Swedish support for jailed colleagues in Ethiopia, Eritrea
By Tom Rhodes/CPJ East Africa Consultant: If you pass by Kronoberg Prison in Sweden's capital, Stockholm, you will see journalists chained to its gates. They have committed no crime. For over a week, journalists have taken
By Tom Rhodes/CPJ East Africa Consultant:
If you pass by Kronoberg Prison in Sweden’s capital, Stockholm, you will see journalists chained to its gates. They have committed no crime. For over a week, journalists have taken turns locking themselves up in front of the prison to raise awareness of the imprisonment of three colleagues held in the Horn of Africa.
Himbrti October 19, 2011
ንመተካእታ ዘጥፋእኩዎ ወረቐት መንነት፡ ሰራሕተኛታት ኤምባሲ ሃገረ ኤርትራ ኣብ ስቶኮልም-ሽወደን ዝሓተቱኒ ኩሉ ኣማሊአ ከለኹ፡ ሎሚ ድሕሪ ልዕሊ 10 ወርሒ መልሲ ኣይረኸብኩን፡ ምኽንያቱ ሃገርና ኤርትራ ብቑምነገር ዘይብሎም ደረፍትን ማፍያን ትመሓደር ስለዘላ። እዚ እዩ እምበኣር እቲ ጋዜጣ ደረፍቲ፡ ኣደዳ ወጻኢታት ከይንኸውን ብዝቐለለ መንገዲ ኣብ ቀረባና ብዝርከብ ኤምባሲታት ኣገልግሎት ይማልኣልና ኣሎ ዝበለቶ።
እዚ ኣብ ታሕቲ ዘሎ ዝሑፍ ብጋዜጣ ደረፍቲ (ሓዳስ ኤርትራ) ብ14 ጥቅምቲ 2009 ዝተጻሕፈ’ዩ።
ኣብ ወጻኢ ንዝቕመጡ ዜጋታት ዘጋጥሞም ማሕበራዊ ጸገማት ንምፍታሕ ጻዕርታት ይካየድ
ኣብ ሚኒስትሪ ጉዳያት ወጻኢ ኤርትራ ክፍሊ ቆንስላውን ኮማውን ጉዳያት፡ ኣብ ወጻኢ ንዝቕመጡ ዜጋታት ንዘጋጥሞም ማሕበራዊ ጸገማት ኣብ ምፍታሕ ብዕቱብ ይሰርሕ ከምዘሎ፡ ኣብ’ቲ ክፍሊ ሓላፊ ቆንስላዊ ጉዳያት ኣቶ ሃይለ ኣስፍሃ ገሊጹ።
denden October 19, 2011
Well, what ever the case might be the family of Dawit Isack has firmly and in no certain terms has told you, “STOP HIJACKING OUR FATHERS CAUSE, WE ARE NOT PART OF IT, WE HAVE NEVER BEEN AND WE WILL NEVER BE”, so now let the family deal with theri issue in their own way. Mr Amanuel, (you won’t understand it because in constant denail to the reality), The Epressen, Swidish paper and the so called mercenary swidish journalists should stop theri destablisijng act and find anotehr cause to make you money.
Temesgen Medhanie October 19, 2011
Are you saying that, the family are happy the fact that Dawit Isaac is in prison? Or are they walking on a fine line where they tend not to piss the Al Capone in Eritrea off? Which ever you spin the reality in a bid to fit your bizarre line of thinking, Dawit Isaac is a victim of an utter cruelty, dictatorship and a people who have lost their sense of humanity and empathy. And of course, you ain’t an exception.
abdi October 19, 2011
well,we have 2 victims suffering in woyanes prisons,have you ever bothered to ask about their well being, whether hey are alive or shot off?
Aren’t you protesting to free the prisons from a humanitarian aspects,they deserve to be freed too.don’t they?
if you are genuinely caring about humanrights, protest there in ur democratic Ethiopia and free them.
kozami October 19, 2011
spot on!!
