Surprising news of the moment
The Afwerkist By Fetsum abraham I dedicate this article to sister Sophia Tesfamariam Surprising news of the moment “Mrs. Sophia Tesfamariam is entering Canada to conduct a fundraiser seminar for the benefit of Eritrean regime and military which will

By Fetsum abraham
I dedicate this article to sister Sophia Tesfamariam
Surprising news of the moment
“Mrs. Sophia Tesfamariam is entering Canada to conduct a fundraiser seminar for the benefit of Eritrean regime and military which will be held in Vancouver, B.C., on March 03, 2013. Sophia Tesfamarima should be Prosecuted for Wilful Incitement of hatred”; Posted on March 2, 2013 by Assenna
Quote of the day: If President Afwerki’s degree of Male Chauvinism does not wake up any female in the world on the question of gender equality in Eritrea, nothing will.
This article is a revised version of my old article in Assenna“Women in view of the Isaias regime”. I thought it was timely to bring it again at this point in our struggle where some Eritrean women are doing their best to assist AFWERKI at any expense including their self-respect.
Women in view of Afwerkism
In all democratic and most non-democratic social structures the concept of presidency comes in a package deal with how a president manages his family. A president’s capacity to manage a family is a litmus test as to how he would manage a government. First ladies play a big role in the socio-political conditions of societies because they appear to be the closest advisers of their husbands. A visionary first lady would most likely influence a president to whom she is married and this is the reason for why the mental fitness of ladies in this position is very important to the leaders’ performance in society. Presidential candidates must therefore expose their wives to the public and all sorts of questions from journalists either by default logic or by the rule. Like the presidential candidates, first wives go through publicized debates here in America and a candidate with the more touching wife most likely succeeds at the end of the day.
Obama would never have been elected without Michelle Obama’s educational and potential capacity, which was tested in the debate during the convention. This is because the American government is structured such that a first lady contributes about 25% of the president’s input to the society; meaning that first ladies are not only wives but have a job in a civilized society like America. Expecting women’s empowerment without the initiative or leadership of the first lady of a society is like expecting to make a forest out of a desert.
Although third world first ladies may not enjoy their power as much as in the west, their contribution in a society is mandatory by default logic; the reason Heads of State expose their wives occasionally through the media and in public speeches. Meles Zenawi’s wife was for example the leader in the fight against HIV in the country; every Ethiopian knows her name and her looks through personal appearances and the media. She had a big role in improving Ethiopian women’s issues and she was with him in many public speeches he did.
Simply speaking, it is the right of any society to know its first lady needless to say that a single president would have no chance of winning, at least in civil societies like the US.
Most leaders at minimum understand this mandatory process or protocol and try to deal with it appropriately. Even the most outrageous dictators have the tendency to introduce their wives to some extent whether by pretension or by obligation. This convention, however, does not work in Eritrea similar to the many other conventions violated by the unique president in Asmara. I stand willing to be corrected but I do not remember any occasion where the Eritrean first lady either appearing in ERITV or in any other media (of course there is none) to address national issues as her social status requires her to do so. I have never even once come across the existence of a first leady in Eritrea let alone seeing her participating in any communal activity in the president’s very long political career.
Although the president slipped out “Saba” as the first person that told him something related to his resurrection from his last year’s PSEUDOCIDIC (faking one’s death) experience, no one can certainly tell who the mysterious Saba was and that one leak remains to be the only time this president at least gave the idea that he This violation certainly reduces the president’s resources to manage the Eritrean society properly by at least 25% of the narrative.
Interesting is that women have been participating in any national struggle and in ordinary political platforms known to humankind. What makes the Eritrean women unique in this regard is, however, that they participated in the national struggle for independence at about 30% of the liberation Army composition. This puts them at the top of the list to date in this regard. This historical impact alone should have guaranteed them respect and gender equality without buts and ifs.
