purposely working to weakening our nation and our capability to defend, and corrupting our defence institution. Do you think with the mentality and moral our defence army possessed will stop any country aggression? if you are, wake up. we need to change the crippled gangs regime in Eritrea for the seek of the sacrifice eritrean people made and making.
Staying in the army with out the will of the person for indefinite, when you said to him “you are hero, you are the best, bela bela….” do you think they will appreciate to your words ? you are living in relatively better world, and continuing with your life. are you kidding or undermining the Intelligence of the army and Eritrean people?
These group of gangs doing all those things, scary, unthinkable, un seen magnitude before “haggler gedifka misidad,” even during regime of Hailesilasie, and Derg, sky rocketing prostitution of our Eritrean women, poverty, separating families, kids growing with out fathering monitor, deemed future, developing being selfish and so so so on.
I am asking you to see the situation in Eritrea in all angles. Yes 100% slavery if some body forcefully to keep in military service and free labuoring. Accept the reality and work hard to see change in Eritrea. because you can’t justifying the existing regime in Eritrea is legitimate, as long as continued in power illegally, every thing will end up ugly, like libya.
I will leave you with a equation that who gave Issaias power of authority to do any thing in behave of the people of Eritrea. Even never did fake election to justify it? So the sooner these crippled gangs regime is gone the better Eritrea will come.
Woldemicael February 22, 2014
First of all, I appreciate your effort as a person. Every Eritrean and even our enemies have understand the Eritrean army heroism long time ago. If you are trying to explain to Eritreans about the scarifies, you are living in hallucinated world. from what you wrote you were Tegadalay, and living in diaspora, am I right? so why you don’t continue living, being a tool, and serving the crippled gangs regime in Eritrea???. what I want to underline for the excuses you provide to stay with the criminal Issaias and his regime:
The group of gangs ( the one you called Eritrean regime) completely and totally has not legitimacy to sign or to make agreement with the Ethiopian government in any fashion. Because We Eritrean didn’t choose the gangs in power. as a consequence we, most of the Eritreans, prefer to implement the constitution, do election then the elected government will take care about his business related to borders and others. By the way what about our land given to Ethiopia around Sorona, just giving up with out dialog???
Nothing good was, and is coming out from this group of gangs in Eritrea is doing. It is against of our culture, moral, and purposely working to weakening our nation and our capability to defend, and corrupting our defence institution. Do you think with the mentality and moral our defence army possessed will stop any country aggression? if you are, wake up. we need to change the crippled gangs regime in Eritrea for the seek of the sacrifice eritrean people made and making.
Staying in the army with out the will of the person for indefinite, when you said to him “you are hero, you are the best, bela bela….” do you think they will appreciate to your words ? you are living in relatively better world, and continuing with your life. are you kidding or undermining the Intelligence of the army and Eritrean people?
These group of gangs doing all those things, scary, unthinkable, un seen magnitude before “haggler gedifka misidad,” even during regime of Hailesilasie, and Derg, sky rocketing prostitution of our Eritrean women, poverty, separating families, kids growing with out fathering monitor, deemed future, developing being selfish and so so so on.
I am asking you to see the situation in Eritrea in all angles. Yes 100% slavery if some body forcefully to keep in military service and free labuoring. Accept the reality and work hard to see change in Eritrea. because you can’t justifying the existing regime in Eritrea is legitimate, as long as continued in power illegally, every thing will end up ugly, like libya.
I will leave you with a equation that who gave Issaias power of authority to do any thing in behave of the people of Eritrea. Even never did fake election to justify it? So the sooner these crippled gangs regime is gone the better Eritrea will come. February 22, 2014
Need we ask or debate what are Eritreans are enduring? Of course it is slavery. However, the solution is in our hands. We have all the logistics to fight back. Get organized,refuse to be enslaved. what is the dictator going to do about ? Kill us all? I bet you we can give him a kick at his backside and get our country back and justice will prevail.