Huluf, October 20, 2011
come on kozami stop mkozam, let us introdice to a relative you have long abandoned. Her name is Mama Truth.. Watch what happened to those who refuse their realtive Mama Truth…they find themselves along in a drainage pipe like a rat …did you see the eyes of Gadaffi, it said a lot….If you have truth you will have no fear….Truth arrived he could not even remmber he had a golden mind you golden pistol…waw…Those golden pistols are brandished in meetings of komaros and zemachs in Green Square and beautiful New York Auditorium …when the going gets tough Komaros and Zemachs beat the road like you ca not imagine it.
Sawel October 19, 2011
the family of Dawit Isack told “STOP HIJACKING OUR FATHERS CAUSE, WE ARE NOT PART OF IT, WE HAVE NEVER BEEN AND WE WILL NEVER BE”, because when you are faced with PIA MONSTER, when PIA was asked about him or the others in prison, he said he do-sent even know them,so the only chance for the family is to tray the other way , by distancing them self from the campaign so they could win his freedom. I hop this works, but with HGDEF noting works because they enjoy the pain of Eritrea mothers, the only thing I will say is god help them !!!
we hop PIA and HGDEF get some humanity and some senses , but this people they don’t even think ten years is long for human body to survive in Era’ero heal on earth prison of PIA.
ahmed Saleh October 19, 2011
The case Of Dawit is one case out of too many prisoners. You are wrong to say it is nobody cause.
People who understand the urgency of social justice on all levels would join to protest and
fight for equality. All prisoners are innocent until proven under rule of LAW.
Haqqi Nezareb October 19, 2011
The case of Dawit Issac is the same as the other Eritreans who are dying slowly at EraEro prison camp. The only reason why his case is attracting attention is because he is a Swedish citizen. You don’t mess with other citizens, especially USA. Here is the question for you. What would you do if you were Dawit Issac:
(I) Would you ask your day in court?
(II) Would ask the authority to allow a visitation of your spouse, kids, and parents?
(III) Would you ask for medical assistance when you are seriously sick?
(IV) Would you ask the authority the reason for your arrest?
(V) Would you be sad when one of your siblings wants you to die in prison?
If the answers for the above questions are NO, then you must one of the real zombies.
abdi October 19, 2011
Shabia don’t care what ur citizenship,as far as u committed something u r in,at the moment they are keeping a kosovo American,for the amnesty case,
would u protest to free the 2 eritreans who are in woyanes prisons since 2006 and no one knows where they are?
Good doings start from home(ur vicinity)
sol October 19, 2011
The two Eritreans journalist,who caught by Ethiopia, during the war with Alshebab, are far better in good hands though they are associated with Alshebab, but they are in good hands, they were kept in appropriate jail where they could get visitation from Red Cross.What about those innocent Eritrean journalist who are dying and languishing in solitary confinement in unknown underground cells.To your dismay PMZ promised to look into their case and set free if they have no real connection with terrorism.Do not worry about them as they are in better hand than their brothers in Eritrea, but it would be niece if u voice your concern about those who ate dying in Era Ero.
Haqqi Nezareb October 19, 2011
Shaebia cares actually with citizenship. If Dawit Issac was an American citizen, he would be free by now. Shaebia understands the almighty USA special operation unit. By the way, are talking about the old shaebia or the current inept HEGDEF? The shakers and the movers of the old Shaebia are either assasinated or they are in EraEro prison camp. That is why HEGDEF is scewed up big time with everything: lost war with Ethiopia big time, isolated in the region, found guilty of starting a war that consumed about 40 thousand Eritreans, total economic collapse, diplomatic blunders etc. The real Lions of Nakfa are the one that made the old Shaebia. The regime of Issais which in power in Eritrea is a collection of Rats of Nakfa infected with real identiy-crisis
abdi October 19, 2011
sol,harei tezareb
which court found Eritrea guilty of starting the war,mekele court?
stop talking nonsense,no one would be happy to see another person imprisoned be it isak or the others,however,everybody knows your filthy game about ur protests thus why isaks family told not to use him for ur political purposes, and i bet isak and the prisoners would opt to die where they are than to get released by you,no one wants to be in ur side even victim’s families,get over it and have a bit of self respect and dispense these two cards(isak and others) its not helping.
as i said before there are hundreds of prisoners in Ethiopia who are in a worse situation than the eritrean ones but ur politically motivated protests against eritrean gov’t only,if you don’t condemn imprisonments in and outside Eritrea,you are a fake to claim fighting for demo,justices, ,, blah blah etc
so stop your dirty game and shut off no one wants to join you axcept ur unionist dogter bereket to hell with him.