The question is how this reality reflects on their status under the Afwerki regime and what they are doing about it! I can only give my subjective opinion here leaving the rest to the Eritrean people and our women in particular with utmost respect to the few eccentric individuals in the resistance.
To me, the fact that we don’t know who the first lady is (what her name was and how she looks like) during the regime’s about 22 years of power not only violates our rights but also renders the Eritrean women irrelevant in society. President Afwerki could not have expressed his chauvinistic position against women stronger than how he completely isolated the first lady from the Eritreans and the world at large for such a long time. He could not have wondered around alone and boozing with his friends in bars (instead of doing what he wants to do privately) without jeopardizing the dignity of his wife and undermining women in general.
Besides, the president’s national policy where kids are snatched for slavery and that defenseless young Eritreans girls are condemned to be sexually violated at will in the SAWA rape camp directly affects women more than any other member of the Eritrean society.
Knowing that western women would have crucified the president for his ridiculous outlook of women; I challenge the female supporters of Afwerkism (extremely chauvinistic political philosophy) in general and particularly the attractive and educated members of the gender in the caliber of Sofia Tesfamariam on the question of their equality in the Eritrean society. Would not their blind support of the president imply their acceptance of humiliation and second-class citizenship in the Eritrean society? Are they really tantalized into assuming that they were liberated by the presence of the few submissive women in the Eritrean government? Should the Eritrean men respect the gender equality of women Afwerkists in the face of their infatuation with the gender-biased president? Can one respect another more than the person’s self-respect?
Tewelde T March 2, 2013
I hope you remember Tanky from Bahli Wideb singing for Eritrean women’s liberation during the struggle era in the 80’s saying “Dehan kuny wishatie”, similar to the popular “Let It Be” Ereta Franklin’s song. It is not only abandoning the kitchen per say, it is changing the society and liberating women from sexual abuse and inequality. The decision comes directly from up and never considers down-up.
You see, The Eritrean Womens Association led by Askalu and now by Luul Ghebreab is just an apparatus of HGDEF. It is not deeply rooted on women’s emancipation programs initiated by Eritrean women themselves. Instead it is the one parties tool to control women from practicing and applying their democratic rights. The same as The Eritrean Youth and students Organization.They are government owned and not none government Organs. (NGO”S).
Our First lady W/O Saba Hailu doesn’t exist at all (she is instructed to be at home with the children), the same as our constitution it doesn’t exist (it is kept on the shelf). Isayas is above all at any cost. He considers oppression is an Eritrean value just to protect his position and rule.
Sophia doesn’t know Eritrea well enough, she was more Ethiopian to Eritrean before Eritrean independence(prior 1993). She was born and raised there in Addis. What she does now is her full time job, where she is highly paid and is rather important as a job rather than her morale and Eritrean Nationality issue. I don’t think she will listen to any logic or reality at this particular time. She is blind folded supporting Isayas by ignoring the suffering of the people of the whole of Eritrea.
Tselot March 3, 2013
Well said
Nahom March 3, 2013
The poor lady Saba Hailu appeared in EriTV in the ninties dancing with the then first lady Clinton. And DIA after waking up from his deep sleep mentioned her name for the first time.
fetsum abraham March 3, 2013
Thank u Tewelde; u thought me something important with this one. Appreciate it
yonas March 4, 2013
well done
Aman March 2, 2013
I don’t think the self appointed president has changed his views about anything at any point any issue and that include the women’s issue. He is treating the women the same way he is doing it on his men compatriots. It is not something he developed over the past 20 years or so. He does whatever he thinks will serve his purpose and does it indiscriminately. In a nutshell, the self appointed president is abusing his wife the same way he is abusing the other men and women citizens of the county. He is using the likes Sofia (whoever she is), the same way he is using Askalu, Amna, Sbhat Efrem, Wuchu, ………If he finds somebody with no brain, he will make the most out of it, again, indiscriminately.
