Tunis – Tunisia’s army has emerged from the month of unrest that toppled Zine El Abidine Ben Ali with its reputation burnished and the population full of praise after it refused to open fire on protesters.
Tunis – Tunisia’s army has emerged from the month of unrest that toppled Zine El Abidine Ben Ali with its reputation burnished and the population full of praise after it refused to open fire on protesters.
Somaliland’s deputy minister for foreign affairs and international cooperation said its national army has driven from Somaliland territory
The Ethiopian opposition army which have been salvaged, trained and mentored by the Eritrean regime and still continues to recruit new members is organized as a reserve guard to defend President Issias Afwerqi in an event an uprising arises, a senior Ethiopian opposition leader told our source in Asmara under a condition of anonymity. According to the source, Issias met the various opposition leaders separately in December 2008 during which he complained to them that his generals and ministries are untrustworthy who are opposed to the existence of the opposition forces in Eritrea and their goals and then asked them to stand firmly by his side to win their fight.
The Ethiopian opposition army which have been salvaged, trained and mentored by the Eritrean regime and still continues to recruit new members is organized as a reserve guard to defend President Issias Afwerqi in an event an uprising arises, a senior Ethiopian opposition leader told our source in Asmara under a condition of anonymity. According to the source, Issias met the various opposition leaders separately in December 2008 during which he complained to them that his generals and ministries are untrustworthy who are opposed to the existence of the opposition forces in Eritrea and their goals and then asked them to stand firmly by his side to win their fight.