Huluf, October 20, 2011
Shaebia do not get in to a mess but moral highground, Higdef do do care about citizenship…they accused the Britiish and released them when the heat was building.
Abdino, Abdino!!! please wake up and smell the coffee………..be a relative to nothing but the truth….did you see Gadaffi neither his elder son, nor his daughter nor the Zemachs and Komaro that were wielding the swords and Ak-47 were around him when he got trapped like a rat from a whole of denial and delusion….where are his cohorts where are those that screamed they will die for him? where are those equivalent to those that were screaming when it all is good like the zemachs and komaro in the hall of new york in a country full of freedom. America!
do no beat up on America because all most all PIAs brothers and sisters, cousins , nephews, and nieces live here in America too. Could you please delude and deny that too.
Huluf, October 19, 2011
Haqqi Nezerab,
Your pseuonname tell it all….that is the difference between a democratic county and a dictatotrship….Literally Dawit abandoned Sweden to hold help Eritrea in his literature capacity…I doubt even if he is political personality…yet this dictatorial regime that like power there is no regime but a drunkard Issu , but the country which does not even worry that he pledged to help Eritrea than his adopted country and his orgina country people do no even voice for him. That explains it all …let me explain it more his own brother Tedros Isaak even abandoned him to cope with his Higef peers….what a shame when his own died without seeing Dawit….shameful!!! Uwe haqi nezerab starting inside our own families , our own neighborhood, our own villages , our own traditional respectiful regions of hamassien, akeleguzay etc….if we do that Issu will be done in less than one night not even ovenight.
Huluf, October 19, 2011
Haqqi Nezareb,
It is a matte of time…I apreciate your anaology but those people now arresting will be arrested in the near future…that is how the system has been working….everything else dies and stops and ages except PIA. Watch it is only him without a gray in the cabinet…..because he is the only fake one…I pray the day he is jailed because he will walk out as aged as the cabinet too…that is reality and he will face reality….this man is front only…charisma and cheating….first thing he does everymorning is dye his hair…the rest is fake game.
abdi October 19, 2011
Hlmi derho,
Haqqi Nezareb October 20, 2011
Look what happened to Gaddaffi. Gaddaffi lackeys used to say”Hilmi Deroho”.
Your frustartion is getting worse. Do something, buddy.
Huluf, October 20, 2011
tic….tick…..clock is ticking do not dream just hallucinate and delude….one morning you will wake up and say hah!!
Huluf, October 19, 2011
You are prostituting right now….no they did not except for a coward brother Tedros…..and let me tell you in no uncertain terms if this was true to the traditional law…this will be a direct deal between the inda aboy Afeworki and inda aboy Isak my brother….there is few people left in Eritrea who could apply that rule…this coward Tedros should demand his brother’s justice(I did not say acquital…because governoment has to put it’s case) even if he believes his brother is on the wrong side….he is just coping with the majority short of his brother’s right and his father agony that ended in death.
PIA knows which family not to mess with in Eriterea…..you can count them with your fingers….so quit bulshiting you coward attitude….the clock is running itself. ,….you will be stunned soon…hope you come back and read this brotherly e-mail again once you are stunned….the rest is history.
abdi October 20, 2011
What a crab?enda afewerki vs isak, what a backwardness these rules might apply in adigrat and adwa,eritreans are wiser than the rubbish you suggesting,and it doesn’t mean arrests occurred and the president personally has to be targeted for it,
these tribal,sub tribal,clans etc rules had gone with ELF for good,i don’t even believe you mentioned them,shame
no wonder to see u clapping on your own.
most importantly isak’s family DO NOT WANT you involved or spoil the son’s, bothers,husbands,fathers name in ur dirty unification agenda,don’t they have the right to reject ur agenda?
leave them alone and don’t add insults on injury they have enough God be with them.