Yonas March 2, 2013
Isaias thinks he is the only man in Eritrea that is the only man with XY chromosomes and the rest are all women with XX. Suffice to reason that he is treating everybody badly including the real women that is.
MEHRETU HABTE March 3, 2013
” ብሸፋቱ ተኣሲረ፣ ተዓሚጸ፣ተቐቲለ፣ ጥሜት ምኽኣል ስኢነዮ፣
ዚምባብወ ክድውል የ ፣መንግስቱ ሃይለማርያም ናፊቐዮ”
ባቄላ ቀረ ፈስ ቀለለ
እኔ ባልፈልግህ ማን ተበደለ፧
ዘፈንህ ኣማረኝ ቋንቋህ የት ኣለ፧
ከየወንበዴዎቹ ባዶ ጉራ ሽላሌ
እኔስ በተሻለኝ ያንተው ከፍተኛ እና ቀበሌ !!!!
ኣስጠንቅቀሄኝ ነበር የወምበዴዎቹ
ሳህቁብህ ኣሾፍኩብህ ___በቀለ፣ገመቹ
ኣሁን ተዋረድኩኝ፣ኣልደረሱሁም እንዴ ደብዳቤዎቹ፧
የነ ደቀ ኣርብዓ መሳቅያ ኣረግከች፣የነ ማንኪ ውጩ
ኣንተ ከዚምባብዌ ተመለስልኝ፣እነርሱ ከሃገር ይውጡ !!!!
ክስዕሙኒ ኣብየስ ከጒስጡኒ
ከኽብሩኒ ኣብየስ ክጸርፉኒ
ንሓሙሽተ ስድራ ሓንቲ ባኒ
ደቀይ ብሽዖኡ ዘግድፉኒ
ጓለይ መጻወቲ ኮረኔላት ጌሮም ኣሕኒኾምኒ
ኣንታ ሕያዋይ መስጣኻ ዶ ኾን ወሪዱኒ
ደቀይ ተልኩዎምሲ ፣ደቂ ሕድርትና ኮይኖም ጸኒሖምኒ
እንተዘየድሒንካኒ ካብ ተቓወምቲ እንታይ ተስፋ ኣለኒ
መንግስቱ ከተፍ አንተደዪልካ ኣነስ ክንደየናይ ከይቅኒ
ኣምሓሩ ምስ ወጹ ዝረሳዕኩዎ መሲሉኒ
ኣቦታተይ ዝፈጠርዎ ቋንቋ ባህ ኢሉኒ
ንሶም ይማዕብሉ ኣነስ ምስ ጥፍኣት ቆጸራ ኣለኒ ፦፦፦፦፦፦፦፦፦ !!!!
MEHRETU HABTE March 3, 2013
Brothers Hizbawi & Daniel ,
While Hizbawi´s comment could be taken slight improvement in his ¨logic¨, I am truly disappointed by Daniel Teclegiorgis´s comment. I expected Daniel to understand the intended message..not literally take it, ..that deep down I would be truly wish Derghi as a solution to EPLF/PFDJ´s unspeakable crimes against Eritrean Humanity.
The people that call this independence, must not only despise the Eritrean people ..but have unresolved hatred against this gullible yet wonderful ,kind ,people.
Although it will be as useless as writing on water ,trying to reach to HIZBAWI ,I will try to adress the emotional bull c**p by brother farted by him ,
Derghi was supposedelly our enemy while EPLF/PFDJ is our liberator….
Let me tell you what I imagine,… I imagine 800 My kunamas being herded like cattle(in one event) to an undisclosed place & being showered with PFDJ bullets…not one surviving ..
I imagine ,My Afars being semi -ethnical cleansing style massacred & pushed to Ethiopia…9 year old kids imprisoned at Ira Iro…a good portion of the people underground,50++ degree celcius.
I imagine.. My Metahit people being prohibited from claiming their fresh blood ridden land ,because some tewelije from Canada is going to develop the land, plant tomatoes & export it to Italy.