Huluf, October 20, 2011
Keep dreaming, you mess with people’s family, you dig your own grave…It has nothing to do about calan or no caln …clean your head…if it is the governoment of Eritrea then take Dawit to court….if he is in jail and no body can ask for Dawit then DIA personally is responsible.
You have no idea your DIA has a long list of people that have questions personally.
abdi October 20, 2011
That’s in your country tigray only,don’t work with civilized mind eritreans.agame
sol October 19, 2011
I know there are tebelesti, and his brother is one of them but his family wants justice for Dawit and the rest of journalist who are languishing in prison day and night
Huluf, October 20, 2011
6. Is it justice to jail a hero because he quesitoned huge shipment that were confiscated with liberation of Aseb to part with because Meles demanded it(1991)? This war hero never seen light of day since.
7. Is it justice that a president could break(granted his friend but an Eritrean cititizen ) a citizen’s face with a whiskey bottle in a night club and dash out through the kitchen with his body guards running after him?
8. Would you order execution of heroic disabled veterans?
To be contd’
. Would you connive with a UNIONIST but granted from an avid Tewhdo champions to remove an anointed patriarch per the rule of the Tewho religion?
10. Would you then refuse this Patriarch from retiring into a monastry? essentially freezing him?
11. Would you freeze essential , eduacated memebers of your leadership while paying them?
god bless your heart my brother…
diana asmara October 19, 2011
NO say that the family of dawit are happy becouse he is in prison. LEIF and dawits brother ESSAYAS are are working for their own interest they dont care about dawit isaak. the family of dawit they know about this and they ask to all who are working to make the case of dawit worse, to leave alone and manage their self their problem.And there is one thing to know all the people who live in sweden, dawit isaak is not a journalist!! and he never been a journalist!!
Huluf, October 20, 2011
keep dreaming ….truth is fast unfolding…Remember Gadaffi was here at the UN more colorfully than your DIA.. What are you gaining while the youth drowns in the mediteranean and heros are languishing in Eritrean jail? have conscience!!
COMEBESHTATO October 19, 2011
we eritrian rolled by agames of cabinate eritrian sham sham sham !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.they dont car about eritrian futuer . that whey they do what ever they want do .dont expect good things from those ediat shabia.ERITRIA FOR ERITRIANS.FOR EVER AND EVER.
abdi October 19, 2011
You said it ERITREA FOR ERITREANS,off to ur own business
Huluf, October 20, 2011
Yes, Eritrea for Eritreans….soon it will be…the land recognizes it’s children it ate zemachs in the past now it will eat it’s own zemachs and komaros Abdi….I will bet my money in anothe month or so you will be a relative of truth….I am betting on you Abdino…We respect your debate that is why we are going to try and save you body….but leave the trigrayans out of this please….stay home with your brethern offend no one debate truth…for you will not find yourself in a big drainage pipe like the rat Gadaffi a friend of DIA…Are you aware if DIA is going to attend Gadaffi’s burial…He opens his mouth when he does need to but mums when his friend dies…all Dictators are now pupping in their pants at best girgling some cognac to ease their nerves and sleepless moments.
alex October 19, 2011
Don’t forget. What happen to those leaders?. Saddam, Mobark and gadaffi? God knows, Who is nxt???
abdi October 19, 2011
Eritrea is not Iraq,Egypt nor Libya and what happened there won’t happen in Eritrea,and eritreans will not allow that to happen in eritrea’s land be it against PIA or any member of our community.
ESu October 20, 2011
What world are you living in MR. abdi ? It must be cuckoo land you seem to know how the PFDJ run their prison system, in that case why dnt you tell us what happen to those so called british spies that were caught in red sea ? You dnt mess about with the BIG boys like the UK, as soon as they mention the 2% PFDJ freed thier citzens within not minutes but second they were on they way to the UK .