I am imagginning that rape does not even require Dimu-Dimu anymore ,it is the trade mark of Eritrean govt.
I am immaginning an Eritrean husband & wife being raped by Bedeuin, because they were unable to come up with the blackmail money ..that could have been paid to Bank Of Eritrea on its´way to China..I KNOW WE ARE HARD ON THE RASHAIDA & BEDOUIN …BECAUSE THEIR NAME IS ABDELLA & AHMED..NOT as much by the ¨BROTHERS ¨NAMED ISAIAS, TEKLE MANJUS,Andikiel..etc..their name is sexier.
You guys must really despise Eritreans to the brim to speak about underminning this ïndependence¨. BRING THIS INDEPENDENCE ,I WANT TO PEE MY SUGAR FILLED DIABETS URINE ON IT, Because ,I love my people.
ነቲ ጮማ ናይ ኢትዮጵያ ድማ ብገንዘብ ኣቦይ ይገዝኦ።እቶም ማሕረስ ጸሊኦምን ፣ኣፍቃሪቶም ጠሊማቶምን ፣ጀነራል እንተ ተሪፍካ ገዛ ከይትኣቱ ተባሂሎምን፣ ካብ ኣፍ ቆልዑ ሓረስቶት ምግቢ እናመንጠሉ ዝሸፈቱ ብነጻ ይተምነይዎ።
ሰማይ ዝሃገርኩም መንግስቱ ነቶም ኣብ ምዓኮሮም ዝውግኡ ወትሃደራቱ ¨የጀግኖች ኣምባ¨ዝብሃል ቦታ ኣስፊርዎም፣ሸፋቱ ኤርትራ ግን ንመቓልስቶም ኣካለስንኩላን ብጥይት ይድብድብዎም፣ኣስመራ ጻዕዳ ኣትዮም መታን ነቲ ቆራጽ እግሮም ከየርእዩ ፧ እዚ እዩ ነጻነት፧
ኢሳያስ ባዕሉ እኮ ኣይረሸኖምን ፣ጠጠው ኢሎም ዘረሸንዎም ካልኦት ሸፋቱ እዮም
ሞት ንሸፋቱ፣ዋላ ደቅናን ኣሕዋትናን ይኹኑ፣ሽፍታ ሽፍታ እዩ
ዓወት ንህዝበ ኤርትራ (ዓፋር ኩናማ መታሕት ውን ቀንዲ ህዝቢ ኤርትራ እዮም።
Daniel Teclegiorgis March 3, 2013
ጋሼ ምህረቱ ይሄ’ማ ጮማ ነው ያስጎመዣል በ’ውነቱ፡ ኣባባ መንግስቱ እሕሕሕሕሕሕሕሕ! የሚል ድምጻቸው ቢሰማ ከቢሸፍቱ፡ በ’ሳህልዋ ቅሪላ ፍንዳታ ኣያድራቸውም ነበር ቅሬታ። ኣዳም’ውን ኣብ እንዳኣ ተጸጊዓ፡ ተወንዚፋ ኹታ፡ ምበልዐት ኔራ ብርኩታ፡ ናይ ብሓቂ ድማ ኤርትራውነት፡ እንዲህ ኣትዘፈቅም ነበር በሲናይ ኣሉባልታ።
ስለ’ዚ’ሲ…. ህ’ሞ በሉ ኣያ ምሕረቱ ደገ-ሰላም ድዩ ጸልሚቱ ሰንበት ምድሪ እዝግዮ ሰጊርኩም ናይ እንዳማትኩም ገዓት ጠስሚ ክትፍፍቱ ክሳብ ሃራረ ትህውትቱ።
ክቡር ምሕረቱ ኣፍኩም’ባ ገዝቱ፡ ብናጽነትን-ሱቕታን ኣይትጻወቱ። ኤርትራዊ’ኮ ኣይዛረብን’ዩ ብኸብዱ።ንሱ’ዩ ምህሮ እንድዒ ናየ’እምሮ ኣብ ዓውድና ዘሎ።
በሉ ምሕረቱ!ቆልዓ እናበኸየ ጥራይ ከብዱ እዋን ረፊዱ ሃየ ቀልጥፉ ባኒ ርትዓዊ ድኳን ከይትሓልፈኩም ደሃይ ሪጋኹም ግበሩ ዝናን-ባህታን ኣይተደናግሩ። …… ዓውድኻ ከም ዘርእኻ’ዩ ኣዓየኹም!
Daniel Teclegiorgis March 3, 2013
Dearest Mehretu:
Dearest Mehretu:
Our sphere has more than enough unwanted air of despair and disappointmet. In case, if my deliverance had a sense of force that may raise the mercurial level of its present tense, may bad! And appologize. However if that reads so, don’t mean it.
Occasionally the baro meter may need benchmarking though.
Guess what, one more eye may render it versatile. ደሓር ከኣ ተራማጅ ኣያኮርፍም፡ ይብሉ’ኮ ኔሮም’ዮም ጓድ መንግስቱ፡ ክቡር ብጻይ ምሕረቱ።
Above all I like your style and admire your fierce determination to come out with new compisiton. You own the flavor!
Sarah March 4, 2013
Mehretu and Daniel,
I am proud to be your sister! You guys make sad faces smile. Your artistic and sometimes sarcastic (in a very positive) texts say it all. humor and honesty!
You need to keep writing!
Daniel,ዝናን-ባህታን is the right expression. I have been reading your articles and poems for some time now.
with eritrean like both of you, in a democratic eritrea we will have a chance to smile and giggle again after all.
MEHRETU HABTE March 4, 2013
Sarah Haftey ,
While I stand by the over all message of my comment ,I did a disservice to Daniel´s intelligence by mincing both Daniel & Hizbawi , in one (in my rebuttle)..While 70% of the rebuttle was intended for Hizbawi & Hizbawiyans.
I apologize for that ,my emotion got better of me.I may even have misunderstood Daniel.
Rosina March 3, 2013
Sophia Tesfamariam suffers from some complex. Let alone her, even her father was borne in Gonder. From her mother’s side she is the grand niece of Zerai Deress, as her mother is tsegeroman Tesfatsio Deress. May be she thought she would reach her grand uncles popularity by betraying and insulting Eritreans.
Sarah March 3, 2013
Ftsum hawey,
what dignity are you talking about? all the wives of his top officials are emotionally destroyed as they know they have mistresses, young ones and children out of wedlock. Some are threatened not to tell anyone about it. Many top brass are legally divorced but still live under the same roof.
Issayas has never been interested or believed in gender equality. He wanted more wood for his fire so he beat the drum of kitchen being the worst thing for women. Mind you the kitchen that is the most sacred place in an eritrean family. they believed it and after liberation he just told them’ you are better that the civilian women but now we do not need you go home’ and demobilized them. With the pride and arrogance that was installed in them they could not mingle. They just dedicated their live to Issays and PFDJ. They feel they have nowhere to go.
The civilians also were duped into believing that issayas is the one who made their martyred children’s dream come true. and they worshiped him. Now they are told that there are enemies lurking around to snatch their children’s dream and they sided with him. But now he is after whatever they have left: their young ones. So with a mother’s instinct they are waking up. We also should know that information matters. men are in a bitter position to get information than women. the gossip that women do is always domestic. This was also systematically designed.
Immediately after liberation, a rift was deliberately created between men and women by the National women’s association and divorce was high and aggressive. whenever women went for help on marital issues they were pushed to divorce.
Instead of bringing men into the kitchen, they took the women out of the kitchen. instead of working alongside men they worked against them. so how would anyone expect men to respect women in that part of the world? Instead of helping girls to improve their capacity in education so that they can compete, the quota system was introduced which brought a lot of corruption and frustration. Girls lost confidence in themselves when they failed even after gaining access. So we had access but not success not only in education but in all areas. I can go on and on to write about the gender issues is among eritreans.