Need to wake up and smell the coffee
Huluf, October 20, 2011
I quote Gadaffi” …..Libya is not Egypt…” Waw we humans never learn ya Adbi…please review Mengistu’s last two years in power then open your mouth.
gerimuna to Denden October 19, 2011
Denden_ I am aware that as your name indicates, you are part of the crime against any body who fairly try to reason to unreasonable way out whacky leader. To cover your crime and immediate renegades of our dearly loved martyrs highjacked by one man show and his barking dogs like you, it is beyond imagination to stand into those who did so much and continue with starling examples of justice such as, Amnuel the great. It is mind boggling for you kind of opportunities to tell us children, Wife of Dawit have condoned their loved one to remain in hell. This is what one could say Denden and alike are living in satanic world, out of our planet. That is what HGDFites would reason out anything to cling to their slipping power. Anyway, you kind of people were mostly ISEBA, or undercover for Dergi switching 180 degrees and you will again when your boss face the same fate as his best friend Gaddaffi.
Scratch and Sniff October 20, 2011
Gaddafi reportedly dead. He may have been a murderous thug but he was much loved by the likes of bottom byoch gual Medhinet Beradet. The byoch use to commute to Him like it was visiting his whiskey cabinet.
Down with pfdj and Weyane thugs.
tegadalay October 20, 2011
this lady jornalist looks MENTAL meybe she have abrain damege if she realy want to go to prison way dont she go to eritrea ERAERO
Huluf, October 20, 2011
Denden, Denden,
Let me guess and help to be wrong….You were down with Amharic music during the kebele era shrugging some “skista” to the tune of ethiopian songs….then came gallant EPLF you swichted sides and soon enough you were partying in Eritrea happy , until Sawa arrived and you hit the road off to great life of the west…I bet you in few months you will switch sides too or at least you would see that and switch again…we have seen many like you over and over again….people who are unashamed to close their eyes of truth…oops my apology I just judged and judged you when I do not even know you ….please accept my regrets….however, so that we come around help answer the following and you can be as honest to yourself and to your creator to God please? Assume the following questions are hypothetical.
1. Are there container jails in Eritrea?
2. Do containers made of metal heat up in temperature during the day?
3. Do container loose their to a cold night and become frigid? Would you put your dog in a container or wooden dog house?
4. Would you expect your president acknowledge irrespective whether they went to a picnic or not we lost some 300+ youth perished in seas of mediteranean?
5. Is it justice to jail heros of war and their spouses where theri children born in betimerti sewra grow up fatherless and motherless?
To be contd’
Huluf, October 20, 2011
Abdi ya Abdi
6. Is it justice to jail a hero because he quesitoned huge shipment that were confiscated with liberation of Aseb to part with because Meles demanded it(1991)? This war hero never seen light of day since.
7. Is it justice that a president could break(granted his friend but an Eritrean cititizen ) a citizen’s face with a whiskey bottle in a night club and dash out through the kitchen with his body guards running after him?
8. Would you order execution of heroic disabled veterans?
. Would you connive with a UNIONIST but granted from an avid Tewhdo champions to remove an anointed patriarch per the rule of the Tewho religion?
10. Would you then refuse this Patriarch from retiring into a monastry? essentially freezing him?
11. Would you freeze essential , eduacated memebers of your leadership while paying them?
god bless your heart my brother…
Semhar October 21, 2011
Gaddafi is dead Isayas is next!
Yes we can DISTROY the dictator ISAYAS and his terrorist organization the PFDJ where ever they are.
Yes we will DISTROY the dictator ISAYAS and his terrorist organization the PFDJ where ever they are.
Eritrea will be free soon!
– The international community’s talking peace and carrying big stick [sanctions] is having an effect.
– The Eritrean people are beginning to realize that there is no point in waiting for the regime to reform itself — that it needs to be overthrow.
This is the moment we must come together to save our land and our people.
Let freedom ring in Akeleguzay!
Let freedom ring in Barka!
Let freedom ring in Denkel!
Let freedom ring in Hamasien!
Let freedom ring in Sahil!
Let freedom ring in Semhar!
Let freedom ring in Senhit!
Let freedom ring in Seraye!
Let freedom ring in ERITREA!
Let freedom ring allover Eritrea!
Let’s LIVE FREE OR DIE with dignity.
Our martyrs did not die to crown the tyrant.
We must reclaim our flag, our constitution, Highi Indaba, our land (our original provinces), our people, and our culture.
DISTROY the dictator ISAYAS and his terrorist organization the PFDJ where ever they are.
Eritrea will be free soon!