What is sad about it is that our mums want to preserve their martyred children’s dream (the rubbish they were told) and the young ones had their confidence eroded by the repeated psychological and sexual and economic abuse and no role models. In between, It is us the young mums’ responsibility to create, install and foster confidence and assertiveness, a proud female identity with the zeal of ‘I can’ in our daughters.
It is a huge task but it is doable.
fetsum abraham March 3, 2013
great response my dear Sara. thank u
Asmarino March 3, 2013
” ሻሉቅ ማሉቅ ምኻኑ ናትና ደም”
I really love it. specialy the historical fact of faluq ,maluq….our brothers ” mereta sebene”in Akeleguzay. I truly love the poem ,I am not sure I deserve such an attention..but, go further to the origin of the true history you mentioned….. ንሕና ኩልና ፋሉቕን ማሉቕን ሻሉቕን ደቂ ንጉስ ሜሮን፣ደቂ ንጉስ ደምብያ ኢና።ጌጋ ይኽልኣለይ እምበር፣ ንጉስ ዜን እዩ ጎንደር ደምቢያ ዘምሓድር ዝነበረ ሓወቦና ድማ (ሓዉ ነቦና ንጉስ ዜን) ሓውዜን(ትግራይ) ተባሂሉ ዝጽዋዕ ዘሎ ኣምሓዳሪ ኔሩ። ብኡ እዩ ሓው*ዜን፨ሓውዜን ተባሂሉ እቲ ቦታ ።ምስ ኣሕዋትና መረታ ሰበነ መጺእና ንገሊኦም ኣብ መረታ ሰበነ ገዲፍና ንሕና ድምበዛን መጺእና። ድምበዛን ፣ዝተባህለ ብመሰረቱ ደምበዜን ማለት ፣ደምበ ናይ ንጉስ ዜን ማለት እዩ።ስለዚ ንሕና ድምበዛንን መረታ ሰበነን ኩሩዓት ዓጋመ ጥራይ ዘይኮንናስ ፣መኳንንቲ ጎንደሬ ኣምሓሩ ውን ኢና።ኣነ እኳ ንህዝብና ቀስ ኢለ እየ ክነግሮ ሓሲባ ኔረ።ምኽንያቱስ ዓጋመን ጎንደሬን ሒዝና ዲና ድኣ ኤርትራ ኢልና ንቃለስ ዘለና ከይብሉ ኢለ፣ግን ንስኻ ካብ ተሃወኽካ እቲ ምስጢር ክድርጉሖ ተገዲደ።ኣጆኻ ኣይንፋላለን ኢና ።ብጌጋ ተረዲእካኒ እምበር ኩልና ኩሩዓት ደቂ ስባጋዲስ ፣ኣቢሲናውያን፣ግንከ ኤርትራውያን ኢና።እምባሕ በል ህግደፍ።ፈላዪና ይፈለ።
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ahmed saleh March 4, 2013
Very interesting information . It is the fact of life to accept we are connected in either way.
Some with Ehiopians , some with Sudanese and some with Djibouti and possibly with Somal . It is
funny if we count our family tree at the end we end up to our first grand parents ” ADEM AND HAWA ”
OK so what that tell you ? WE ARE COUSINS , we fools , LOL . Anyway let me share a poem with you .
ahmed saleh March 4, 2013
Sorry Fetzum
By now we took you for granted in this forum. Make sure many readers particularly our youth are learning
from independent thinkers . Keep it up knowlege is a weapon by itself .
Fisahatzion March 4, 2013
Dear Brother Dr Fitsum
I am encouraged by the writings you and Brother Daniel Teclegiorgis produce: both of you go beyond hatred and bitterness. Your spiritual strength gives us hope. Eritreans are thirsty for constructive ideas which heal our deep wounds: sometimes too much to bear.
Thank you Gentlemen.